From Greenthings
[20:06] Greenling: It's a warm, sleepy Ascending Fire afternoon in the Hundred Kingdoms...
[20:08] Greenling: This particular kingdom being a small but relatively stable little place out towards Sijan.
[20:09] Greenling: It's not really anywhere by itself. Just about no one comes through here to actually come *here*.
[20:10] Greenling: So why are you all here, my little Exalts, and where are you going, if you even know?
[20:12] PantherFistKiller: Panther Fist Killer has obviously heard rumors of his sibling or the slavers that took them being around here.
[20:13] Czarina_Aubrecia: Czarina sighs as she looks out at the little town from her carriage, rubbing the back of her neck. "I suppose this will have to do for a rest, thought I'd've preffered somewhere with more...distractions."
[20:13] Riel_Valerian: Riel bites off a piece of jerky. He's not entirely pleased. He's holding up a small note, signed by someone whose name he'd been reading a lot the past few years, begging for his services in saving her life from...well fuck, it doesn't really even matter nowadays. He muttered and tossed it to one of the delinquents behind him. "You sure this is the damn place?"
[20:15] *** Merry is now known as Astra.
[20:15] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai is currently humming a merry song to himself and sitting by the side of the road as he picks through a pile of peppers. He'd heard some really amazing ones grew around here and he wanted to make a legendary spicy dish with them! But first heh ad to make sure they were all good to eat, so he was making sure none of them were rotten or eaten through by any bugs.
[20:17] Greenling: The delinquent catches the paper and reads it. Then turns the paper over in his hands and reads it the right way around. "Altena. Yup. Slaver-merchant-necromancers."
[20:17] Inle`Brighteyes: "True, but sometimes quiet is nice." Inle is relaxing in the carrage, humming cheerfully after having completed yet another successful heist. A large bag silled with assorted silver coins sits beside her as she hums, polishing a gold statuette. "Thanks for picking me up, though..."
[20:18] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Oh you know it's nothing dear, anything to get away from him for a while. Should we even try seeing if there's something real here?"
[20:19] * Panther_Fist_Killer stares at the passing carriage and wonders if that's somehow related.
[20:19] Inle`Brighteyes: "I suppose so." She giggles, a bump in the road causing the bag of coin to jingle and her chest to jostle. "I'm still flush with success. I could use a bit of celebration. <3"
[20:20] Greenling: Panther notes a large silver coin leap out a crack in the carriage's back window.
[20:20] Riel_Valerian: "Fuckin' perfect." Riel slides the sunglasses out of his coat pocket, opens them, and places them over his eyes. "Least I can kick some asses. Been at least...a whole day since I've had a chance." He spits on the ground and turns around. "Boys! Go lookin' around town for anyone even thinking about necromancer slavers! I want every rock looked under, every toilet opened up, and every...
[20:20] Riel_Valerian: ...drunk beaten up! GO GO GO!"
[20:21] Czarina_Aubrecia: "We are not repeating that night of Calebration. I had to buy new sheets after those three left!"
[20:21] Czarina_Aubrecia: She smiles playfully to her friend.
[20:21] * Panther_Fist_Killer follows the carriage with as stealth much as his stealth 0, dex 2 ass can manage.
[20:22] Greenling: Tai Pan: such wonders! Such tasty wonders! Some nice specimens of normal peppers, some uncommon ones... strange swath of dead, withered plants about a yard wide going from south to north just outside of town...
[20:22] Czarina_Aubrecia: "What are the chances there's a hotel in this place?"
[20:23] *** The_Lady has joined #playershuffle!.
[20:23] The_Lady: The Lady's shadow falls upon the room
[20:23] *** Greenling has changed the topic on channel #playershuffle! to #shuffleooc | (Link:
[20:23] Inle`Brighteyes: "Who knows. It's alright though, I've stayed in taverns before." She smiles, one ear twitching under her hair ribbon
[20:24] Panther_Fist_Killer: !roll_ww 2 7 ex
[20:24] The_Lady: Panther_Fist_Killer invokes the Lady...
[20:24] The_Lady: 6, 10
[20:24] The_Lady: rolled 2d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
[20:24] Inle`Brighteyes: !roll_ww 5 7 ex
[20:24] The_Lady: Inle`Brighteyes invokes the Lady...
[20:24] The_Lady: 4, 5, 7, 10, 10
[20:24] The_Lady: rolled 5d10. Got 5 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
[20:25] Greenling: Panther: wow. You're really stealthy. This is as stealthy as you get, man, you can't hear yourself at all...
[20:25] Czarina_Aubrecia: !roll_ww 5 7 ex
[20:25] Greenling: Inle: there's some dude following you.
[20:25] The_Lady: Czarina_Aubrecia invokes the Lady...
[20:25] The_Lady: 1, 2, 6, 7, 10
[20:25] The_Lady: rolled 5d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
[20:25] Greenling: Czarina: yeah.
[20:26] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Yeah that was definitely wierd, and what a waste of good plants! Some of those might have been tasty! Wonder what could have caused it? Ah well! Tai Pan was a preserver of food culgiles, not agriculture. x3
[20:26] Czarina_Aubrecia: Czarina looks at Inle. "One of yours or mine?"
[20:26] *** Betrayal_Edged_In_Blood has joined #playershuffle!.
[20:26] Inle`Brighteyes: "Hmm?" She turns in her seat, smishing her chest into Czarina's face as she peeks out the window... "Hey Aubrecia... I think we've got a straggler behind us.."
[20:26] Inle`Brighteyes: (Aw)
[20:27] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Is he good looking?"
[20:27] Inle`Brighteyes: "...Not mine....oops.." She turns back around, un-smishing the Lunar.
[20:27] Betrayal_Edged_In_Blood: (So, what's the scene?)
[20:27] Inle`Brighteyes: "Maybe we should stop and ask him...?"
[20:27] Riel_Valerian: (Mark: #shuffleooc)
[20:27] Inle`Brighteyes: ( #shuffleOOC )
[20:27] Czarina_Aubrecia: "I'd suggest lean out the window, but you might fall out," she smirks.
[20:28] Greenling: The Desolation Kings spread out, finding and harassing several merchants, one thaumaturge, a confused-looking noble, and a man picking peppers beside a bunch of strange dead things.
[20:29] Inle`Brighteyes: "Oh please. You know I have good balence." She does indeed lean out the best she can. "Hey! You! Person Following Us!" She calls cheerfully
[20:30] Czarina_Aubrecia: she giggles.
[20:30] Riel_Valerian: Riel stays where he is, seated on his Swift Rider as its rims slowly spun and sparked. This was, what, the third time this year she'd been kidnapped? And why here of all fucking places? He could be in better places doing bigger things...or at least drinking.
[20:30] Panther_Fist_Killer: "YES?" Panter Fist is loud. Loud helps in situations like this, doesn't it?
[20:31] Inle`Brighteyes: @.@
[20:31] Inle`Brighteyes: " don't have to shout. Just com closer. Unless you're a bandit and-or an assassin. Then please stay back a ways."
[20:32] * Panther_Fist_Killer comes closer. Suddenly wishes he had Steamfaust right there, but the thing was nearby-ish. Hopefully.
[20:32] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Actually so long as he's willing to be a submissive, I'll take an assassin or a bandit." Her tone is depressed.
[20:34] Greenling: The delinquents report back to Riel!
[20:34] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Er. It's no business of mine to ask, but are you here for buying?" Panther Fist asks, hoping for a great moment to get answers.
[20:34] Greenling: Or at least, some of them. Notably the one who noticed the large pepper-picking man.
[20:35] Czarina_Aubrecia: Inside, Czarina raises a brow.
[20:35] Riel_Valerian: Riel stares at them over the handlebars of his Swift Rider. "Yeah?"
[20:35] * Inle`Brighteyes blinks... "Buying?"
[20:36] Greenling: They think it's either the dude near the dead things, the dude selling charms, or the woman in all the black with the weird haircut.
[20:36] *** Breanna has joined #playershuffle!.
[20:36] Greenling: They wonder if they should just drag all of them or some of them or what. :V
[20:36] *** Breanna is now known as Shadow_of_a_Forgotten_Dream.
[20:37] Riel_Valerian: "Should you drag back the people I sent you to grab? Uhhh duuhhh buuhhhh YEAH."
[20:37] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Yes. Buying. I've heard there's things to be sold here." he says. "Do you know anything about this?"
[20:38] Greenling: <_< >_> <_< They scatter back.
[20:38] Inle`Brighteyes: "....Well, I could buy things I suppose...I think we're just passing through..." She pulls herself back into the carraige. "Um...what -exactly- are we doing here, anyway?"
[20:38] Czarina_Aubrecia: "You know Daddy. Rumors of a new grove and I'm sent right away. This is just a stop over to rest the animals."
[20:41] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Hrm. I'm sorry then for wasting your time. But, if you do hear anything about some strange things being sold, would you be kind enough to find me while I'm here?" Panther Fist asks.
[20:41] Panther_Fist_Killer: "I can't really pay except in trade or services."
[20:43] Greenling: The carriage's inhabitants may note a pair of hooligans walking up, harassing an old man, and dragging him off kicking and screaming.
[20:43] *** Wildfire is now known as Kaisa_Iliachenva`ar.
[20:44] Czarina_Aubrecia: Czarina leans out of the window, her blue black curls pulled back and out of her large violet eyes. "We'll keep you--well there's something you don't see everyday..."
[20:44] Riel_Valerian: The Dawn's golden fingers tapped on his handlebars, the Orichalchum making a clicking sound on the bike. "Times like these, I wish I smoked." His stomach growled.
[20:45] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Oh?" Panther Fist looks for that thing you don't see every day.
[20:45] Czarina_Aubrecia: She points out the old man getting manhandled by the thugs.
[20:46] Greenling: Another thug comes up to Tai Pan.
[20:48] Greenling: They draaag him off.
[20:48] Greenling: (the old man, not Tai Pan)
[20:49] * Panther_Fist_Killer scrambles for the weapons he hasn't brought with him.
[20:50] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Damn. Excuse me. I think I'm going to have to intercede." Panther Fist sketches a bow, and hurries off to help the man.
[20:50] Inle`Brighteyes: "Hey Czarina...think we should get involved?
[20:51] Greenling: The old man is leaving a very well-stocked shop empty as he is dragged.
[20:51] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Seems a little quick to judge, but perhaps. Better hide that bag."
[20:51] Greenling: Panther Fist approaches thugs. The thugs glance at him and keep dragging.
[20:52] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai pan looks up at the thug with a smile, chewing on a pepper in his sharp-looking teeth. Tai Pan, for the record, is a handsome, burly young man with broad features and a full dark-green suit of the kind chefs in the east wear. "Hello. Pepper?" For those who can pierce the illusion, he happens to have adorably fuzzy black and white panda ears poking out of his thick, soft black neck-length hair.
[20:52] Panther_Fist_Killer: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THAT OLD MAN?" he shouts.
[20:52] Czarina_Aubrecia: She leaves her carriage and exits onto the street in a bright coral pink realm style dress and a tightly laced white corset. She's wearing a pearl necklace and earrings.
[20:52] Greenling: They both jump about half a foot in the air.
[20:53] Greenling: The old man claps his hands over his ears and whines.
[20:53] Greenling: "He's a necromancer! Maybe. We think!"
[20:53] Greenling: "We're looking for a bunch of slaver-merchant-necromancers. You heard of 'em?"
[20:53] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai blinks at the very loud man. Were his ears ringing? Owwwww...
[20:54] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Heard of them? I'm hunting them. Possibly." That last word's really quiet.
[20:54] Greenling: The thug by Tai Pan winces. Indeed, Panther Fist is audible over most of the town, it seems.
[20:54] Riel_Valerian: Riel's ears perked. "...fuuuuuck, what'd they do now?"
[20:54] Czarina_Aubrecia: She narrows her eyes, recognizing the delinquent. "Did he really let you off his lead rein?"
[20:55] Inle`Brighteyes: "Right!" And with that, Inle puts the bag away under the seat and climbs out soon after the Czarina. She reaches up on top of the carraige, grabbing a slender rectangular package from thtop. She's dressed in a pale green gown with floppysleaves, her long black hair held back by several emerald green ribbons.
[20:55] Greenling: "Uhhh, no thanks. Come with me, will ya?" He seems like he's going to try to drag you off, but is unsure whether he is in fact the stronger.
[20:55] * Panther_Fist_Killer follows the thug. Being dragged would be.
[20:55] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Lead on, McDuff."
[20:55] Greenling: "Wh-what? Hey, lady, I'm on orders!" says the one by Tai Pan.
[20:56] Greenling: The ones by Panther etc. will happily take Panther as well as the old man towards Riel.
[20:56] Greenling: (er, the one by Czarina.)
[20:56] Greenling: (you know what I mean. :V)
[20:57] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Don't tell me Riel is here...?"
[20:57] Inle`Brighteyes: "Heeeey!" Inle smiles charmingly at the punk, arms hugging under certain assets. "Aren't you one of that guy's minions? What's a big strong guy like ou doing out here?" <3
[20:57] Greenling: "Yes! Riel Valerian is looking for villains!"
[20:57] Greenling: The young man blushes but tries to look stolid and unshakable.
[20:58] *** Betrayal_Edged_In_Blood has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: ).
[20:58] Greenling: "D... do you ladies know anything about necromancers?" <_<
[20:58] Inle`Brighteyes: "Oh no. We just arrived here." She giggles, putting one arm around his waist, her other arm balencing he package against one shoulder
[20:58] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai pan just blinks at him and tilts his head. "Now why should I come with you? I'm a bit busy, see, got lots of new recipes to try out here."
[20:59] Czarina_Aubrecia: "No..sorry." Her shoulders slump a little. "But leave the old man alone."
[20:59] Greenling: "Uhm," the thug says to Tai Pan. "Because the boss says so! There's evil afoot and you look strange!"
[20:59] Inle`Brighteyes: "Yeah... Why don't you let them go. They're probably harmless." She pouts
[21:00] Greenling: "But but." D:
[21:00] Inle`Brighteyes: "Pleease?" She gives them the sad eyes, smooshing up against one of them
[21:00] Greenling: ...;_;
[21:00] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: "STRANGE?" He frowns. "Now that's a bit harsh, don't you think? Why I've gotten quite a few favorable looks if you know what I mean." He winks at the thug. "Don't you think I'm good looking?" :(
[21:00] Riel_Valerian: A voice echoes out from the town.
[21:00] Greenling: During the confusion, the old man runs away.
[21:01] * Panther_Fist_Killer strides towards the voice.
[21:01] Czarina_Aubrecia: She sighs and follows the voice.
[21:01] Greenling: The thugs beside Czarina 'grab' Panther and take him thence.
[21:01] Inle`Brighteyes: "Oh! There's the loud guy." she looks at Tai Pan. "Hi ^^"
[21:01] Greenling: The thug by Tai Pan seems like he has no idea what to say.
[21:01] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai waves at her with a smile and a cocked head, offering her a pepper.
[21:02] Inle`Brighteyes: "Oh, no thanks. Come on, let's go see what Riel wants." And she walks off, humming as her hips swish. <3
[21:03] *** QuicksilverFox85 has joined #playershuffle!.
[21:03] *** QuicksilverFox85 is now known as Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread.
[21:03] Greenling: "...Please, pepper guy?"
[21:04] Riel_Valerian: Riel knocks his elbow against the Swift Rider to open a compartment with sandwiches. HATED waiting. He started to chomp into roast beef as he closed the compartment and watched.
[21:04] Czarina_Aubrecia: Czarina stops when she recognizes Riel's Swift Rider.
[21:05] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: "Ooohhh, okay. See you just had to ask nice was all." Tai Pan gathers up his neatly packed things and decides to follow the man. :)
[21:05] * Panther_Fist_Killer stands before Riel, puffed up, and wishing he had Steamfaust. Or at least his flamewand.
[21:05] * Inle`Brighteyes comes up right behind Czarina. "Hi Riel!" <3 She waves
[21:05] Czarina_Aubrecia: She looks at her friend. "You talk to him. I can't. He wouldn't listen anyway."
[21:06] Riel_Valerian: Riel looked Panther up and down. "...ya thought this guy was a necromancer?"
[21:07] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Acutally, I'm looking for them." he says. Puffed out a bit, so he looks larger.
[21:08] Riel_Valerian: He took another bite of sandwich. "...what's Big Boobs McGee doin' here? fuck me, are you followin' me AGAIN?"
[21:08] Greenling: The thug looks reaaallly confused now, and leads Tai Pan to Riel.
[21:09] Inle`Brighteyes: "Silly Riel. Czarina just offered me a ride."
[21:09] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Forget it, Inle. He always assumes I'm following him because he's an ass."
[21:10] * Inle`Brighteyes hmms, put a finger to her lips. "Well, he does have a nice one..."
[21:11] Panther_Fist_Killer: "So. Do you have any real leads on the slavers?" Panther Fist decides to ask.
[21:12] Riel_Valerian: "Whatever. Don't have time for rich girl games." He shoves the remains of his sandwich into Panther's mouth as he walks past to look over Tai. "...seriously, what the hell do you guys think Necromancers look like?"
[21:13] * Panther_Fist_Killer eats the remains of the sandwich, but doesn't appear to ejoy it. Still free food is free food.
[21:13] Greenling: As you mention that, the other two drag in a strange bug-eyed woman in black with skunk hair.
[21:13] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai just laughts and runs a hand through his hair. "Hahahaha, a necromancer? Me? Naaawwwww. That's just silly." He nods. "I'm a chef!"
[21:13] Greenling: She looks D:<
[21:13] Greenling: "Well that's what we were asking about boss." <_< say the other two.
[21:14] Inle`Brighteyes: "...Uhhhh...." She looks at the lady, then headtilts. "I think -she- might be one. She looks necromancery enough..."
[21:14] *** Shadow_of_a_Forgotten_Dream is now known as Breanna.
[21:15] Czarina_Aubrecia: She hugs her elbows as she looks at the comedy of errors in front of her.
[21:16] Riel_Valerian: "Black hair? Black clothing? Crazy look in her eyes?" Riel is looking her up and down, walking around her. " Ya know anything about necromancy?"
[21:16] Greenling: "I SAY."
[21:16] Inle`Brighteyes: "You say what?" :o
[21:16] Greenling: "That is absolutely ridiculous. I am a noble unhand me."
[21:17] Panther_Fist_Killer: !roll_ww 12 7 ex
[21:17] Riel_Valerian: "That's not answering the question! WE HAVE WAYS OF MAKING YOU TALK!"
[21:17] The_Lady: Panther_Fist_Killer invokes the Lady...
[21:17] The_Lady: 1, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10
[21:17] The_Lady: rolled 12d10. Got 8 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
[21:17] Greenling: "It is indeed an answer! I said it was absolutely ridiculous! And I am talking!"
[21:18] Riel_Valerian: "There are necromancers around here somewhere! Just need to find them!'
[21:18] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Wait! I KNOW A WAY TO TEST FOR THE NECROMANCERS!" Panther shouts.
[21:19] Greenling: The woman and thugs cringe.
[21:19] Riel_Valerian: Riel shoved another sandwich into Panther's mouth.
[21:19] Czarina_Aubrecia: She rubs her ears. "Ow..."
[21:19] Riel_Valerian: "Oi! I'm supposed to be the one yelling!"
[21:19] Greenling: Diviner heard that, wherever he is.
[21:20] Inle`Brighteyes: "Um..." She looks around for any other people...
[21:20] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: Sitting nearby, watching all of the ruckus, is a foxman who was, until just a moment ago, sitting calmly with his wooden box and a small water skin. With all of the shouting about necromancers, however, he looks up and peers at Panther.
[21:20] Panther_Fist_Killer: Chew, chew, swallow. "THAT'S WHY I HAVE TO YELL TO GET YOU TO LISTEN! NOW, CAN I STOP YELLING AND YOU START LISTENING?" Panther Fist has great lung capacity.
[21:21] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai Pan is just kind of standing in the middle of the brouhaha, rubbing his ears and frowning. It might be worth mentioning that wrapped up among his other things with his massive pack and the like is what has to be a MASSIVE meat cleaver, something that can butcher, say, a Tyrant Lizard.
[21:21] Greenling: (it slices, it dices, it juliennes raksha!)
[21:21] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: (XD)
[21:22] Greenling: Inle: lookit the crowd of merchants!
[21:22] Greenling: The old man seems to have organized a small lynch mob!
[21:22] Greenling: Some of them are guards.
[21:22] Riel_Valerian: "YELLING IS EASY! I CAN DO IT TOO! NOW QUIT IT!"
[21:23] Greenling: ...All of them are covering their ears.
[21:23] Inle`Brighteyes: "..." She blinks and plods over to the mob.. "Excuse me, is the nice lady with the black and white hair?"
[21:24] Czarina_Aubrecia: Czarina follows her friend, curtsying to the old man. "I hope you were unharmed by their rough treatment."
[21:24] Greenling: They look at each other for a moment. A few look a bit guilty. A guard speaks up: "Madam Roshia is, ah, the king's mother."
[21:24] Inle`Brighteyes: "...Oh."
[21:24] Greenling: "...She shouldn't be out of the castle."
[21:24] Inle`Brighteyes: >.>
[21:24] Greenling: "*cough*"
[21:24] Greenling: "I AM A NOBLE UNHAND ME."
[21:25] * Panther_Fist_Killer gets out some crystals, a large glass container for water. And then starts explaining how necromantic essence would freeze the water, but they should get at least a duck's weight in water, so it doesn't boil away after a mistake.
[21:25] Greenling: One of the thugs goes over to talk to the foxman. "Are you an Anathema? The Anathema are necromancers, right?"
[21:25] Inle`Brighteyes: "Er..." She looks slightly confused... "Why...then head hurts :_:"
[21:25] Greenling: The guard looks sympathetically at your chest.
[21:26] Greenling: ...Face. At your face.
[21:26] Greenling: Yes.
[21:26] Riel_Valerian: Riel pulls a face. A very frustrated face.
[21:26] Riel_Valerian: "...there's no chance the mother of the king is a Necromancer, is there?"
[21:26] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "Anathema?" He looks up to the guard, his face stitched into a perma-smirk. "I am not anathema at all, sir; merely a beastman far from home. I have heard that some Anathema are necromancers, however."
[21:27] Greenling: The thug's expression is like he just stepped in something and then it bit him.
[21:27] * Panther_Fist_Killer looks up at the word Anathema. This could be bad. Better get back to work ont he wiring.
[21:27] Greenling: "NECROMANCER!"
[21:27] Czarina_Aubrecia: Czarina looks at the guards. "If it will help calm this situation quickly, I would be happy to provide the King's mother transportation back to the castle."
[21:27] Inle`Brighteyes: " nice boys wouldn't know where an inn would be, would you?" *DISTRACT DISTRACT DISTRACT THE ANGRY MOB PEOPLE >_<
[21:28] Panther_Fist_Killer: Wire, wire, headband, please don't fail me now.
[21:28] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread looks very startled.
[21:28] Greenling: Panther: your forehead feels very sweaty.
[21:29] * Panther_Fist_Killer has no clue what his forehead feels like, but should be done soon. Device is not difficult.
[21:29] Greenling: ...Or rather it would feel very sweaty. Yes.
[21:30] Greenling: You figure it might from the sweat falling in front of your eyes occasionally.
[21:30] Greenling: It's hot. :<
[21:30] * Inle`Brighteyes pouts, arms under her bosom as she sighs. "All this is making my head hurt. Would someone mind helping me find an inn, so we can just forget about all this?" She does her best to look sweet and innocent about all this.
[21:31] Panther_Fist_Killer: This seems like the perfect time to try and slink back to the room he rented, and his weapons. He leaves the device for Riel as a gift. Yes, that sounds right.
[21:31] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Ooof, someone used the A word.
[21:32] Inle`Brighteyes: !roll_ww 9 7 ex
[21:32] The_Lady: Inle`Brighteyes invokes the Lady...
[21:32] The_Lady: 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
[21:32] The_Lady: rolled 9d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
[21:32] Riel_Valerian: Riel lifted his fist. "Look, I need information about SOME kind of necromancers around here!"
[21:32] Czarina_Aubrecia: While Inle has the guards distracted, Czarina approaches the old woman. "My deepest regrets for having to see someone such as yourself go through this. Allow me to help rectify this by taking you back to the castle? My personal carriage isn't far." She smiles sweetly.
[21:32] Greenling: While a few in the mob are distracted by Inle, they're mostly beginning to connect you all with Riel and the creepy foxboy.
[21:33] Greenling: They begin to mutter. "Trouble-makers" and "what do they want".
[21:33] Greenling: And "never heard of no necromancers".
[21:33] * Panther_Fist_Killer decides to shanghai somebody to exit with him, so he doesn't look so damn suspicious getting out of here.
[21:33] Inle`Brighteyes: NOW Inle is starting to get nervous...
[21:34] Greenling: Madame Roshia: ":< Unhand meeee oh, okay."
[21:34] Greenling: Madame Roshia: "Sniff. I am in mourning." Yes, she said sniff, though she sounds genuinely depressed.
[21:35] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: Said foxboy is getting rather nervous, closing his water skin and putting it away.
[21:35] Greenling: She follows the Czarina.
[21:35] Greenling: The mob nevertheless advances on the foxboy and the thugs.
[21:35] Czarina_Aubrecia: She offers a hand to Madame Roshia. "Come with me, my lady. We can talk in private. It can help to ease the poison of pain, don't you find?"
[21:35] Greenling: The thugs start grumbling back at the mob.
[21:35] Greenling: "Yes. :<"
[21:35] Inle`Brighteyes: "Uhhhh...bye now! <3" She quickly trots after Madame Roshia and Czarina...
[21:35] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai Pan is still rather dumbfounded by all the ruckus, but hey he had things to do! "Hmmm... Well I need to make myself some room and board money. I guess I'll go to the Inn and offer my services!" He smiles and heads off that way, however he also happens to stop by the foxboy. "Hey there! Heading to the inn?" He asks pointedly.
[21:36] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "Um...yes!" He gives another glance at the mob, then moves to join the chef. >.>
[21:36] Greenling: For those listening, a small portion of the mob has spontaneously decided Tai Pan is a prostitute.
[21:37] Czarina_Aubrecia: She helps Madame Roshia into the carriage before getting in herself. "Forgive the delayed introduction, I am Czarina Aubrecia. I would be honored to have you call me Czarina, however."
[21:37] Riel_Valerian: Riel moves to the front of his thugs. "I'm looking for a kidnapped girl. If you've got a set of balls, you'll help out. If not, then go running back to your homes and don't dress in black!"
[21:37] Greenling: The reasoning for this seems very vague.
[21:37] Greenling: "You kidnapped a girl?" "No, numbnuts, he said he's looking for a girl." "He's going to steal our women?"
[21:37] Greenling: ...What is wrong with these people?
[21:37] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "A kidnapped girl, you say?" He then looks back at Riel.
[21:37] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai Pan is clearly a Chef! He has a giant wok and other assorted chefing things on his back! And a big cleaver! But whatever, he companionably leads Diviner on. Quickly.
[21:38] * Panther_Fist_Killer conspicuously exits with the leaving chef and fox.
[21:38] Riel_Valerian: "I don't want your godsdamn wome-" He takes a look in the crowd. "...alright, I'd take a few of them. But that's a later discussion! I'm just looking for people using dark magic!"
[21:39] Inle`Brighteyes: "Czarinaaaaaaah!" She quickly tosses the package atop the carraige and climbs in, panting... " your majesty..."
[21:40] Czarina_Aubrecia: Czarina smiles. "This is my friend, the Lady Inle Brighteyes. We're both from Nexus."
[21:40] * Panther_Fist_Killer tries to get the chef and fox to walk faster, and to make the fox less noticable. Probably fails on both points.
[21:41] Inle`Brighteyes: "It's a pleasure." She smiles, trying to recover some aplomb
[21:41] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: >:/ Tai is a bit annoyed at the hurrying. "Hey now, move easy and natural, don't hurry."
[21:42] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread does pick up his pace a bit. Don't want another Greyfalls incident again...
[21:43] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Ok, but if you get us all killed, I'm going to haunt you and your descendants." Panther Fist says to Tai Pan.
[21:46] Panther_Fist_Killer: "So, do we seem to be out of danger?" Panther Fist asks Diviner.
[21:46] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread looks back to check.
[21:47] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Once we get you back, majesty, everything will be all right."
[21:47] *** Astra is now known as Astra-Shower.
[21:48] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: "I THINK so..." Tai looks back as well.
[21:48] Greenling: Some of the mobfolk are slowly following the carriage. A few others are following some of the other skedaddlers. Most of them just sort of circle around Riel, though.'
[21:48] * Panther_Fist_Killer doesn't look back. That's just asking to walk into somthing, and have his bandana come off.
[21:48] Greenling: Suddenly, there's a flash of light from the area of the castle.
[21:49] Greenling: A few seconds later, there's a low sonic boooooooom.
[21:50] Riel_Valerian: "Oh bloody fuckin' wonderful. What now!?"
[21:51] Greenling: The castle crumbles. Anything made of material lighter than hardwood flutters and whooshes as if in a swift, loud wind.
[21:51] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: O.o
[21:51] Greenling: And then suddenly, the town is moving very very rapidly East.
[21:51] Inle`Brighteyes: ""
[21:51] * Panther_Fist_Killer grabs the front of his damn bandana.
[21:51] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "NotmyfaultIventedyesterday..."
[21:51] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: ._.
[21:51] Panther_Fist_Killer: "I don't think anyone's blaming you."
[21:51] Czarina_Aubrecia: "What is going on?!"
[21:51] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "...they might."
[21:52] Greenling: It's not taking you with it. Except Madame Roshia.
[21:52] Greenling: Just the townsfolk and the buildings...
[21:52] Inle`Brighteyes: (..but Madame Roshia's in the carraige...)
[21:52] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Yes, because as all educated people know, foxes are the natural predators of castles."
[21:52] Greenling: Hey, there's some kinda glowing dude way over there where the castle once was.
[21:52] Greenling: (yes. she's being dragged anyway. somehow.)
[21:52] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "...this is very peculiar."
[21:52] *** Greenling has changed the topic on channel #playershuffle! to #shuffleooc | (Link: | <Panther_Fist_Killer> "Yes, because as all educated people know, foxes are the natural predators of castles.".
[21:53] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Now, I need to get my stuff out of the inn before it's gone." he says, and runs like hell towards where his stuff is going to be buried.
[21:53] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: O_O "Oh dear." Tai holds his stuff onto his back tightly, protectively looming a bit over his new... friends?
[21:53] Greenling: The inn is currently moving eastwards at the spead of a swift carriage. Chase it?
[21:54] Panther_Fist_Killer: Oh hell yes.
[21:54] Greenling: (*speed)
[21:54] Greenling: ...Cue chase scene?
[21:54] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread looks up at Tai Pan. "Does this happen often?"
[21:55] Inle`Brighteyes: "" She leans out an shouts."DRIVER! FOLLOW THAT TOWN!!!"
[21:55] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: "...No this would have to be a first." He nods.
[21:56] Riel_Valerian: Riel grinned. He grinned widely. Oh dear god he grinned widely.
[21:56] *** Achnaeteon has joined #playershuffle!.
[21:57] Riel_Valerian: "BOYS! Follow that town!" Riel jumped onto his Swift Rider, revving the handlebars a few times before finally shooting off along the ground, the spinning wheels leaving trails of fire in the air behind him.
[21:57] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: !roll_ww 6 7 ex
[21:57] The_Lady: Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread invokes the Lady...
[21:57] The_Lady: 1, 2, 2, 7, 8, 10
[21:57] The_Lady: rolled 6d10. Got 4 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
[21:58] Czarina_Aubrecia: Czarina holds on as the carriage takes off. "What in Malfeus is going on?"
[21:58] Inle`Brighteyes: "The town appears to be running away.
[21:59] Czarina_Aubrecia: "I can see that--why is a town running. Using those are stationary!"
[21:59] Greenling: The carriage is followed by Riel's Swift Rider which is followed by Panther who is followed by Tai Pan and Diviner who are followed by Riel's men.
[21:59] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: !roll_ww 9 7 ex
[21:59] The_Lady: Tai_Pan_Ironbelly invokes the Lady...
[21:59] The_Lady: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 10
[21:59] The_Lady: rolled 9d10. Got 6 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
[22:00] * Panther_Fist_Killer wishes he could send Steamfaust elsewhere, and just summon it onto him. He'd have no trouble catching up in that case. But then he'd have to do repairs.
[22:00] Greenling: Diviner thinks this isn't any Sorcery or Charm he's familiar with, and it's probably not related to that guy who's still standing in the space where the castle was.
[22:00] Greenling: Tai Pan... didn't those strange starfolk you've heard of do things like that a long time ago?
[22:01] Greenling: Yes. Yes you are pretty sure, yup, and now you squint that's a yellow glow, nobody else does that.
[22:01] Greenling: Moonzilla finds himself inside the inn when it, uh, picks up and takes off from around him.
[22:01] Greenling: There is a large group of people chasing it.
[22:02] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Oooh, the plot thickens. "Huh, seems like it's Star-blessed magic of some kind! I've heard way back when they did stuff like move entire cities around just like this! Not sure how, though, and the glow is the right color!"
[22:02] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread runs beside Tai Pan, huffing and puffing a bit as he carries his box. "Interesting..."
[22:03] Achnaeteon: "My, this is exceedingly strange." Pushing up his glasses to ensure they don't fall off.
[22:03] *** Achnaeteon is now known as Austere_Serpent.
[22:03] Inle`Brighteyes: "Faster! The inn is getting awaaaaaay!" Inle jiggiles and wobbles as the carraige trundles along at a very very rapid speed
[22:04] *** Kitsunemimi-Maiden has joined #playershuffle!.
[22:04] Czarina_Aubrecia: "The whole town is getting away! I'm going to get accused of following him again!"
[22:06] * Panther_Fist_Killer charges his legs and feet with essence. He's going to have to make some tough jumps to catch the moving city. Brother, Sister, your older Brother won't fail you now!
[22:06] Greenling: Panther's burning compassion propels him!
[22:07] Austere_Serpent: "This motion is rather incompatible with reading up on the history of the palisade and its evolution." Small moue of distate as his glasses begin to slide forward. His hand not clutching a book, and pushing up his glasses flicks forward, grabbing a thick mug.
[22:08] Riel_Valerian: Riel revved the handle of his biker harder, making its first age engine scream in anger as it attempted to catch up. "FASTER! FASTER! FASTER FASTER FASTERFASTERFASTER!!!" He screamed loudly until even he couldn't hear it anymore, tearing the fingerless glove off his right hand with his left armpit, revealing the golden prosthetic hand beneath. The glove hid most of the gold, as well as...
[22:08] Riel_Valerian: ...the line where the synthetic skin of his arm covered up the rest of the metal. He placed the hand hard against the front of his bike, channeling golden essence into the bike itself as the entire vehicle screamed in rage, large billows of flame bursting from the back end as he sped in even closer to the city.
[22:08] * Panther_Fist_Killer lands near the man with the glasses. "Excuse me. I have a flamewand and blades to get." as he walks inside to get his stuff.
[22:08] Greenling: Serpent: yes. Yes it is.
[22:10] Austere_Serpent: "Please, help yourself." Austere considers for a moment. "In fact, how may I help you make this motion desist?"
[22:10] Inle`Brighteyes: "You know what Czarina." She sts down beside her friend... "This is silly-OOF!"
[22:11] Czarina_Aubrecia: "What, chasing a town? Probably."
[22:11] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Find what's doing it and make them stop. That's what I'm going to do." Panther Fist says, loading his flrewand and strapping his khatars under his jacket.
[22:11] Greenling: Somewhere, a Pattern Spider sheds a small tear at Riel's absolute badassery and begins jamming a little tune on her tiny little guitar. The city seems to slow slightly.
[22:11] *** Astra-Shower is now known as Astra.
[22:12] *** Breanna has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended, that you have but slumbered here, while these visions did appear, and this weak and idle theme, no more yielding than a dream.).
[22:12] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "Oh's slowing down..." Huff puff goes the foxman.
[22:12] * Austere_Serpent stands up from his table, ensuring that his axe-gun is securely strapped to his back.
[22:13] Austere_Serpent: "That sounds like a remarkable unconvoluted course of action. Refreshing."
[22:13] *** Kitsunemimi-Maiden is now known as Leili_Hua.
[22:14] Greenling: Leili is riding along, doot n doot, and then is suddenly wondering why a city is moving towards her, slowly-crumbling-castle first.
[22:14] Riel_Valerian: He holds his hand to the bike as it speeds along, gripping with his powerful hand to move his feet up onto his seat. "Almost there...little more..." The jets of flame push him closer and closer, until finally the bike reaches. "HERE WE GO! I'M MOTHERFUCKING RIEL LEAP!!!" The bike gives one last blast of flame before dying out, the bike already beginning to fold itself back up into a...
[22:14] Riel_Valerian: ...small pack box as Riel leaped up and dragged it with him. He hovered in empty air for several seconds before finally landing on his knees, rolling in a tumble, and sticking the land with his Swift Rider pack held up high in his hand. "Excellent." He got up, placed the pack on his back, and looked around the zooming town. "Now...what the fuck now."
[22:14] Greenling: Riel has landed on a building and thus is moving along with it.
[22:15] Czarina_Aubrecia: "I hate to say this...but maybe his example...?"
[22:15] Inle`Brighteyes: "Er...why aren't we slowing down?"
[22:16] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Because I want to be sure we're in the town first."
[22:16] Riel_Valerian: Riel got up and began a steady run towards the castle...which seemed to be the focus of it all.
[22:17] * Panther_Fist_Killer has the very essence of the sun balancing him. He could easily jump and land on the corners of choice windows, and brace himself on the thickness of a jutting shingle. His friend, probably not so much. So, take an easier path.... THere, that building across the street.
[22:17] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Follow me!" he shouts.
[22:18] * Austere_Serpent nods, tucking his glasses into a secure pouch. "After you."
[22:19] * Inle`Brighteyes rhangs on tight as the carraige trundles down the street, 'ud-d--dd-d-d-d-d-d-ding' as the wheels bounce off the cobblestones... "C-a-a-a-a-n't-w-e-e-e-e-g-e-e-t-o-u-t?"
[22:21] Czarina_Aubrecia: "yes, you'll be fine! You'll bounce before your face hits the ground!" She grins at her friend, reaching for the Madness of Honeysuckle.
[22:21] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread starts falling behind a bit, struggling to keep his box in hand.
[22:22] Inle`Brighteyes: "F-u-nn-y." She gets out in between each WHUD, then slowly stands p, reaching out of the carrage and pulling her package down, unwrapping it and revealing the Jealous Lovers
[22:23] * Panther_Fist_Killer helpfully marks good spots to land.
[22:23] Greenling: Panther helps Serpent.
[22:24] Austere_Serpent: Serpent leaps, using convenient walls to allay forward momentum, if needed!
[22:25] Greenling: Diviner and Tai Pan...
[22:25] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: *pantpant* x.x
[22:25] Greenling: Well, the town is slowing down a bit more.
[22:26] Greenling: It zips up and over a hill, and is now sitting beside a river.
[22:26] Greenling: Andddd then it sloooowwwws....
[22:26] * Leili_Hua is first visible as an ominous cloud of dust on the horizon, erratically zigzagging this way and that, pursuing the strangely moving town like a beast on the hunt before engulfing the main street, the cloud flowing through the streets as the town slows to a halt...
[22:28] Greenling: !roll_ww 5 7 ex
[22:28] The_Lady: Greenling invokes the Lady...
[22:28] The_Lady: 3, 6, 6, 7, 8
[22:28] The_Lady: rolled 5d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
[22:30] Greenling: The carriage notices the town is slowing just in time to begin turning the horses. They neigh, screech to a stop, though the momentum twirls the carriage around...
[22:30] Greenling: The carriage stops and the door flies open right in front of Leili, followed by the giant bag of silver.
[22:30] Inle`Brighteyes: and followed soon after by Inle landing boob first on the ground @.@
[22:31] Greenling: The townsfolk pick that precise moment to start screaming and milling around like a herd of small children.
[22:32] Czarina_Aubrecia: Czarina tumbles out as well, holding her direlance. "Ow...
[22:32] * Leili_Hua simply doesn't stop anywhere near in time, the cloud of dust blasting through the carriage as clawed feet tear up the upholstery as she slides to a halt ... up the wall... along the ceiling... coming to a rest on top of the carriage. The young girl peers down over the edge at Czarina and Inle, twitching some at the sight of the latter.
[22:33] * Inle`Brighteyes groans, picking herself up, then shoving the bag of silver BACK in the cairrage as quickly as she can, before pulling out her package, drawing a pair of long, slender hooked swords of golden metal from the canvas. "Well, we're here...finally."
[22:33] Czarina_Aubrecia: She picks herself up carefully. "That...let's not do that again."
[22:34] Riel_Valerian: Riel has been busy climbing to the top of buildings so he can look around.
[22:34] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread finally reaches the now-stopped city, collapsing in a pile of fur and nicely-made robes. @.@
[22:34] * Panther_Fist_Killer lands near the pile up. "Is everyone ok?"
[22:34] Leili_Hua: !roll_ww 4 7 ex
[22:34] The_Lady: Leili_Hua invokes the Lady...
[22:34] The_Lady: 3, 3, 5, 7
[22:34] The_Lady: rolled 4d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
[22:35] Inle`Brighteyes: "Yeah..agreed..." She grumbles at the tear in her skirt, then grabs it and rips it fully, cutting the skirt to about thigh length. before noticing Leili. "Oh, hi there little girl ^.^" And she's all sweet and bubbly again ^^
[22:35] Greenling: Riel sees nothing strange.
[22:35] * Leili_Hua stares at the sprawled-out Inle... and what she's sprawled out on... and hmpfs, glancing aside.
[22:35] Czarina_Aubrecia: She dusts of her bright dress.
[22:35] Greenling: ...Except nowwww the castle finishes crumbling, as quite a number of people run outside of it.
[22:36] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Brillant. Somehow this is his fault, I know it."
[22:36] Panther_Fist_Killer: "His?"
[22:37] Czarina_Aubrecia: "You know who I mean."
[22:37] Inle`Brighteyes: "Oh come onnnn Czarina... it's not like he can move cities around...."
[22:37] Panther_Fist_Killer: "No I don't?" Panther Fist is confused in ways he's not usually confused.
[22:38] Czarina_Aubrecia: She sighs, looking sheepish. "Sorry, you're right."
[22:38] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: After resting a bit, Diviner gets himself up and heads towards the group, a bit wobbly on his feet. "What...was that...all about?"
[22:39] * Panther_Fist_Killer waits to see if anyone has any idea what's going on, before saying "We don't know."
[22:40] Austere_Serpent: After peering around, blinking and squinting, Austere pulls his glasses from their case, gently settling them on. "Ah, I heard more voices." He ducks his head briefly, spiked hair unmoving. "Greetings and goodwill to all."
[22:40] * Leili_Hua twitches, something underneath her bandana twitching as well. "...Little..." She hmpfs and stalks along the top of the carriage, glancing at the others accumulating around it. Look for the strangest occurence and all sorts of people will arrive, first rule of adventuring.
[22:41] Czarina_Aubrecia: She looks up at the girl on her carriage. "I'm sorry, but can I help you?"
[22:41] Greenling: Riel: ...maybe they're inside a building?
[22:41] *** warmonkey has joined #playershuffle!.
[22:41] Inle`Brighteyes: "Oh, hay... another man..." She smiles cheerfully at Austere. "Hello sir!" <3
[22:42] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread is a man. :<
[22:42] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: A fuzzy man, but a man nonetheless.
[22:42] warmonkey: a fuzzy man is a real man, Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread
[22:42] Austere_Serpent: After looking around. "My, and to think a day of leisurely reading would lead me to such interesting company."
[22:42] Inle`Brighteyes: (Er...this is an RP channel)
[22:43] *** Mode change "+b *!*" for channel #playershuffle! by Greenling.
[22:43] *** warmonkey has been kicked from #playershuffle! by Greenling: Greenling
[22:43] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: (*hi5*)
[22:43] * Leili_Hua stretches some and looks around, glancing over those gathering. She gives a shrug to Czarina's question, looking through the bag of silver that went flying out of the carriage. ........ wait, didn't Inle put it back?
[22:44] Czarina_Aubrecia: Czarina raises a brow. "I suggest you get off the top of that"
[22:45] * Leili_Hua blinks to Czarina, shrugging and hopping off, tossing the bag into the carriage.
[22:45] *** Mode change "+s" for channel #playershuffle! by Greenling.
[22:45] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "" Diviner looks to where the castle used to be. "Now what?"
[22:45] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Thank you."
[22:46] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Crap, I think Steamfaust's around here."
[22:46] Riel_Valerian: Riel grabbed the top of an open window and flipped inside it. "...nope, no one here." He jumped out the window and landed on the ground.
[22:46] Inle`Brighteyes: "...Um...maybe we should find the people who-Hello Riel <3-stole the city?
[22:47] Czarina_Aubrecia: "I don't think they wanted to steal it...just move it." She blinks and looks at Inle. "Did I just say that?"
[22:47] * Inle`Brighteyes nods
[22:49] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Sounds good to me. Any idea where the mover is?"
[22:49] * Leili_Hua glances to Riel as he lands, the feline beastgirl's long spotted tail whipping about some. "So. Strange person convention?..."
[22:51] Riel_Valerian: "I'm going to kill her. I am going to fucking MURDER her! With my bare hands! Well, with my bare hand and freaky contraption!" He finds the fingerless glove for his prosthetic and puts it back on.
[22:51] Czarina_Aubrecia: She glares at Riel. "Language! You're in public, Riel."
[22:51] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: o.o "Oh dear."
[22:52] Austere_Serpent: "Now, now. Certainly murder so early in the day is a hasty decision."
[22:52] * Leili_Hua nods. "Watch your fucking mouth." The small girl stretches some, scratching at the back of her head.
[22:53] Czarina_Aubrecia: She looks at Inle. "Why do I bother?"
[22:53] Inle`Brighteyes: "I was just about to say that..."
[22:53] Inle`Brighteyes: "But anyway, happy thoughts everyone!" ^_^
[22:54] Panther_Fist_Killer: "As long as Steamfaust isn't currently buried under city, I'll be happier."
[22:55] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread shakes his head at the odd people - this coming from the foxman with soulsteel thread stitched into his face - and heads towards the castle.
[22:55] * Leili_Hua gives a nod. Motion was better than standing around. She follows after the foxman, blinking. Castle? Where'd that come from? Well, curious...
[22:55] Austere_Serpent: "Who is Steamfaust? Will you need some help uncovering him?"
[22:56] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: Well, what's left of the castle.
[22:56] Riel_Valerian: "No. NO! You see, normally, I'd calm down! But no, not really! I came all this fucking godsdamn way to save her, and what does she do? SHE MOVES THE GODSDAMN CITY!"
[22:57] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Come on, let's take a look at the castle." Not seeming at all bothered by moving in a corset that shrinks her waist to disturbing proportions, she heads to the castle. "Now honestly, how could she move a city?"
[22:57] * Panther_Fist_Killer follows the group to the castle, while describing the masterwork that is Steamfaust.
[22:58] Inle`Brighteyes: "Indeed. To te castle!" She gigges cheerfully and trots after Aubrescia
[22:58] Austere_Serpent: "Well, with the right administration of force and angles, it's not too hard to lever a city." Austere's eyes glaze over as he quickly begins jotting some notes on just which vector would be best to launch a city, while his legs carry him after everyone else.
[22:59] Greenling: The castle is half-crushed. Madame Roshia is outside the front gate crying and flailing about.
[22:59] Czarina_Aubrecia: Czarina looks at him. "You're playing with me," she smiles a little to Austere.
[22:59] * Austere_Serpent shakes his head, blinking a few times as he looks at Czarina.
[23:00] Austere_Serpent: "Absolutely not. I never joke about explosions. That would be careless."
[23:00] Czarina_Aubrecia: "That's strangely comforting." She offers her hand, fingers and palm down. "I'm Czarina, Czarina Aubrecia."
[23:01] Riel_Valerian: "No. It's because she's fucking weird. That's why!" Riel follows after them, adjusting the Swift Rider on his back
[23:01] * Austere_Serpent takes her hand delicately and bows, in formal Lookshyan style.
[23:01] * Inle`Brighteyes giggles. "So you're a sciency type? Nifty! I'm Inle! Inle Brighteyes" :D She offers her hand as well looking far to cheerful for this situation
[23:02] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread kneels beside Madame Roshia. "Are you alright, ma'am?"
[23:02] * Panther_Fist_Killer starts looking at the remains of the castle, to see if there's any hidden causes behind the collapse.
[23:02] Austere_Serpent: "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. My formal name is Trimphal Monsoon Ushering the Austere Serpent. Please call me Ser."
[23:02] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Ser it is." She smiles.
[23:05] * Leili_Hua glances back at the women sullenly, refraining from darting ahead even if the walking pace was so slow. She glances up over the trashed castle curiously.
[23:06] Panther_Fist_Killer: "I wish I had brought more tools with me. This could be interesting to examine."
[23:07] Czarina_Aubrecia: "I don't suppose you have a guess at what would cause this to fall under?" Her violet gaze goes from Ser to the castle and back again.
[23:08] Austere_Serpent: "I can not say I heard anything indicating the usage of powerful pyrotechnics, nor the impact of siege weaponry. Barring an examination, I'd be reluctant to hazard a random guess."
[23:09] * Inle`Brighteyes blinks, finally noticing the poor woman crying, then heads over to comfort her... " someone to cry on?" :o
[23:09] Czarina_Aubrecia: "I see..."
[23:09] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Could have been a modified wall eater."
[23:10] Riel_Valerian: "Just start looking for a chick who wears a lot of yellow."
[23:11] Czarina_Aubrecia: "She's yours to look for, Riel!" She starts stepping through the lighter wreckage. "I personally hope she was crushed..."
[23:13] * Leili_Hua begins to explore the wrecked castle some.
[23:13] * Austere_Serpent aids in lifting heavy wreckage and debris as needed.
[23:14] Greenling: Madame Roshia cries on Inle's shoulder.
[23:14] Riel_Valerian: "I'm pretty sure she's what fuckin' did it."
[23:14] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread is once again ignored :<
[23:14] Greenling: "The castle is wrecked. The only thing my son had left." :<
[23:14] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: ...then again, at times that can be a good thing.
[23:14] Greenling: (sorry. :<)
[23:14] * Panther_Fist_Killer pats Diviner on the back.
[23:15] Greenling: She grabs Diviner's tail and uses it to wipe her eyes.
[23:15] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai Pan appears seemingly out of nowhere balancing a ridiculous amount of bowls on his shoulders and arms and he starts to pass them out along with chopsticks to the people sitting around. "I thought we all must be famished after all the running and panic! So I whipped something up."
[23:15] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: He lets out a little yip as his tail is yoinked, but allows it to be used as a tissue.
[23:16] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: !roll_ww 9 7 ex
[23:16] Leili_Hua: Something blurs by, a bowl disappearing.
[23:16] The_Lady: Tai_Pan_Ironbelly invokes the Lady...
[23:16] The_Lady: 3, 4, 5, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10
[23:16] The_Lady: rolled 9d10. Got 8 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
[23:17] * Inle`Brighteyes just kinda pets her head... "Um...there you have any idea who might have done this?"
[23:17] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai Pan doesn't bat an eye. Within the bowls are noodles and veggies and chicken and good wholesome stuff!
[23:17] Panther_Fist_Killer: "These are very, very good." Panther Fist gives a very energetic thumbs up.
[23:17] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread takes one of the bowls and starts to nom.
[23:17] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Also it's delicious enough to make the God of Cookery cry.
[23:18] Austere_Serpent: "Thank you for the offer, I'll enjoy them later. For now, however, shouldn't we focus on lending assistance where it does the most good?"
[23:19] Greenling: Madame Roshia sniffs.
[23:19] Greenling: "And this after everything else." :<
[23:19] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "What happened, if I may ask?"
[23:19] Greenling: "The strange man and his strange things and that giant monster that ate half the larder."
[23:20] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai sits next to Diviner with a big smile and eats himself, cluckign his tongue disapprovingly. "Hmmf... Not my best... I must continue training.
[23:20] Greenling: "We thought he was a doctor. He said so, very convincingly, but my son is still ill."
[23:20] Panther_Fist_Killer: "I'm not a great doctor, but I can take a look at him."
[23:21] Greenling: Sniff. "The man kidnapped him. Also this woman in yellow whom I've never met. I don't understand it."
[23:21] Riel_Valerian: "Goddamn kidnappers! Why the hell is everyone getting kidnapped!?"
[23:22] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: "Yellow? Hmmmm... Might be the same one who moved the town..."
[23:22] Panther_Fist_Killer: !roll_ww 6 7 ex
[23:22] The_Lady: Panther_Fist_Killer invokes the Lady...
[23:22] The_Lady: 1, 2, 5, 5, 5, 8
[23:22] The_Lady: rolled 6d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
[23:22] Czarina_Aubrecia: With a sigh, Czarina sits on a bit of rubble, leaning her weapon on her shoulder.
[23:22] * Leili_Hua blinks curiously. Woman in yellow? She sits on a ledge of rubble, munching on the noodles some.
[23:22] Greenling: Panther: ... ... ...Well there was that sonic boom and the dude with Solar Anima Flare, you think that might in some way possibly have been related.
[23:23] Inle`Brighteyes: "Er....which way did they go?"
[23:23] *** Astra has left #playershuffle!.
[23:23] Greenling: Sniff. Point... turn... "Where was that dark trail..."
[23:24] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Dark trail?"
[23:24] Inle`Brighteyes: "So the bad people went that way... um....hold on." She extricates herself from the old woman, then plods off...
[23:25] * Leili_Hua climbs up to watch Inle plod off some, seeing where she was going from her high vantage point.
[23:25] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: "Hmmm... There was also that patch of dead stuff in the forest, is that the dark trail?"
[23:25] * Inle`Brighteyes returns to the coach, then sighs and pulls the bag out, dragging t along...
[23:27] Panther_Fist_Killer: "Anyone think the dark path and the necromancers are related?"
[23:27] Inle`Brighteyes: " ya go!" She thumps the bag of silver next to the old lady. "That should help some with repairs!" ^.^
[23:27] Greenling: "Maaaybe. It went out the back of the castle."
[23:28] Greenling: o.o
[23:28] Greenling: "DEAR GOD MADAM PUT ON SOME CLOTHING but thank you <3"
[23:29] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "Hmm." Diviner offers the lady a handkerchief to use instead of his tail, then stands and heads towards the rear of the castle to look for the remnants of the path.
[23:29] Inle`Brighteyes: "Um..excuse me, Mr. Fox Person?"
[23:30] Riel_Valerian: "...there was dead stuff? And no one felt like telling me this while I was yelling about people using death magic?"
[23:30] Czarina_Aubrecia: "You weren't exactly kind to her, Riel."
[23:31] Tai_Pan_Ironbelly: Tai Pan shrugged. "Your guys just said to follow him, didn't say why. And then the trouble started up."
[23:31] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Why should she have told you anything?"
[23:32] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "Hmm?"
[23:32] * Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread looks back to Inle
[23:32] Riel_Valerian: "Because I was yelling about dead things, that would seem obvious!"
[23:32] Inle`Brighteyes: "Er...Hi? I'm Inle"
[23:33] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "Oh. Hello." ^^
[23:33] Czarina_Aubrecia: "Well now you know."
[23:33] * Leili_Hua watches Diviner and Inle quietly, looking around the trashed castle some
[23:33] Diviner_of_the_Final_Thread: "I'm...well, call me Diviner."