Mortals Log2

From Greenthings

Carvings, Chow Mein, and a Cell Phone

[19:15] AlexMeriweather: The voices in Thomas' head that've been whispering and mumbling for several minutes now suddenly die down and become completely silent.
[19:15] Thomas: Thomas stopped. He blinked a few moments. He ground his knuckle into his temple again. "Wake up..."
[19:16] AlexMeriweather: They giggle. After a moment, one says /...goose!/
[19:16] *** The_Lady has joined #memphis.
[19:16] The_Lady: The Lady's shadow falls upon the room
[19:16] AlexMeriweather: (wits+composure all around from y'all.)
[19:16] Thomas: The paranoid boy's eyes widen. "Max...something's wrong..."
[19:16] Thomas: !roll_ww 5 8
[19:16] The_Lady: Thomas invokes the Lady...
[19:16] The_Lady: Error! Reroll threshold must be greater than Target Number!
[19:17] Max: Max blinks, suddenyl very worried and looking almost as nervous as Thomas...
[19:17] Thomas: !roll_ww 5 8 11
[19:17] The_Lady: Thomas invokes the Lady...
[19:17] The_Lady: 2, 4, 6, 7, 10
[19:17] The_Lady: rolled 5d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 11 or better
[19:17] Max: !roll_ww 4 8 10
[19:17] The_Lady: Max invokes the Lady...
[19:17] The_Lady: 5, 7, 8, 8, 10
[19:17] The_Lady: rolled 4d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:17] Thomas: !roll_ww 1 8 11
[19:17] The_Lady: Thomas invokes the Lady...
[19:17] The_Lady: 9
[19:17] The_Lady: rolled 1d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 11 or better
[19:17] Thomas: (2 sux. Forgot the nwod roller for a second there)
[19:18] Wildfire: !roll_ww 5 8 10
[19:18] The_Lady: Wildfire invokes the Lady...
[19:18] The_Lady: 2, 3, 7, 8, 8
[19:18] The_Lady: rolled 5d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:18] AlexMeriweather: (it rerolls for ya. :3)
[19:18] AlexMeriweather: (well, you succeed regardless. : D)
[19:18] AlexMeriweather: (Wildfire?)
[19:19] AlexMeriweather: (or oh, yeah. nm.)
[19:19] AlexMeriweather: (anyway!)
[19:19] Thomas: (Yeah. Forgot to put in the thing for it to reroll. So I rolled again. 2 sux. Stuff. Yeah.)
[19:20] AlexMeriweather: There is a tapping, a little scratching, scratching at the closet door.
[19:21] AlexMeriweather: After a moment, it stops.
[19:21] Max: MAx very slowly turns his head and looks at the closet.
[19:21] Thomas: "My shotgun..........." But the door was locked. How did anything get in? HOW DID ANYTHING GET IN!?
[19:21] Max: "...We don't have anything that should be making noises in there..."
[19:22] Thomas: Thomas moved back, stumbling over himself as he tripped over the couch and hid behind it
[19:22] AlexMeriweather: Scratch scra- THUMP click.
[19:22] Max: Max stands up slowly and starts walking for the door...
[19:22] AlexMeriweather: Silence.
[19:23] Max: He pauses... keeps walking, hand outstretched to take hold of the closet doorknob. "Here goes..."
[19:23] AlexMeriweather: Siiilence.
[19:24] Wildfire: "Lovely...." James draws his pistol, "Get to the side of the door and open it so you're out of the way," he says
[19:24] Thomas: Thomas stayed down behind the couch, watching and looking, his glasses awkward from the stumbling.
[19:24] Wildfire: (you guys have a coffee table in here?)
[19:24] Max: (Yup)
[19:25] Max: Max does as the officer tells him, opening the door and slamming it open and diving to the side out of the way.
[19:26] * Wildfire kicks the coffee table over so it shields him in the direction of the closet just before Max does that
[19:26] AlexMeriweather: Well!
[19:26] AlexMeriweather: You see
[19:26] Cat: (NOTHING </NihilistBirthdayGift>)
[19:27] *** AlexMeriweather has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: ajax IRC Client).
[19:28] Thomas: (HORRIBLE TIMING)
[19:28] Wildfire: (....)
[19:28] Cat: (How anticlimcatic)
[19:28] Ari_Lain: (We killed the GM)
[19:28] Wildfire: (WORST. TIMING. EVER)
[19:28] Cat: (*actic)
[19:28] *** AlexMeriweather has joined #memphis.
[19:28] Thomas: (...or IT killed the GM)
[19:28] Thomas: (I DON'T WANNA KNOW ANYMORE)
[19:28] Cat: (Haha)
[19:28] Max: (RAR)
[19:28] AlexMeriweather: (XD)
[19:28] AlexMeriweather: (repeat the last few lines?)
[19:28] Thomas: (HORRIBLE TIMING)
[19:28] Cat: [19:26] AlexMeriweather: You see
[19:26] Cat: (NOTHING </NihilistBirthdayGift>)
[19:27] *** AlexMeriweather has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: ajax IRC Client).
[19:29] AlexMeriweather: (roflmao.)
[19:29] Ari_Lain: (Cat - no more killing the ST)
[19:30] Wildfire: (Also: [22:28] Thomas: (...or IT killed the GM)[22:28] *** AlexMeriweather has joined #memphis.[22:28] Thomas: (I DON'T WANNA KNOW ANYMORE))
[19:30] AlexMeriweather: The closet is... dark. There are clothes in it. The shotgun has fallen down.
[19:31] AlexMeriweather: You... don't see anything.
[19:31] Cat: (I was right!)
[19:31] AlexMeriweather: Oh. Though there are some nice new carvings in the door.
[19:31] Max: o_O
[19:31] Thomas: Thomas looked about, hopping back onto the couch. He tucks his knees up to his chest, holding himself in tight in a small ball. "...m-my shotgun....p-p-please..."
[19:31] * Wildfire clicks the safety on his gun and lowers it
[19:33] Wildfire: "Well, that was...disturbing." James walks over to the closet
[19:34] Max: Max examines the carvings, completely forgetting about the shotgun. "A... a gun falling wouldn't make these, would it?"
[19:35] Wildfire: "That would be...highly improbable."
[19:35] AlexMeriweather: There are several, and you can stick most of a finger joint in them. You can deduce from there.
[19:36] Thomas: Thomas rocks back and forth, mumbling to himself. "Wake up...w-wake up...." His knuckles dig hard into his temple, trying to re-awaken the voice.
[19:37] AlexMeriweather: The voices slowly go back to their usual level of mumbling and hissing.
[19:38] Thomas: Thomas slowly relaxed, the presence of the voices soothing him. They would protect him...warn him...he'd be alright.....for now.
[19:38] AlexMeriweather: The carvings do look interesting, though. Kind of... specific.
[19:38] Thomas: "It should b-be gone..."
[19:38] Max: Max scrambles back from the etchings in the door, taking the shotgun and sliding it to Thomas. "It's, uh, for home defense..."
[19:38] AlexMeriweather: Less like scratches, more like symbols.
[19:39] AlexMeriweather: ("yeah, we need a lot of defense from horrible monsters from beyond the wherever the fuck they're from.")
[19:39] Thomas: Thomas grabs the gun, holding it tight like a security blanket. His eyes would dash every so often to the scratches. (Roll to figure them out?)
[19:39] Wildfire: "Right. I never saw it." James pulls out a little notebook and starts sketching what's carved in the back of the door
[19:40] AlexMeriweather: (Int+Occult.)
[19:40] AlexMeriweather: (from anyone who likes.)
[19:41] Thomas: !roll_ww 7 8 10
[19:41] The_Lady: Thomas invokes the Lady...
[19:41] The_Lady: 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 6
[19:41] The_Lady: rolled 7d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:41] Thomas: (Fuck. You. Lady. Seriously. Fuck. You. God. Fucking. Dammit. Fuck. You.)
[19:41] Wildfire: !roll_ww 3 8 10
[19:41] The_Lady: Wildfire invokes the Lady...
[19:41] The_Lady: 3, 8, 9
[19:41] The_Lady: rolled 3d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:41] AlexMeriweather: (XD)
[19:41] Thomas: (Seriously, Lady. Fuck off.)
[19:42] Wildfire: (Go Go Gadget Policeman!)
[19:42] Cat: (*patpat*)
[19:42] AlexMeriweather: Well, the first thing James notices is that he's seen something like this before, actually.
[19:42] AlexMeriweather: Some of the scratches on the rocks around that body looked... yeah, the rest of 'em maybe maybe not, but *that* weird-ass symbol you recall.
[19:43] AlexMeriweather: It's been in a couple of places. Huh.
[19:43] Cat: (What symbol? :O)
[19:43] AlexMeriweather: It's, uh... kind of a box with swirls at the corners.
[19:45] AlexMeriweather: You note down the rest.
[19:45] AlexMeriweather: The closet remains dark.
[19:46] Cat: (Like, unnaturally dark?)
[19:46] AlexMeriweather: (what's the lighting like in the apartment? :3)
[19:47] Thomas: (From what I remember, it's a pretty nice apartment.)
[19:47] Cat: (So decent or better lighting)
[19:47] Max: (I did not spend all those Merits on Resources to live in a dump. :P)
[19:48] AlexMeriweather: (XD)
[19:48] AlexMeriweather: It is kinda fuzzy and odd back there.
[19:49] Max: Max reaches up to turn on the closet light...
[19:49] Thomas: Thomas keeps his shotgun close by...just in case.
[19:51] AlexMeriweather: Maaax.
[19:51] AlexMeriweather: Is the light switch in the closet?
[19:51] AlexMeriweather: Or not?
[19:51] Max: It is. T___T
[19:51] Cat: (I would assume it's a chain thingy hanging from the light in the closet since he's reaching up)
[19:52] AlexMeriweather: (roll for me? :3 Dex+Athletics, or you can use something else with a description.)
[19:52] AlexMeriweather: ( do want to not dramatic failure this.)
[19:53] Max: (O_O)
[19:53] Thomas: (NOOO!)
[19:53] Wildfire: (well, crap)
[19:53] Max: !roll_ww 4 8 10
[19:53] The_Lady: Max invokes the Lady...
[19:53] The_Lady: 2, 7, 7, 8
[19:53] The_Lady: rolled 4d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[19:53] AlexMeriweather: (I mean, no huge deal if you normal-fail it. but uh, just don't.)
[19:53] Max: (Phew...)
[19:53] Thomas: (Holy shit...)
[19:53] AlexMeriweather: Max turns on the light!
[19:54] Thomas: (....UP YOURS)
[19:54] Thomas: (Freaking me out like that...)
[19:54] AlexMeriweather: ...Yup, the back of the closet remains dar- wait, there it goes. It's kinda fading into light.
[19:54] Wildfire: (Well, don't get reduced to a chance die and then roll a 1)
[19:54] Cat: (haha)
[19:54] AlexMeriweather: That is goddamn freaky.
[19:55] Wildfire: (You can't get a dramatic failure without being forced down to a chance roll, accordign to the core rules btw)
[19:55] Wildfire: (are we changing that?)
[19:55] Thomas: Thomas's eye twitches, the shotgun up and aimed at the closet. Just...just in case. "...w-w-ww-e're not t-turning the l-lights off an*cough*anymore."
[19:55] Max: Max scrambles back in fright. THAT was NOT normal.
[19:56] AlexMeriweather: (nope.)
[19:56] Cat: (Hehe, I say if you get nothing but ones on a roll with 3+ dice, it should be dramatic)
[19:56] Cat: (But I'm mean.)
[19:56] Max: "Ohshit what the FUCK was that?" He scrambles over until he's back on the couch next to Thomas, where the big boom stick can protect him from the scary things.
[19:57] AlexMeriweather: (I... would have said something beforehand. but that is a good idea.)
[19:57] Thomas: " t-through darkness...shadow, darkness shadow m-more in dark..."
[19:58] Thomas: Thomas turned to look at the cop. "...w-where were the o-o-other b-bodies? D-dark places n-nearby?"
[19:58] AlexMeriweather: /More in the dark more in the dark/
[19:58] AlexMeriweather: (echo, echo.)
[19:58] Thomas: Thomas jerks at the new voice in his head. He looks about. "...a-all lights on. M-more..."
[20:00] Wildfire: "...good idea."
[20:01] AlexMeriweather: (none of them were dramatically or specifically near dark places, but it's kind of hard not to be near *anything*.)
[20:01] Wildfire: "Lets see...the one by the river was near the grate leading into the sewer system..." James thinks about the others, "Not specifically, that I can think of. Although its entirely possible."
[20:02] Thomas: "Night time...darkness e-everywhere...attacks at day, in dark places...they hunt. They...t-they eat..."
[20:04] Max: MAx slings an arm around Thomas and stays close. "Okay Thomas, you're really freaking me out here too..."
[20:04] Thomas: "S-something was i-in our closet and I'M the one f-freaking you out?!"
[20:04] Cat: (Roll to remember that I was talking about it getting really dark when I was attacked?)
[20:05] AlexMeriweather: (sure.)
[20:05] Wildfire: (that for me, I assume)
[20:05] Cat: (Yar)
[20:05] Wildfire: (int+composure?)
[20:05] Cat: (biarbi, dinner time)
[20:06] AlexMeriweather: (sure.)
[20:06] Max: "Urgh, you know what I mean... This is... argh..." The pen sat uncomfortably heavy in his pocket, whispering to him seductively, offering answers for blood.
[20:07] Wildfire: !roll_ww 5 8 10
[20:07] The_Lady: Wildfire invokes the Lady...
[20:07] The_Lady: 5, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10
[20:07] The_Lady: rolled 5d10. Got 5 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:07] Wildfire: (Exceptional Sucess!!)
[20:08] AlexMeriweather: Not only do you remember that, you also get a free hint: she also talked about scratching on a door.
[20:09] Wildfire: "Another one of the victims, the one that lived, talked about it getting very dark before she was attacked, and a scratching on a door..."
[20:10] Wildfire: James tilts his head, "I wonder if that scene has been investigated
[20:10] Wildfire: "
[20:10] AlexMeriweather: (erf. phone brb)
[20:12] Max: Max swallows hard. "If it hasn't been, maybe it should be?"
[20:12] AlexMeriweather: (back.)
[20:12] Wildfire: "Yes, definatly. I think the rest of the department brushed it off a little..."
[20:13] AlexMeriweather: Well, the guy who owned the laundromat was pretty pissed.
[20:14] AlexMeriweather: Blah blah crazy late at night winos blah blah.
[20:14] Thomas: "It should b-be looked into again...I suppose........" His eyes never left the closet.
[20:15] Wildfire: "Mhmm.."
[20:16] AlexMeriweather: (scene finish, move to Ari?)
[20:16] AlexMeriweather: (y/n?)
[20:16] Wildfire: (y)
[20:16] AlexMeriweather: Ari.
[20:17] AlexMeriweather: You are at home.
[20:17] AlexMeriweather: What are you doing here?
[20:17] Thomas: (Depends. Will we be EATEN while we're gone?)
[20:17] Max: "(XD)
[20:17] AlexMeriweather: (probably not. : D)
[20:19] Ari_Lain: Depends on the time of day. Either working on some mind-distracting project to my endless collection of counterfeit CDs, or napping lightly if it's late. Exercising if it's right after work.
[20:20] AlexMeriweather: Do you pay any attention to the news at all?
[20:20] Cat: (Backness)
[20:24] AlexMeriweather: Newspaper, TV, what have you... okay you know what, you've got something in the mail.
[20:26] Ari_Lain: All the time
[20:26] Ari_Lain: THere's a WALL of it
[20:26] Ari_Lain: and...mail?
[20:27] AlexMeriweather: Okay, news first, since that way is more interesting.
[20:29] AlexMeriweather: The breaking TV news for this evening is that some houses have been seriously vandalized. One of them is in the neighborhood of the local police... not the chief but some guy pretty high up there, your friendly GM sucks at titles.
[20:29] Cat: (Captain?)
[20:29] AlexMeriweather: (sure!)
[20:30] AlexMeriweather: The owner of the house comes out sniffling and saying that she is totally confident that they'll fix this, and she can find the money, and that Memphis will be less creepy, she's sure of it, but you're not actually paying attention to that.
[20:30] AlexMeriweather: Because you're probably paying attention to the fact that you *really* recognize her.
[20:30] Ari_Lain: ...
[20:31] Ari_Lain: Ari stops her stretches to stare at the television, frankly dumbfounded.
[20:32] AlexMeriweather: I mean, that can't possibly be who you think it is. Because she's not. But. Yeah.
[20:33] Ari_Lain: "...maybe I should move...I mean...if I have to hear Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog One More Time..." She goes over to the television, sitting on her feet to catch the rest of the story's details.
[20:36] Ari_Lain: ...she stares at the screen. "...that's REALLY creepy. Yeah...moving in a week..." What kind of vandalism are we talking?
[20:38] AlexMeriweather: Stuff getting broken, mostly.
[20:39] AlexMeriweather: Fences, outdoor items, the occasional window...
[20:40] Ari_Lain: She frowns. "...yeah...this town's gone to shit ever since the Dixie Chicks went liberal..." She notes the neighborhood and quickly finishes her stretches. She had some people she wanted to ask some questions...
[20:42] AlexMeriweather: You do this thing :B
[20:42] AlexMeriweather: What do you do next?
[20:44] Ari_Lain: Ari goes down to Lao Tzu's Noodles, because that's where the best noodles are. "Hey, I need to talk to Lao." She smiles sweetly at the waiter.
[20:44] Cat: (Who is on the TV that she recognised? I get the feeling it's someone dead <.<)
[20:45] AlexMeriweather: Oh, right...
[20:45] AlexMeriweather: There was the mail, actually. Do you want to do that or this?
[20:45] AlexMeriweather: Or both.
[20:45] AlexMeriweather: (I'm confused.)
[20:47] AlexMeriweather: (you'll find out. : D)
[20:47] AlexMeriweather: (just know that Jaito's letting me fuck with his character a lot.)
[20:47] Cat: (Mm'kay)
[20:48] Ari_Lain: (Mail, please!)
[20:50] AlexMeriweather: Okay; this is brief, anyhow. You have a little note in a blank envelope. :3
[20:50] AlexMeriweather: There's a little scrawl:
[20:51] Ari_Lain: (Sorry, got ahead of myself.)
[20:52] AlexMeriweather: "Good to see you again. It's not over. I will speak to you."
[20:52] AlexMeriweather: The signature is not immediately comprehensible.
[20:53] Ari_Lain: ...pale.
[20:53] Ari_Lain: DEFINITELY GOING TO GO SPEAK TO SOME PEOPLE. And she takes her purse with her.
[20:54] AlexMeriweather: Okay! You find yourself some noodles.
[20:55] AlexMeriweather: The waiter looks her over a little. He is kind of young-looking and new.
[20:56] AlexMeriweather: "Ah, may I ask who? ... Uh, and our special tonight is the big bowl of egg drop soup with lo mein."
[20:56] AlexMeriweather: <_<;
[20:57] Ari_Lain: She plops into a seat. "...could you please tell Mr. Lao that I have some family business to discuss with him? And that sounds just great." She sets down her purse. It clanks a little.
[20:57] Ari_Lain: (Can I try to freak him a little with too much smiling?)
[20:58] AlexMeriweather: (totally. Presence + tell me what you're using.)
[20:58] Ari_Lain: (Intimidation?)
[21:00] AlexMeriweather: (sure.)
[21:01] Ari_Lain: !roll_ww 4 8 10
[21:01] The_Lady: Ari_Lain invokes the Lady...
[21:01] The_Lady: 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 10
[21:01] The_Lady: rolled 4d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[21:01] Ari_Lain: (...whistles innocently...)
[21:01] AlexMeriweather: =o.o=
[21:02] AlexMeriweather: "...Right, one egg drop soup and a message." He scurries.
[21:02] Ari_Lain: She hums along to the music in the background, straightening out her skirt. "This shouldn't take long..."
[21:03] AlexMeriweather: It is not long at all before you get your soup. It is a little longer than that, which really isn't saying much, before you get a reply.
[21:04] Ari_Lain: She lightly slurps at her noodles as the reply arrives. God, they make the best...
[21:04] AlexMeriweather: The boy comes back out, and gives respectful greetings. "If you would like, ma'am, he is in his office, or he will meet you in the lobby." There are a few folks sitting around.
[21:06] Ari_Lain: She takes a biiiig long slurp. "It would be rude to force him to come down after me. Thank you very much." She leaves a 10 at the table, mentally wincing, and heads upstairs.
[21:06] AlexMeriweather: He nodnodnods. "Sorry." Whisper. "Tourists. Crazy..."
[21:07] AlexMeriweather: His office is very nice, surrounded by the smells of good cooking.
[21:07] AlexMeriweather: Plush, too.
[21:07] AlexMeriweather: The nice man by the door lets you in.
[21:08] Ari_Lain: She bows respectfully to the man by the door.
[21:09] AlexMeriweather: He bows back to you.
[21:10] AlexMeriweather: When you enter, Lao is standing behind his desk.
[21:10] AlexMeriweather: "! Good evening." He greets you respectfully. "I hope you are doing well?"
[21:12] Ari_Lain: Ari bows low. "I am well, my good friend." She slips into a seat. "But I'm kind of in a hurry."
[21:14] AlexMeriweather: "I will have my cousin pack the soup for you." He smiles at his own joke. "What is on your mind?"
[21:16] Ari_Lain: "I want to know more about my surroundings. I hear there are vandals in the streets. Or worse. And I get..." She sets the note down in front of him. "Little greetings, after so long this from the family?"
[21:19] Cat: (Ari is Triad? XD)
[21:19] Ari_Lain: (I have no idea what you're talking about!)
[21:20] AlexMeriweather: He looks it over, and mumbles a curse in Chinese. "Not from anyone I know."
[21:21] Ari_Lain: "The old dragons are sleeping...and I helped them sleep. And I helped many of your cousins and brothers...I need to know what's going on, on the streets...I may be moving soon...but I'd rather learn than flee."
[21:21] Ari_Lain: !roll_ww 4 8 10
[21:21] The_Lady: Ari_Lain invokes the Lady...
[21:21] The_Lady: 3, 5, 7, 9, 10
[21:21] The_Lady: rolled 4d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[21:21] Ari_Lain: ...wrong room.
[21:21] Cat: (Heh)
[21:21] AlexMeriweather: "Vandals. Pfeh. Little bastards." He looks a little nervous and more than a little angry. "One of the little oddlings, probably. We are investigating."
[21:23] Ari_Lain: "You let me know if you find out something. I'd be glad" She pats her purse. "I have a feeling there's some sort of connection."
[21:23] Ari_Lain: She stands up. "You have my number. Very few do."
[21:26] AlexMeriweather: "Be assured that we will inform you; it will be soon."
[21:27] Ari_Lain: She nods, lingering at the door. "I owe you a debt. Stay in touch." And with that, time for a relaxing shift back at work. YAY, overtime!
[21:28] AlexMeriweather: (yay.)
[21:28] AlexMeriweather: So. Cat.
[21:28] AlexMeriweather: What have you been doing?
[21:28] Cat: (Uuuhm, at home, studying medicine?)
[21:32] AlexMeriweather: (all righty.)
[21:32] AlexMeriweather: (...missed your reply, sorry.)
[21:32] Max: (BRB)
[21:32] AlexMeriweather: Things are getting creepy in town. Lots of bad stuff happening.
[21:33] AlexMeriweather: Like... well, see above.
[21:33] AlexMeriweather: Also? You need groceries. Man.
[21:33] AlexMeriweather: You're down to a candy bar and half a meal's worth of rice.
[21:34] Cat: BRRMBRRLMLL
[21:35] AlexMeriweather: ...?
[21:35] Cat: Caitlin's stomach groaned unhappily, (continuing, but apparently need to explain soon <.<;)
[21:35] AlexMeriweather: (oh. XD)
[21:36] Cat: Closing the text over which she had been hunched for the past ... well, many hours, Caitlin stood and replaced her chair at her desk.
[21:38] AlexMeriweather: Neither the chair, nor the desk, nor the book, jump up and eat you.
[21:38] Cat: After a moment's scavenging in her cupboards and pnatry, she gave in to the fact that a trip outside was necessary. She retreated to her bedroom, put to put on her coat, headed for the door, activated her alarm, and noticed a corner near the door where a coat rack might do nicely.
[21:38] Cat: Heading down the stairs, she flips open her phone and dials in the number the clerk gave her from memory.
[21:39] Cat: (Eidetic Memory, gogogo!)
[21:39] AlexMeriweather: (which number exactly?)
[21:39] AlexMeriweather: (the one to the craftsguy or do I forget something?)
[21:39] Cat: (Craftsguy, yes.)
[21:40] Cat: (She's gonna ask him to make her a coatrack >:O)
[21:40] AlexMeriweather: it rings a few times, and a lilting voice answers.
[21:40] Cat: (Are you going to write how it's answered or should I start talking?)
[21:41] AlexMeriweather: "Hiii."
[21:41] AlexMeriweather: (?)
[21:41] Cat: (hehe, okay.)
[21:41] AlexMeriweather: (lag. XD)
[21:42] Cat: (Did the clerk girl have a nametag?)
[21:42] Cat: ('Cause if she did, I'd like to remember the name if possible and mention it in reference to who told me to call.)
[21:43] AlexMeriweather: ("Elvira".)
[21:43] Cat: (Charming.)
[21:43] AlexMeriweather: (she thinks so.)
[21:44] Cat: "Hello, I'm calling to ask about comissioning some art. I spoke with an Elvira who said she was good friends with an artist whose work I admired." Cat reached the car and stepped inside, tossing her messenger bag into the passenger footspace.
[21:45] AlexMeriweather: (oh boy.)
[21:45] AlexMeriweather: The voice halts for a moment. "Oh. Elvira? Oh oh oh. You want Weyland. He's not in right now can I take a message <3"
[21:48] Cat: "Hmm, well, actually I was wondering if he had a showroom of some kind. I've only seen his work with glass, but I'd heard he works with metal as well." *car is now in motion on its way to store*
[21:49] AlexMeriweather: "Uhm, oh, I don't think... we do have a lot of his work at the Gardens?"
[21:50] Cat: "Oh, you do? Is there any way I could meet with, Weyland, was it?"
[21:50] AlexMeriweather: "He makes things and we stack them around and such. : D But he doesn't, like, do the whole showroom thing unless I've missed something."
[21:50] AlexMeriweather: '<3"
[21:50] AlexMeriweather: (you can hear the emoticons.)
[21:51] Cat: (I am now imagining him saying "heart!" all the time.)
[21:51] AlexMeriweather: "Mmmm. I could aaask him, I guess. Sure!"
[21:51] AlexMeriweather: (XD)
[21:52] Cat: "Alright, well let me give you my number if you'd be kind enough to pass it on. My name is Caitlin, by the way."
[21:52] AlexMeriweather: "Mmhmm, Weyland's the only artist we have."
[21:52] AlexMeriweather: "Thank you! Absolutely, thank you dearie. <3"
[21:52] AlexMeriweather: "Let me just grab a pencil."
[21:53] AlexMeriweather: ... "Okay?"
[21:54] Cat: "Alright, it's (555)961-6145. I have class tomorrow from three until four-thirty, but any time other than that should be fine."
[21:55] Max: (Phew, back.)
[21:55] AlexMeriweather: "Okay. :3"
[21:56] Cat: "Alright, thank you... uhm, is this his roommate? Elvira mentioned you, if you are."
[21:58] AlexMeriweather: "Mmhmm! I'm Alan. Nice to meet you. <3"
[21:59] Cat: "A pleasure, Alan. Sorry for using you as a human ansaphone."
[22:00] AlexMeriweather: (now, are you driving like this or sitting here in your car on the phone?)
[22:00] Cat: (P.S. Cat spent a lot of time in other countries. Ansaphone is a British thing. It's an answering machine.)
[22:00] Cat: ( [21:48] Cat: "Hmm, well, actually I was wondering if he had a showroom of some kind. I've only seen his work with glass, but I'd heard he works with metal as well." *car is now in motion on its way to store* )
[22:00] Cat: (Driving)
[22:00] AlexMeriweather: "...Is that like an ansible?"
[22:00] AlexMeriweather: (oh! <_<)
[22:00] AlexMeriweather: (wits+composure or wits+drive.)
[22:01] Cat: "Ah, no. I'm sorry. I meant answering machine."
[22:01] Cat: !roll_ww 4 8 10
[22:01] The_Lady: Cat invokes the Lady...
[22:01] The_Lady: 5, 9, 9, 9
[22:01] The_Lady: rolled 4d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:02] AlexMeriweather: "Oh." ^_^
[22:02] AlexMeriweather: You sucessfully make your way to the grocery store.
[22:03] Cat: (Haha, were you going to crash me due to talking while driving? XD)
[22:03] AlexMeriweather: (nope, though that wasn't helping your chances.)
[22:04] AlexMeriweather: It is not dark yet. The store is, like many things right now, fairly empty-ish.
[22:04] Cat: "Alright, well thanks for your help. I'm about to go see a store about some food, so i should likely get off the phone. It was good speaking with you, Alan."
[22:07] AlexMeriweather: "Oh! Bye. :3"
[22:07] AlexMeriweather: You can get some groceries. Yay.
[22:08] AlexMeriweather: (you can also roll another w+c, or one of many social rolls of your choice with description. :B)
[22:08] Cat: (Hokai, I don't particularly want to narrate the ever so excited world of grocery shopping, so let's assume I --- wait, roll that for what?)
[22:10] AlexMeriweather: (to notice something.)
[22:10] Cat: !roll_ww 4 8 10
[22:10] The_Lady: Cat invokes the Lady...
[22:10] The_Lady: 2, 4, 5, 5
[22:10] The_Lady: rolled 4d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[22:10] Cat: (I notice nooothiiing)
[22:11] AlexMeriweather: Oh well. Can't be too big a deal.
[22:12] Cat: (Alright, so yeah, let's assume I grab an assortment of ovopescavegetarian foods and stuff. Keke?)
[22:12] AlexMeriweather: (you do this.)
[22:13] AlexMeriweather: (go home?)
[22:13] AlexMeriweather: (other?)
[22:13] Cat: (Uh, sure. Home is where the fridge is.)
[22:13] Cat: (Also stove.)
[22:14] Cat: (Should I RP being home? Cooking a meal and all that?)
[22:15] AlexMeriweather: (unless you have something specific you want to do, I'm probably gonna switch back to the three? sorry. XD you'll get a load of plot soon.)
[22:15] Cat: (keke)
[22:16] Cat: (Nothing big, other than eating and stoof)
[22:16] Thomas: (It's past midnight, and I still need to get a full eight hours, what with the wanting of my stitches to heal.)
[22:16] AlexMeriweather: (okay. D : stitches?)
[22:17] AlexMeriweather: (man, get some good sleep.)
[22:17] Max: (Awww. Okay, nini Raiden.)
[22:17] Cat: (G'night)
[22:17] Thomas: (xp?)
[22:18] AlexMeriweather: (anything else specific for Ari, then?)
[22:18] AlexMeriweather: (5s. :3)
[22:18] AlexMeriweather: (g'night!)
[22:19] *** Thomas has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox]).
[22:19] Ari_Lain: Ari is going to do her best serving spectacular coffee to happy patrons. A happy, normal life.
[22:20] *** Max has left #memphis.
[22:20] AlexMeriweather: You make some incredibly badass coffee.

tl;dr Thomas, Max, and James freak out over shadows and carvings in a closet door, Ari gets some mail and talks to someone about vandalism and the past, and Cat makes a call about a coat rack that leads to an upcoming meeting at the Gardens. 5xp

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