Patron Saints/Session 15

From Greenthings

<Greenling> Last we left off, Namhwa, Rei, and Rudeth were stuck inside Thrall's Manse, a problem which magically resolved itself soon only half because the GM got bored of thinking up stuff for it to reasonably have.
<Greenling> Crow was talking to some gods, then Namhwa did some stuff nobody else was there for and we've fast-forwarded to the next day, wherein Zhubin and Peyt were talking to an arbiter a god and a greensid.
<Greenling> Is there anything that needs to be resolved in this time compression?
<Greenling> ...If not.
<Greenling> Is there anything in particular Zhubin and/or Peyt would like to do in this meeting, which is mostly about hearing initial claims?
<Greenling> In that case...
<Greenling> Wreath's request is, as noted, mostly based on the fact that she's been technically up for "a Manse" for quite a while now, whereas the GoLT's (someone name him for me) is something about an old agreement wherein he helped Peyt's dad get his Manse.
<Greenling> They present their cases and the arbiter tells you all to come back in a couple of days at a specific time.
<Greenling> So, you've got two more days to this nonsense.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt leaves the meeting room and lets out a deep breath. " we went to a meetin' to say we wanna go to a meetin' to say we're interested in a meetin' to say why we get a manse."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I hate meetin's."
<Zhubin> "Actually, this time Peyt, the meeting was to present our initial reasonings as to why we should be included for consideration to decide who gets the Manse."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "....I really hate meetin's."
<Greenling> Zhubin gets the impression that there's a reason to giving you two all days' time other than the arbiter's scheduling.
<Greenling> Something related to what the next meeting's for.
<Greenling> ...Maybe check and see if you're required to do or bring anything?
<Greenling> Meanwhile, what the hell are Crow and Rudy doing today?
<Zhubin> "Arbiter, in light of our ignorance of the proper procedures, how may we best prepare for the next meeting?"
<Rudeth> Rudeth is probably irritating and embarrassing his brother in front of all his cool Sidereal friends.
<Greenling> The Arbiter looks down at you. "I have thirteen more meetings today. Go ask someone else."
<Zhubin> "Yes, sir."
* Zhubin leaves, making sure Peyt and Rei are with him.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt is frowning. Very hard.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Fuck meetings." Once he was sure they were clear of the Arbiter and guests.
<Zhubin> "Unfortunately, we're probably the small fish up here Peyt. So bashing them won't work."
* WhiteCrow had earlier this morning made a moment to find Zhubin before they went running errands. She sighs, looks around to make sure no one else is present at the time, and had said, "Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm not using Exalted in referring to ourselves." She then left him to his morning stuff.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Like I care. This is stupid. No wonder everyone is pissed off up here. You probably have ta fill out six diff'rent forms just ta take a piss."
<Greenling> Quite frankly, given the attitude they've had against you two thus far and all the reasons they have to hate you, they're either being meticulously fair or something's going on they're just not telling you about.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Oi, let's go find that twink who was runnin' around here before. He may know what's goin' on."
<Zhubin> " mean Thrall? He might know something. And you know, considering just how everyone looks at us, the fact they're even giving us the meetings is saying something. I just wish I could figure out what."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I just want ta know what the fuck everyone is so scared of me fer. I didn't fuckin' DO nothin' yet!"
* Cho has joined #fridaymortals
* WhiteCrow having gotten a better sense of things, has decided tot ake it upon herself to see what else i sin the neighborhood fo the ugly-ass manse she happens to be staying at, curious as to what else she might find in this (as far as she knows) lifetime opportunity to explor ethe City of the Gods and not be accosted for jsut bein gmrotal
<Greenling> You *do* get a lot of strange looks and the occasional homeless god begging for money/prayer/aid in rebuilding its purview/a handjob.
<Greenling> And by occasional I mean it's getting kind of creepy.
<Cho> (lol)
* WhiteCrow at first has been taking ntoes of these, feeling at least trying to keep track of some gods as she sees what she can do. But....yeah, the noteboko is getting so full she is going for the harder-to-write Old realm, just to save space
<Peyt_Yenthu> "If anythin', they should be lookin' at you."
<Greenling> Thrall is taking Rudeth to see the sights. What this mostly means is, unless Rudeth offers suggestions, taking him to the Bier's dojo and letting him watch Thrall practice beating the shit out of things/getting the shit beaten out of him.
<Greenling> This seems to involve a lot of blurring, sparkling, getting tossed into walls, and generally strange and painful-looking stuff.
<Zhubin> "You'd think. But I begin to get the idea that the Gods may not care about Creation if it doesn't affect them all that much."
* Rudeth is very happy to watch Thrall beat the shit out of Not-Rudeth things. Rudeth tolerates the Beating-the-shit-out-of-Rudeth things with much complaining.
<Greenling> Thrall is... much less beating-the-shit-out-of with Rudeth.
<Greenling> He doesn't even tease him for being mortal much.
* Cho will hopefully finally get a chance to go shoppin'.
<Cho> (Maybe even with his new Exaltation bonus?)
<Greenling> Cho can go-
<Greenling> Fate would like to know what part of being Exalted is getting him bonuses to buying shiny things, but Cho can shop.
<Cho> "Well, sir, at least an advance on my paycheck. It's my first time to Heaven, you know?"
<Greenling> The little god looks at you.
<Cho> :D
<Greenling> "Have you been through your training yet?"
<Cho> "Almost started!"
<Greenling> "Your account settled, all your paperwork in?"
<Cho> "My name should be there. If it's not, then I'm positive it will in a few hours, if not mere minutes."
* Cho looks up at the barque.
<Cho> "Maybe even seconds!"
<Greenling> "Until you're officially a member of the Bureau, which means after your training, your salary is entirely up to discretionary spending by your Sifu. Please contact them."
* Cho snaps his fingers.
<Cho> "Well, thank you for being patient with me. It was nice meeting you."
* Cho bows.
<Greenling> "Mmhmm." It goes back to its magazine.
<Cho> :(
* Cho wonders where Ana got to.
<Cho> "She was supposed to find him at some point in Time (and Space)..."
<Greenling> Zhubin and Peyt will probably eventually remember to check the Bier, wherein they will find Thrall teaching Rudeth how to put people in a headlock.
<Greenling> "And if you move your elbow like this," Thrall demonstrates, "it can cut off the windpipe. A little to the left is the blood supply to the head."
* Zhubin watches as Thrall beats people up.
<Rudeth> "...Huh." o.o
<Greenling> The person in question is not amused, though they don't seem to be particularly injured.
<Greenling> Thrall drops them.
<Greenling> "Hey, Zhubin, Peyt. Come to have some fun?" he grins.
<Rudeth> "Ooh! Peyt! You should try fighting him!"
<Rudeth> :D
* WhiteCrow finds a spot by the edge of a canal with a good view and takes a seat on a bridge-edge, sitting to aketch bassers-bys and things. She write sitn eh margins teh strange things she sees, and ponders a bit on the existance of all the unemployed deities
<Greenling> Thrall smiles beatifically at Peyt.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt scratched at his belly. " Maybe."
<Greenling> "You're Luna's now, aren't you? That would be funnn."
<Rudeth> "Aw, nevermind, Thrall. Peyt probably couldn't beat you anyway."
* Rudeth grins.
<Greenling> Thrall feels a great kinship with Rudeth at this moment.
<Greenling> "Yeah, I dunno, you ever fought an Exalt before?" :3
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Oi. Fuck you, ya lil' pecker. Just because I'm a lil' off from suddenly gainin' new shite doesn't mean I can't still hold m'self in a scrap."
<Rudeth> "Then why don't you prove it?" :3
<Greenling> "We can do this without Charms if you want."
<Greenling> "None of that, no weapons. Now or later." That is a very very creepy grin.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...the hell's the later bit mean?"
<Zhubin> "I'm an old man, Thrall. Grappling and throwing are for you younger folks."
<Greenling> "It means I bet the Manse bullshit's going to take a while and I have a few days of free time, O Tall Dark and Scaly."
<Greenling> "I don't know what you actually came in here for. Did you really just want to see my pretty face?" Still with the creepy grin.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Well, was comin' in to get some questions answered..." Peyt dropped his armor and weapons on the dojo floor. "But right now yer gonna answer to Zhubin, while I leave my boot print on yer ass."
<Greenling> "What, at the same time?"
<Greenling> "What does he want?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Yer the one who was runnin' yer mouth. Figure ya can do it on auto-pilot."
<Zhubin> "Oh, I just had some questions about the proper procedures for the next meeting regarding the issue of the Manse."
<Greenling> "...Saturn, go ahead and kick me in the head a few times, we'll be in better shape to deal with that shit. All right, come on." He steps back, kicks some things off the mat, and motions to Peyt.
<Greenling> "I've got a Charm I can't turn off for it, so to be fair, I'll even give you the first move. Let's see what you've got."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Just hold yer horses." Peyt scratched roughly at the crest on his forehead. "There's just somethin'...been feelin' weird lately. Kind of like a cough ya can't hack up." Scraps of dead skin fell off his forehead as he scratched.
<Greenling> "Uh-huh."
<Peyt_Yenthu> He scratches harder and harder. "But right now it's like...fuck, it's itchy..." He scratches harder, larger pieces of dead skin falling off. His jaw looked to get bigger before shrinking back to normal again.
<Rudeth> "Peyt, you sure you're ok? You should probably get Namwha to look at that later. Might be a rash."
<Greenling> "...Are you shedding?"
<Greenling> "Seriously. I mean are you actually some kind of reptile and you're shedding?"
<Zhubin> " strange." To Thrall: "He is the son of the God of Carnivourous Reptiles, after all?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Fuck you! Just 'cause my pa was a reptile doesn't mean I'm one too! I'm fuckin' normal! I'm 100 percent grade-A Mother Jack Daniel NORMAL!"
<Greenling> "Yeah, but Spirit Shape isn't based on ancestry."
<Rudeth> "Spirit...what?"
<Rudeth> "He's gonna be a ghost?"
<Greenling> "...When did? Normal. Okay. I'm not going there."
<Peyt_Yenthu> At which point claws erupting from Peyt's fingers tore away skin from his forehead, his legs and arms thickening in heavy muscle and his entire body becoming covered in thick red scales and bone barbs. A heavy tail thumped from his back and smacked on the floor, his jaw jutting out and filling with extended razors for teeth.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...motherfucker."
<Greenling> Thrall nods. "Tyrant Lizard. Okay."
<Rudeth> "Thrall, I think you might have a harder time fighting him now."
<Greenling> "I dunno, if he's busting out the shapeshifting I think that means I get to play with Charms."
<Zhubin> "...remind to not get into another drunken punching contest with him again."
<Rudeth> "Also, no offense Peyt, but you look really ugly."
<Greenling> Thrall grins.
<Peyt_Yenthu> The already tall Peyt was now towering over 8 feet, and was several times thicker than before. "...fuck you, ya lil' pecker."
<Greenling> "At least you're not something small and embarassing, right?"
<Zhubin> "I'm now taking bets on just how badly the grinning Thrall beats your ass."
<Rudeth> "Kick his ass, Thrall." :3
<Greenling> "We'll see." <3
<Peyt_Yenthu> The tail lifted and thumped on the floor again. "...Zhubin, the fuck did you do?"
<Rudeth> "I don't think this one is Zhubin's fault."
<Zhubin> "Seriously. You shape-shifting is all you."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "It's always Zhubin's fault." He ground his jaw and let his new massive fangs click. "Alright...test it out." He rushed forward at greater speed than he was normally capable, striking out with a massive fist.
<Zhubin> "Bet you can change back, if you tried. Also betting that you shouldn't do this near Little Tyrant."
<Greenling> Thrall seems to be about to sidestep the attack, but Peyt apparently is not used to the center of gravity when in possession of a giant tail.
<Greenling> He moves back behind Peyt and into an arcane stance, his face growing serious.
<Greenling> Then, he just waits.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt skids along, not quite used to his massive size just yet. His tail spun as a counterweight to strike with another punch.
<Greenling> Thrall attempts to leap out of the way, and misjudges Peyt's size slightly.
<Greenling> Peyt's punch grazes him.
* Cho has quit IRC (Disintegrated: ajax IRC Client�)
<Greenling> He recovers and rolls to his feet, returning with an uppercut to the Tyrant-Lizard-Man's jaw, followed by a swift kick to a less-armored part in the same moment.
<Zhubin> "So, Thrall, what kinds of procedures are normal for a formal meeting? Like what are we supposed to do, or bring, do you know?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt opens his mouth wide, leaving a bed of sharp fangs for Thrall's fist to pummel at, while his tail lifts up to guard his less-armored areas.
<Greenling> "Dunno, never been audited," he calls to Zhubin.
* Cho has joined #fridaymortals
<Greenling> (wb)
<Zhubin> "Huh. Well, this isn't an audit, but the stuff is the same?"
<Greenling> "Maybe?" Thrall misses the fangs, but still gives Peyt a nice bruise.
<Zhubin> "Would you mind helping us find out after this?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt growled deep in his throat, not even realizing as he grasped both scaled hands together and held over his hand, then roaring out like a giant lizard as he smashed them down to the ground and aimed at Thrall's head.
<Greenling> "Maybe."
<Greenling> Thrall catches Peyt's fists in his hands and uses the slight imbalance in Peyt's stance that the tail would be correcting if it hadn't been being used as armor to toss the Lunar over into the wall.
<Greenling> This sadly does not work, and Thrall just gets another bruise.
<Greenling> "..."
<Greenling> "Nice."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Yeah, yeah. While we got yer attention, why the fuck is everyone lookin' at me like I ate their mum right in front of them?"
<Greenling> "Fuck if I know, they do the same thing to me." He lunges at Peyt and his blow blurs into several.
<Greenling> His Caste Mark flares a bright, glaring magenta.
<Zhubin> "It could be because the both of you lack social graces?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt's pupils slim into slits as he roars again, his tail thumping against the dojo floor hard enough to make small cracks. He rushed forward in time with Thrall, doing his best to use a spinning tail and heavy bony scaled arms to block and defend.
<Greenling> Thrall punches Peyt several times in the Virtues.
<Peyt_Yenthu> By Compassion and Conviction
<Peyt_Yenthu> *Bye
<Cho> (D:)
<Greenling> His anima swirls menacingly. "...You okay?"
<Cho> *(D: )
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt held his gut. "...the shit about no charms?" He got back up from the attack, blood dripping down his teeth. "Heheh...ah well...maybe ye'll be less of a twit if I ate an arm o' yers..."
* Zhubin chimes in from the sideline.
<Zhubin> "Bad Peyt! No eating arms of friends."
<Zhubin> "Bad Tyrant Lizard Bandit thing!"
<Greenling> He glares. "You broke it first, dumbass."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I'm pretty sure it'd taste good..." His stomach rumbled a bit. "Or flesh tearin'...yeah..." His eyes glazed over with a red haze as his mouth opened wide and lunged forward in a bite.
<Zhubin> "Also, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't get it back." Zhubin watches as Peyt lunges. "I'm going to need to invest in a very large bucket of water to cool his temper off, aren't I?"
<Greenling> "Hm. Probably should've used the other Form." Thrall leaps for the rafters.
<Greenling> "You think he's going to stop? You've known him longer than me." He seems to be debating whether to knock something heavy on top of Peyt or what.
<Zhubin> "Also, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't get it back." Zhubin watches as Peyt lunges. "I'm going to need to invest in a very large bucket of water to cool his temper off, aren't I?"
<Zhubin> (Agh! Dammit mIRC!)
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt bites at empty air, his red-glazed eyes following Thrall up to the rafters. "Runnin' away? Ya fuckin' bitch!" His massive tail spins to smash into the wall in an attempt to shake the rafters.
<Zhubin> ", no. Go on and knock something heavy onto him."
<Greenling> Thrall cackles.
<Greenling> Thankfully, the Bier is mostly used to this sort of thing, and does not collapse on everyone's heads, but one of the rafters damaged in an earlier fight does dislodge. Conveniently enough, the one Thrall's standing on.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt looks up, barely registering the rafter as it struck him right between the eyes, the large lizard man stumbling around a bit more before finally passing out on the floor of the dojo.
<Zhubin> "I wasn't expecting something quite so heavy, but who knows. It may finally teach him the value of subtlety."
<Greenling> "I was trying to hit him in the Valor, but it just seemed to keep finding everything else instead. Weird."
<Greenling> "Ah well, lesson learned. So what was it you wanted again?" Thrall hops off the rafter, glowing with barely-natural malice.
<Zhubin> "To find out the best way to help our case in the arbitration."
<Greenling> "Ohh. Technically I am supposed to know that."
* Zhubin laughs.
<Zhubin> "By that, I'm guessing that means you didn't pay much attention."
<Greenling> "I figured learning how to stab people better would be more important. So far I'm pretty sure I was right."
<Greenling> "Though like most things up here, you're probably supposed to drag in your political allies."
<Zhubin> "To each their own. Know who wouldn't mind being asked, then?"
<Greenling> "Uh." He thinks.
<Greenling> "With or without asking something in return?"
<Zhubin> "....this isn't minor enough to just ask a question, get an answer?"
<Greenling> "Or you could just read the fucking manual, I guess. But that wouldn't have all the practical shit in it. Probably. Like I said, I usually stay out of the whole politics and bureaucracy. Being Bronze scarily enough gives me a little exemption on that."
<Greenling> "...You're potentially getting a Manse out of this, but depending on who you asked, probably that's a flat no."
<Greenling> "Welcome to Yu-Shan, pay at the door."
<Zhubin> "I have no idea what that means, but ok, I don't mind making is so Peyt has to owe me a debt."
<Zhubin> *making it
<Greenling> "You might have to finagle that."
<Zhubin> "The manual would probably be a good start, at the least, though."
* Zhubin considers.
<Zhubin> "What manual, by the way?"
<Greenling> "That's probably upstairs in the Office of Bureaucratic Minutiae. Most of the regulations are."
<Greenling> "The one involving arbitration. It's probably one of the ones with a five-digit number. Get the latest revision."
<Zhubin> "There is something to be said for Peyt's views on this mess....Mind helping me find it, and I'll make sure Peyt doesn't cause major shit while we're here."
<Greenling> "..."
<Greenling> "Uh, I have better things to do this week."
<Zhubin> "Oh yeah...there was one of your colleagues who helped us out earlier...had cat-ears?"
<Greenling> "I mean, I could? But- Cat Ears?"
<Zhubin> "Yeeeeees....."
<Greenling> "What, you mean that Harbinger dude?"
<Greenling> "Fuck, what's his name..."
<Zhubin> "Maybe?"
<Rudeth> "...What's wrong with cat ears?" D:
<Greenling> "Mosty he's just a dick."
<Greenling> (+l)
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt is peacefully snoring as best as a bleeding giant lizardman can.
<Zhubin> "Nothing Rudy. They're a distinguishing mark, though."
<Zhubin> "Huh. Seemed nice to Peyt and I. Can't really hurt to ask, and who knows? Maybe you can pawn us off onto him for a while."
<Greenling> Thrall is unconcerned with the bleeding man who just had part of a building fall on him.
<Greenling> "...Ahehe, no, I'm not letting you chuckleheads near him without supervision."
<Greenling> "What did kitty tell you?"
<Zhubin> "That we'd been tricked into the wrong building at one point. Told us where the right one was."
<Greenling> "...Right."
<Greenling> "And did he conveniently imply who might have pulled such a horrible trick on you without actually putting himself in any danger of being told to fuck off in any way?"
<Zhubin> "Well...yes, I guess. He mentioned he thought it was Wreath who was angling for the Manse, and she was at the meeting, after all."
<Greenling> "Thus gaining your trust without actually putting forth any more effort than being all nice and suave, right? Did he ask you for anything in return?"
<Greenling> "Or is he waiting on that?" :P
<Zhubin> "No, didn't ask for a, not actually nice?"
<Greenling> "Bitch is a con man of the first order."
<Zhubin> "Seriously? The rules here in Yu-Shan are more convoluted than Varangia. While being drunk and stoned out of your mind."
<Greenling> "It's his thing. He's not usually harmful, but if his mouth is open, he's trying to get something from you."
<Zhubin> "So...he's a smooth version of a normal person?"
<Greenling> "...The fuck did you get more cynical than me? Get out of my office." Thrall gives Zhubin a surprised look and waves his hand at him.
<Greenling> He starts walking back over to Rudeth.
<Zhubin> "We're not in an office. And besides, I have to wait for the lizard-lug, unless you want to deal with him for the rest of the day."
<Zhubin> "And I was a merchant for over 20 years. Of course I expect shit from people."
<Greenling> "This is as close as I get to an office. But, sure, okay, stand here." He looks at his brother. "You want another round, or what?"
* Zhubin makes sure he is out of the way of the training area.
<Rudeth> "Uh..." He glances at Peyt. "I think I'll pass. I'm, uh, hungry. Not good to fight on an empty stomach."
<Greenling> Thrall laughs.
* Zhubin snickers.
<Zhubin> "Can't blame you on not wanting to get thrown around Rudy. I'm not exactly volunteering, you may notice."
<Greenling> "Fine. Let's go eat, then, or something. Maybe we can find where that other Solar is before she... you know, the Dawn Caste is pretty sedate. That's pretty fucked up. Still."
<Rudeth> "The--oh, you mean Crow. She still thinks demons are trying to take her over."
<Greenling> "And that will never stop being funny. Best idea Kejak ever had."
<Greenling> "Do you know why their major offices all have big funky hats?"
<Rudeth> "Why?"
<Greenling> "You remember what I told you about Mary Fang and my cloak and all that?"
<Rudeth> "yeah?"
<Greenling> "...You're a smart boy, think about it."
<Zhubin> "Wait. Did you say 'Kejak'?"
<Greenling> "Yeah?"
<Greenling> "Don't tell me you've met him."
<Zhubin> Zhubin describes him. "Him?"
<Greenling> Thrall's eyes go wide.
<Greenling> "And he didn't gib you and hide the body? Dude. What does the Gold have on you?"
<Zhubin> "He ran into me, literally, when we were finding the God of Lost Things."
<Greenling> For convenience's sake, Crow and Namhwa run into each other.
<Zhubin> "The Gold? Bronze? What in the name of the Sun are you even talking about? Also...I seem to remember a very young version of him maybe...slitting my throat, for some reason."
<Zhubin> Zhubin coughs, one hand idly rubbing his neck.
<Greenling> Thrall just smiles.
<Greenling> "Why don't you ask Namhwa?"
* Rudeth is still trying to figure out what Mary Fang, Thrall's cloak, and Big Funky Hats have to do with one another.
* Cho peers over Crow's shoulder, if plausible."
<Greenling> "Might be real important someday."
<Zhubin> "Why are you grinning like that? It's like you expect something to destroy me when I ask."
* Rudeth ends up just imagining Mary Fang in a big funky hat.
<Greenling> "Maybe the God of Irony."
<Greenling> "Seriously, though, go ask Namhwa."
<Zhubin> "I'd yell at you, but you kicked Peyt's ass without breaking a sweat, and I like being whole."
* Zhubin shrugs and nods.
<Zhubin> "I'll ask Cho when I see him."
* Zhubin ponders.
<Greenling> Thrall nods and, if Rudeth does not object, takes his brother out to eat.
<Zhubin> "Wait, Crow thinks she's been possessed because of the Immaculate is that Kejak's idea?"
<Greenling> "Ancient Creation-spanning conspiracy."
<Rudeth> "So what the hell does Mary Fang have with funny hats?"
<Rudeth> (*have to do)
<Zhubin> "....I'm not sure if you're kidding or not. If you are, that's a pretty big joke. If you aren't....well, that just means worshipping the Sun really is the right thing to do, like I thought."
<Zhubin> "Though it also means that for some reason, Kejak did cut my throat....I really need to stop having that flashback. It's creepy."
<Greenling> "He's your God. He Chose you. If you need any more reason than that, you've got a problem."
<Zhubin> "Oh, I was touring around Creating, spreading his worship before that." Zhubin waves a hand dismissively. "It's just nice to know, you know, that I'm objectively in the right."
* Cho taps WhiteCrow on the shoulder.
<Greenling> Thrall shrugs.
<Greenling> "He's your God. He Chose you. I don't... even see what objective or whatever has to do with anything."
<Zhubin> "Not that I know all that much about being Chosen. The big guy said "Hey, do more of what you were doing." Good enough for me, really."
<Zhubin> "I just wish I knew exactly what I can do, besides apparently take an axe to the face. And make Gem disappear on accident."
<Greenling> "You belong to Him, nothing else should be relevant." He growls slightly under his breath. "But whatever, theology."
<Zhubin> "Seems reasonable enough."
* Zhubin goes and kicks Peyt.
<Greenling> "If you want dinner, someone'll probably deal with Peyt. If not, I don't care. Bye."
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt continues napping.
<Zhubin> "Get up, we're going for dinner."
<Greenling> Thrall will again attempt to leave.
* Cho pretends to push WhiteCrow into the canal, and then pull her back.
* Zhubin follows, like a lost 'lil puppy. Mooching for food.
<Greenling> Conveniently enough again, Zhu Rudy etc. walk past Cho and Crow.
<Cho> "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey."
<Greenling> "Hey!" Thrall waves to Namhwa.
<Rudeth> "Namwha! Crow!"
<Cho> :)
<WhiteCrow> ?
<Rudeth> "We were gonna ask you about a rash on Peyt's forehead, but it turns out he was turning into a lizard, so it;s nothing to worry about."
* WhiteCrow hmmms, looking over her houlsder at passers by, "Yes?"
<Cho> "How convenient. Where is he, by the way? Usually you all don't let him out of your sight."
<Zhubin> "Oh, and we're going for dinner. He's sleeping, Thrall knocked him out."
<Greenling> "He's unconscious in the dojo."
<Cho> "How unfortunate."
<Zhubin> "Aaaactually....I'd kind of like to learn how to do that."
<Rudeth> "Thrall destroyed his mind or some crazy thing like that. He started acting crazy...crazier."
<Zhubin> "It...could come in handy."
<Cho> :(
<Greenling> "Bruised his Virtue channels. They'll be back."
<Rudeth> "That thing."
<Zhubin> "Ah, yes. Cho, dear companion. Thrall directed me to ask you as to why I would remember 'Kejak' slitting my throat."
<Cho> "I'm sorry to hear that. Destroying another person's mind would be awful... Wait, you mean that you altered his fundamental perceptions of the world?"
<Zhubin> "And that phrase really gets worse each time I say it."
<Cho> "I thought all that was theoretical."
<Zhubin> "And something about the Gold and Bronze, whatever those are?"
<Greenling> "Yeah, I kicked him in the fundametal perceptions. I'm just badass like that." <3
<Greenling> (+n)
<Cho> "I'm not sure why you would remember something like that. What was the context, and who is 'Kejak'?"
<Greenling> "So, Cho, wanna get some sushi?"
<Cho> "Sounds like a fabulous idea."
<Zhubin> "Context was a very old man, who Thrall is in deathly fear of, brushed into me at a God's Bureau."
* Zhubin shrugs.
<Greenling> "...I am not afraid of him. Bite me."
<Zhubin> "Thrall just said to ask you about the Gold, Bronze, and Kejak."
<Greenling> "He's just got a few millenia on me."
<Zhubin> "But if you don't know, we can all just sit and pester him. Right Rudy?"
<Greenling> "I could totally take him if I was, y'know, Permanent Essence 9?"
<Cho> "Well, perhaps deja vu. I'm afraid that medicine of the mind is a very experimental science, and despite my expertise not one that I'm familiar enough with to really diagnose you."
<Rudeth> "I want sushi. Can we do this over sushi?"
<Zhubin> "Oooh, that sounds good."
* Zhubin blinks, as a page of the 'Guideline to Essence' pops into his brain.
<Zhubin> "ESSENCE WHAT?"
<Greenling> "You're damn right. If not higher."
<Zhubin> "I...see why you asked why he didn't destroy me...but why would he, anyways? Not like I was running around with my 'caste mark' showing."
<Greenling> "Because every Sidereal in Yu-Shan probably knows what you look like by now."
<Zhubin> "How?"
<Greenling> "...Office gossip?"
<Rudeth> "To be fair Zhubin, you were sort of...present...when Gem vanished..and were kind of...allegedly the cause of it. Sort of."
<Cho> "How many are there? The guide said 100 possible, but I've only met... Four?"
<Zhubin> "Wait. Let me guess. Gem..."
<Greenling> "We had a whole meeting on you. Two of them."
<Greenling> "One of them they made ME go to. I never get invited to that shit."
<Zhubin> "Two meetings about me?"
<Zhubin> "...that's bad, isn't it?"
<Greenling> "Yes. Well. About Gem, but also about you."
<Greenling> "Given the whole, what the fuck thing."
<Rudeth> "The outside of fate thing?"
<Greenling> "That didn't help."
<Zhubin> "I already said I want to do whatever it takes to set it they know that?"
<Greenling> "You were thiiiis close to being officially reclassed as a demon." Thrall holds up fingers which might theoretically have space between them.
* Cho whispers to Zhubin, "I have something resembling a plan, by the way, if you're willing to listen."
<Zhubin> " can we get back �in� Fate?....holy Sun."
* Zhubin nods to Cho.
<Greenling> He points to Namhwa. "Kalil gave him the paperwork for that."
<Greenling> "If it works."
<Zhubin> ".....frankly that's so pants-shittingly frightening I'm going to pretend you never said that."
<Zhubin> "In regards to me being an official demon."
* Zhubin thinks.
<Greenling> "Yup."
<Zhubin> "What Circle?"
<Greenling> "Second."
<Cho> "Quit saying that," Cho hisses while he motions toward the still apparently-ignorant White Crow.
<Zhubin> "Not know what, sushi.....holy shit."
<Greenling> "Buh?"
<Cho> "Mmmmm, can't wait for some seafood."
<Greenling> "Yeah, let's do this while going towards sushi."
<Cho> "Perhaps we can hash out some plans at the restaurant?"
* Zhubin nods.
* WhiteCrow spins a bit, "CIrcle, that's groupings, right?"
<WhiteCrow> "I kind of gotten that from talking to some locals."
<WhiteCrow> "I think."
<Cho> "From what I've read."
* Cho points to a page in _So You're a Sidereal_ that talks about serving with Solar Circles.
<Zhubin> "Do they have a Solar version of that book?!?"
<Zhubin> "Because I could use a basic 'so, now what'...."
<Greenling> "Not anymore."
* Zhubin sighs.
<Cho> "You know, I was just thinking about checking an antique shop, since this is so old."
<Zhubin> In a non serious tone: "Another Creation-wide conspiracy?"
<WhiteCrow> "Seems so." She thinks a bit as she sketches soem stuff down into her book again, "By the way, there are a lot of panhanlders here."
<Greenling> "Which bit?"
<Greenling> "The one where you all got killed about a thousand years ago?"
<Greenling> "Yeah.
* Zhubin laughs!
* Zhubin stops laughing as his throat itches.
<Cho> :/
<Zhubin> "Naaaaah."
<Greenling> "Oh. I meant the 'yeah' to Crow."
<Cho> :D
<Zhubin> "I mean, it's not the First Age was brought down by a conspiracy to eliminate the Solars and then have everyone think of us as demons. That's just nonsense."
<Cho> "Right, (sushi?)"
* Cho doesn't want to have this conversation.
<Rudeth> "SUSHI."
<Rudeth> "I want a shrimp roll!"
* WhiteCrow shrugs, "Honestly, if such a thing existed, it may of had justfication, but frankly, I doubt its something that elaborate. Cultural shif thappens afterall."
* Cho loops his arm through Rei's, then motions for Rudy to do the same.
<Zhubin> "Yeah, sushi." Zhubin looks directly at Thrall. "You've really got to work on your delivery of jokes."
* Cho loops his arm through Rudy's then starts walking down the road.
<Greenling> Thrall laughs.
* Rudeth marches down the road alongside Thrall.
* Cho thanks Saturn for ending this nonsense talk.
* Cho stops.
* Zhubin helps White Crow up, and follows Thrall and the others.
<Cho> "Saturn, graceful lady of the black firmament, I offer my thanks to you as your Chosen Black Hand, the Butterfly on the Wind and Scourge of Disease and all that is Inhumane. You, my lady, are my saving grace, my purpose, my patron, and my goal."
* WhiteCrow brushes ehrself up and follows, "So what's been going on? Everyone's out and in all the time." SHe looks thorugh her sketchbook again and tilts her ehad, "And again, lots of panhandlers here."
* Cho tries to think of a suitable sacrifice, then removes the bracelet his wife made for him.
<Greenling> Thrall brohugs Namhwa.
<Greenling> "Today is a wonderful day."
* Cho sets it on the ground, then smashes it tearfully and hugs Thrall back.
<Cho> "Indeed, one of new beginnings."
* Rudeth changes topic to 'Zhubin> "I mean, it's not the First Age was brought down by a conspiracy to eliminate the Solars and then have everyone think of us as demons. That's just nonsense."�'
* Rudeth changes topic to '<Zhubin> "I mean, it's not the First Age was brought down by a conspiracy to eliminate the Solars and then have everyone think of us as demons. That's just nonsense."�'
<Greenling> "You're getting into this priest thing, aren't you?"
<Greenling> "Great. Not enough people take this shit seriously." That looks almost like a genuine smile.
<Cho> :( "It just felt right."
<Cho> "Thank you, though. Your support is appreciated, [chingu]."
<Cho> (Western for Friend)
<Greenling> "Any friend of my Lady's is a friend of mine."
<Greenling> You arrive at the sushi bar.
<Greenling> It is sushi and fresh-made ramen.
* WhiteCrow shrugs, looking at Thrall, then Zhubin, "You can do religious stuff, right? I have a list of people who may be itnerested in you."
<Greenling> (because the GM wants real ramen.)
<Cho> "Yum."
<Zhubin> "I guess so, as the Sun chose me as a Priest, yes. Not that I'm well trained in performing."
<Greenling> "Do... religious... I'm a priest of one of the Incarnae? What d'you mean interested?"
<WhiteCrow> "I got a list of people looking for prayers here. I thought dulling it out might help, but I"m not very good at it beyond the base rote things."
<WhiteCrow> "Though, I'm not sure if gods re fine with that and not the really big gallant ones here. I just know the basics, again."
<Greenling> "Oh. Eh. That might go against policy, depending on what you're asking."
<Greenling> "Or not. I might look at it later."
<Greenling> There is a table. You are at it.
* Rudeth EATS RAMEN!
* WhiteCrow looks around quietly as they sit down, before asking randomly, "So ummm, wha tis going on, precisely?"
<Greenling> "Lots of shit. Be more specific."
* Zhubin eats some sushi. Pretty rare in the South, after all.
<Rudeth> "...Thrall, is a Dragon Roll actually made out of dragon?"
<Greenling> Thrall gets a bowl of ramen spicy enough to start contaminating nearby foodstuffs with its steam.
<Greenling> He chokes on the first bite.
* Zhubin gets one of those, too.
* WhiteCrow stares at the food, but makes apoint to order tea. She also orders something cooked, not trusting this 'raw fish" deal.
<Zhubin> "That smells GOOD!"
<Greenling> "...KFFFFF. Hk- kaf- HACK- hahahahahahaha."
* Cho just has buttered ramen with clams, shrimp, and scallops.
<Greenling> *Cough* "Hah, no. No. Oh gods."
* Cho decides to have some suhsi, too.
<Zhubin> "Agh. That's as much kick as when I was tricked into eating fire-dust!" Zhubin coughs a couple times, and continues to munch happily.

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