Wyldgame/Mirra Kasull

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Revision as of 20:52, 24 April 2010 by (Talk)

Name: Mirra Kasull
Player: Alexis

Caste: Waxing Moon
Concept: Courtesan-Assassin
Motivation: Purge the north of all forbidden cults
Totem: Wolf

Attributes Strength 1, (F)Dexterity 5 [+1 in War Form, +1 Unparalleled Grace, +1 Unmatched Speed], Stamina 4
(C)Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, (C)Appearance 6 [+1 in War Form, +1 Seductive Allure, +1 Perfect Innocence]
Perception 5, Intelligence 3, (F)Wits 5

Abilities Archery 2, Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Dodge 1, Integrity 1, (F)Martial Arts 1, Resistance 1, War 1
Larceny 1, Linguistics 1 [Skytongue, Old Realm], Performance 2, Presence 2, Socialize 2, Stealth 1, (C)Survival 2
Bureaucracy 1, Lore 2, Medicine 1, Occult 2

Backgrounds Artifact 3 (| Dragon-Tooth Rifle)
Manse 2[Cold Iron Bauble]
Mentor 2
Reputation 2
Tattoo Art.: 4 [Infinite Resplendence Amulet: Moonsilver, Starmetal]

Virtues Compassion 2, Conviction 4, Temperance 3, Valor 2
Virtue Flaw: Drunken Monkey

Essence: 4
Personal: 20/20
Peripheral: 48/38
Committed: 10m
Willpower: 8

Second Dexterity Excellency [2m/succ]
Flawless Dexterity Focus [--]
Third Stamina Excellency [4m]
Scorpion and Toad Absolution [2m]: +3 successes to Sta+Res rolls to endure a suffered disease or poison.
Scorpion and Toad Assumption [3m]: Absorb disease or poison from target as 5-minute dramatic action.
Scorpion and Toad Mastery [1+m]: Replicate a disease, drug, or poison; Drugs and poisons cost 2m per resources dot. Diseases cost [Virulence]m
Third Appearance Excellency [4m]
Flawless Appearance Focus [--]
Deadly Beastman Transformation [5m]: Gazelle's Pace, Acute Senses (hearing, smell), Nightvision, Elemental Adaptation: Air, Inexhaustible

Eternal Vow [6xp]
Legendary Appearance [6xp]

Flaws: 12
Dark Secret [4]: Spoiler'd!
Enemy [3]: Spoiler'd!
Diminished Sense: Vision [2; Nearsighted, correctible]
Damaged Artifact [1]
Code of Honor: Cannot lie to or betray any ally without failing a Conviction roll [2]

Experience: 70+1 Log/13 +1 Intelligence [8]
+2 Manipulation [12]
+1 Artifact [3]
+1 Lore [2]
+1 Survival [1]
+1 Occult [2]
Scorpion and Toad Mastery [8]
Third Wits Excellency, Essence Resurgent [8]
The Spider's Trap Door [8]
Merits [12]

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