Characters/Lotus-Devouring Havoc Blossom

From Greenthings

Revision as of 15:24, 5 March 2010 by (Talk)



Born in a tiny Southern village as part of a raksha cult, raised as a killer and a priest of her father. Was pretty much cool with this. Killed her father not long after adulthood, stuff happened, town-ravaging, small personal following.

Killed in turn by angry Lunar. Accepted Black Exaltation. Went to get revenge, metaphorically beat over head with fluffy past life memories of same Lunar, awkwardly dramatic Cup declarations interrupted by Mate attempting to kill her again and harder this time. Ran away.

Saw emissary of First and Forsaken Lion. Kept running.

Got most of the way to Nexus, assailed by more godsdamned past life memories. Confused, wandering, unsure why emotions no longer tasty. Still followed by godsdamned Lunar, also now by Deathlord emissaries. Attempted to hide by pretending to be mortal; failed; developed Face-Drinking Bite, studied mortals; failed somewhat less hard; three exploded (for various reasons) small cities in her wake, started getting the hang of it.

Still hounded. Still occasionally missing little pieces of time and waking up strange places and in the middle of strange things, some good, some not so good. Stupid useless Compassion getting in the way more and more often.

Searching for a way to calm her mind and understand her past in a way that makes sense to her, Blossom seeks enlightenment in the form of magical kung fu. Sifu cries and begs Heaven what he did to deserve this, but teaches her; meanwhile in what is probably a complete coincidence, Blossom meets drunk Sidereal in bar and receives horribly misinterpreted prophecy and develops a Cunning Plan.

1) Disguise self as Solar and infiltrate Yu-Shan via Heaven and Earth Tournament
2) ???
2) Enlightenment!

You can feel my lips undress your eyes
Undress your eyes, undress your eyes
Words of love and words so leisured
Words are poisoned darts of pleasure
Die... and so you die

Character Sheet

Lotus-Devouring Havoc Blossom
Midnight Caste Abyssal
Motivation: Figure out exactly what horrible Creation-changing thing she did in the First Age and fix it.


Str ** Dex ***** Sta **
Cha *** Man *** App *****
Per *** Int ** Wits **


Integrity ***
Performance *
Presence ***
Resistance *

Athletics **
Bureaucracy *
Dodge **
Larceny ***
Martial Arts ***

Awareness **
Lore **
Stealth ***
Melee **


Virtues- Cmp *** Con ** Val **(*) Tem ** | Resonance: 0/10
Intimacies: | Languages: Old Realm, Flametongue (Native),
Essence- *** Personal (/) Peripheral (/) Committed-
HL - 0 1 1 2 2 4 I | Exp: 0 Spent: 0 | Willpower- 5/5



Contacts, Cult, Followers, Manse, and a form weapon.

Descriptions and Elaborations

Basic Description:





Old name: Lion's Tooth Glories
XP expenditures: none yet

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