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Gstrzok (Talk | contribs)
(added aduna search criteria)

Current revision as of 14:17, 3 October 2008

Search options

With search options you can limit keyword searching to specific document parts or properties:

   * Text
   * Title / Subject
   * Summary & Description
   * Path & File name
   * Authors & E-mail names

To see search options, press "Options" button under the search text field. The options box will be displayed below the button.

Select the options for properties where you want to search, and unselect those you want to exclude from searching.

To hide the options box, press "Options" button again. Limiting the search scope

To restrict the search by documents from specific sources only, proceed to the "Sources" panel. In the sources list, select the sources you want to search in and deselect those that you want to exclude from searching. New searches will be performed only on the selected sources.

Use "Check/uncheck all" checkbox to select or deselect all sources in the list. Search query syntax

In keyword search you can use special query syntax to perform complex multi-term queries and use other advanced capabilities. Use of multiple terms (AND and OR operator)

By default, a query containing multiple terms matches with documents that contain at least one of the terms anywhere in the document text:

John Johnson

returns all documents that contain "John" or "Johnson". If you want to find documents containing both terms, use one of the following queries:

John AND Johnson +John +Johnson John && Johnson

You can be more explicit and add ORs (or "||") to your query. They do not harm but they have no effect either. Minus sign (NOT operator)

The NOT operator excludes documents that contain the term after NOT:

John NOT Johnson John -Johnson

Both queries return documents that contain the word "John" and not the word "Johnson".

John -"John goes home"

This returns all documents with "John" in it, excluding documents that contain the phrase "John goes home". Phrase search

To search for a certain phrase (a list of words appearing right after each other and in that particular order), enter the phrase within double quotes in the search box:

"John goes home"

would match with the text "John goes home after work" but would not match the text "John goes back home after work". Grouping

Use can use parentheses to control how your Boolean queries are evaluated:

(autofocus OR sesame) AND metadata

retrieves all documents that contain "autofocus" and/or "sesame", as well as the term "metadata". Single and multiple character wildcard searches

To perform a single character wildcard search you can use the "?" symbol. To perform a multiple character wildcard search you can use the "*" symbol.

To search for "next" or "nest", use:


To search for "text" or "tenant" use:


You cannot start a query with a wildcard character. Fuzzy search

AutoFocus supports fuzzy queries, i.e. queries that roughly match the entered terms. For a fuzzy search you use the tilde ("~") symbol at the end of a single term:


returns documents containing terms like "foam", "roams", "room", etc. Proximity search

AutoFocus supports finding documents based on words that are within a specified maximum distance from eachother in the document text. This can be seen as a generalization of a phrase search.

To do a proximity search you place a tilde ("~") symbol at the end of a phrase, followed by the maximum word distance:

"autofocus sesame"~10

returns documents with these two words in it at a maximum of 10 words distance. Field-specific search

AutoFocus' Keyword Search searches in document texts, titles, paths, etc. By default, all these types of text are searched through. You can override this globally by deselecting some of the fields in the Options, or for an individual search by entering the field name in your search.


returns all documents that contain the word "autofocus" in their title. The following field names are available:

   * text - searches in document text
   * title - searches in titles and subjects
   * path - searches in file and folder names
   * summary - searches in descriptions, metadata keywords, etc.
   * agent - searches in authors and mail senders and receivers

You can mix various fields in a single query:

autofocus agent:john

searches for all documents containing the word "autofocus" (in one of the fields selected in the Options) that have "john" in their author metadata. Suggested terms search

After a single search is performed, AutoFocus presents you with a list of terms, relevant to the results of search. You can use them to refine the initial query and thus, to improve the search results.

To add a suggested term to the query, select it in the Suggestions list, and press "Search" button below the list.

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