Characters/Kythe Sallnir

From Greenthings

Revision as of 16:03, 14 June 2010 by (Talk)
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[edit] Introduction

Oh no I can't slow down, I can't hold back
Though you know I wish I could
Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked
Until we close our eyes for good

[edit] Character Sheet

Kythe Sallnir
Chosen of Secrets
Motivation: Reshape Creation on the end of a blade.


Str ** Dex ***** Sta **
Cha ** Man ***** App *****
Per ** Int ** Wits ***


Investigation ***
Larceny **
Lore ***
Occult **
Stealth **
Bureaucracy **
Melee *
Resistance *
Socialize **
Thrown *

Athletics **
Martial Arts ***
Dodge ***

Awareness **
Integrity **
Linguistics *
Presence ***


Virtues- Cmp * Con *** Val ** Tem *** | Essence- ** Pool (/)
HL - 0 1 1 2 2 4 I | Exp: 0 Spent: 0 | Willpower- ***** *
Glass Khatars- Sp5 Acc+0 +2L Def+3 Rate3 M,P // Knife- Sp5 Acc+1(0) +2L Def+0 Rate3 (15y)
DDV: 4 | PDV: 5 | MDV: 4 | +2B/+1L(+7B/+4L) Perfect Chain- +5B/+3L Mob0 Fat0 (conc. under normal clothing)


Allies (Lamadre) *
Contacts (Guild) **
Contacts (Outlaws) *
Resources **

[edit] Descriptions and Elaborations

Age: 20
Basic Description: Tallish, athletic-looking, curly blond hair to his shoulderblades, maroonish eyes. Usually dressed inconspicuously. Tinypic


[edit] Notes

XP expenditures:
none yet

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