Matthew Burroughs

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Revision as of 03:11, 2 May 2007

Matthew Burroughs
Aliases: N/A
Birth Date: March 14, AC 231
Birth Place: The Colonies
Nationality: Irish/Scottish
Death: N/A
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 152 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Blood Type: A+
Genetic Status: Physical Newtype


Character Background

Not too much you need to know here - just your standard geek with a boring past who got himself in a little too far over his head when he signed on to the military to pay for college.

Weapons of the Trade

A quirky mind and a crapton of old, used computer parts.

Mobile Suits Used


Matthew Burroughs is not the kind of guy you'd expect to find behind the controls of a mobile suit. The rather unimposing young man possesses a quick wit and quirky sense of humor, filled with obscure references and inside jokes. Burroughs' is spontaneous and occasionally hyperactive, acting on strange impulses and often making a fool of himself (though this is usually on purpose). However, when it's time to get serious, Matt is all business, and his work ethic is second to none. He takes the "work hard, play hard" mentality almost too literally, switching between a focused, determined workhorse to a hyperactive goofball at the drop of a hat.

A born tinkerer, Burroughs' main hobby is modifying and upgrading computer systems, both hardware and software. Often times, he scrounges through old storage bins and hacks together working robots from junked MS components, though these are usually small and relatively useless (like the aptly-named "Wall Smasher", which reads in a series of complex equations, then throws out the results and quickly drives into the nearest wall while emitting a high-pitched squealing noise). In fact, it is his love of computers that led him to his piloting position in the first place.

Originally, Burroughs' enlisted in the LGPC to put himself through college. However, a true nerd at heart, Matt couldn't give up the chance to fight with a giant robot and decided to give the pilot training program a try. After recieving mediocre scores on his initial tests, Burroughs' began sneaking into the hangars after hours to tweak the cockpit systems of the older-model suit he was training on. Eventually, the suit's interior became a jumbled, confused mass of scratch-built control panels, custom monitors, and vast tangles of wiring. He even began rewriting the interface for his suit. Eventually, he managed to graduate from the training program and become a full-fledged pilot.

Burroughs used the tools he had available and his natural talents to develop a fighting style all his own. Rather than relying on superior piloting skills, he has preloaded scripts and programs that he uses to set up AI behaviors for various parts of his suit, allowing to him to focus more closely on the most important functions of his MS in combat, and gives him more control over the smallest parts of the suit's systems than any other pilot could possibly gain with a normal, unmodified suit. Burroughs also writes custom scripts and recodes old versions of programs on the fly to cope with his current situation. This allows him to overcome his weaknesses in other areas to compete with pilots whose natural talents allow them to excel in mobile suit combat.

Burroughs unique skills and military connections recently led him into contact with a woman named Mara Skye, who would introduce him to the highest ranking members of the LaGrange Point Council. Matt's unique talents and sharp mind, along with a little help from Mara, his unofficial "military advisor", have allowed Burroughs to achieve the rank of Commander in the LGPC forces. Now faced with the daunting task of whipping the LGPC's small and relatively unimpressive MS forces into shape, and with war looming just over the horizon, Burroughs is beginning to feel the pressure of his new position.

External links

  • None
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