
From Guiltypleasures

Revision as of 01:44, 20 November 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
Character details
Full name: Xiao Long
Nickname: Syaoran
Title: Warlock
Race: Werewolf
Age: Around 15
Gender: male
Born: April 1st
Relatives: -
Played by: Miri

Character Outline

  • Born to a pair of Human Warlocks.
  • Was kidnapped around the age of 10
  • Was infected around the age of 11 with a strain of wolf lycanthropy in a lab setting
  • vampire and fae doctors attempt to make him into an assassin-type wolf/warlock in order to have a plan to dispose of the were-felines should the need arise.
  • was confined with spell and glass at the age of 13 when he proved to be too much for the vamp doctors to handle.

Character History

See also

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