Mortals Log1

From Greenthings

Copper and Rainbows

[19:41] Greenling: Max does have the incense lit, but not much else, before James arrives.
[19:41] * James_Gotchell gets out of his car, vaguely recognising the two from the day earlier, and follows them up to their apartment, knocking on the door.
[19:42] Kaen_: (Did Thomas get the number vocally or did the clerk write it down for him?)
[19:42] Thomas: He moves quickly into Max's apartment, setting the books aside as he scratched at his skin over his shirt. The knock at the dirt made his head jerk in an awkward way, moving to stand behind the apartment door with his hand on the shotgun.
[19:42] Thomas: (Wrote it down.)
[19:42] *** You are now known as Kaen__.
[19:42] *** Caitlin_Sturm has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[19:42] *** You are now known as Caitlin_Sturm.
[19:42] Caitlin_Sturm: (Huh, okay.)
[19:42] Max_Truong: Max looks out the peep hole and who it could be... [19:44] Max_Truong: Recognizing the cop from the other day he waves at Thomas, whispering to him harshly. "It's that cop from the diner, put the gun away..."
[19:44] Greenling: (XD)
[19:44] James_Gotchell: (...that would be bad.)
[19:44] Thomas: Thomas put the shotgun into the closet with a slight hesitance, closing and locking it while keeping his coat on.
[19:44] Greenling: (written.)
[19:45] Max_Truong: Max nods and opens the door slowly, keeping the chain on. "...Yes?
[19:47] James_Gotchell: "Yes, hello. Max Truong, if I recall correctly? I'm Lt. James Gotchell," James shows his badge, "We met last week down by the cafe. I was wondering if I could speak to you and Thomas for a while."
[19:49] Max_Truong: He blinks soft brown eyes at the cop and nods slowly, closing and unchaining the door before opening up. "All right, come in officer."
[19:49] Thomas: Thomas was sitting on the couch, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose as he stared at the police officer.
[19:51] Caitlin_Sturm: Caitlin continued looking around the shop, keeping the pencil-holder in hand. After a few minutes, she makes her way over to the counter. "Hi, uhm, how much is this?" She asked the girl behind the counter, holding up the pencil-holder.
[19:51] Greenling: She bobbed her head up at Caitlin.
[19:52] Greenling: She smiles. "You have good taste. That's something a friend of mine made."
[19:52] James_Gotchell: "Thank you." James steps inside, "I'm just here to ask you a few questions." He inclines his head in Thomas' direction, "I'm getting a decidedly odd feeling about the recent incidents, and I'm speaking with people known to be involved to see if they've had anything...unusual happen to them, or that they noticed."
[19:53] Greenling: "It's a bit expensive, I'm afraid, for a cup; twenty-five. But it is hand-made."
[19:53] Caitlin_Sturm: "Really? What's it made of?"
[19:53] Greenling: Her smile goes a little awry. "You know, I never really asked him."
[19:54] Caitlin_Sturm: Caitlin's eyebrows raised a bit. "Him? You know who made this?"
[19:54] Thomas: Thomas re-crossed his arms, keeping quiet as he stared.
[19:54] Greenling: "Yep. Good friend of mine."
[19:54] Greenling: "He's got his own little place, but he doesn't sell much. Special-order, y'know."
[19:55] Caitlin_Sturm: (Ha, GG me, missed the part after her bobbing her head before DS'ing bit)
[19:55] Greenling: (:3)
[19:55] Caitlin_Sturm: "Special order pencil-holders?"
[19:55] Greenling: "Well, not usually."
[19:55] Max_Truong: Well... Wasn't that the loaded question of the year? Max decided to simply answer truthfully. "Oh, nothing much stranger than normal, really... Seems like these murders are raising tension everywhere though. It's pretty freaky." He chuckled easily, but nervously
[19:56] Caitlin_Sturm: "What does he usually make?"
[19:56] * James_Gotchell arches one eyebrow at him
[19:57] James_Gotchell: "Really. And you, Mr. [Thomas' Last Name Here]"
[19:57] Greenling: She taps her pencil against her lips. "Different things, usually practical. Are you interested in anything in particular? I'm afraid he doesn't work cheap, but something pretty for a young girl would be right up his alley."
[19:57] Thomas: Thomas just continues to stare, though his fist does go up to start digging his knuckle into his temple.
[19:57] Greenling: "...Were you with the boys who just came in, dear?"
[19:59] Max_Truong: Max grabs his fist and pins it to the couch. "He's about the same, officer. You won't get much info out of him. He hasn't been the same since his... accident, sir."
[19:59] Caitlin_Sturm: "With them? No." Caitlin adjusted her glasses. "Why would you think that?" (Should I roll something to be convincing?)
[20:01] Greenling: (y. :3 composure + subterfuge.)
[20:01] Greenling: (or something else with a desc, as usual.)
[20:01] James_Gotchell: James looks genuinely sympathetic, "Oh, I'm sorry...what happened, if you don't mind me asking?"
[20:01] Caitlin_Sturm: (I forget how to roll ww stuff. !roll_ww 3d10?)
[20:02] Caitlin_Sturm: (Or actually, there's like... an ex or something in there, aren't there?)
[20:02] Caitlin_Sturm: (*isn't)
[20:03] Thomas: Thomas's neck bent at a strange angle, his eyes looking James up and down. Would this be how the others were killed? Drawn into open safety by a cop routing? Right before he changed and tore them to shreds? His shotgun was locked up...but no, he couldn't threaten someone innocent anyway...well, innocent for now...
[20:03] Ari: ( It's !roll_ww 3 8 10)
[20:04] Caitlin_Sturm: !roll_ww 3 8 10
[20:04] The_Lady: Caitlin_Sturm invokes the Lady...
[20:04] The_Lady: 1, 4, 6
[20:04] The_Lady: rolled 3d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:04] Caitlin_Sturm: (Ouch, not quite.)
[20:05] Max_Truong: "It's... private. Anyway, is there anything else we can help you with? If not I have a question of my own..."
[20:05] Greenling: !roll_ww 5 8 10
[20:05] The_Lady: Greenling invokes the Lady...
[20:05] The_Lady: 2, 3, 3, 4, 9
[20:05] The_Lady: rolled 5d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:06] Greenling: "Well... you were looking at them rather a bit. Is there a problem? Thomas is a nice boy, isn't he?"
[20:06] James_Gotchell: "Yes?"
[20:06] Max_Truong: James seemed like a nice, trustworthy guy so far, and Max was very seldom wrong about people's personalities. Maybe he would know a thing or two about Meredith's husband...
[20:06] James_Gotchell: (AHAHAHAHA WHUT?)
[20:06] Greenling: The little voices in Thomas' head giggle as he looks at James.
[20:07] Greenling: (?)
[20:07] James_Gotchell: (James? Actually know something about what's going on? Get real, I've missed half the sessions)
[20:07] Max_Truong: (O_o)
[20:07] Greenling: /duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck.../
[20:08] Greenling: (the person they are referring to is a retired officer, so yeah.)
[20:08] James_Gotchell: (oh, well)
[20:08] James_Gotchell: (didn't know that)
[20:08] Max_Truong: "Well, this is kind of an odd question, but have you ever heard of an older officer named Tyler? He would have retired a while back?"
[20:08] Greenling: (it was a minor point. :3 other than that, depends on what they're asking.)
[20:08] Caitlin_Sturm: (Which is one reason I'm thinking I should start keeping a log of these.)
[20:09] Greenling: (it would help.)
[20:09] Greenling: (make notes on wiki? :,)
[20:10] Greenling: Why yes, Tyler... you know of him. His picture's still up somewhere.
[20:10] Greenling: Might even have met him.
[20:11] Greenling: Kind of sad, really. His eldest put him in a home and took the house as soon as he did retire.
[20:12] Caitlin_Sturm: "Oh, was I staring? I'm afraid I've not been getting out much lately." Caitlin laughed lightly, shrugging. "So, you were saying your friend might be interested in doing a comission for me?"
[20:12] Caitlin_Sturm: (Do I need to roll anything now?)
[20:13] James_Gotchell: "Oh...yes, actually."
[20:13] Greenling: (only if you want to change her mind. :3)
[20:13] Caitlin_Sturm: (About?)
[20:14] Greenling: (you obviously not telling the truth.)
[20:14] Greenling: She looks a little worried, but shrugs it off. "Well. I suppose he might. What sort of thing are you wanting?"
[20:14] Greenling: "I can ask him."
[20:14] Max_Truong: "Really? That's awesome." Max grinned. "Then od you have any way of please getting me in touch with him? We kind of need to talk to him about his son... He's gotten into some trouble we're hopign he can help us get him out of."
[20:15] Greenling: (*dances*)
[20:16] Caitlin_Sturm: "Well, I was thinking something a bit different from what you have in the shop. No offense, but faeries aren't really my thing. Does he just do glass? This is glass, right?"
[20:16] James_Gotchell: "...really..." James arches one eyebrow (uhmm...does he have more than one son?)
[20:17] Caitlin_Sturm: (I believe it was only the one.)
[20:17] Caitlin_Sturm: (Or wait, no...)
[20:17] Caitlin_Sturm: (There was a younger and an eldest, ne?)
[20:18] Greenling: (yeah, two sons.)
[20:18] James_Gotchell: "Which one?"
[20:18] Greenling: (the one you met and a younger one that Max heard about.)
[20:18] Max_Truong: "Oh, uh, I didn't know he had more than one... The son I met was about my age? Maybe a bit older?"
[20:19] Thomas: "Creepy...liked flowers..."
[20:19] Caitlin_Sturm: (Cat responded, btw)
[20:19] Greenling: "Well, like I said, I don't know what *that* is, but he makes rather a lot of things. Certainly he works with metal, and I've seen him do glass and wood. And not just faeries; that's just my little... theme there."
[20:19] Max_Truong: "Yeah... Liked flowers a LOT..."
[20:20] Greenling: (thirty minute warning.)
[20:20] Greenling: (but keep on. :D)
[20:21] James_Gotchell: (
[20:21] Caitlin_Sturm: "You don't know what this is?" Caitlin held it up and tapped it with her other hand, the light passing through turning the counter a multitude of colours. "Isn't that maybe bad policy? I mean, it might be made with lead or something."
[20:22] James_Gotchell: (which one is htat)
[20:22] Caitlin_Sturm: (Eldest)
[20:22] Greenling: (yeah.)
[20:22] James_Gotchell: "I don't know how interested he'd be in helping that one, to be honest....although...what kind of trouble has he gotten into?"
[20:22] Greenling: She puts her hand to her mouth. "Well. I really don't think so... It probably is glass, but, well, I'm not an artist?"
[20:23] Greenling: (wits+ uhm, something? socialize or composure maybe? :D)
[20:23] Caitlin_Sturm: (For me or for them?)
[20:23] Greenling: "I'm sure half the things at Wal-Mart, nobody could tell you what they are."
[20:23] Greenling: (oh, sorry; you.)
[20:23] Max_Truong: (What is she trying to do? X3)
[20:24] Caitlin_Sturm: !roll_ww 4 8 10
[20:24] The_Lady: Caitlin_Sturm invokes the Lady...
[20:24] The_Lady: 3, 6, 9, 9
[20:24] The_Lady: rolled 4d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[20:24] Max_Truong: (It would be Empathy to try and discern if she's lying.)
[20:25] Greenling: (I need to memorize the social stats, man.)
[20:25] Max_Truong: "Hmm, I see... well it's kind of social trouble. He's fallign into the wrong flower... battling... crowd. I'm not sure of the specifics but he's really falling apart there."
[20:26] *** Thomas has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox]).
[20:26] James_Gotchell: "...ok, you know what?"
[20:26] Caitlin_Sturm: Caitlin set the glass, or whatever it was, on the counter and placed both hands on the surface on either side. "Is there a way I could get in contact with the artist, myself? I'd like to know what it is I'd be bringing into my home before I went and paid him to make something."
[20:26] Greenling: She's not... lying, per se. But she's also a bit uncomfortable about the subject of what it's made of.
[20:26] Greenling: (the wrong flower... battling... crowd? damn, those old ladies are mean.)
[20:26] Max_Truong: (XD)
[20:26] James_Gotchell: "You should probably just tell me what's happened to you in the last week."
[20:27] Greenling: "Mmh, I can give you his number. He might be busy, though; but you'd get his, er, housemate."
[20:28] Greenling: She sighs and shakes her head as she writes it down. "Might as well, anyhow. He seems to be determined."
[20:28] Caitlin_Sturm: "If you could." Caitlin tried to put on a friendly smile, hoping to offset any possible offense she might have made by questioning the girl.
[20:29] Caitlin_Sturm: (Do I roll something now? Maybe involving that bonus I get from striking looks?
[20:29] Caitlin_Sturm: )
[20:29] Max_Truong: Max was really torn up inside right there. He rested his head on his hand and blew out a long sigh, the Black Pen heavy and whispering in his shirt pocket. He could DO something if he used it... Could probably point James, who was obviously workign hard on this case and in need of help, in the right direction... But would he believe him?
[20:29] Greenling: (you can offset it for free. she seems to think you're a little dear who possibly has a very unfortunate crush on either Max or Thomas.)
[20:29] Greenling: (brb briefly again, sorry.)
[20:30] Max_Truong: "Well... It's been very, very, very complicated. To be honest we've been worked up over the case and have been kidn of looking into it ourselves... I know it's not the smart thing to do, but it's made us all paranoid."
[20:30] Max_Truong: He runs a hand through his glossy black hair. "And the reason I ask is because I think the tyler family is connected to the murders."
[20:33] Greenling: (back.)
[20:34] James_Gotchell: James grunted, "That might explain why he kicked his old man into a retirement home as soon as he could..."
[20:34] Max_Truong: Max blinks. " Retirement home?"
[20:35] James_Gotchell: "The eldest son put Tyler in a home just a little while after he retired, and took the house."
[20:35] Greenling: Your boss was /pissed/.
[20:36] Greenling: They were close. But alas.
[20:36] Max_Truong: "...Wow, we were right, Thomas. That guy is a total dick."
[20:37] James_Gotchell: "That about sums it up. I think the boss would be...unusually pleased if it turned out he got to arrest him."
[20:38] Caitlin_Sturm: (So yeah, I get the number and leave the shop?)
[20:38] Max_Truong: Max nods, then has to ask. "You seem... surprisingly okay with this. No wondering what my sources are or warning us to stay away from a dangerous case?"
[20:38] Greenling: (you can do this, yes.)
[20:39] Caitlin_Sturm: (Well, you'd not said anything since I responded to her saying she could give me the number, so yar.)
[20:39] James_Gotchell: "Honestly...I get the feeling that you wouldn't even stay away if I told you."
[20:39] Caitlin_Sturm: (If there's something else that the shopgirl would have to say, I've got nothing pressing for Cat to get off to.)
[20:40] Greenling: (sorry. XD I also did not know what you wanted to do.)
[20:40] Max_Truong: He chuckles. "Yeah, yeah you're right about that."
[20:40] Greenling: (so what I am going to do is.)
[20:40] Greenling: (say you still have that coupon for that cafe. you totally forgot to use it last time what with the dead body and all. <_<)
[20:41] Caitlin_Sturm: (Heh, okay.)
[20:41] James_Gotchell: "I would like to know what your sources are. And warn you that if you get caught interfering you might get arrested. But...well, to be honest, I'd prefer it if you left it to the professionals, but htat seems as likely as all the coffee shops in America shutting down simultaniously."
[20:41] Greenling: /.../
[20:41] Greenling: /.../
[20:41] Greenling: /duck, GOOSE/
[20:41] Caitlin_Sturm: (wut?)
[20:41] Max_Truong: (?)
[20:41] Greenling: (wits + composure from the three apartment-dwellers!)
[20:42] Max_Truong: (Wanna wait for Raiden to get back online, then?)
[20:42] Greenling: (ok.)
[20:42] Greenling: (aw, man. I did not see that! D:)
[20:42] Max_Truong: (XD)
[20:42] Greenling: (the whole dramatic thing was made for Thomas. ;_; I'll redo it.)
[20:43] Greenling: (...when'll he be back?)
[20:44] Max_Truong: (I don't know, he got disconnected. XD)
[20:44] Greenling: (aw, damn.)
[20:44] Max_Truong: (Up to you if you want to continue. I can give him the logs.)
[20:44] Greenling: (well, don't die before he gets back, then.)
[20:44] Greenling: (also I have to leave in ten, but I'll be back within the hour after that, if anyone's still on.)
[20:45] Greenling: (I know some of ya have to sleep sooner?)
[20:45] James_Gotchell: (not I. I have not teh works tommorow)
[20:45] Ari: (I need to sleep relatively soon, but you guys can go on without me.)
[20:46] Max_Truong: (I'll be up.)
[20:46] Caitlin_Sturm: It's only 8:45 here, I should be good to go for another few hours.
[20:47] Caitlin_Sturm: ()
[20:47] Greenling: (ok.)
[20:47] Greenling: (then: Ari, anything you want to do before that?)
[20:49] Ari: (Ummm...not really? I'm already hazy. If anyone's doing anything at the coffee shop, or wants to poke the Ari, though, I can refocus)
[20:49] Greenling: (*pets*)
[20:49] Greenling: (*pokes, just because*)
[20:51] Caitlin_Sturm: (Uh, I think Green was sending me to the coffee shop <.< >.>)
[20:52] Greenling: (y. :B)
[20:52] Greenling: (but.)
[20:53] Greenling: (I'm pretty much going after this song finishes. so.)
[20:53] Max_Truong: (Damn. :<)
[20:54] Greenling: (be back shortly, after short walk home and shower. hopefully.)
[20:54] Greenling: (seeya!)
[20:54] *** Greenling has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]).
[20:55] Ari: (....need sleep.)
[20:55] Max_Truong: (Nini)
[20:57] *** Max_Truong is now known as Sparda.
[20:59] *** Ari has left #mortalsgame.
[21:00] *** James_Gotchell is now known as Wildfire.
[21:06] *** Sparda has left #mortalsgame.
[21:06] *** Sparda has joined #mortalsgame.
[21:12] *** Sparda is now known as SpardaPlaysBloodlines.
[21:44] *** Greenling has joined #mortalsgame.
[21:44] Greenling: (that took a while. <_<)
[21:44] Greenling: (oh, and still no Raiden.)
[21:44] Greenling: (well, we can wait until later.)
[21:45] Greenling: (5 XP.)

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