Patron Saints/Session 7

From Greenthings

< Patron Saints
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<Greenling> The man greets you warmly. "Cho Namwha. It's a pleasure to meet you."
<Namhwa> "May I have the privilege of your name, sir?"
<Greenling> "My name is Auspicious Weed; my friends here are Terela and Walking Fish." He gestures to the woman and the old man, respectively.
<Greenling> "Strange as it may seem, I have a message for you."
<Greenling> (The other two look at him, then you, in mild surprise.)
* Namhwa narrows his eyes with a neutral expression on his face.
<Namhwa> "Indeed."
<Greenling> "Cho Namhwa? Oh. Wonderful to meet you, sir." Says the old man.
<Namhwa> "Thank you, you as well. Walking Fish, Terela, and Auspicious Weed," Cho repeats for his own benefit, with a more friendly tone.
<Greenling> "A gift, from a mutual friend." Weed pulls out a sealed envelope from his pocket and hands it to you. The seal on it is strange and angular, looking vaguely like an eye.
* Namhwa glances from the seal to their charms.
<Greenling> Similar but not the same.
* Namhwa steps back into the side street to slide his long pinky nail under the seal to peek at the contents.
<Greenling> It seems to be an ordinary letter, folded in half.
* Namhwa unfolds the letter to read it in full. No time to waste, and Cho hasn't had an opportunity to read since Gold's Glittering Pass.
* Namhwa glances at the length of the letter, then his faithfully patient companions, then decides to save the letter for the theater.
* Namhwa thanks Auspicious Weed and looks at Sunny to see if she's ready to go.
<Greenling> Sunny likes being petted, but she likes Namhwa more.
<Greenling> You all continue on to the theatre, I suppose?
* Namhwa hugs Sunny for being such a good dog!
<Greenling> Sunny licks Namhwa.
* Namhwa has quit IRC (Disintegrated: ajax IRC Client�)
* Rudeth heads on to the theatre with Rei.
<Greenling> The way is short.
<Greenling> Also, what is Zhubin doing?
<Greenling> The theatre is a large, ornate building in dark colors. You see fliers and a few people scattered around.
<Zhubin> Zhubin is currently just walking around through Gem, reestablishing some contacts, and getting an earful of news.
* Rudeth looks around and pokes at things, glances at fliers, and enjoys the environment.
* Rei seems impressed by the bounty of Gem, staring around in awe as she holds close to Rudeth.
<Greenling> Zhu finds that Gem is in a rather interesting spot right now. Rival gangs, one of which may or may not be a cult, strange Anathema sightings, being one of the only places in the mid-South (and growing outwards) that doesn't seem to be threatened by something large and immediate...
<Greenling> Would the two of you like to go see if you can get a ticket?
<Greenling> Talk to the actors, break in and sneak around, invent the Bacchanalia?
* Rudeth goes to wherever tickets are being sold and attempts to buy one!
<Greenling> There's a bored-looking man there.
<Greenling> "Oh, hello. Which performance would you like to see?"
<Rudeth> What performances are there?
<Greenling> They seem to be playing a tragedy for the next few weeks. Tonight, tomorrow night, matinee the next day, and more next week.
<Rudeth> "The performance for tonight, please." ^^
<Greenling> "Huh. I dunno if we have any left..." He holds up a finger and goes to look at something.
<Greenling> Zhubin finds that most of his associates are still more or less how he left them.
<Greenling> Though most of them are fretting about the rumors of Anathema Bandit Empire and how even the Guild is starting to be genuinely threatened.
<Zhubin> Perhaps this is a good time to help alleviate their worries with the reminder of the majesty of the Unconquered Sun.
<Zhubin> !roll_ww 12 7 ex
<The_Lady> Zhubin invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9
<The_Lady> rolled 12d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Greenling> They mostly look at you funny and ask you what prompted this new preaching thing, but are still freindly.
<Greenling> (*friendly)
<Greenling> The guy comes back, eventually. "Looks like I have one left."
<Greenling> He's holding five.
<Rudeth> "Can I get one for myself and one for my friend, please?"
<Greenling> "Uh, I only have one." And now he's holding one.
* Rudeth blinks. "Are you sure you can't let both of us in? I can stand if it's just a matter of seats." :V
<Greenling> "Nah, the nobles get mad if there're people standing."
<Greenling> "All the poor people to the back, don't be noisy." He rolls his eyes.
<Rudeth> "Are you sure there isn't some way you could let us both in?"
<Greenling> "I can't think of one. Can you?"
* Rei glances between the two, frowning softly... She leans over the counter and gives a little pout to the man.
<Rudeth> Well, Rudeth isn't giving up. After all, he told Rei he would take her to a show at the theatre, and this is the theatre, and one way or another he plans on getting in.
* Rei smiles softly, giving the man a pleading look, the low-cut front of that dress providing quite a view as she leans over, wide silver eyes hoping to strike whatever compassion resides in the man's heart [or in his Valor, as it may be]...
<Rei> !roll_ww 11 7 ex
<The_Lady> Rei invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 2, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8
<The_Lady> rolled 11d10. Got 7 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Rei> !roll_ww 1 7 ex
<The_Lady> Rei invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 8
<The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Greenling> The man suddenly looks rather pale.
* Rudeth stares. o.o
<Greenling> He opens his mouth... closes it... and seems to summon up something from the depths of his, well, something.
<Greenling> "M- ma'am, well." He swallows. "We do get tickets reserved for us every so often... I suppose if you'd like I'm not using mine for this performance." He glances at Rudy, clearly wondering if he should ask something else, too.
* Rei smiles softly, leaning over and giving the man a kiss on the cheek for being so sweet.
<Greenling> Insert cartoon steam scene here.
<Rudeth> "That'd be really nice of you." Rudeth pulls Rei back toward him a bit.
* Rei happily holds Rudeth's arm with one arm, the other taking a small gem from her pouch and setting it on the counter. Sure, she could have done that earlier, but...
<Greenling> He blinks and picks it up.
<Greenling> Peeer.
<Greenling> "Ma'am... as nice as I'm sure this is, I'm not good with... gems. Do you have any silver?"
* Rudeth looks back at Rei. "You don't have to pay -- Crow hired me, so I have money." Rudeth gives the gem back to her and pays the man the price of two tickets.
* Rei smiles happily, blushing and taking the gem back, putting it away and bowing graciously to the man, holding close to Rudeth's arm happily.
* Rudeth leads her inside the building to wherever the seats are, looking around.
<Greenling> The man also blushes slightly and waves to Rei.
* Rei smiles back, waving before clinging to Rudeth happily, looking around for the empty seats...
<Greenling> Right now, there are a few actors and a lot of backstage folk. The performance isn't for about another two hours or so, but it's opening night.
<Greenling> All the seats are empty.
<Greenling> What's Zhubin doing?
<Rudeth> If seats are assigned, Rudeth takes the seats they were assigned, if not, he takes the best seats they can get, and he watches the actors for a moment to see what they're doing.
<Zhubin> Zhubin is now finding out just what all craaaazy Anathema stuff has been going on lately. It seems as if more and more of them are showing up.
<Greenling> Well, there's the Chiaroscuro story, the man people are styling (rather derivitavely) the Tiger of the South, and rumors that have been around a while about one of those Dead Anathema, but most people ignore those since there hasn't been anything particularly horrific going on.
<Greenling> Your seats are assigned to "anyplace on the bottom that's not in the first five rows".
<Greenling> Which leaves you a lot of choices.
<Greenling> The actors are mostly chatting and setting up. One or two glance at you both.
<Zhubin> All in all, Zhubin is quite content to finally take a small break, meeting old friends, enjoying good food, and having some peace in the bustle of a large city.
<Greenling> Zhubin can certainly do this.
* Rudeth sits as close to front and center as they're allowed, and waves at any of the actors that look over at us.
<Zhubin> Perhaps asking here and there about Chiaroscuro, or if any news has filtered in with what happens to villages after the Anathema Bandit Lord strikes.
<Greenling> Some villages are looted and burned, with the villagers either dragged off or killed; others are taken as bases.
<Greenling> All in all, he seems to be trying to set up a fearful power base run by whoever's most loyal to him.
<Greenling> Chiaroscuro seems to be set in a power struggle between the now-open Anathema presence, the Realm, and the increasingly irritated actual rulers.
* Rei smiles, leaning into Rudeth, tablet resting on her lap in case he asks her anything, content to enjoy the company for the moment.
<Greenling> Zhubin is having a nice time talking to his friends, when he hears a struggle in a nearby alleyway.
<Zhubin> Old man, to the interfering!
<Greenling> You see a young woman with a package being hassled by a couple of thugs.
<Zhubin> "Now, look at this example of uncivilized behavior. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, making an old man stop his meal!"
<Greenling> All of them look at you like o___O.
<Zhubin> Zhubin flips his hood back, staring at them all. "Well, what do you have to say for yourselves? Apologize for this ruckus and let this young lady on her way."
<Greenling> "...What?" says one of the thugs. "Are you a snake-blood or something?:
<Zhubin> Zhubin quickly launches into a diatribe on how the Unconquered Sun looks down on such displays of behavior, chiding them for their weakness while simultaneously instructing them on the path to righteousness.
<Greenling> After a minote or two of this, the woman takes this opportunity to try to tug the package away, thus starting a new fight.
<Greenling> (*minute)
<Greenling> She seems to be rather capable of defending herself, if there weren't two much bigger than her and a package to protect.
<Zhubin> As they struggle, Zhubin walks between the two groups, draping an arm around one of the men. "Come, my two new friends, and let me lead you to a life of virtue under the auspices of the mighty Sun."
<Zhubin> !roll_ww 12 7 ex
<The_Lady> Zhubin invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10
<The_Lady> rolled 12d10. Got 9 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
* Cho has joined #fridaymortals
<Zhubin> !roll_ww 1 7 ex
<The_Lady> Zhubin invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 2
<The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Greenling> The two men look at Zhubin.
<Greenling> "Y.. you look just like grandpa." D:
<Greenling> One of them sniffs, clearly touched by the radiant aura of righteousness pervading Zhubin. "He always told us that no matter how bad things got, we should make him proud. Now look at us."
<Greenling> Sniff. "Yeah. When he died and everything went to hell..." D:
<Greenling> Meanwhile, the girl seems slightly touched, but manages to grab the package and leave.
<Zhubin> "Remember, it is never too late to change one's path. No matter the difficulties, true righteousness will bloom as a flower under the light of the Sun."
<Greenling> "But... if we leave, they'll hurt mom. And little Benny." :<
<Zhubin> "What is this? Tell me of your troubles, and we can surely make things right."
<Greenling> They tell you a sad tale of organized crime looking for short-term gain in what seems to be potentially apocalyptic times, putting pressure on young people with few options to join up and stay joined up.
<Greenling> It's all very vicious and unfortunate. Primarily they are concerned that they are in too far to get out without the gang trying to kill them and their family.
<Greenling> (They seem to be cousins.)
<Greenling> Meanwhile, back at the ranch... er, theatre...
<Greenling> ...Hey, where's Namhwa?
<Greenling> You guys only got two tickets.
<Rudeth> "I hope Doctor Cho can get in ok..." :<
* Rei blushes, glancing aside. Whoops...
<Greenling> So Namhwa's standing outside reading the letter.
<Greenling> "My dearest Cho:", it begins, in calligraphic High Realm.
<Greenling> You may not get this. I don't know where you're going, or what you're going to do when you get there, though I can only hope you keep me in your thoughts, and refrain from anything too dangerous. I've been doing well here in Gem, as you might guess; it was sort of a whim for me to come here, but I've had little but whim to go on in quite a while.
* Cho reads on with concern and a bit of shock.
<Greenling> It continues with talk of parties and social affairs, wheeling and dealing, concerns about the situation the Realm is going through with so many Anathema about and of course there's the Empress...
* Cho starts to subconsciously breathe heavier and his heart beats faster as he rushes through the text.
<Greenling> But at least Gem should be fine, for a while, and the person writing has the greatest of hopes for it to stay that way, and perhaps become an island of peace and stability from which the side of Good, metaphorically speaking, can expand.
<Greenling> It would be the greatest hope of this one, that we might continue some form of friendship despite the unpleasantness and sorrow behind us.
<Cho> "Yeah, right," he mutters.
<Greenling> If you ever do get this, ask the waiter at (insert very nice restaurant here) at your leisure and he will direct you to me. I assure you that neither I nor any of my associates will harm you, whatever they may seem.
<Greenling> Sincerest well-wishes, [illegible looping scrawl]
* Cho guesses that Velure has somehow found her way down this far South in some V'Neef venture, and crumples the letter and shoves it into his satchel.
* Cho is very sweaty and nervous, and feels a bit like weeping. He gathers his wits, though, and peers around to look for Rudeth and Rei... and distract himself from the awful past.
<Greenling> Meanwhile, a stagehand comes down to talk to Rudy and Rei, rubbing the back of his neck.
<Greenling> "Uh. Are you here for the performance or what?"
<Greenling> Rudy and Rei are... ... gone.
<Greenling> As is the ticket guy, seemingly.
<Rudeth> "Yes. Is it a problem that we're here kind of early?"
<Cho> "By the sun-beaten wastes..."
<Greenling> "N'I... guess not..."
* Cho looks around for his ever-faithful canine companion.
<Greenling> Sunny is sniffing around, staying near you.
<Greenling> She looks up at you, and walks over, wagging her tail sympathetically.
* Cho ruffles her neck reassuringly, then heads over to the doors to try them.
<Greenling> They're open.
* Cho holds the door open for Sunny, then enters, too.
<Greenling> Sunny enters happily.
<Greenling> The stagehand looks at you both and shrugs. "Eh, do what you want."
* Rei watches the actors setting up, leaning into Rudeth's side.
* Cho shrugs.
<Cho> "We're here for the show, of course."
<Greenling> Namhwa and Sunny make it to the actual seats-and-stage part of the theatre.
<Greenling> Now you're all together.
* Cho waves to them!
* Rei glances over, smiling to Namhwa and holding out a hand to Sunny.
* Cho motions Sunny over and takes a seat nearby.
* Cho at least looks for a seat.
<Greenling> Empty theatre except for y'all. Plenty of seats.
* Cho takes a seat on the other side of Rudy, then motions for Sunny to hop up onto his lap like usual.
<Greenling> After some chattering up on the stage, a man in black with bright blue hair comes over to you.
* Rudeth smiles.
<Rudeth> "Hello."
* Cho looks distant.
<Greenling> "Good evening!" He calls. "Getting into things a little early, are we?" He extends his hand to Namhwa, who happens to be closest to the aisle.
<Greenling> "Wonderful to meet you, I'm pretending to be the director tonight. Anything I can get for you?"
* Cho offers his hand back perfunctorily, still a bit dazed and off in his own world.
<Greenling> He looks slightly handsome and very friendly. There's an odd black circle on his forehead.
* Cho looks at the black circle on his forehead as his vision snaps back into focus.
* Rudeth extends a hand.
<Rudeth> "Nice to meet you."
<Greenling> He shakes Rudy's hand too! And kisses Rei's hand, if she likes. "Drinks, fliers, complimentary backstage tour for the beautiful lady?"
* Cho silently shakes the man's hand.
* Rei blushes softly at the kiss to her hand, smiling shyly.
<Cho> "I'm sure she wouldn't want the magic of your show to be ruined before the presentation," Cho interjects.
<Cho> :(
<Rudeth> "Do you want anything, Rei?"
<Greenling> "Ah. I like your perspective, sir; up to her, of course, but I do." He grins at Namhwa.
* Cho looks back unsmilingly.
* Rei smiles softly, blushing and nodding
<Rudeth> "Rei and I would like to see the backstage." Rudeth looks over at Namwha, curious why he's suddenly acting so sullen.
<Cho> "I was going to surprise you guys with an invitation to a restaurant. We're supposed to be there in fifteen minutes," Cho says sulkily.
<Rudeth> "...But the show." D:
<Rudeth> "...Can we come back tomorrow at least?" :<
<Cho> "Of course," Cho says unconvincingly.
<Greenling> "...Well, the show isn't for another hour and a half yet. You can come back. And if you've bought your tickets, I can easily exchange them."
<Greenling> "Just ask for Smoke. I think I'll remember you." ^_^
<Cho> "Great," Cho says. "And your name...? Ah."
<Rudeth> "I'm Rudeth, and my silent friend is Rei." ^^
* Cho motions for Sunny to jump down, then stands up and brushes dog fur off his lap.
<Greenling> Sunny seems a bit wary of him.
<Cho> "So an hour and a half, eh? Great."
* Cho seems eager to leave, too.
<Greenling> She seems to be staring in confusion at his forehead.
<Greenling> "I see that you're hungry. I hope you have a wonderful time wherever you're going." He gets out of your way and bows with a flourish towards the door.
* Cho tries to lead Rudeth and Rei out, with himself standing next to smoke to permit them to exit the row.
<Cho> (*Smoke)
* Rei blinks and stands, blushing some and following after as well...
* Rudeth heads out, acting rather sullen and staying near Rei.
* Cho begins to sweat, then thanks Smoke and exits.
<Greenling> Smoke looks slightly concerned at Cho. Sunny sniffs at him but follows.
<Rudeth> When they're out of the theater, Rudeth looks over at Cho. "...Is something wrong?"
<Cho> "...Mary Feng said that those who bear a black circle on their foreheads are the worst kind of people, and should be avoided at all costs," he whispers to Rudy and Rei.
<Rudeth> "But...I mean...He seemed nice. And that's a very broad statement. I'm sure there are lots of people with black circles on their foreheads. Maybe it was part of his costume."
* Cho raises an eyebrow.
<Cho> "Perhaps... But how often is the Director in a play?"
<Greenling> So, what restaurant are you going to, hmm? :3
<Cho> ...
<Rudeth> "I dunno. He *could.*"
* Cho doesn't lie, I don't think. So we're going to the very nice, very reputable Hanging Gardens.
<Cho> "They serve traditional Realm fare, was well as some exotic treats such as strawberries and cream. Of course you're right, Rudeth, but I don't want to see anything happen to us.
<Greenling> Ooh, Lookshyan!
<Greenling> <_< or that.
<Greenling> (I like yours better)
<Cho> "It was all very creepy, us alone, invited backstage..."
<Rudeth> :< "Well we can go back, right? I mean, if we're there when other people are, we should be fine."
<Cho> "Of course! I'm sorry if I seem bossy. And I really meant I didn't want to see anything happen to *you* two, especially if I knew about something dangerous and didn't tell you about it."
<Cho> "It'd be like letting you walk into some monstrous spider web."
<Rudeth> Rudeth still thinks he seemed like a very nice man and backstage sounds fun, but he doesn't want to worry Cho, so he doesn't push the matter.
<Greenling> The Hanging Gardens is... a hanging garden.
<Greenling> It's a cool, slightly humid veritable bounty of alchemical plants.
* Cho sweats and tugs at his clothing.
<Greenling> It seems like the only way they could possibly pay for it probably involves the occassional useful, even rare plant you see growing behind fences and educational signs.
* Cho looks for signs of ownership.
* Rei glancces around some curiously.
<Greenling> You are greeted at the door briefly; the doorman looks over Rei and Namhwa, and less so over Rudeth, but allows you in.
<Greenling> You would guess a Wood Aspect owns this place.
<Greenling> Just, y'know. A guess.
* Cho has quit IRC (Disintegrated: ajax IRC Client�)
<Greenling> Inside, it's a combination of luxurious and intricately detailed light wood paneling, bright alchemical lights, and still more plants. Multilevel raised platforms seemingly held up by bamboo accomodate swaths of tables with happy, softly chattering, and to a one wealthy-looking individuals.
* Cho has joined #fridaymortals
<Greenling> Inside, it's a combination of luxurious and intricately detailed light wood paneling, bright alchemical lights, and still more plants. Multilevel raised platforms seemingly held up by bamboo accomodate swaths of tables with happy, softly chattering, and to a one wealthy-looking individuals.
<Greenling> You think you even see the flash of Jade on a small percentage.
* Cho gently inquires about the owner's health, as though he's an old friend.
<Rudeth> "Jeez, these people are all rich," Rudeth whispers. Rudeth tries not to touch anything.
<Greenling> The person who comes to greet you is a stunningly beautiful woman of vaguely Paragonese/Lap-area features and remarkably plain clothing.
<Greenling> "The owner? Oh, she's not in; she's left to stay with some relatives on the Isle over the winter."
<Cho> "I see. Well, may the sun warm her gardens and the night cool her brow."
<Greenling> "I'm sorry. If you're here to eat, may I ask if you have a reservation?"
* Cho looks sheepish.
<Greenling> "That's very poetic of you." Her smile seems genuine.
<Cho> "I'm afraid we don't. I received a letter recently from my colleague regarding the cuisine that graces your finely crafted art, for which the only word that this language has is 'table.'"
<Cho> "And you must excuse me if the very atmosphere that's enshrined in this domain has inspired my heart to an honest expression of the heart."
<Cho> (Fooey! I meant my tongue to an honest expression of the heart)
<Greenling> Are Rudy or Rei doing anything?
<Cho> !roll_ww 9 7 Wits 4 + Socialize 3 + Stunt 2 + 1 auto WP
<The_Lady> Cho invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> Error! Reroll threshold must be greater than Target Number!
<Cho> !roll_ww 9 7 ex Wits 4 + Socialize 3 + Stunt 2 + 1 auto WP
<The_Lady> Cho invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10
<The_Lady> rolled 9d10. Got 8 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Cho> (9 successes)
* Rudeth is just standing back, looking charming and not touching the expensive things.
* Rei is lookinga round curiously but staying close to Rudeth.
<Greenling> She touches her hand to her lips briefly, seeming impressed.
<Greenling> "Forgive me, honored sir. We have plenty of tables; I simply wished to know if you had already requested one. Allow me to lead you wherever you would like- perhaps the pavilion?"
<Cho> "Wherever her ladyship's favorite spot in the restaurant is, should it be permissible for our base company, would be an honor, privilege, and a story to tell our families years from now."
* Cho whispers to Rei, "If you can pay for the meal then I owe you a favor."
<Greenling> "I'm sure there's nothing about your company that could be base." She retrieves several pieces of paper which Namhwa recognizes to be menues and leads you on.
<Greenling> There's a couple of staircases, each bordered with brocaded cloth in green and yellow, until you reach...
<Cho> "At the very least our past experiences among the salt and sundry of the South have leant our honored selves a bit of perspective, which makes our hostess seem all the more Celestial in scope."
<Cho> !roll_ww 7 7 Wits 4 + Soc 3
<The_Lady> Cho invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> Error! Reroll threshold must be greater than Target Number!
<Cho> !roll_ww 7 7 ex Wits 4 + Soc 3
<The_Lady> Cho invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 2, 6, 6, 6, 6, 9
<The_Lady> rolled 7d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Greenling> Cho has an inkling that this woman is somewhat fond of him.
* Cho clears his throat and pets Sunny, then lapses into silence.
<Greenling> This is platform jutting out from the restaurant proper, stories above... you can see the twinkling lights in the distance, and the whole pattern of the gardens below. It seems soothing and safe for no particular reason.
* Cho can't help but be awed by the view, though.
<Greenling> There are three tables up here, one occupied by what seems to be a chatty Dragon-Blooded (from the white jade) and a couple of very, very wealthy men.
<Greenling> This seems to be the crowning glory of the restaurant.
<Greenling> "Can I get you anything to start, or drinks?" She sits the menus down and steps back.
* Cho maintains his composure, though he greatly desires to gush (his emotions) all over Rudeth and Rei.
<Rudeth> "D'you have some sort of an appetizer with mangos?
<Cho> "Have you two ever had Northern whiskey? It's worlds beyond the tequila down here. I would highly recommend it," Cho remarks to Rudeth and Rei, then looks enquiringly at the hostess.
<Greenling> "Certainly. We have..." She rattles off three mango-containing appetizers which might as well be in East Wachovian for all Rudy understands what the hell she just said.
* Rei shakes her head some.
<Rudeth> "Um...Which one would you recommend?" ^^;
<Cho> "Well, should the restaurant carry it... What's the name? Not Haltan, but near the Icewalkers. Perhaps... G-something? Gesthemanian? Very cold, very good, not too peaty."
<Rudeth> "And I guess I'll take whatever drink my friend recommends?"
<Greenling> "We have some very good vintages of Northern whiskey in. As far as the mango, I would recommend the [first one] if you like sweets, and [the third one] if you're having fish and want to save some."
<Greenling> "Gethsemanian? Yes sir."
<Rudeth> "I'll take the sweet one, then. Enough for all of us." :D
* Cho nods, then looks to Rei for her bugetary approval.
<Greenling> "One bottle of Gethsemanian whiskey, three glasses, three portions of [mango thing]. Anything else, or should I leave you to look at the menu first?"
<Rudeth> "Well, I think I'd like to have look at the menu for my meal."
* Cho nods, grateful that he doesn't have to say anything else.
* Cho looks over the menu, particularly for shellfish. He's curious as to how they get seafood all the way down here, and brings it up to Rudeth.
<Cho> "How do you think they get seafood down here. And it's nice to read a menu, eh?" ;)
* Rudeth laughs. "Um, well, I guess they -- I'm not sure. Huh. I've never had shellfish before. It's really expensive... What of this is good?"
<Cho> "REALLY?! Shell fish is fantastic, but you'll want a really light white wine to go with it. Let's see... I imagine you ate a lot of beef and vegetables growing up? They have some good selections of that." Cho tries to helpfully narrate the menu, too.
<Cho> "The wine selection is -incredible-..."
* Cho lists off pairs of seafood and white wines that could go together, some hits and some misses.
* Rudeth orders something peculiar and foreign, probably a Western dish, then starts poking through the desserts.
* Cho is in love with that part of the menu.
* Rei blushes, thinking she could probably afford them, glancing over the meals and looking to the others for their choices...
* Cho recommends the crab in a white cheese/milk sauce with pasta, an incredibly unusual dish this far from the coast. He also recommends the heavier Sauvignon Blanc over his previous coupling of Chardonnay.
<Cho> !roll_ww 2 7 ex Temperance
<The_Lady> Cho invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 5, 7
<The_Lady> rolled 2d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Cho> ...but only a glass each.
<Cho> "For the complementary flavor."
<Rudeth> "Ok, I think I'm getting...this spicy pasta shrimp-thing here...I don't know how to pronounce that...and the pastry with strawberries...and whatever drink you recommend."
<Cho> "The Sauvignon Blanc will be an excellent complement for that."
<Greenling> You get your drinks and appetizer quickly.
<Greenling> Frozen mangoes, right out of the gardens below, chilled and drizzled with a sugar-sauce, an odd-tasting cream, and some little crunchy white chocolate things.
<Rudeth> NOM.
<Greenling> It is absolutely delicious. The whiskey is... surprisingly smooth, and tasting kind of like frozen... nope, it's gone.
<Greenling> ...It would be rather simple to accidentally drink too much of this stuff.
* Cho has quit IRC (Disintegrated: ajax IRC Client�)
* Cho has joined #fridaymortals
<Greenling> (yay!)
<Greenling> A few minutes after you get your drinks, the waitress comes back.
<Greenling> "I'm sorry, I think- oh dear- your audience is requested in the Yellow Room, sir."
* Cho nods a greeting with a modest smile.
<Greenling> She bows deeply.
* Cho sighs and reiterates his smile.
<Greenling> "I'm sorry. I expected a man with such depth and taste would, but... may I bring your orders there or will you not be long?"
<Cho> "Thank you," he says, then picks up the bottle of Scotch. "Sorry for the inconvenience. Shall we?" he remarks to Rudeth and Rei.
* Rei nods to Cho, standing if asked to.
<Greenling> She seems slightly embarassed.
<Cho> "We might as well do our gracious host the honor of being at their complete disposal."
* Rudeth nods and stands, then bows to the waitress.
<Greenling> You are led back down.
<Greenling> She carries the mangoes and whatever else with a waitress' ease, offering to simply replace your unused plates and utensils, and you head down...
<Greenling> Through the kitchen, to long enclosed hallway spotted only by yellow lights and the occasional closed door.
* Cho takes another drink on the way down, enjoying the burn, then offers the bottle to his companions.
* Rudeth shrugs and takes a drink.
* Cho makes no comment, and simply measures Rudeth's face for a reaction.
<Greenling> At the very end of the hallway- it seems like you've gotten turned around, you can't see where you came from if you look, but you don't know how- there is a yellow door with a simple yellow and green pattern around it.
<Rudeth> !roll_ww 5 7 ex Wits 3 + Awareness 2
<The_Lady> Rudeth invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 2, 7, 7, 9, 10
<The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 5 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Cho> !roll_ww 6 7 ex Wits 4 + Awareness 2
<The_Lady> Cho invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9
<The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
* Cho stares at the pattern and waits for the hostess' instructions on etiquette when approaching this "Yellow Room."
<Greenling> The hostess bows to you as well as she can carrying what she is, and opens the door.
* Rudeth looks at the pattern strangely, passing the bottle back to Cho. He peers into the room.
<Greenling> She quickly puts the food on the table inside and *leaves*. When she gets right outside the door, she hesitates and says: "Someone will be in to take your order soon, sir."
* Cho accepts the bottle and corks it for the moment.
<Cho> "Thank you. It was nice meeting you."
<Greenling> She nods and leaves.
<Greenling> There are rather dangerous-looking people inside the room, lining the walls.
<Greenling> The table is large and filled with many sumptuous foodstuffs.
<Greenling> The room actually seems to be mostly green and gold rather than yellow, per se.
<Greenling> The dangerous-looking people look at you with neutral expressions.
<Greenling> Do you enter?
* Cho sighs, the offers the bottle to the nearest dangerous-looking person. "Would you indulge me in your company." HECK YES.
<Rudeth> ...we left the peppy blue-haired guy for a big room full of dangerous people. Rudeth seems mildly disturbed by this.
<Greenling> The large scarred man looks at the bottle. He seems a little startled.
<Greenling> "Uh. Thanks."
<Greenling> You *do* notice they're alllll wearing that eye symbol.
<Cho> "Absolutely. I'm Cho, that's Rudy, and that's Rei. It's nice meeting you guys."
<Greenling> There are three chairs on one side of the table and three unoccupied chairs on the other.
<Cho> (Plz don't kill us)
<Greenling> "Yeah. Boss mentioned you."
<Greenling> Sunny sniffs around. She seems disturbed by something and it's not these guys. She's ignoring these guys.
<Cho> "What a pleasant surprise, do you have a good relationship with your boss?"
* Cho distracts the fellows from Sunny.
<Greenling> "Oh, yeah. Great guy. Real nice."
<Greenling> Sit? :3
* Cho doesn't sit yet.
<Greenling> Well, anyhow, the door closes behind you as you enter...
<Cho> "Really? How do you like working for him?"
<Greenling> Suddenly, there is a blur from a back door you didn't notice.
<Cho> "Any difficult labor?"
<Greenling> And Namhwa suddenly has his arms full of what looks like an eleven-year-old blond boy.
* Rudeth stands on front of Rei and keeps an eye on this guys for anything fishy.
<Greenling> "NAMHWA!" :D
<Cho> "Oh, Provider."
<Greenling> "You got my letter oh Sire I didn't think you'd evern come!" :D
<Greenling> Squeeze.
<Greenling> (*ever)
<Greenling> "Hiiii!" He waves and hops down.
<Greenling> "This place is great!"
<Cho> "Well, it's an absolute, incomparable pleasure to be in your company again."
* Rei blinks, glancing at the boy
<Cho> "It certainly is beyond compare."
<Greenling> "You're such a terrible liar~" He hops over the table and into a seat and sits with his elbows on the table, grinning at you.
<Greenling> "So how've you been!"
<Cho> "Absolutely fabulous. What about you? I have some questions, if you don't mind."
<Greenling> "Oh oh oh I want you to meet my sisters but they're not here right now."
<Greenling> "I've been great! It's fun here, so much to play with! What questions?"
<Cho> "It's recently come to my attention that following your meeting, I'd lost touch with some old friends. How could such a thing come to be?"
* Cho quietly apologizes to Rei and Rudeth.
<Greenling> "Huh? What old friends? What does that have to do with me?"
<Cho> "I'm not sure," Cho says, looking bewildered. "Have you... Drawn me closer to you, or something?"
* Cho searches for the words.
<Cho> "My friends said that my fate has become lost to the world, and obviously this is greatly distressing."
<Cho> "And while I would be happy to meet you sisters under most circumstances, being lost to my fellows and my home is not one of them." :(
<Greenling> "Oh, you're outside of Fate? Wow. That must suck for you."
<Greenling> "I didn't do it deliberately..."
<Greenling> "I mean, my Blessing doesn't do that. I think." He considers this.
<Cho> "Blessing?"
<Greenling> "The one you asked for. My full Blessing."
* Cho frowns.
<Greenling> "I gave it to *other* people and things aren't all turning to sardines and crackers around *them*."
<Cho> "I wasn't aware that your blessing had other-worldly effects. And what does that mean?"
<Greenling> "Oh, and how's my Hunter doing?" He grins indulgently at Rudy. "Are you hungry?"
<Greenling> "What does what mean?" o.o
<Greenling> ...He's clearly much happier not being cooped up in the Manse, at least?
<Cho> "Sardines and crackers? I'm unfamiliar with the expression."
* Cho senses that.
* Rudeth backs up a bit. "I'm doing fine, thank you."
<Greenling> "Oh. You know, you're outside of Fate, currently mortal, stuff starts being weird and causality doesn't work around you. I'm surprised your "friends" haven't, like, killed you or something yet- don't they do that?"
<Greenling> "Or is that just us and raksha?" He bites his nail.
* Cho narrows his eyes.
<Cho> "What a terrible blessing. I'm not *trying* to be insulting, but surely even you must admit that giving a gift that will cause its recipient to perish, even through circumspect means, is an awful one to be burdened with."
<Greenling> "I'm glad, though! I'd hate for something I may or may not have influenced to keep you from being more badass later on. That would be so disappointing." Grin.
<Greenling> "..." He looks sad.
<Greenling> "But. It'll help you." D:
<Greenling> "I'm really sorry. Can't you just weave yourself back in?"
<Cho> "Then my greatest thanks, Provider. I know that a being with a small bit of power and presence such as myself must seem myopic, but many of these things that you talk about are even beyond my scope of comprehension. For all I know this is a curse, for you claimed that we would face each other as adversaries. If so, then I am well and crippled."
* Cho now looks sad!
* Cho will explain... some things to Rei and Rudeth later.
<Greenling> :<
<Cho> "So, I humbly ask that you restore me to... reality, and perhaps we can meet in more amicable circumstances. You certainly seem happy how you are being free of that manse. Can't you imagine me being just as happy free in Creation?"
<Cho> "While I genuinely wish to retain your friendship, I'm missing some very basic parts of the core of my being."
<Greenling> "Okay, I'm reeeallly no good at explaining this stuff. I don't even know that much about your kind. All I actually know is what Lute told me about Hishael."
<Greenling> ...Those names make you feel funny.
<Greenling> "I guess I could try revoking my Blessing and see if that fixes it?"
<Cho> "How would that affect our bargain?"
<Greenling> "Uh, well mostly I just don't want anything to kill you yet."
<Greenling> "So... it wouldn't."
* Cho frowns.
<Greenling> He leans over and sniffs Rudy. "Are you *sure* you're not hungry?"
<Greenling> "Do you know anything about this stuff?"
<Cho> "It saddens me that you would ever want me to perish, but I think a revocation would be the most simple and direct solution to my current concern. I know a bit, but my lore is far outstripped by your own."
<Greenling> "I guess you're still mortal too, huh."
* Cho looks a bit confused.
* Rudeth stiffens and doesn't reply. He keeps one arm back around Rei.
<Greenling> He unleans and taps his chin, looking at Cho.
* Cho continues cradling the Provider?
<Greenling> (he's in a seat on the other side of the table. sorry if that wasn't clear. X3)
* Cho motions for that guard to quit nursing the bottle and pass it along.
<Cho> (If not guard... Then whatever he is)
<Greenling> The guard does. "Really, if any of you people would just do whatever it is you do to go all glowy it would make my life so much easier."
<Cho> :O
<Cho> "I'm sorry, but you've lost me."
* Cho looks at Rudeth and Rei.
<Greenling> "Well, how much time do you ha- what the heck is that expression for?"
* Rudeth looks back at Cho and shrugs.
<Cho> "How so, though?"
<Greenling> "You, Hunter Boy, Annoying One."
<Cho> "Sorry, still only mortal."
<Greenling> "Well, Annoying One is different. But still."
<Rudeth> "...what?"
<Greenling> "I dunno! You start glowing!" He puts his hands up in the iar.
<Cho> "But how would that make your life easier?"
<Greenling> "It has something to do with how you channel Essence?"
<Greenling> (*air)
<Rudeth> "What the heck are you talking about?" O.o
<Greenling> "Because then you'd... I don't know. Isn't that how this stuff works?"
<Greenling> "You go glowy and suddenly you're on our level and everything makes sense?"
<Rudeth> "Glowy?" :/
<Cho> "Perhaps you should revoke your blessing, then we could correspond more on the subject at a later date. I'll write if you do."
<Greenling> He sighs.
<Greenling> He looks defeated. "How much time do you have tonight?"
<Greenling> "Revoking it is not as simple as granting it."
<Cho> "For you, Provider, I can spare all the time you need."
* Cho is genuinely trying to build a friendship with this alien being.
<Greenling> He claps his hands. "That's so sweet of you~"
* Cho turns back to Rudeth and Rei, "Could you let Mary know where I am, that I'm okay, and that I'll be along when I can?"
<Greenling> "Okay. It'll be easiest if we do it like midnightish. In the meantime you can have all the food you want, or beds, or whatever it is you want."
<Greenling> "On me."
<Rudeth> "Alri--wait, how do you know Mary?" o.o
<Cho> "How generous."
* Cho looks at Rudeth like he's crazy.
<Rudeth> (Sorry, I was confused, I read that as Green sending that XD)
<Greenling> "And I'll let you meet my sisters. They should be back by nightfall. Your little friends can come too, if they like."
<Cho> (Oh, good)
<Cho> "Well, then we'll be back an hour before middle-night, I suppose."
* Cho has quit IRC (Disintegrated: ajax IRC Client�)
* Cho has joined #fridaymortals
<Greenling> "Aww. Okay. If you insist."
* Cho nods.
<Greenling> "You can just come directly next time. Go around the back door and... and..."
<Cho> "And?"
<Greenling> "Jimmy, what's the password thing today?" "Uh. Three knocks, one, and when the guy comes to the door, tell 'im "in the night the sun still burns"." "Yeah, that."
<Cho> "So that's good until midnight?"
<Greenling> "Until dawn. But come back soon!"
<Cho> "Of course!"
<Greenling> He hops onto the table and walks over, managing to avoid the various dishes and glasses, and gives Namhwa a hug.
* Cho embraces the Provider back.
<Greenling> "Have fun with whatever it is you're doing. Please don't be trying to plot to call the Immaculates on us or something, I'd be mad."
<Cho> "That would be a huge betrayal of your trust when you're doing me a favor."
<Cho> ;)
<Greenling> He stands back up and claps his hands again. "Oh, you humans. You're so much fun when you're not being all angry or stringy."
<Cho> "Well, perhaps we can have fun sometime instead of all this awful serious business. By your leave?" Cho indicates the door.
<Greenling> "Bye!" He waves. "Bye Hunter Boy! Bye Sparkly One!"
* Rudeth whispers to Cho, "Are you the sparkly one, or is Rei the sparkly one?"
* Cho exits with Tha Crew.
* Cho whispers back, "I think Rei is."
* Rudeth keeps Rei near him and heads out behind Cho,
<Rudeth> "So d'you think we still have time to see the play tonight?"
<Cho> "Good-bye, Provider."
<Cho> "It wouldn't be fair to leave Mary out."
<Greenling> You leave.
* Rei follows out after Rudeth, glancing to Cho, blinking at the comment and looking over herself.
<Greenling> The play is in about twenty minutes.
<Greenling> ...Did any of you actually ingest anything other than that whiskey?
<Cho> :)
<Cho> (Ooops)
<Rudeth> I ate the mango thing.
<Rudeth> Which was pure sure.
<Cho> Cho only imbibed whiskey.
<Rei> [Depends on how distracting anything else may have been.]
<Greenling> ...That'll be two Sta Res, O Easily Frightened Ones.
<Rei> !roll_ww 2 7 ex
<The_Lady> Rei invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 5
<The_Lady> rolled 2d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Rudeth> !roll_ww 6 7 ex (Sta 3 + Res 3)
<The_Lady> Rudeth invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9
<The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Cho> !roll_ww 5 7 ex Stamina 3 + Resistance 2
<The_Lady> Cho invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 2, 3, 8, 10, 10
<The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 5 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Greenling> Rudy's a leetle tipsy.
<Greenling> Namhwa apparently scared all the alcohol out of his body with the sheer balls he exhibited in his conversation with the flesh-eating demon boy.
<Greenling> Rei: pretty~
* Cho feels a lot better walking out of that confrontation. Strangely the demon wasn't as bad as what he was expecting to greet him.
<Greenling> Rudy is pretty and things are niiiice.
* Rei gives as close to an approximation of a giggle as she can, leaning into Rudeth happily, using him for support. Did she actually DRINK any of that when he wasn't looking, or just catch the vapors off what he was drinking?...
<Greenling> After a brief stop at the inn, you make it to the theatre.
<Greenling> There's a small crowd, lights, prettiness...
<Greenling> Mary is sitting on a step watching the door.
* Cho waves.
<Cho> "Everyone is in one piece, and I have news.
<Greenling> "Oh?"
* Cho whispers a bit to her about the Provider revoking his "Blessing," which will hopefully put Cho back into "Fate."
* Rei glances up, swaying some where she stood against Rudeth
<Greenling> She looks up at you. "What in the names of all the Dragons are you talking about, boy?"
<Greenling> "And why is the girl drunk?"
<Greenling> "Did you all go out and get smashed without me?"
* Cho sighs.
<Cho> "Yes. No."
* Rudeth points at Cho. "'s his fault."
<Cho> "The liquor's at the hotel, but we have an appointment at midnight."
* Rei giggles softly, pawing at Rudeth's pointing hand.
* Cho looks at Mary with a bit of confusion.
<Greenling> "Uh, okay. Do I have to come too? An old woman needs her sleep." She stands up.
<Cho> "...I thought you might want to, but I guess we can just see the show."
<Greenling> She yawns. "Let's go. I want to see this thing."
* Cho holds the door for everyone.
* Rudeth looks at Mary for a moment. "Hey, maybe you can clear somethin' up. He said you said that anybody with a black thingie on their head was bad." Rudeth points at his forehead. "The blue-haired director guy had a black spot and Cho wouldn't let him take us back stage."
* Cho shrugs.
* Cho also looks a bit sheepish.
<Greenling> "..."
<Greenling> "I claim the rest of the booze."
<Cho> "No way."
<Greenling> She gets in line. :D
<Cho> "I'll buy you your own bottle."
<Greenling> "You do NOT need more of whatever that is."
<Cho> "I am doing just fine, thank you."
<Rudeth> "I am NOT drunk." D:
* Cho looks at Rudeth curiously.
<Cho> "Okay."
<Rudeth> "I'm just a little bit... I mean... wait... what was I saying? Hey, we're at the theater!" :D
<Cho> "Right." :)
<Greenling> "Right."
<Rudeth> "Let's go see that play. :D"
<Greenling> You make it into the theatre and manage to get decent seats.
* Cho pulls Sunny up into his lap.
* Rei giggles softly at Sunny, offering a hand. Cute doggy.
<Greenling> Sunny sniffs Rei's hand tentatively, sitting in Namhwa's lap.
* Rei smiles in a friendly manner, gently petting Sunny if allowed once the sniffing was done. Good doggy.
<Greenling> Sunny is still trying to keep away from you.
<Greenling> Though hey, no growling.
<Cho> :)
<Greenling> Someone comes out from behind the curtain, and the chattering stops.
* Rei doesn't seem to notice, and eventually - barring exceptional dodge skills or biting - gives her a little ear rub, giggling softly before leaning against Rudeth, yawning cutely.
<Greenling> ...The dog does indeed have exceptional dodge skills, sadly.
* Rudeth puts an arm around Rei and watches the stage.
<Greenling> "...Rr."
<Cho> (lol)
<Greenling> The show goes on.
* Rudeth is keeping an eye out for Smoke. :3
<Greenling> It's... surprisingly good.
<Greenling> The actors are great, the story is enthralling...
<Greenling> In the middle of it, Mary gets up and leaves, claiming she'll be right back.
<Cho> "Wow..."
<Greenling> She does not return for the duration of the show, nor does Smoke rear his head.
<Greenling> But it is a very nice show.
* Rudeth leans over to Cho. "Where did she go?" D:
<Cho> "Who? Oh, Mary? I don't know. I wonder if Smoke was in costume."
<Greenling> What a nice show. Okay. Well, eventually it ends.
* Cho applauds.
<Cho> "So, shall we check back... inn?"
<Cho> :D
<Rudeth> "Sounds fine!'
<Greenling> Mary's still gone.
<Cho> "Hmm. Onward to the our Provisioner?"
<Rudeth> "Yep."
<Greenling> Onward!
<Greenling> You arrive at the back door of the Hanging Gardens?
<Cho> Sure.
* Rudeth brings his sword along.
* Cho knocks three times, then once!
<Greenling> "What is it?" says a voice from behind the door.
<Cho> In the night the sun still burns!
<Cho> ""
<Greenling> The door creaks open and a man with a mace looks out at you.
<Greenling> "..." Looks you up and down. "Come in."
* Cho looks at the mace in alarm.
<Cho> "Thank you.
<Cho> "
<Greenling> He stands by the door and allows you to pass.
<Greenling> You quickly find yourself in the kitchens.
<Greenling> The few cooks and waiters left ignore you.
* Cho looks about for the yellow door.
<Greenling> You find the hallway, and then head down the hallway to the yellow door.
* Cho stands and stares at it for a moment. Did anyone accompany them?
<Greenling> Looks like just you, Rudy, Rei and Sunny.
* Cho knocks three times on the Yellow Door, then once.
* Rudeth is keeping in front of Rei with one arm around her and one hand on the hilt of his sword.
<Greenling> The door opens.
* Cho peers in.
<Greenling> You see a nice-looking young girl of maybe 16 in a waitress' outfit.
<Greenling> "Hello. Are you Namhwa?"
<Cho> "I am."
<Cho> :-s
<Cho> "Who are you?"
<Cho> "Oh, you must be one of the Provider's sisters!"
<Cho> "Where /is/ the Provider?"
<Greenling> She laughs. "Come in, come in. There'll be enough time for that."
<Greenling> There are no guards this time.
<Cho> "I'd prefer to speak to your brother first. As far as I know this is his home, and it would be rude if I came in without his permission."
* Cho has quit IRC (Disintegrated: ajax IRC Client�)
<Greenling> "I think he went to get some food. He'll be back in a minute."
* Cho has joined #fridaymortals
<Greenling> "You're just a little early, you know."
<Cho> "Our apologies, then. I'm sure there must be somewhere that we can wait without intruding on your hospitality."
<Greenling> "Oh, tsk, you're not. But if you insist, hmmm..."
<Greenling> At that moment you hear tromping from behind you.
<Greenling> "Oh, nevermind." "Namhwaaa~!"
* Cho looks behind him.
<Cho> "Hey, my Provider!"
<Greenling> Is he carrying *half a cow*.
<Cho> :O
<Cho> (Which half?)
<Greenling> (the right half.)
<Cho> (Goodness.)
<Greenling> (sans head.)
<Greenling> Also, behind him is a woman of about twenty with strawberry-blond hair and a pair of wicked-looking swords.
<Cho> "...Do you need help?"
<Greenling> "Nope! Just lemme in the door."
* Rudeth looks somewhat disturbed by the half of a cow.
* Cho moves to the side to allow the Provider to enter first.
<Greenling> The cow gets put on the table and he begins to unwrap it. The other woman ignores you and walks past.
* Cho follows the demonic family in!
<Greenling> The first girl waves you in.
<Greenling> The scene is a bit different.
* Rudeth enters after Cho.
* Cho waves at the friendly girl
<Greenling> The Provider and the red-haired one begin partitioning the cow; meanwhile little hollow crystal... things... with long noses hop over and sit beside you, seemingly filled with nice-smelling things.
<Greenling> "Would you like some wine?" Says the first girl.
<Greenling> The Provider says something through a mouthful of red meat.
<Cho> "No, thank you. I've had quite my fill of alcohol for the night, and I'm still savoring the lingering scent of my palate."
* Cho rubs his belly thoughtfully.
<Rudeth> "No thanks."
<Cho> (*on my)
* Cho watches the scene silently, not wishing to be rude but preferring to be away from the gruesome sight sooner rather than later.
* Cho tries petting a crystal-thing.
<Greenling> The crystal thing doesn't seem to respond.
<Greenling> "All right." She sits down.
<Greenling> Swallow. "So! These are my sisters."
<Cho> "A pleasure," Namhwa replies.
<Greenling> "The Creator-" smile "and the Avenger." grumph
<Rudeth> "Nice to meet you."
<Greenling> "...My brother is uncreative," says the Avenger, looking you over. The Provider swats her, starting a small scuffle.
<Greenling> They seperate, and he clears his throat.
<Cho> "I can believe that even an over-active imagination would stifled by your lines and grace, as such an intimidatingly geometric being."
<Greenling> Avenger-one stares at you.
* Cho stares back.
<Greenling> After a minute of silence, she jabs a bloodied finger at the cow. "Would you like some of this?"
<Rudeth> "We're not hungry. We've already eaten."
<Cho> "No, thank you. I have had my fill," he says, even though all he's had was that bit of Scotch earlier.
<Greenling> She does something that might be a grin and then rips into the thing.
<Greenling> ...A little splatters on Rudy.
<Greenling> "Was there anything else you wanted before midnight?" the Provider asks.
* Cho shakes his head. "I don't think so, thanks, though."
* Cho feels a bit tired ICly, too, even though that's not very epic.
<Cho> "Actually, I was wondering if you have dealt with the Fair Folk before."
<Greenling> He thinks for a bit.
<Greenling> ... ... ... ... "Yes."
<Cho> "Under what circumstances?"
<Greenling> "Uhm. I've been through the Wyld a couple times." The Creator gives him a tsk look, he gives her a what? look.
<Cho> "Which Fair Folk do you know that are amenable to humans? By amenable, I mean willing to bargain and trade."
<Cho> "Fairly."
<Cho> "The way that you do," he further clarifies.
<Greenling> "Uh."
<Greenling> "Hmm." He ponders. "Mostly they either got out of my way or I ate them."
<Greenling> "We didn't really talk."
<Cho> "Oh." :3
<Cho> "What's the best way to eat a Fair Folk?"
<Greenling> "Well you have to make sure they don't just dissapate."
<Cho> "How do you make sure of such a thing?"
<Greenling> "So usually you have to, like, bind them to one of those... whatsit... the things which are connected to the things they eat with. Anyhow they have objects which are important to them."
<Cho> "OOoooh really?"
<Greenling> "So you knock them unconscious, and tie them to the giant sword- or whatever- and for some reason, I guess dramatic purposes, that seems to keep them all solidish."
<Cho> "Interesting!"
<Greenling> "Or you can play keepaway and they'll do all sorts of amusing things."
<Cho> "What's the best way to tie a Fair Folk to their 'fetish'? Or keep it away?"
<Greenling> "That got me through a couple areas once."
<Greenling> "Hmm. I just used rope."
<Cho> "What other considerations must one take when eating a Fair Folk?"
<Greenling> "Why are you going to the stupid Wyld again?"
<Cho> "To resurrect my true love."
<Greenling> ... ... Headtilt.
* Rudeth suddenly looks back at Cho, interested.
<Greenling> He points at you, looks up, and makes calculating motions.
* Cho looks over at Rudeth.
<Greenling> "...No *wonder*."
<Greenling> "Oh wow."
<Greenling> "Oh, wow."
<Cho> "Oh what?"
<Greenling> The Avenger stares at him. The Creator gets up and leaves quietly.
<Greenling> "This is totally all your fault!" :D
<Greenling> "That's so cool! Wow! I thought this was all random!"
<Greenling> He seems very pleased with himself.
<Cho> "So what isn't coincidental?"
* Rudeth turns back to the Provider. "...What's all his fault?"
<Greenling> "Oh, all of it. You, and you with the other thing, and her, and her" points to Rei "and me and this and the Annoying One and oh my."
<Greenling> "This is going to be wonderful."
<Greenling> "I know exactly who you should go to!"
<Cho> "Fabulous," Cho mutters, but a seed of hope blossoms in his heart.
<Greenling> He gets up and looks down at himself. Then he thinks a moment.
<Cho> "To whom should I go?" Cho asks with terse precision.
<Greenling> ..."Shit."
<Rudeth> "What do you mean 'all of it'? All of what? Who are we supposed to go to?"
<Greenling> "I exploded that book."
<Rudeth> "...What?"
<Cho> "WHAT?"
<Cho> "Where the hell is the Creator? Can she remake it?"
* Cho looks around.
<Greenling> "I know *exactly* who you're supposed to go to to have the thing happen and fix your dog and find your wife. But the copy that was in the Manse... well..." he looks sheepish.
<Greenling> "Uh, she's not that kind of Creator."
<Greenling> "Not with books."
* Cho frowns.
<Cho> "I see. What was the title?"
<Greenling> "But! There was another copy. Somewhere."
<Cho> "And what's wrong with Sunny?"
<Cho> "Where is it?"
<Greenling> "It was the notes of some guy... some guy... uhh..."
* Cho is getting a little excitable.
<Greenling> "Hyena or... something. I dunno. He dicked around in the Manse for a while and then he disappeared. But he knew things and he knew who I was, so I couldn't eat him."
<Greenling> "He was one of you."
* Cho latches on to that bit of information.
<Rudeth> "What do you mean one of us?"
<Greenling> "And he knew you when you were still not-you."
<Greenling> "The... you know the..." he waves his hands and pronounces something that sounds like a complex Essence-pattern. That is, as opposed to words.
<Cho> "Well, thank you. What's the title of the book?"
<Greenling> He shrugs. "I don't know if it had a title."
<Cho> "What is the subject of the book?" :/
<Greenling> "He was researching this whole thing. I'm pretty sure that if he found me, he knows the name of the raksha that did... whatever it did."
* Cho apologizes to Rudeth.
<Greenling> "...It's kind of fuzzy and non-linear, okay?"
<Cho> "Well, thank you. I think I understand your trouble."
<Greenling> "Uhmmm. Hmm."
<Greenling> "...You might be going somewhere else first."
<Cho> "Elsewhere?"
<Greenling> He thinks.
<Greenling> "...How much do you trust my judgement, Namhwa?"
<Cho> "You seem to have only my best interests at heart."
<Greenling> He grins.
<Greenling> "Okay. If things happen how I think they're gonna happen..."
* Cho might be disturbed.
<Greenling> "And I'm usually right... after you finish here, with whatever, you'll have a parchment with you."
<Cho> "Okay."
<Greenling> "That parchment will lead you to some Bordermarch or other, something Wyld anyway. Go down there. You'll be the first."
<Cho> "First what?"
<Greenling> "Just the first. For the love of the Mother, be armed, okay? And when you finish down there with what you came for, don't stop and enjoy it. Go North as fast as you can. And don't stop running."
* Cho nods.
<Greenling> "Okay. That'll probably get you where you need to be for the others to show up. I don't know what's after that. It's partly up to you guys. But I'm not leaving you alone." He grins.
<Cho> "Well, thank you, I suppose."
<Greenling> "No no, thank *you*." ^-^
* Cho grows more suspicious.
<Greenling> "Well, it's getting about that time. I'm going to clean up and then we'll start this little revocation thing you want, okay?"
<Cho> "Certainly. Thank *you*.
<Cho> "

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