Wyldgame/Prelude part 2
From Greenthings
(25/02/10 14:20:53) Greenling: Last time, on Wyldgame...
(25/02/10 14:21:16) Greenling: Reed, Kairos, and Blade had kind of met each other, sort of.
(25/02/10 14:22:21) Greenling: They met in an inn and encountered Suddenly Mountains.
(25/02/10 14:22:28) Greenling: Mirra and Hel, who may or may not have been travelling with one or more of the Solars, were held up by Suddenly Ninjas.
(25/02/10 14:23:04) Greenling: And the last member of the party, Adamant, had been held up by Suddenly Your Sifu Wants To Talk To You.
(25/02/10 14:28:02) Greenling: We start with the Lunars...
(25/02/10 14:29:17) Greenling: Earlier, you came upon a small group of travellers on the road heading towards (and then past) the same city you are. They seem to be traders.
(25/02/10 14:29:32) Greenling: Now, a strange mist surrounds you...
(25/02/10 14:29:40) Greenling: (cue)
(25/02/10 14:31:22) ***Hel flattened his ears against his head. Mist only meant a couple of things in the north and most of them involved freezing to death and having your body picked at by the multitude of bird species that inhabited the north.
(25/02/10 14:32:50) ***Mirra_Kasull frowns softly, shivering a bit and wrapping her long cloak about her body a bit more.
(25/02/10 14:34:54) Greenling: The leader of the little trading expedition steps forward bravely, poking gently at the mist with a walking stick. Strange hands zip! out of the mist and grab him.
(25/02/10 14:35:25) Hel: "See anything?" Hel looked to the older lunar and... !!!
(25/02/10 14:35:31) Hel: Definitely something there.
(25/02/10 14:35:37) Greenling: Then there's some screaming.
(25/02/10 14:35:56) Greenling: What do our intrepid Exalts do?
(25/02/10 14:39:04) ***Mirra_Kasull sighs softly, reaching into her cloak and drawing out of one of her outfits' many hidden pockets the long-barreled weapon reminiscent of a firewand, keeping it hidden beneath for the moment. She ducked behind Hel, taking her war form (with the cloak lengthening to cover her) behind him to listen for any sounds and smells that might give away the locations of whatever attacked...
(25/02/10 14:41:28) ***Hel frowned at Mirra and reached under his winter cloak and removed a dull-silver blade half his own height height in length. "Do I have to... you know."
(25/02/10 14:42:13) ***Mirra_Kasull flicks an ear beneath her hood, murmuring. "Only if it gets really bad. No sense scaring the traders unless there's no other choice.."
(25/02/10 14:42:50) Greenling: Suddenly, five tiny figures pop out of the mist, vaguely human-shaped, but with vicious, serrated fingers and toes made of ice and covered completely in white.
(25/02/10 14:42:54) Hel: "Alright." He felt relieved not having to do any of the shapeshifting stuff, it was always so embarrassing...
(25/02/10 14:43:03) Greenling: Mist ninjas. A terrible bane in this part of the north. :|
(25/02/10 14:43:08) Greenling: Well. Not terrible. But annoying as fuck.
(25/02/10 14:47:42) Mirra_Kasull gives a nod, watching one of the mist ninjas performing some manner of quasithreatening kata for a moment, before that gold-inlaid weapon lifted out of her cloak, held by one long, slender arm. The image in the crystal lenses atop it blurred a moment before settling on displaynig the creature's face, magnified, and she pulled the trigger; the inlaid jade circuitry flared to life in white and red, and with an explosive 'bang', one shot landed between the creature's eyes, sending it flying back into the mist in shards and scraps.
(25/02/10 14:51:52) ***Hel gripped his weapon and surged forward at one of the ninjas. There was a sickening crack when he took a single swing and smashed the head of one of the diminutive ninjas with the flat of his weapon before kicking it back into one of its friends.
(25/02/10 14:52:55) Greenling: "Scree!"
(25/02/10 14:53:17) Hel: "...Scree?"
(25/02/10 14:53:38) Greenling: The other three ninjas jabber in some sort of strange gutteral language and attack!
(25/02/10 14:53:57) Greenling: Two of them leap on Hel with slashing claws, and the third goes for Mirra.
(25/02/10 14:56:41) ***Mirra_Kasull flicks an ear beneath her hood and twists away, almost seeming to blur as the third darts through the area she stood a moment before, a few clawed rips in her cloak the only sign it came close.
(25/02/10 15:02:24) ***Hel brought his sword up close to himself and tried to deflect the wicked sharp claws of the first ninja. With his free hand he grabbed the wrist of of the second airborne ninjas and pulled it in close bringing it in close and head butting the terrible wyld beast.
(25/02/10 15:04:13) Greenling: The headbutted ninja goes flying through the mist, temporarily dispersing parts of it. Three more ninjas are visible- two of them were gnawing on the various body parts of the guy who they grabbed and begin to run off.
(25/02/10 15:04:53) ***Mirra_Kasull hmpfs and stomps on the nearby mist ninja's head, slamming her knee down into its' spine before levelling the weapon at the last one pestering Hel, another shot ringing out as it is flung back as well.
(25/02/10 15:09:26) ***Hel blinks as he is covered in ninja ichor. He flicked his ears irritably and charged after the fleeing ninjas with his daiklave gripped in both hands.
(25/02/10 15:11:42) Greenling: The fleeing ninjas attempt to run faster.
(25/02/10 15:12:29) Greenling: One of them trips. It sprawls out onto the snow, turning back towards Hel with a look that, despite its face mask, speaks of mortal terror and desperation.
(25/02/10 15:13:19) Greenling: "Screeee." ):
(25/02/10 15:13:48) ***Hel frowns a bit and then bisects the ninja.
(25/02/10 15:14:12) Greenling: The bits wriggle slightly post-bisection, then cease.
(25/02/10 15:14:28) ***Mirra_Kasull stands from the broken ninja beneath her, tucking her weapon away into the cloak once more and, after a quick scan to ensure there were no more problems inbound... decides to remain in war form for the moment. It's cold.
(25/02/10 15:16:18) Greenling: The mist disperses.
(25/02/10 15:16:20) ***Hel sheathes his blade again beneath his ninja goo covered cloak and flicked his ears again. "I just had a bath."
(25/02/10 15:17:04) Greenling: The traders cheer. Two of them help the leader stand up and bind his bleeding legs.
(25/02/10 15:17:30) Greenling: "Thank you, strangers. If I make it back to town, I'll buy the two of you drinks and dinner."
(25/02/10 15:18:59) ***Mirra_Kasull pauses, giving a nod as she adjusts her cloak and returns to her normal human form, letting the hood fall back. "Thank you. I'm just glad we could help."
(25/02/10 15:19:36) ***Hel nods and mumbles. "What she said..."
(25/02/10 15:20:21) Greenling: The group (presumably?) continues on.
(25/02/10 15:23:17) Greenling: You're right outside the city when you both notice... the gates are moving.
(25/02/10 15:23:42) Greenling: In fact, Mirra notices, the buildings inside are also moving. Everything's sort of sliding forward.
(25/02/10 15:24:00) Greenling: And you manage to notice this before it starts going really, really fast.
(25/02/10 15:25:27) ***Mirra_Kasull attempts to gauge which direction they seem to be going in.
(25/02/10 15:25:51) Greenling: Vaguely southeastish.
(25/02/10 15:27:42) ***Mirra_Kasull frowns and does her best to keep pace with it. Travel can always be made up, and better to not face whatever's going on alone.
(25/02/10 15:31:06) ***Hel grabs ahold of Mirra's arm. "Hold on to me!" His body contorted and now instead of Hel there is a Hel!Horse.
(25/02/10 15:31:42) ***Mirra_Kasull rides Hel, then
(25/02/10 15:36:56) Greenling: Meanwhile, a few hours ago...
(25/02/10 15:37:26) Greenling: Adamant and Blade were preparing to leave, but Adamant was held back by a sudden Sifu summons.
(25/02/10 15:42:25) Greenling: Apparently he's in a 'restaurant' nearby to the portals, and by 'restaurant' I mean it's basically a bar with some shady tables, all of which manage to be corner tables.
(25/02/10 15:42:33) Greenling: The place looks really fuckin' strange on the outside.
(25/02/10 15:45:22) ***Adamant blinks at the restaurant made of corner tables for a moment. Then she shrugs, sits down, and rolls a smoke. She's used to weird things.
(25/02/10 15:46:01) Adamant: "Wonder what lit a fire under his ass."
(25/02/10 15:47:01) Greenling: You are directed over to your Sifu's table with a minimum of fuss. The table is covered with the remnants of fried-thing-on-a-stick platters and very strong alcohol. Looks like other people were here with him not long ago.
(25/02/10 15:48:06) Adamant: "Maidens, you had all the fun without me."
(25/02/10 15:49:16) Greenling: He chuckles humorlessly. "Sorry for the last-minute business. It's about your next assignment."
(25/02/10 15:51:34) Greenling: "I'm sure you've noticed you're on this on probation, just in case you're still a flight risk- and your partner isn't exactly well-liked in certain parts of the Bureau."
(25/02/10 15:52:21) Adamant: "No problem. I'm guessing it must've been at least a little important." She pauses, looks for something she can use to ash in. "Want one? Varangian blend. That Blessed Isle shit isn't worth a peasant's scrip."
(25/02/10 15:52:44) Adamant: "Once a ronin, always a ronin," she mocks in a bitter singsong.
(25/02/10 15:52:56) Greenling: He flicks over one of the used, greasy baskets. "No thanks. Officially, there's another group in the same general area as you two, a Secrets and an Endings who were cleaning up some Wyld cults in the area."
(25/02/10 15:53:15) Greenling: "Unofficially, their assignment has now been extended to keeping an eye on you two- and I'm not sure what else."
(25/02/10 15:53:49) Greenling: "The Endings in particular is... not a fan of the Lunars."
(25/02/10 15:54:35) Adamant: "Great. Blade's gonna be stoked to hear we have babysitters stalking us." Adamant inhales, exhales, pauses to take a drink. Might as well enjoy the good stuff while she can.
(25/02/10 15:54:36) Greenling: "Oh, and... there's another, more personal problem you might want to know about."
(25/02/10 15:55:11) Adamant: "...Always the bearer of bad news, Sifu. What is it?"
(25/02/10 15:56:31) Greenling: "I presume you remember one Ledaal Kebok Ramiya?"
(25/02/10 15:57:45) Adamant: She blinks, slowly, star-mottled amber eyes carefully studying his face through the haze of tobacco in the air between them. "Now there's a name I haven't heard in years."
(25/02/10 15:58:08) Greenling: He seems to be holding back a smirk.
(25/02/10 15:58:18) Adamant: "Is there something on Ramiya's file I need to know about...?"
(25/02/10 15:58:42) Greenling: He pulls a couple of folded papers out from his pocket and hands them to you.
(25/02/10 15:59:10) Adamant: Frowning, she starts reading.
(25/02/10 15:59:36) Greenling: Yada yada Dragon-Blooded lineage number something-something attempting to refine the blood generic breeding experiments and then a Solar screwed them up.
(25/02/10 16:00:17) Adamant: Wait, a Solar?
(25/02/10 16:00:20) Greenling: Apparently her first child was supposed to be destined to be a fairly powerful Dragon-Blood who would yada yada politics, and then she decided to have one last affair before marriage.
(25/02/10 16:00:39) Greenling: With a Solar. Upon whom she pawned the resulting kid the moment she found him again.
(25/02/10 16:01:02) Adamant: "Well, shit."
(25/02/10 16:01:10) Adamant: She's... grinning. A little maliciously.
(25/02/10 16:01:14) Greenling: You think you recognize the name, too.
(25/02/10 16:02:08) Greenling: "They don't seem happy about the new skeleton in her closet, or the plans that were fouled up."
(25/02/10 16:02:40) Greenling: "I'm not sure whether he'll be involved in their little mission or not- I would hope not, but you never know."
(25/02/10 16:03:13) Adamant: "By 'they' you mean the Capital Convention's archival project, or our minders?"
(25/02/10 16:03:42) Greenling: "Either, but the latter's more immediately relevant."
(25/02/10 16:04:03) Greenling: "This whole thing smells like spite is involved, but I'm not sure from who."
(25/02/10 16:06:00) Adamant: "Intrigue! Just what I wanted. Luna fuck me." Slightly longer draw on the dregs of a half-empty bottle. "I'll keep it in mind. Hopefully nothing will come of it."
(25/02/10 16:06:28) Greenling: He nods. "And that is all the bad news I have for you, if you don't have any other questions or remarks. I don't want to hold you up too long."
(25/02/10 16:10:03) Adamant: "I don't think I have anything at the moment, no, unless you want to buy me a farewell drink." :V
(25/02/10 16:14:07) Adamant: "Seriously, though." Her smile fades slightly. "I appreciate it. I don't like going into these things blind."
(25/02/10 16:15:04) Greenling: "Why not?" He raises an eyebrow. "If everything goes right, I'll even be able to buy you a welcome-back drink. You're welcome, Adamant, and good luck."
(25/02/10 16:16:18) Greenling: He buys Adamant a drink.
(25/02/10 16:16:19) Adamant: "Thanks, Sifu. Don't have too much fun without me."
(25/02/10 16:17:10) ***Adamant toasts him. "To the Bureau, may it grow boils on its collective arse."
(25/02/10 16:17:13) Greenling: "I'll try," he says drily.
(25/02/10 16:21:59) Greenling: Back in the city...
(25/02/10 16:23:10) Greenling: Which has recently zipped off into the mountains, Hel and Mirra in tow, and Adamant totally there the whole time...
(25/02/10 16:23:10) Greenling: What do our dear Exalts do?
(25/02/10 16:23:10) ***Hel snorts and waits for Mirra to get off his back. Being a horse is weird :|
(25/02/10 16:23:10) MaidenofEndings is now known as Kairos_Midoya
(25/02/10 16:23:10) ***Mirra_Kasull hops off now that they're synched with the city's movements, leading off to locate Reed. Better make sure he knows what's going on. And damn, that landscape rushing by is weird.
(25/02/10 16:23:10) Adamant: First things first, look for her partner -- oh hey, a traveling city. That's convenient.
(25/02/10 16:23:10) Adamant: Maybe anyone else she recognizes.
(25/02/10 16:24:15) ***Joyous_Blade is still staring out the tavern window. "Mountains. How in Jupiter's name did this happen?"
(25/02/10 16:24:39) Kairos_Midoya: "...the wyld...?"
(25/02/10 16:24:49) Greenling: Adamant sees a person on a horse. No longer on a horse. Walking off towards the one inn.
(25/02/10 16:25:01) Greenling: This is the best city ever and you want one that does this.
(25/02/10 16:25:35) Greenling: Maybe it's some sort of magitech. Who knows.
(25/02/10 16:25:40) Adamant: Hell yeah traveling city.
(25/02/10 16:26:23) ***Hel perked his ears and followed after the older lunar. "Do you know what is happening?"
(25/02/10 16:27:09) ***Reed is still in the tavern, sitting at one of the tables across from a small five year old boy.
(25/02/10 16:27:45) ***Mirra_Kasull hms and closes her eyes, rubbing the side of her head as she shuts out the whistling wind and hubbub of the city, doing her best to recollect the various things she'd heard from elder Lunars in the Pact, trying to take a guess at what might be having this weirdness happen. Didn't seem to be a wyld zone, given the lack of mutants and snow turning to flame...
(25/02/10 16:27:53) ***Joyous_Blade sighs and goes to look out the tavern door. Maybe Adamant's gotten here now?
(25/02/10 16:28:30) Adamant: Inn means place where people gather means place where she's most likely to run into her job. Incidentally it also means a great likelihood of alcohol and/or something fun to do. Or maybe there's a tavern on the way.
(25/02/10 16:28:56) Adamant: Whichever, she's always been good at finding what she's supposed to do. So let's start walking. :D
(25/02/10 16:30:01) Greenling: Mirra: Ugh. Uh. Not something you've ever encountered before, but you get the distinct impression that, with so many strange supernatural beings converging on one place for an important cause, perhaps it's magic done by one of them- or someone who doesn't like you guys.
(25/02/10 16:30:21) Greenling: There is indeed a tavern.
(25/02/10 16:30:36) Greenling: And in the booze-place, you see the Serenity!
(25/02/10 16:30:42) Greenling: How completely unexpected!
(25/02/10 16:30:47) ***Mirra_Kasull gives a nod and frowns. "Well, it's not exactly natural, and it's not Wyld. Might be one of the others messinga around. Or someone needing a punch in the head. I'll be leaving that option to you."
(25/02/10 16:31:08) Adamant: "Mercury, if I was into chicks I would totally kiss you right now. Hey!" She waves like an idiot.
(25/02/10 16:31:35) ***Joyous_Blade waves back. "Hey, Addy. Finally made it, I see."
(25/02/10 16:32:02) Hel: "Alright, I will keep punching in mind..."
(25/02/10 16:32:30) ***Mirra_Kasull heads off to the most likely place to find Reed, which may well be a particular tavern. First person to make the joke gets shot.
(25/02/10 16:32:40) Kairos_Midoya: ......wait, that voice sounds...familiar, doesn't it...?
(25/02/10 16:32:50) Adamant: "Yup. Sifu just couldn't stand to let me go." She plops down in the nearest empty seat, slinging her long legs into the one next to it as a footrest. "So. Moving city."
(25/02/10 16:34:12) Joyous_Blade: "Ayup." She waves to the serving girl. "More mead!"
(25/02/10 16:35:48) ***Kairos_Midoya gets up to investigate this, bringing his books with him. :o
(25/02/10 16:36:06) Greenling: More mead!
(25/02/10 16:38:34) Greenling: The serving girl brings more mead. The tavern is hopping happily again.
(25/02/10 16:40:20) ***Joyous_Blade lights up in between mouthfuls of her mead. "So, anyway, did you see any Lunars on your way in?"
(25/02/10 16:40:28) Adamant: "You know, this kind of reminds me of that time I went to a really wild party in Chiaroscuro. Well, stopped there, anyway. Had a meeting with the Convention chair."
(25/02/10 16:40:29) Adamant: "...I was halfway to Paragon when the drugs kicked in."
(25/02/10 16:40:29) Adamant: "Man."
(25/02/10 16:40:37) Adamant: "Hm? Not yet."
(25/02/10 16:40:48) Greenling: The Lunars manage to enter the tavern in the middle of this conversation.
(25/02/10 16:41:29) Adamant: She considers. "I was in the middle of looking for you. And something to drink. Mostly you, though. Figured I'd find you if I went looking, and hey, I found both because Mercury thinks I'm awesome."
(25/02/10 16:41:48) ***Kairos_Midoya wanders towards Adamant's table, a bit shyly. Oh wait she looks busy.
(25/02/10 16:41:54) ***Mirra_Kasull nudges Hel to keep him from responding too quickly, assuming he's in human form, before leading him to sit down at a table. She looks around for Reed.
(25/02/10 16:42:12) ***Hel keeps his mouth zipped.
(25/02/10 16:42:43) Greenling: Reed's over there, along with Lion, who is getting his hair ruffled by the serving girl with a :| expression on his face.
(25/02/10 16:43:20) Joyous_Blade: "Come on, Mercury *knows* you're awesome. Why else would she have chosen you?"
(25/02/10 16:43:40) ***Reed is currently attempting to coax the five year old into eating his food.
(25/02/10 16:45:38) Adamant: "I sure as hell wasn't consulted- hm?" Catches a movement out of the corner of her eye, and turns towards Kairos. "...Hey there! Been a while."
(25/02/10 16:46:08) ***Joyous_Blade blinks, turning her head. "Hm?"
(25/02/10 16:47:05) Kairos_Midoya: "Yes, it's...been a while." Kairos says awkwardly, flushing a little, but thankfully it's hidden by his dusky skin. "Didn't expect to see you here..."
(25/02/10 16:47:50) Joyous_Blade: "Oh, hey. You're that guy from earlier. Reed, right?"
(25/02/10 16:48:04) ***Hel prods Mirra. "When do you want to make your move, ma'am?"
(25/02/10 16:48:15) Adamant: "Ah, yeah. I owed some favors and found myself in the area, thought I'd stay for a while. Come on, sit down." She swings her feet out of the empty chair, careful not to kick Kairos in the chin on accident.
(25/02/10 16:48:30) Adamant: "I'll buy you a drink."
(25/02/10 16:48:53) ***Mirra_Kasull makes her way over to Reed, sitting down by him.
(25/02/10 16:49:01) Kairos_Midoya: "T-thanks."
(25/02/10 16:49:10) Kairos_Midoya: so flustered. :(
(25/02/10 16:49:35) Adamant: "Hey, you're not here alone, are you?"
(25/02/10 16:49:44) ***Hel follows like a puppy.
(25/02/10 16:49:46) Reed: "Mirra!" Reed grins.
(25/02/10 16:50:09) Kairos_Midoya: "...yes, I am..."
(25/02/10 16:50:10) ***Mirra_Kasull smiles to Reed, moving to sit down by him, giving the child a nod. "Hello, Reed..."
(25/02/10 16:51:13) ***Joyous_Blade blinks again, glancing between Addy and Kairos. "So, you two know each other?" She's clearly plotting something.
(25/02/10 16:52:39) Adamant: "Well, that won't do. It's no fun traveling alone." She looks up at Blade's interjection. "Oh, yeah, sorry."
(25/02/10 16:53:35) Reed: Reed glances over at Hel. "I don't believe we've met. Are you a friend of Mirra's?"
(25/02/10 16:53:55) ***Mirra_Kasull frowns softly, one lupine ear flicking beneath her hood, glancing over to the others.
(25/02/10 16:54:00) Joyous_Blade: "Well, come on, Addy. Spill the beans already."
(25/02/10 16:54:06) Adamant: "Kairos - it *is* Kairos, right? - the stripy-haired one here is an associate of mine. Blade, this is Kairos, I met him over dinner, drinks and a midnight infernal ass-stomping."
(25/02/10 16:54:13) Hel: "Traveling companion."
(25/02/10 16:54:21) Adamant: "Best way to meet, if you want my opinion."
(25/02/10 16:54:34) Adamant: She flashes them both a disarming grin.
(25/02/10 16:54:52) Kairos_Midoya: "Yes, it is." Kairos nods in greeting to Blade. "It's...nice to meet you."
(25/02/10 16:54:55) Greenling: Lion sneaks food from Reed's plate while he's distracted.
(25/02/10 16:55:26) Joyous_Blade: "Oh? Would this be a certain infernal I *used* to associate with?"
(25/02/10 16:55:27) Greenling: "When are we going home?"
(25/02/10 16:55:48) Adamant: "Probably."
(25/02/10 16:56:13) Reed: "Nice to meet you, then. I'm Reed, and the short one there is Lion." Reed looks back at Lion. "We're... On a mission. A special one. We can't go home until it's finished."
(25/02/10 16:56:24) Adamant: "But who knows, there's no lack of asshole sell-outs."
(25/02/10 16:56:41) Joyous_Blade: "Yeah, true." :|
(25/02/10 16:57:02) Joyous_Blade: "Carwreck's one of the worst."
(25/02/10 16:57:23) Greenling: Quiet grumbling from the small child.
(25/02/10 16:57:24) ***Hel flicks an ear and tries not to make eye contact with anyone at the table. "Sounds troublesome."
(25/02/10 16:57:52) Kairos_Midoya: "...huh?"
(25/02/10 16:58:06) ***Adamant shrugs. "I try to keep my head clear of that. Office politics bore me."
(25/02/10 16:58:19) Joyous_Blade: "Nobody you'll have heard of."
(25/02/10 16:58:22) Adamant: "Hm? Oh, nothing, just some people we know." :3
(25/02/10 16:58:46) Reed: "Tell you what, ask the server for whatever dessert sounds best to you, alright?" Reed ruffles the child's hair.
(25/02/10 16:58:55) Greenling: The kid beams.
(25/02/10 16:59:20) Kairos_Midoya: "...ah. Alright."
(25/02/10 16:59:33) Joyous_Blade: "So. What brings you here, Kairos?"
(25/02/10 16:59:52) Greenling: When the server comes over, he tries to order an entire caramel-orange pound cake with ice cream.
(25/02/10 17:00:53) Reed: ...What the hell, if she actually brings that out for him, he'll pay for it.
(25/02/10 17:01:05) Reed: He'll just make sure Lion doesn't eat it all in one sitting.
(25/02/10 17:01:07) ***Hel looks at Mirra. "Do you want me to wait outside, ma'am?"
(25/02/10 17:01:15) Kairos_Midoya: "I..owe someone a favor." Kairos wilts a little at the thought of his mate.
(25/02/10 17:01:32) ***Mirra_Kasull gives a slight shrug to Hel. "Only if you'd prefer."
(25/02/10 17:01:53) Adamant: "Huh? You don't look so good."
(25/02/10 17:02:03) Reed: "You're welcome to stay in with us. Lion's going to need some help with that cake."
(25/02/10 17:02:20) Hel: "Well usually lovers prefer privacy..."
(25/02/10 17:02:40) ***Joyous_Blade nods, looking at Kairos slightly worriedly. "Do you have a cold or something?"
(25/02/10 17:03:18) Kairos_Midoya: "...no, I'm fine. Thank you, though."
(25/02/10 17:03:19) Reed: He raises an eyebrow. "I would hardly call this a private location. Order yourself something, I'll pay for it."
(25/02/10 17:04:02) Hel: HIs ears droop a bit at the offer, "I'm fine."
(25/02/10 17:04:10) Reed: He glances over at the table. "By the way, Mirra, there was a young man and a woman who were looking for you earlier, or at least someone with the same name." Reed gestures to Kairos and Blade.
(25/02/10 17:04:15) ***Joyous_Blade shrugs. "Alright, then."
(25/02/10 17:04:45) ***Mirra_Kasull blinks. "Lovers?" She raises an eyebrow, glancing over to the two and giving a slight shrug. "I see."
(25/02/10 17:05:00) ***Adamant scans the room while she's talking. Not that she's easy to miss herself, once she removes her overcoat; most of her skin is decorated with shiny silver tattoos. Some of them catch the tavern's meager light.
(25/02/10 17:05:29) Reed: He shrugs a bit at Hel. "Suit yourself, then."
(25/02/10 17:07:08) ***Joyous_Blade finishes her cigarette, glancing down at the table for somewhere to leave the butt.
(25/02/10 17:07:25) Greenling: The woman covered in moonsilver tattooes is indeed easy to notice.
(25/02/10 17:09:37) Kairos_Midoya: ...very shiny
(25/02/10 17:10:43) Greenling: Shine, shine, sparkle.
(25/02/10 17:11:02) Greenling: The serving girl compliments Adamant on the shiny.
(25/02/10 17:11:29) Adamant: "Thanks. I'm a collector, you could say. Got anything harder than this?"
(25/02/10 17:11:39) Adamant: She indicates the mead.
(25/02/10 17:12:54) ***Mirra_Kasull coughs softly at the smoke.
(25/02/10 17:13:03) Greenling: "Hmm." She thinks. "I think we've still got some old milk-vodka, and there's some sort of bright red thing in the back I can let you have."
(25/02/10 17:13:25) ***Adamant perks.
(25/02/10 17:13:30) Adamant: "Bright red thing?"
(25/02/10 17:13:32) ***Joyous_Blade shrugs. "More mead for me, then." She pulls Adamant's glass over.
(25/02/10 17:14:03) Greenling: "Yeah, I don't know what it is. The old owner left it here, nobody's been brave enough to touch it."
(25/02/10 17:14:16) Adamant: "There's a first time for everything."
(25/02/10 17:14:34) Adamant: :3
(25/02/10 17:15:10) Greenling: She laughs. "I'll get you a glass. If you like it, you can have the whole bottle."
(25/02/10 17:15:24) Adamant: "I'm game, let's do this."
(25/02/10 17:15:41) Greenling: She heads off to the back.
(25/02/10 17:16:01) Kairos_Midoya: ...O_O
(25/02/10 17:16:28) Adamant: "What's wrong?"
(25/02/10 17:17:57) Kairos_Midoya: "...nothing really, just surprised..."
(25/02/10 17:19:16) Joyous_Blade: "Pfft Addy has gotten far more intoxicated than this. She and Pips managed to physically lose a Manse once."
(25/02/10 17:19:28) ***Hel glances back at all of the sparkle sparkle and revelry.
(25/02/10 17:19:45) Kairos_Midoya: "...t-that's possible?"
(25/02/10 17:20:07) Joyous_Blade: "Surprisingly enough, yes."
(25/02/10 17:20:08) Adamant: "Hey! That totally was all her."
(25/02/10 17:20:44) Adamant: "...though now you mention it, Plentimon still owes me a couple of favors so thanks for the reminder."
(25/02/10 17:20:50) Joyous_Blade: "Sure, sure. Whatever you say, Addy. I believe you."
(25/02/10 17:21:36) ***Mirra_Kasull hms softly, glancing to Reed. "Thoughts on that lot?"
(25/02/10 17:22:14) Greenling: The servng girl comes back with a glass. It is indeed bright, glowing, neon red and steaming, despite being slightly below room temperature.
(25/02/10 17:22:23) Adamant: "Hahaha, *yes*."
(25/02/10 17:22:36) ***Joyous_Blade stares. "...I want one."
(25/02/10 17:22:54) Reed: "They're certainly an *interesting* lot."
(25/02/10 17:23:10) Kairos_Midoya: ...it's pretty at least
(25/02/10 17:23:13) Adamant: "Thanks, sweetheart." She lifts the glass, grins at her companions. "Well, as they say in An-Teng - kampai."
(25/02/10 17:23:20) Adamant: Maybe it was Calin. Whatever.
(25/02/10 17:23:30) Adamant: She knocks it back.
(25/02/10 17:23:38) Hel: "Oh it's him." There is no emotion in the statement, just the kind of tone you'd expect after finding mold in your bead.
(25/02/10 17:24:48) Greenling: Adamant: You feel a strange rush of flavor, hot and wild.
(25/02/10 17:25:12) ***Joyous_Blade turns to the serving girl. "Go and get me a glass of that, would you?"
(25/02/10 17:25:17) Adamant: "...Fucking *Maidens* that's nice."
(25/02/10 17:25:32) Kairos_Midoya: "...that looks interesting. o_o"
(25/02/10 17:25:34) Greenling: Visions flash in front of your mind- of family, hunting, children, being attacked by a giant black lion-creature with mandibles...
(25/02/10 17:26:11) Adamant: o_o;
(25/02/10 17:26:13) Greenling: For a brief moment, you relive scenes from the life of a woodcutter far to the East.
(25/02/10 17:26:13) ***Hel stands and walks over to Kairos. "You didn't freeze to death."
(25/02/10 17:26:23) Greenling: (you also gain +2 Valor for the scene.)
(25/02/10 17:26:41) Greenling: The serving girl heads back and grabs the bottle for you all.
(25/02/10 17:26:52) Hel: "I told her you were going to freeze to death, I suppose I lost."
(25/02/10 17:27:07) Kairos_Midoya: "...no, not this time..."
(25/02/10 17:27:54) ***Mirra_Kasull winces some as Hel walks on over in all his tattooed glory. Whoops.
(25/02/10 17:28:10) Reed: Reed raises an eyebrow. "I suppose they know each other."
(25/02/10 17:28:15) Hel: "She'll be happy about that."
(25/02/10 17:28:15) ***Joyous_Blade blinks. "...Okay, who are you? Apart from some Lunar, that is."
(25/02/10 17:29:51) Adamant: "Hi there."
(25/02/10 17:29:55) ***Hel looks over Blade and shrugs a little. How could she see through his brilliant disguise!? "Hel."
(25/02/10 17:30:39) ***Joyous_Blade blinks again, sitting up straighter. "Finally. Venus chained and spanked, what took you so long?"
(25/02/10 17:30:52) Hel: "Ninjas."
(25/02/10 17:31:02) Joyous_Blade: "Ninjas."
(25/02/10 17:31:04) Greenling: The bottle gets sat down between Adamant and Blade.
(25/02/10 17:31:07) Hel: "Ninjas."
(25/02/10 17:31:10) Adamant: "Fucking ninjas ruin everything."
(25/02/10 17:31:20) ***Adamant pours herself a second glass.
(25/02/10 17:31:37) Hel: "Who are you?"
(25/02/10 17:32:03) Joyous_Blade: "Aren't ninjas more of, y'know, a Southern thing?" Blade asks rhetorically, taking the bottle after Adamant.
(25/02/10 17:32:12) Greenling: Clearly she's a ninja.
(25/02/10 17:32:25) Adamant: "Eastern," she corrects. "...Southeastern too, maybe a little."
(25/02/10 17:32:30) Adamant: "I dunno, who are you?"
(25/02/10 17:32:40) ***Hel shrugs. "I call ninjas as I see ninjas."
(25/02/10 17:32:42) ***Mirra_Kasull shrugs some and makes her way over to the table, patting Reed and the cake-devouring kid on the shoulder and head respectively.
(25/02/10 17:33:01) Adamant: "I'm Adamant Silver and this drink is amazing. How're you?"
(25/02/10 17:33:24) Greenling: The kid seems to have finished what of the actual cake he's going to eat and is digging the caramel-covered oranges out and swirling them around in the ice cream.
(25/02/10 17:33:27) Hel: "I'm fine, ma'am."
(25/02/10 17:35:06) Adamant: "Great. Does the city always grow legs or is this just a special occasion?"
(25/02/10 17:36:24) Hel: "I wouldn't know." Hel looked at Mirra for an answer, she was full of useful information for all kinds of questions he add to ask.
(25/02/10 17:36:30) Joyous_Blade: "What's up with that, anyway. I didn't *think* this was near the Bordermarches?"
(25/02/10 17:37:54) ***Mirra_Kasull gives a frown, keeping herself hooded and cloaked still to cover skin, licks of silvery tattoos visible on her cheeks. "It's not Wyld-caused, I can say that much for certain."
(25/02/10 17:39:32) Reed: "Alright, I think that's enough sugar for you." Reed hops up and grabs Lion around the waist, hefting the kid onto his back, heading over toward the group.
(25/02/10 17:39:39) ***Adamant rolls herself another smoke; what can it hurt? "Don't think anyone's moving the city, either. Magitech, maybe?"
(25/02/10 17:39:49) Kairos_Midoya: "...possibly."
(25/02/10 17:39:54) ***Hel flicks an ear. "Are you a lunar?"
(25/02/10 17:40:10) Kairos_Midoya: Kairos chews on his lower lip and thinks, through all the dusty books he read growing up.
(25/02/10 17:40:12) ***Joyous_Blade bums a cig off Addy, before lighting up for the pair of them.
(25/02/10 17:40:15) Adamant: "...Me or him?"
(25/02/10 17:42:13) Hel: "You."
(25/02/10 17:42:23) Adamant: "Nope."
(25/02/10 17:42:25) Greenling: The kid squirms.
(25/02/10 17:42:56) Adamant: "Know a few. Good folk. Always have your back in a fight."
(25/02/10 17:43:03) Greenling: "Lemme down! I can walk!"
(25/02/10 17:43:22) Hel: "But you have tattoos like we do."
(25/02/10 17:43:40) Adamant: "A gift from my old teacher."
(25/02/10 17:43:41) Reed: Reed rolls his eyes and sets the kid on the ground.
(25/02/10 17:43:57) ***Joyous_Blade puffs out a smokering. "Like Addy said, she's not a Lunar."
(25/02/10 17:44:13) Greenling: Blade: Visions enter your mind, dreams and strange hallucinations from an old shaman.
(25/02/10 17:44:24) Hel: "Sorry." Hel is not sorry.
(25/02/10 17:44:37) Adamant: "S'okay, no offense taken or anything."
(25/02/10 17:44:39) Greenling: This tastes... it...
(25/02/10 17:44:59) Greenling: ...Mmm, distilled Valor. Tastes like cherry syrup.
(25/02/10 17:45:34) Adamant: She exhales a neat ring of smoke and sips some more of that unspeakably amazing drink. It's actually starting to make her feel a little buzzed. Who knew virtues could become alcohol.
(25/02/10 17:45:36) Greenling: Kairos gets similar visions.
(25/02/10 17:46:15) ***Joyous_Blade pours the others a glass, before getting another for herself.
(25/02/10 17:46:51) ***Mirra_Kasull hms, dabbing her finger in it and giving it a taste.
(25/02/10 17:46:52) Kairos_Midoya: Oh wow. @_@
(25/02/10 17:47:16) Adamant: "That's the good stuff."
(25/02/10 17:47:40) ***Hel stares at the poured glass.
(25/02/10 17:47:57) ***Joyous_Blade raises an eyebrow at Adamant, before taking a drag and then exhaling a perfectly formed miniature lute.
(25/02/10 17:48:33) Greenling: "Whoa," says Lion, staring at the smoke-lute.
(25/02/10 17:48:45) Adamant: "Showoff."
(25/02/10 17:49:09) ***Mirra_Kasull gives a nod, and attempts to synthesize a bit more of it in her mouth
(25/02/10 17:49:13) Joyous_Blade: "Just because you're no good at it." Blade is clearly teasing.
(25/02/10 17:50:24) Adamant: "It ain't a contest, stripes."
(25/02/10 17:51:28) Joyous_Blade: "You keep telling yourself that, sweetie."
(25/02/10 17:51:35) Adamant: "Anyway. I'm not a Lunar but I'm guessing you are. Call it a hunch."
(25/02/10 17:51:37) Greenling: "Can you make a dragon?"
(25/02/10 17:52:38) Adamant: "Whatever lets you sleep better at night," she says dryly to Blade, and takes another sip of valor.
(25/02/10 17:53:08) Reed: "Lion, don't be rude." Reed tugs at Lion's collar.
(25/02/10 17:53:52) Hel: "Your guess is correct, ma'am."
(25/02/10 17:53:56) ***Kairos_Midoya sets down his partially drank glass and stares at it.
(25/02/10 17:54:38) Greenling: Lion looks down sadly.
(25/02/10 17:54:46) ***Mirra_Kasull hms, one ear twitching beneath her hood. Something didn't quite sit right. She shakes her head to clear it of the visions, sitting down by Reed.
(25/02/10 17:54:48) Greenling: "Sorry."
(25/02/10 17:54:56) ***Joyous_Blade blinks at Reed. "Aw, leave the kid alone. He's cute."
(25/02/10 17:55:10) Adamant: "Well, how 'bout that."
(25/02/10 17:55:18) Joyous_Blade: "What?"
(25/02/10 17:55:44) Reed: Reed looks over at Mirra. "What exactly is that stuff, anyway?"
(25/02/10 17:56:16) Kairos_Midoya: "That was...interesting."
(25/02/10 17:58:53) Joyous_Blade: "So, Addy. What did your Sifu want to talk to you about anyway?"
(25/02/10 17:59:32) Adamant: "This and that, nothing special."
(25/02/10 17:59:53) Adamant: "Mostly a personal matter."
(25/02/10 17:59:56) ***Mirra_Kasull hms softly, licking her lips. "Distilled virtue - Valor, specifically. Given that fact, I'd wager it's Raksha in origin..." She sighs softly, leaning back in her chair a bit. "Hel, introduce yourself."
(25/02/10 18:01:13) Greenling: The kid looks like he's measuring whether he could grab a taste without anyone noticing.
(25/02/10 18:01:34) Adamant: "...I'm not sure if I'm drunk or if I want to just go punch out a few windows."
(25/02/10 18:01:58) Adamant: She looks vaguely nonplussed.
(25/02/10 18:02:04) Reed: Reed grabs Lion and pulls him away from the table. "You're definitely not allowed to have any of that."
(25/02/10 18:02:06) ***Mirra_Kasull stretches some. "Probably both."
(25/02/10 18:02:22) Greenling: "Hey! I wasn't gonna."
(25/02/10 18:03:09) Reed: "And I'm an Immaculate Monk. Don't mess with things."
(25/02/10 18:03:43) ***Mirra_Kasull eyes Reed. "Getting a little shaggy there, Mr. Monk."
(25/02/10 18:03:56) Reed: Reed smirks.
(25/02/10 18:04:01) ***Adamant laughs.
(25/02/10 18:05:23) Greenling: "You never let me play with anything fun."
(25/02/10 18:05:33) Greenling: "Wasn't gonna."
(25/02/10 18:05:47) Joyous_Blade: She glances at Adamant. "Want to start a barfight? It won't be as fun without Pips, I know, but these new people should make it interesting enough."
(25/02/10 18:06:41) Mirra_Kasull: Something cold and metal bumps Blade in the leg, under the table. "Not interested."
(25/02/10 18:06:45) ***Hel blinks and after a brief pause goes into. "Ah, yes. I'm Hel, student of Virtuous Ocean. Uh uh..." He puts his daiklave on the table. "This is Gyre Razor."
(25/02/10 18:07:52) ***Joyous_Blade raises an eyebrow at Hel. "I said a barfight, not a duel. No edged weapons unless the other guy pulls one first."
(25/02/10 18:07:58) Adamant: "Adamant Silver. Student of Sueh-yen Sun the Brilliant Starfall-" she snorts faintly, "formerly student of Moonstone Ibis."
(25/02/10 18:08:25) Hel: "I like my sword."
(25/02/10 18:09:10) Adamant: "Ran with the Swords of Luna for a while. Good times, that." She looks at Blade, considering. Hmm. Does sound sort of tempting.
(25/02/10 18:10:04) Kairos_Midoya: "Barfight? :o?" he...wouldn't normally be interested, given how much he fails at fighting, but....he's feeling reckless now
(25/02/10 18:10:19) Kairos_Midoya: well, a little bit.
(25/02/10 18:10:28) Adamant: But that could just be the valory booze talking. ...Hn.
(25/02/10 18:10:53) Kairos_Midoya: ...but he fails at fighting, and logic wins out.
(25/02/10 18:11:26) Adamant: "...Fuck it, I'll be right back." She strides up to the nearest likely-looking bar patron on the other side of the tavern, cracking her knuckles.
(25/02/10 18:11:29) ***Mirra_Kasull gives a nod, shifting to her feet with a slight sigh. "Have fun." She moves to stand
(25/02/10 18:11:48) Greenling: The large, grumpy-looking man in a floppy hat looks at Adamant.
(25/02/10 18:11:50) Greenling: "Muh?"
(25/02/10 18:12:18) Adamant: She punches him in the face.
(25/02/10 18:12:23) ***Joyous_Blade grins, standing. "Might want to get your kid out of here, Reed." She says, stretching slightly.
(25/02/10 18:12:25) Greenling: Barfight~
(25/02/10 18:12:30) ***Hel has his ears flop somewhat. "I do not comprehend."
(25/02/10 18:13:04) ***Mirra_Kasull glances to Hel. "We might want to get out of the way. They're a bit high on memories of someone else's lives."
(25/02/10 18:13:23) Hel: "What?"
(25/02/10 18:13:28) ***Mirra_Kasull pauses a moment. She really shouldn't encourage this sort of thing...
(25/02/10 18:13:58) ***Adamant is laughing like a lunatic, practically skipping out of the way of clumsy punches. Psycho.
(25/02/10 18:14:02) ***Mirra_Kasull gives a slightly mischevious grin, standing on the table. "Last fighter standing gets a kiss."
(25/02/10 18:14:21) Hel: "I don't understand."
(25/02/10 18:14:21) ***Joyous_Blade cackles, moving away from the table as she selects a likely looking woman. Then tosses a pitcher of mead right in her face.
(25/02/10 18:14:53) Greenling: "Ack!"
(25/02/10 18:15:03) Adamant: "That's what she said!" Adamant hollers across the room at Mirra, grinning, then breaks a bottle over some drunkard's head.
(25/02/10 18:15:12) Greenling: The woman pulls out a club and attacks.
(25/02/10 18:15:19) Joyous_Blade: And follows it up with a neat kick sideways into some random's crotch.
(25/02/10 18:15:26) ***Mirra_Kasull gives a nod, giving one last shout. "No weapons allowed!" Before she moves to sit down and wait for the battle to end
(25/02/10 18:16:30) ***Hel stands up and picks up the table that Reed had previously occupied before staring at Mirra. "It is not a weapon, it is a table."
(25/02/10 18:16:54) Reed: Reed looks back at Mirra. "He's basically right, you know."
(25/02/10 18:17:33) ***Adamant catches a punch directed at her face, grips a forearm, yanks the fool forward to dislocate his shoulder and adds insult to injury by breaking his nose with an inhumanly swift snap kick to the face.
(25/02/10 18:17:34) Adamant: >:D!
(25/02/10 18:17:35) ***Mirra_Kasull eehhhs. "I'll allow it." She sits in her chair, kicking her feet up and watching the chaos.
(25/02/10 18:17:39) ***Hel nods and gets to work with the table.