
From Greenthings



The Basics

Name: Kelly 'Primus' Phillips
Seeming: Elemental
Blessing: Spend 1 Glamour and add a number of Health boxes equal to Wyrd. Works once per day.
Curse: No 10-again rule on dice pools involving Manipulation, Empathy, Expression, Persuasion or Socialize.
Kith: Smouldertrot
Blessing: Hot to Trot Vim - As Airtouched Kith. The player may spend one Glamour to add the characters wyrd to either speed or initiative.
Court: Dawn


Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 2
Intelligence 2 Wits 2 Resolve 2
Presence 2 Manipulation 4 Composure 2


Brawl (Fire) 3
Athletics 2
Larceny 2
Stealth 1
Firearms 2
Ride (Horses) 1

Politic 2
Computers (Firewalls) 3
Academics 2

Expression (Blogging) 2
Persuasion 1
Empathy 1

Merits, Pledges and Contracts

Court Mantle (Dawn) 1
Harvest Emotions 1
Hallow 1
Fae Mount (The Devil's Steed) 5 -Move of 38, Breathes Fire, Runs on any surface, and poisonous bite.

Elements (Fire) 5
Potential 1
Hearth 1


Wyrd: 3
Clarity: 7
Glamour: 12/3

Health 7
Speed 10
Willpower 4
Defense 2
Init Mod 4
Armor 0

ST Notes

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