Patron Saints/Session 2

From Greenthings

< Patron Saints
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<Greenling> Last we left our adorable squishy mortals...
<Greenling> Crow had apparently found the password to... something or other. A large room that had what looked to be a small child in it.
<Greenling> Everything else is in the log. So. (anyone need specific reminders or you wanna go ahead and do whatever it is you're going to do next.)

  • Cho_Namhwa looks up from his trunk into the open room, over White Crow's shoulder.
  • WhiteCrow is a bit shocked and worried to see the boy in the center of this Manse, having a strange suspicion as to what itmight be.

<Greenling> The boy is looking at Crow.

  • Rudeth looks over at Crow, then at the child. He smiles at the young boy. "Hey there. What's your name?" Rudeth, warily, makes sure to stay back near the others, having a feeling that something isn't quite right.

<Greenling> He lets out a frustrated breath. "Why? What's yours?"

  • WhiteCrow stares at the boy for a moment, and glares at Rudeth, first speaking in Flametongue, "This might not be very safe." She then turns to the boy, speaking in Old Realm this time, "Are you this Manse's guardian?"

18:24 <Greenling> "So you do have some idea what you're doing? Amazing. They let mortals run around doing their betters' work these days?"

  • Rudeth looks a bit taken aback by the boy's response, and promptly shuts up, since Crow seems to know what's going on.
  • WhiteCrow shows a bit of a face of annoyance, and while she lowers her weapon to her side, does not re-holster it, "I am to understand the processes letting mortals interact with these places are old enough for you to remember."

<Greenling> "Spunky, aren't you." He rearranges his legs under him, now sitting cross-legged. "Now I just need two more reasons not to eat you for intruding."
<Cho_Namhwa> "Our meat is awful from the sweat and low-rate ale we've been drinking," Namhwa calls out.
<Greenling> He looks Namhwa over. "Come here and let me check that, will you?" (Per+Socialize from anyone who likes, or tell me what else you'd like to roll.)
<Rudeth> !roll_ww 5 7 ex
<The_Lady> Rudeth invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 2, 7, 8, 8, 10
<The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 5 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<WhiteCrow> We lack a lady
<WhiteCrow> !roll_ww 5 7 ex
<The_Lady> WhiteCrow invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 4, 5, 7, 10
<The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double

  • Cho_Namhwa carefully evaluates the tone of Old Realm and the position that the boy is sitting in. He remembers that elders and subordinates had very different postures that they would assume, as well as tonal inflections and dialectual honorifics that they would attach. With that in mind, Cho wonders if the boy really is considering whether or not to consume them.

<WhiteCrow> !roll_ww 1 7 ex
<The_Lady> WhiteCrow invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 10
<The_Lady> rolled 1d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Cho_Namhwa> !roll_ww 6 7 ex Perception 3 + Socialize 3 + Thank you Crow
<The_Lady> Cho_Namhwa invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 4, 4, 7, 7, 10
<The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 4 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Greenling> Crow: His expression changed when he looked at Namhwa.
<Greenling> Rudy: he seems slightly less pissed now for some reason. Minisculely.
<Greenling> Namhwa: yes, he does want to eat you-in-general. Though he seems to be considering you-in-specific with... that might be respect or that might be that you smell tasty, you're not sure.
<Greenling> It's one of the two.

  • Cho_Namhwa feeling like a bit more tact may be called for, steps forward so that he doesn't have to shout past White Crow. He instructs Sunny to, "Heel" in Seatongue, then continues in Old Realm, "If we have intruded upon your domain, we plead ignorance and ask for your forgiveness. Otherwise, let us deal plainly with each other." Cho spices his Old Realm with a slow, measured tone so that he hopes his pronunciation is clear and respectful.

<Greenling> Sunny is staying by Namhwa. She seems cowed.
<Cho_Namhwa> !roll_ww 8 7 ex Charisma 2 + Linguistics 4 + 1 stunt + 1 circumstance
<The_Lady> Cho_Namhwa invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 9
<The_Lady> rolled 8d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Greenling> The thing snickers.
<Greenling> "You want to deal? What is it you want, hmm?"

  • Cho_Namhwa looks confused for a moment, and feels like he miscommunicated his intentions.

<Greenling> "The woman wants the Hearthstone, I can guess what you might want... what does the boy want?"

  • Cho_Namhwa replies with a deep, 90 degree bow common to the Realm (the tradition must come from somewhere!), "Only for a bit of your wisdom and a mite of your protection, Powerful One." Cho looks out of his peripheral vision at the boy, unwilling to fidgit too much.
  • WhiteCrow analyzes the boy some more as Cho speaks, looking him over and thinking on some of her courses back at the unviersity in occult matters. She thinks on waht are the common sorts of guardians for manses, and taps her foot a bit as she thinks, chewing her lip, and running her thumb over her gun's handle as she obviously concentrates and ponders.
  • Rudeth stays quiet, since he honestly has no clue what a safe course of action would be, since right now, the only thing he *really* wants is for them to get out without being eaten.

<Greenling> "You would." He leans forward, like he wants to hop off his seat but isn't sure. "You want my protection? My knowledge?"
<Greenling> "Luck of ages. I want to hear from your friends, but we will deal, indeed, pretty one." The boy smiles broadly.
<WhiteCrow> !roll_ww 6 7 ex
<The_Lady> WhiteCrow invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 1, 2, 2, 7, 8
<The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 2 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Greenling> Crow: well it sure as hell ain't a human kid. He also seems pretty open, you might just be able to ask, if you haven't figured it out already.

  • WhiteCrow decides to finally ask the guardian, hoping she doesn't get htem killed, in as polite a fashion as she can imagine, "Guardian, sir...uhh....I must ask, is this Manse yet claimed?" She chews her lip, still holding her weapon tightly as she sees the demon's response.

<Greenling> "Well, the Hearthstone never came back, and I'm still here, so that seems to be the case."
<Greenling> He seems to think that was a boring question.
<Greenling> "So are we getting back to reasons I shouldn't eat you, spunky one?"
<Cho_Namhwa> "Yes, indeed we were," Cho interjects. He's not eager to see anyone eaten, much less someone he just met.
<Cho_Namhwa> :(

  • WhiteCrow thinks on that for a moment, before trying to answer, "Because we have tried not to do any obvious harm, the hearthstone's owner if he was Anathema is likley dead, and if there's no hearthstone we'd be happy to leave and pretend we never met?"

<Greenling> He's quiet for a moment, considering Crow's words.
<Greenling> "Anathema," he says, almost as an aside.

  • Rudeth smiles and steps forward. "Look," he begins slowly, "what would it take to convince you to let us go? Surely there's something we could do for you that's worth more than a snack. I mean, I'm pretty sure I don't taste very good." He laughs nervously. "I'm all bone and muscle. So what do you say?"

<Greenling> The demon leans back on its perch.
<Greenling> "I am very hungry. It's been a very long time."

  • Cho_Namhwa frowns deeply.
  • Cho_Namhwa straightens and replies, "Perhaps something other than a mortal would sate your hunger?"

<Greenling> "Is that it? All your offers?"
<Greenling> "What are you proposing?"

  • Cho_Namhwa casts about the room, a physical process of thinking that hopefully buys him some time.
  • Cho_Namhwa strikes upon an idea. "What is keeping you here?"

<Greenling> "The details of my binding. The spunky one might have known to tell you that."

  • WhiteCrow gulps and nods, "Its part of this place's geomancy. He's not allowed to leave unless we change this building, I Think."

<Greenling> "Do you know how to do that?"
<Greenling> "Who taught you to play with this more powerful than you? Did they get to the useful part?"
<Greenling> (*things)

  • Rudeth is studying his facial features, body language, and the tone of his voice, trying to get an idea of what he's thinking. This thing, regardless of what it is, seems to be stuck in a rather unfortunate position, and Rudeth genuinely wants to try and help it. He would also like to keep his companions from becoming some strange child-monster's dinner.

<Rudeth> !roll_ww 9 7 ex (Wits+Socialize+Compassion)
<The_Lady> Rudeth invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 2, 3, 6, 6, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9
<The_Lady> rolled 9d10. Got 5 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double

  • WhiteCrow gulps as she hears the demon's comments, and glares a bit as she has an idea of what he means, "The Paragon State University of Sciences. I'm an Apprentice of the Art of Geomancy. I'm to understand that its an art that predates the Anathema and Shogunate, so I don't see what you mean by 'playing with powers greater then you' on this I guess." She glances at Rudeth, hoping he can say soemthign while she keeps th

<Greenling> Rudy: it seems like it's made up its mind what it wants and is measuring how much it can reasonably get from you.
<Cho_Namhwa> "If he had wanted to eat us, then he would have done so already," Cho says bravely to White Crow. "We're far more useful alive, surely you know that. We desire to move on in safety, with a good memory and perhaps an exchange of advice in the meantime." Cho keeps himself from looking nervous, remembering how much more bravely his parents sailed than the Southerners that they trucked with.
<Greenling> It looks at Namhwa. "You are both correct and incorrect. You will make a strong opponent one day."
<Greenling> "You want something for free? This is why I haven't eaten you yet. I want you to live long enough for me to play with you."
<Greenling> "Now. This is my first offer."
<Greenling> ^___^
<Greenling> "You," he points to Crow, "find a way to release me from this place. In the meantime, I will ask you a series of questions. You," he points to Rudy, "will find me something to eat until then. You will not leave your friends here, I suspect, and if you try to get 'help', I will strip the meat from their bones and make puppets of them to follow you around."
<Greenling> "In exchange, I will offer you all use of the facilities, including the library you seem to have already found, turn off the traps, give this one," he grins and points to Namhwa, "my full protection, and not eat you."

  • Cho_Namhwa gives the others a wry look.

<Greenling> It crosses its arms and smiles broadly, waiting for comment.

  • Rudeth bites his lip. "And what," Rudeth asks, "does something like you eat?"

<Greenling> "Fresh meat. Lots of it. It doesn't have to be human." It gives a wry grin.

  • Rudeth gulps. "How fresh?"

<Greenling> "If you have to ask, you ought to be quicker."
<Greenling> "Ideally, let me kill them."

  • WhiteCrow listens to the offer and raises her hand, "I think I can accept this."
  • Rudeth nods. "I'll be back as soon as I can." He gives a sympathetic look to Crow and the doctor. "I'll be back as soon as I can," he whispers. "Be careful."
  • Cho_Namhwa nods and waves, then rubs Sunny's head affectionately.
  • WhiteCrow flops against the wall, looking at the demon nervously still, "Questions? I think I can answer those. But I"m not sure if I actually knwo the details to let youf ree without damaging the buidlign...."

<Cho_Namhwa> "Wait, are you going to eat any of the rest of them?" Namhwa asks suspiciously.
<Greenling> "You mean your friends? No. Now I need them."
<Cho_Namhwa> "Ever?" Cho insists.
<Greenling> "Learn, then. There are books enough on Geomancy in the-" it opens his mouth and closes it at Namhwa's statement.
<Greenling> "Define 'ever', if you're going to be *that* specific."
19:48 <Greenling> Inkah is behind you, in the kitchen, happy she hasn't been noticed.
<Greenling> "I'm not going to let you leave if I can't."

  • Cho_Namhwa thinks for a moment.

<Cho_Namhwa> "Ever as in so long as you exist in Creation."

  • Rudeth rushes out, grabbing Inkah's arm and pulling her along with him. "Inkah, things might go bad," he says. "You're going outside, and you're waiting there. If we don't make it out, you have to take the remaining horses and go back to your father."

<Greenling> It runs its tongue over its teeth. "Good enough. Not ever, then, by that standard."
<Cho_Namhwa> "Excuse me for interrupting," Cho remarks to both of them.
<Greenling> (and thus we shall have some downtime.)
<Rudeth> !roll_ww 6 7 ex
<The_Lady> Rudeth invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10
<The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 4 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Greenling> (let's do this first, while Crow's looking things up.)
<Greenling> When Rudy goes to head out the door the first time, it won't open.

  • Rudeth clenches his teeth. "Damn it..." Rudeth tries to open the door again.
  • WhiteCrow nods, and pulls out one of the geomancy books she grabbed form upstairs. She begins to look over it, looking up at the demone very moment as she quickly studies the ritual she thinks sh eneeds.

<Greenling> Newp.

  • Rudeth pounds on the door and kicks it. "Come on, open," he grumbles.

<Greenling> Newp.

  • Rudeth kicks the door in frustration. "Wait, there was a password... By the Sun's glory, open the door!"

<Greenling> Newp!

  • Rudeth groans. "Come on, if I can't go out, I can't bring you anything to eat!"

<Greenling> The demon doesn't seem to be able to hear you from here.
<Cho_Namhwa> "So, if I may, shall we start with properly introducing ourselves?" Cho asks the guardian.
<Greenling> Crow is studying.

  • Rudeth grumbles to himself and looks for another exit.

<Greenling> (unless I get an answer, let's call this... three days plus however long it takes to actually perform the ritual? more, less?)
<Greenling> Everything Rudy can find is locked.
<WhiteCrow> Three days, and a few hours to survey
<Cho_Namhwa> (Three days sounds pretty good)
<Greenling> "As you will." It folds up its knees and hugs them, smiling at Namhwa as if it were actually a small boy.
<Greenling> "You first?"

  • WhiteCrow hears Rudeth cursing, and lifts her head from the book, "Umm,'s he supposed to get you meat if he can't get outside?"
  • Cho_Namhwa bows, and says, "I am [Blooming Southern Dynast] of Chiaroscuro, with the heritage of the Pole of Water."

<Greenling> The guardian begins to answer Namhwa, then looks up sharply.
<Greenling> "He is allowed out, no one else is. If he can't get out, either he's deviating from that or that lizard idiot broke the door."
<Greenling> "Either way, fix it."

  • Rudeth sighs. "Inkah, it looks like you might not be allowed out. You go stay back with Crow and the Doctor. If anything goes wrong, run like the wind." He looks back at her. "We're going to get you out of here alive, and then you're going back to your father, no matter what."

<Greenling> Inkah looks at him and sighs. "You're an idiot. Whatever."

  • WhiteCrow continues reading, pooring over the book, and lookign a bit less spacy and sort of ackward then she normally does and rather damned intent and focussed on her studying

<Greenling> The guardian looks back down at Namhwa. "You may call me the Provider for now."
<Greenling> Rudy may leave this time.
<Cho_Namhwa> "Where are you from, Provider?"
<Greenling> "I was under the Green Sun before I came here."

  • WhiteCrow lets out an audible flinch on hearing that but keeps reading
  • Rudeth heads out the door. Not wanting to use the horses unless it is absolutely necessary - he raised some of them, after all, so it seems only right to look for something else first - he looks for something else he might be able to offer to the thing.

<Cho_Namhwa> "Where's the Green Sun?" Cho continues inquisitively.
<Greenling> "Sewed up in the body of He who is him and more than him," he purrs.
<Greenling> "Tell me of your birth, Dynast."
<Cho_Namhwa> "That sounds horrendous," Cho remarks compassionately. "I'm sorry to hear it." Cho pauses. "Indeed, well-" he starts.

  • WhiteCrow is a bit confused by that part, but just keeps reading, trying not to get too distracted.

<Cho_Namhwa> "I was born at sea, between the Western archipeligo-continent and the Southern crescent."
<Cho_Namhwa> "At least, that's what my parents said. I have a good pair of sea legs, after all, but no memories from that time."
<Greenling> "Have you ever fought?"
<Greenling> "Killed anyone?"

  • Cho_Namhwa looks down for a moment.

<Cho_Namhwa> "Killed? Oh, no. Not in a fight, and never on purpose."

  • Cho_Namhwa looks wistful.

<Greenling> "By accident?"
<Cho_Namhwa> "Yes, four times."
<Cho_Namhwa> "Why do you eat fresh meat? Have you had it prepared before?"

  • Rudeth slips into the woods. He rubs a bit of dirt on his face and arms for better camouflage, staying as quiet as possible and using the trees for cover. He creeps from tree to tree with single minded determination, looking for signs of any game, preferably large game.

<Greenling> "Four," he murmurs. "Because that is how I was made. And yes, I was once made to, as an experiment." It sneers.
<Greenling> "Has anyone close to you died?"
<Rudeth> !roll_ww 9 7 ex Wits+Survival+Valor+1
<The_Lady> Rudeth invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 8, 10
<The_Lady> rolled 9d10. Got 4 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double

  • WhiteCrow pulls out a notebook, and begins to take notes as she reads teh rituals, jotting things down in Flametongue here and there to simplify it and using wha tlooks to be shrothand mathmatics to summarize some of the geomantic formula
  • Cho_Namhwa looks uncomfortable. "My parents have passed away. What about yours? You were made, you say?"

<Greenling> "I was not made."
<Greenling> "I have no parents, either." It seems to find that amusing.
<Greenling> Rudy can find some birds and a couple of large lizards.

  • Cho_Namhwa recovers quickly.

<Greenling> Crow: there are lots of neat things here. :o
<Cho_Namhwa> "How do you feel about home?"
<Greenling> "I will be happy to return in freedom soon," it smiles.
<Cho_Namhwa> "What are you plans after my friend frees you?"
<Greenling> "I will return to my superior and speak with them. If this takes a while, I may hunt in the meantime."
<Greenling> "Dear Spunky One, would you come closer?"

  • WhiteCrow lifts her head from her notes at this. She's now sittin gon teh floor, leaning against the wall, and by now is already having a coupl enotebooks and reserach books open, "Huh?"

<Greenling> "What's your name again?"

  • WhiteCrow clears her thraot some, finsihing a quck-reference mandala before looking up, "White Crow."

<Cho_Namhwa> "I hardly think it's fair to have us all introduce ourselves with proper names while you retain only a title."
<Greenling> "Right. White Crow. While I'm talking to this one, chatter at me the history of the world as you know it, will you?"
<Greenling> "Your proper names can't be used against you so easily," it says drily.
<Greenling> "Except by some of the Raksha, I believe."

  • Rudeth tries to creep up behind the iguana-like one and pin it to the ground, then quickly tie it up with his jacket.

<Greenling> This produces hilarious consequences. You're glad Inkah isn't around to watch.
<Cho_Namhwa> "I did not suggest as such," Namhwa countered. "I just thought it would be honorable for you to increase your reputation."
<Greenling> You eventually succeed, however. You gain one (1) angry iguana.
<Greenling> "I don't need a reputation." ^_^

  • WhiteCrow nods, and thinks a bit, "Well, history doesn't go back very far as far as I know, honestly. Most records only go back to the Time of the Anathema. Demon-powers made by the Yozi or Neverborn or some other otherwordly power came to Creation. THey usurped the power of the sun, moon and stars and they ruled Creation in as far as I know a world-spanning tyrany."

<Cho_Namhwa> "As you wish," Cho continues. "Perhaps you could tell me about the one who bound you here."
<WhiteCrow> "The Dragon-Blooded then rose up against the Anathema and slew them. THere was then established the Terrstrial Shogunate, which ruled Creaiton for about six or seven centuries, and then it collapsed due to internal warfare adn the Great Contagion, which destroyed a lot of the infastructure left by the Anathema and left the world broken. After the Contagion, there was the Fair Folk invasion and all of Creation looked lik

  • WhiteCrow is appearing to be doing this now while looking down and taking notes still. She has pulled her goggles off and set them aside, and even has taken her coat off, folded it and gotten to work. In absence fo immediately total death, she's gone into research-scholar mode
  • Rudeth grumbles and hauls the iguana back to the manse, hoping that he doesn't decide he wants more.

<WhiteCrow> "The first major act of this Age was when the Fair Folk almost got to the Inner Sea. A young Dragon-Blooded officer apparently managed to break into the lost Manse of the Anathema and reactivated a lost weapon which drove the Fair Folk out. She then named herself the Scarlet Empress and established the state on the Blessed Isle known as the Realm."
<WhiteCrow> "I'm not sure about the details, but the Immaculate faith, which was the Shogunate's state relgion, became much more centralized on the Isle. Alot of major hsitorical events are attributed to its patrons, the Immaculate Dragons, such as the locking of ANathema in teh Jade Prison and such, but I'm not too keen on that theology beyond a few points."
<WhiteCrow> "Shortly after the Empress established her rule, seven Shogunate daimyos named the Seven Tigers....shoudl I go on sir?"
<Greenling> It seems like it's trying not to look fascinated. "Yes."
<Greenling> "What would you like to know about him?" It smiles at Namhwa.
<Greenling> Rudy makes his way back to the Manse.
<Cho_Namhwa> "His name, and where he is," Cho responds politely.
<Greenling> "His name was The First Bastion of Purity, and I have no idea."
<Cho_Namhwa> "Quite a title..." Cho mentally translates it into Flametongue and Seatongue. "What languages does he speak?"

  • Rudeth drags the lizard inside to the room where the child-demon-thing is.

<Greenling> "Most of them, as far as I know."

  • WhiteCrow clears her thraot as she continues.

<Greenling> He perks his head up when Rudy is within scent range, and stares at the iguana as it's dragged in.
<Greenling> "For me. This is for me, yes? Tell me. Now."
<Cho_Namhwa> "Amazing. And what is The First Bastion of Purity's occupation?" Cho looks startled at the thing's eagerness.
<WhiteCrow> "Well, the Bronze Tigers amassed from the Four Directions. T hese were former Shoguante Daimyos who decided they wanted to carve-up the Blessed Isle. The Empress sank their ships and a lot of the last of the FIrst Age's infastructure was lost..."
<Greenling> "Er, occupation?" It looks distracted. "What?"
<Cho_Namhwa> "As in trade, business, craft?" Namhwa isn't sure if he's using the right word, so he tries some synonyms.
<Greenling> It stares a hole into Rudy, waiting for him to answer.

  • Rudeth nods and unties the thing. "It's for you. I'd just like to ask that I be allowed to leave the room when you eat it."
  • WhiteCrow continues lamenting on things. She talks mostly, admitedly, on issues she knows more of the South. These include Ikari's Crusade, the rise of Paragon, Gem, and the Dezlan Horde, some things she knwos about in the East with stuff like Great Forks and in the North like Bagresh Kol, but skims them a lot. S he mentiosn the Realm invasions of the Scavenger Ladns of "The Realm invaded the East a fw times."

<Greenling> It leaps from its post and shoves Rudy out of the way. He lands several feet away in the kitchen.
<Greenling> The the thing in the guise of a small boy begins ripping bits off the iguana with its teeth.
<Greenling> Keeping it alive as long as possible.

  • Rudeth tries not to look, and looks about like he's about to throw up.
  • WhiteCrow looks outside the door, and shows a crining face of disgust before returning to the heartroom, sitting downa nd reading in an ttempt to pretend she didn't see that

<Cho_Namhwa> "That's not how it went," Cho remarks when White Crow mentions the bit about Paragon.

  • Cho_Namhwa watches with slightly disgusted interest.

<Greenling> The iguana makes many horrible noises, and this continues for about ten minutes until there's nothing at all left but many spatters of blood and the eyes.
<Greenling> At that point, the thing skitters back to its post and smiles at Namhwa.
<Greenling> "I like your friends. Thank you."

  • Cho_Namhwa peers quizzically at White Crow's attire, then looks distractedly back to the Provider.
  • Rudeth nods, not looking at the boy, wishing that he had given the thing a quick and merciful death before bringing it in.

<Cho_Namhwa> "You're welcome," Cho gives the traditional Old Realm answer.

  • WhiteCrow huhs, "What do you mean on Paragon?"

<Cho_Namhwa> "Well, I mean that it's ruled by a man with a sceptre, in total control. Everyone knows that."
<WhiteCrow> "He found the staff, and founded the nation. I'm not sure what esle there is to it. Many people were offered and whent ehy found how his nation is, many more came."

  • Cho_Namhwa frowns.

<Cho_Namhwa> "That's _not_ how it went," he insists.
<WhiteCrow> "Then tell how it would fo went? That's how I'm aware it went. ANd a nation doesnt' have a population like its for no reason."
<Cho_Namhwa> "Far more complicated than that. Indeed, but Paragon isn't a perfect paradise that no one just *chooses* not to leave."
<WhiteCrow> "Not many people want to leave is the thing, Doctor."

  • Cho_Namhwa glances at White Crow's ever present gloves.

<Cho_Namhwa> "I suppose those privileged enough can't wait to get back, either. As you say, Thaumaturge."
<Greenling> The thing curls up on its side and watches the both of you.
<Greenling> (this seems like a good Skip Ahead point?)

  • WhiteCrow shrugs, "I'm not sure what you have heard really before, sir." SHe sketches some more geomantic madnals, and starts to look over the palce.

<Greenling> The thing asks Crow many more questions about the history and politics of the world, and chats idly with Namhwa, seemingly wanting to know everything about his life, and asking oddly pointed and often disturbing questions.
<Greenling> It eats Rudy's food, and complains about the dead ones, but mostly leaves him and Inkah alone.
<Greenling> It is the third day. Crow has mastered the procedure. That morning, Rudy notices that the Sun seems to be higher in the sky than it should be.

  • WhiteCrow happily answers where she can, though again, is limited in some things. She doesnt' nkow much about say, THorns or Skullstone other then powerful ghosts tookt hem over. Nor does she know many of the more eclitc regions, like An-Teng, Halta or Chaya.

<Cho_Namhwa> Namhwa will do his best to turn the conversation toward the demon's physiology, society, and relationships to his peers.
<Greenling> The demon speaks vaguely about them, but does answer.

  • Rudeth glances over at Crow. "Hey, I might be imagining things, but the sun seemed really high in the sky today. Doesn't that seem sort of...odd?"
  • WhiteCrow gets up early that morning. She has been taking notes of the place's overall design and geomancy, and so starts at dawn to get the best results. She takes her jade needle and begins to slowly trace the geomantic points, dousing and studying each place. That the traps have been deactivated helps greatly, as she studies the pattern of the bricks, the style of the motifs. She also takes a moment to even ask the d
  • WhiteCrow shakes her head to Rudeth, "If anything it might make this easier."

<WhiteCrow> ....the demon to sit in a spot in the heartroom, watchign the way the needle on its plumline dangles and etches in the air near the demon.
<Greenling> The demon will comply.
<Greenling> "What are you after, ultimately?"
<Greenling> Inkah has been talking to Namhwa as well, mostly.
<WhiteCrow> "The binding on you is a specific power of the masne, I believe. And so if I damage the manse in the right way, your guarding of this place is invalidated, as it is not the place you're technically supposed to guard anymore."
<Greenling> "After you leave," it grins.
<Greenling> "What will you do? Are you planning to stay with the boy and the dog and the one who smells of pain?"

  • WhiteCrow shrugs, "THe farmboy is my hiree, and he doesn't have a place to go back to I think. Not sure on the other ones." SHe focuses on the dangling needle some more. After doing this for a half hour, she then goes to the next stage, which invovles using chalk to draw the final geomantic diagrams and checks to find the stresspoint for the power.

<Greenling> "What do you want?" It licks its lips.
<Greenling> "Tell me." Slightly plaintive.

  • WhiteCrow continues drawing, trying to ignore teh demon, "I would like you to know that I would lose my job if I did anything more then what is needed not to get me killed in this situation,s ir. ANd I will be likely turning myself in after this."

<Greenling> "...What's your job?"
<Greenling> What are Namhwa and Rudy doing meanwhile?
<WhiteCrow> "I'm a savant."

  • WhiteCrow continues drawing, doing her best to just keep the oncversation passive as she does her final lines.
  • Cho_Namhwa chats with Inkah about how she feels, what she was thinking when she left the village, and why she's hunted by the Wyld Hunt.

<Greenling> It looks annoyed.

  • Cho_Namhwa also watches White Crow suspiciously.

<Greenling> "Please go with that one."
<Greenling> "I can't make you without this taking longer than I can spare. But I will ask you."

  • Rudeth stays near Crow mostly, trying not to distract her. From time to time he also talks with the doctor and occasionally Inkah.
  • WhiteCrow goes over her notes one more time. THe goal right now is to get this demon out, but not ot harm the Manse too much. Its been undiscovered since the First Age it seems like. This means it wills upport Paragon's interests nicely, as a hearthstone from a Manse that's been so far unmolested so long will prove very useful. She focuses her mind intent on ths.
  • WhiteCrow thinks this might be one of the most useful parts of her career and one more step in the aide of her nation will liekly hlep herself and her long-term goals of spreading the Perfect's mark.

<WhiteCrow> !~
<WhiteCrow> !roll_ww 13 7 ex Perception+Occult+3+Conviction
<The_Lady> WhiteCrow invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
<The_Lady> rolled 13d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Greenling> "..."
<Greenling> The demon stares at Crow and licks his lips.

  • WhiteCrow stares at the results, and squints a bit. She takes her needle again and dangles it.....then lets otu a stream of curses.

<WhiteCrow> "I think I fucked soemthing up....about an hour ago..."
<Greenling> It tilts its head.
<Greenling> "Try again."

  • Cho_Namhwa nods to Inkah and the rest, then retires to the library. "Come along, Sunny," he says.

<Greenling> Sunny skitters off. She's still not happy about the demon.

  • WhiteCrow whipes her head and nods to the demon, "I'm goign to get something to eat and maybe mediatate a bit first. I need to refresh my chakras.
  • Cho_Namhwa pets Sunny reassuringly. "I understand, girl, thank you for being so brave."

<WhiteCrow> ...
<Greenling> "Make the boy get me more food. Then... oh. I need to speak to the other one."

  • WhiteCrow gets up, feeling her motes and will drained from her body a bit, "I'm actually going to take a rest. I'll get back to you guys in af ew hours..." She walks upstaris. S he loosk very fatigued, ahving been up for hours working at this and having blown her spiritual rserves.
  • Rudeth bristles, but nods. "I'll be back in an hour or so." Rudeth runs off to wrangle some more giant lizards.
  • WhiteCrow flops into a bed upstairs, not even bothering to change into more sleep-related clothing when she does so.

<Greenling> When Rudy leaves, it's night.
<Greenling> "Naaaamhwa," the thing calls.

  • Rudeth wanders out into the woods, looking for more lizards.
  • Cho_Namhwa gives Sunny a big hug, then offers to let her sleep outside the chamber while he goes back in.
  • Cho_Namhwa returns to the demon's sanctum.

<Greenling> "I almost forgot about you. Don't let me do that." It smiles.

  • Cho_Namhwa gives the demon a friendly, sparkling smile. "Of course. How familiar are you with the library, by the way?

<Greenling> "Most of the books were mine. Why?"
<Greenling> Crow sleeps.
<Cho_Namhwa> "Really?! How intriguing." Cho wants to ask about which titles he /didn't/ write, but sticks to flattery for now. "Which ones are your best?"
<Greenling> "Owned, not written." It licks its lips.
<Greenling> Again.
<Cho_Namhwa> "Which are your favorites, then?"
<Greenling> "You said you wanted my wisdom and protection. You've been looking at the books on the raksha."
<Cho_Namhwa> "Indeed, Provider."
<Greenling> "My favorites are the novels in the attic," it grins.
<Cho_Namhwa> "What makes them your favorites?" Cho asks quizzically.
<Greenling> "That they are written of heroes and gods, but speak so tellingly of the dreams of the mortals who wrote them."
<Cho_Namhwa> "Interesting," Cho says in almost a whisper.
<Greenling> "My wisdom is that you should abandon whatever your idea is."
<Cho_Namhwa> "Your wisdom doesn't seem all that sound, then," he responds bitingly.
<Cho_Namhwa> "What books do you have on bringing back those who have passed away?"
<Greenling> "Those would be mostly the ones in the attic." It looks at you impassively.
<Cho_Namhwa> "What dangers lie in the attic?"
<Greenling> "The dangers of dreams."
<Cho_Namhwa> "What other dangers?" he asks dismissively.
<Greenling> "Of impatience, foolishness, and the small soul."
<Cho_Namhwa> "Then in time I will be well-equipped against them," he says with mild dejection.
<Greenling> "Time will lead you further and further away." It seems sad. "I wish my master could accept you."

  • Cho_Namhwa narrows his eyes.

<Cho_Namhwa> "You lie. Patience and the road that you rush me down are mutually exclusive."
<Greenling> "I rush you down nothing," it snarls. "I have yet to lead you anywhere, child."

  • Cho_Namhwa looks surprised, then nods.

<Greenling> "Only you yourself, and the whims of Fate."
<Cho_Namhwa> "True enough."
<Greenling> It goes back to looking impassive, then reaches over to pat you on the head.

  • Cho_Namhwa looks irritated, unable to hide his feelings.

<Greenling> ...And Rudy can find plenty of iguanas.
<Cho_Namhwa> "May I see these books then?"
<Greenling> Inkah looks at him when he comes back.
<Greenling> "They have always been available to you," says the thing to Namhwa.
<Cho_Namhwa> "Thank you, then. By your leave?"
<Greenling> "Are we going to get to leave soon?" She asks Rudy.

  • Cho_Namhwa indicates that he'd like to go look now.

<Greenling> "Yes. Be in the room when the Crow succeeds."

  • Rudeth sighs. "I really hope so," he replies. "Crow is trying her hardest to give that thing what he wants." He smiles. "Just be patient. Everything's going to be ok."

<Greenling> "What is that thing?"

  • Rudeth shrugs. "I don't really know. He's the guardian of this place, and he's stuck here."

<Greenling> "What are we going to do about the town...?"

  • Rudeth sighs and slumps down. "I really don't know," he replies. "We're going to do something. But right now, we just have to keep our heads up and stay calm. We'll make it out of this mess."

<Greenling> She grumphs and looks down.
<Greenling> Crow wakes up feeling refreshed.

  • WhiteCrow shakes her ehad as seh gets up and looks about, brushing herself off and looking at the time on her PRA, "Huh. THat was a weird one."

<Greenling> It's been about ten minutes.
<WhiteCrow> !roll_ww 3 7 ex Conviction for Willpower
<The_Lady> WhiteCrow invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 3, 10, 10
<The_Lady> rolled 3d10. Got 4 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double

  • WhiteCrow puts her clothing through the Manse's wash and takes a shower after she gets up, actaully kind of enjoying taking advantage fo the Manse's utilities, before finally coming downstares, refreshed and ready to give the manse another try.

<Greenling> The demon is just finishing his iguana, and is currently playing with the leftover eyes.
<Greenling> "That was quick."

  • WhiteCrow tries something different this time as she begins the ritual anew, getting a bit of an epiphany this morning. THis time, isntead of chalk, she uses salt. She scatters it in the general areas of where she ahd mad her previous progress and such, getting a good idea of it. THen, calmly after her frustration, she goes over the lines with her compass, letting the swinging pendulum make patterns in teh white powder.

<Greenling> "Do you want any of the leftover crafting material, Crow?"
<WhiteCrow> "Huh? Crafting material?"
<Greenling> "Yes."
<Greenling> "In one of the storage closets. Would it help?"
<WhiteCrow> "What does it consit of?"
<Greenling> "Jade goes with earth, doesn't it? And other things."
<Greenling> "Magic. Make the boy get what you need and bring Namhwa?"
<Greenling> It's rolled over on its back with its feet in the air, pointed up. This is still on its perche.
<Greenling> (-e)

  • WhiteCrow shakes her head, watching the patterns the compass makes int he salt, and slowly moving her compass to follow the trial, "I don't htink that'd be too needed. It'll be plan C if this doesn't work though."

<Greenling> "If you will."

  • WhiteCrow is determined to get this to work this time. She however, takes her time and makes sure not to mess-ujp, ehnc ethis more tedious method. The ritual goes on for hours and she adds another hour or two anyhow, just to make sure she gets teh diagrams and mandalas perfect.
  • Cho_Namhwa kneels down with White Crow this time, and tries to keep his mind off the woman's stubborn beliefs. He checks the angles of her circles and diagrams, checking to make sure that each measures out to the specified degree. Once he's satisfied that the work is done and all angles are checked, he gets up and nods to White Crow.

- Cho_Namhwa has quit IRC: Disintegrated: ajax IRC Client
<WhiteCrow> !roll_ww 5 7 ex Cho's Perception + Temperance
<The_Lady> WhiteCrow invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 1, 2, 6, 6, 7
<The_Lady> rolled 5d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<WhiteCrow> !roll_ww 12 7 Perception+Occult+Stunt(2)+Conviction+1 success
<The_Lady> WhiteCrow invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> Error! Reroll threshold must be greater than Target Number!
<WhiteCrow> !roll_ww 12 7 ex Perception+Occult+Stunt(2)+Conviction+1 success
<The_Lady> WhiteCrow invokes the Lady...
<The_Lady> 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10
<The_Lady> rolled 12d10. Got 8 Successes against a TN of 7, 10's are counted double
<Greenling> You hear the sound of a small tinkling bell.
<Greenling> The demon's eyes light up and turn into bright glowing slits of a color you can't quite process.
<Greenling> It stands up, hops off its perch, kisses Namhwa on the forehead like a son kissing his mother, then looks at Crow.
<Greenling> "You have one minute to leave here. Use it wisely."

  • WhiteCrow nods and quickly grabs her bag, gun, and gear, having already packed it a while ago, before quickly running towards the door at that.
  • WhiteCrow makes a point to stop and look back at the demon, "Just to note, this was a very interesting work opportunity and I hope we....never meet again. Take care!"
  • Rudeth gets the hell out, dragging Inkah along.

<Greenling> You leave quickly.
<Greenling> Exactly sixty seconds later, there is a scream like the roar of a tiger made of crashing metal, and the trees around you are melting.
<Greenling> Neither of you actually need to have Geomancy to know that something is happening to the Manse.

  • WhiteCrow spurs her horse as best seh can, not even bothering to look back, goggles over her eyes to keep the dust out as she rides quickly

<Greenling> By the time you're actually out of the forest, you hear something that sounds too low and loud to be an explosion, per se.
<Greenling> At what point do you stop?

  • WhiteCrow is going to encourage keeping on going until we cdan't hear anything anymore

<Greenling> A few minutes after you're out of the forest, you no longer hear terrible sounds.
<Rudeth> "Well, what now, Crow?"
<Greenling> Conveniently, you've also come nearly to the crest of a nice hill.

  • WhiteCrow finally lets her horse rest, panting herself as she also finally looks back, lifting her goggles up to get a look at what happened over there.

<Greenling> And you're almost in the mountains proper- the ones between here and An-Teng, as opposed to what the locals call the mountains, which are mostly huge but not technically huge enough.
<Greenling> You see...
<Greenling> Pillars of what seem to be solid fire rising and falling.
<Greenling> The smoke coming from it is dark and inviting.
<Rudeth> " you have any idea what that is?"
<Greenling> The forest is largely gone, being replaced by the pillars.

  • WhiteCrow hmmms, "Well, we know what happened there i guess. Total dragon line shut-down. Best not go back that way."

<WhiteCrow> "It was an Earth demense. The enitre area is flooded by Earth elemental Essence. ANd tis being also corrupted due to the damaged Manse.

  • Rudeth nods. "So what do you think we should do?"
  • WhiteCrow hmms, and pulls out her PRA, tapping it a bit, "Not sure. I need to recharge motes and then we'll know where the hell we are to start wtih, we did sort of go in a random direction didnt' we?"

<Greenling> (end/scene switch/spontaneous dance number?)
<WhiteCrow> (Scene good)
<Greenling> There's a pass conveniently (for me) heading West. Do you use it? (just a suggestion.)

  • WhiteCrow follows the pass, though tries to be cautious about it until she can sort of figure out their current location.
  • Rudeth follows Crow

<Greenling> Annnnnnnnnnd Rei! (if you're still up) Where are you? Do you have any idea yourself?
<Greenling> You're awake. You're not sure if you were awake before or not.
<Greenling> You seem to be in an imprint in a rock.
<Greenling> It's vaguely you-shaped.
<Greenling> Also you feel kinda bruised.
<Greenling> What do you do, glorious adventurer?

  • Rei blinks, sitting up and glancing around, wincing slightly. Where'd that come from? She shakes her head to clear it, blinking. Now why was she here?... She pushes herself out of the rock after it gets a bit too uncomfortable, looking back at it. ...where was here, anyway?

<Greenling> Here is... ... ...
<Greenling> Mountains!
<Greenling> Other than that, huhm.

  • Rei rubs her head some, tugging at an ear briefly, before glancing back to make sure nothing else was in the rock.

<Greenling> Hey, there are horses coming up. They're sure going fast.
<Greenling> Your stuff is also in the rock. Or at least, you presume that's yours.
<Greenling> Why else would you be imprinted in it?
<Greenling> One, two horses...
<WhiteCrow> (And a tyrant lizerd)
<WhiteCrow> (And a dog)
<Greenling> There's a zither and a spear and a bag of stuff and another bag of stuff and a necklace and a brooch in the shape of a heart.
<Greenling> The horses pass without incident.
<Greenling> *Then*, after a few minutes, come the other horses.
<Greenling> The ones with the claw strider and one with a dog riding them.

  • Rei takes the items, looking over the zither case. Familiar, for some reason. With a character in .. was that old realm or high realm? on the strap. She coughs softly, slinging the bags and picking up the spear, putting on the necklace and brooch - they seemed important, even if she couldn't place why. She glances up at the strange horse and other footfall sounds, frowning some. "...?"

<Greenling> Crow and Rudy see a wounded traveler lady on the side of the road.

  • Rei looks to be a short, slender-looking woman, dressed in fine silk and jewelry, a zither case almost larger than herself slung over her back. She looks somewhat exotic, her features hard to pin to any single Southern city, delicate features with sharp eyes... though perhaps traces of harmless mutant or godblood: long feline tail and like pointed ears. Attractive in spite (or because?) of them, her clothing accentuates her beauty, somewhat Chiaracuroan in style. At her side she carries a satchel (just attached), and she leans over to pull a spear from the rock she's standing by...
  • WhiteCrow rides over to the girl, keeping her hand on her plasma tongue repeater, ahving reattuned it by this point with all the riding an handling, "Are you okay?"
  • WhiteCrow digs in her pocket for something, while she waits for a response.
  • Rudeth rushes toward her, kneeling beside her. "Are you alright, miss?"
  • Rei blinks and turns, silver eyes glancing up; she winces slightly, rubbing her neck before nodding some. "..." She blinks, coughing again. Body hurts like hell, check. Can't speak, check. Could she speak before? ...not that she remembers. She rubs her head some, giving a slight smile and nodding, uncertain of what to do. The strap on her case has a painted character for 'Rei' in old realm.

<Greenling> Sunny hops off the horse, snif- SNARRRRLGROOWRAAAWR.

  • Rei blinks, jumping at the growling beast and staggering back a bit.
  • WhiteCrow tosses an iron nail in Rudeth's direction, and speaks in Old Realm, "Girl, take that from her right quick."

<Rudeth> "Do you need some help? Are you hurt?"
<Greenling> etc.

  • Rei blinks, ears folding back. Ow. She glances up to WhiteCrow, holding out a hand for the object she was told to take...

<WhiteCrow> *From him right quick
<Greenling> Nevertheless, Sunny does not actually attack unless directed to.

  • Rei blinks, holding the iron in her hand. Strange. She glances up to Crow, head tilting to one side.
  • WhiteCrow rides her hrose over and offers her hand, "Just checking. Random strangers on the road could be Fair Fokl and all."
  • Rudeth looks at Crow strangely. "Is there anything we can do to help you, Miss?"

<Greenling> Rei is kind of hungry.

  • Rudeth offers her some dried meat and fruit from his provisions. "Here, you look like you could use this." He offers her his water bottle.
  • Rei holds up the nail for her, frowning some. Fair folk... weird. He rhand drops to her side once the nail's taken away, pausing and nodding some... she frowns, hand lightly brushing her stomach, glancing to the others and grimacing. She blinks, smiling to Rudeth- how intuitive he was.
  • Rudeth looks at the young woman oddly. "Are you mute?"
  • Rei nods some, frowning.
  • WhiteCrow looks back over at teh column of fire, and wiats a moment, speaking in Flametongue this time, "You speak this?"
  • Rei shakes her head to Crow, drawing the same pronunciation - 'Rei' - in Flametongue and High Realm in the dirt.
  • Rudeth glances down at the dirt, then back at Crow. "What's she saying?" he asks quietly.

<Greenling> Sunny is still silently growling.
<Greenling> Inkah looks over at Rei curiously.
<WhiteCrow> "Her name. Are you not able tos peak aloud I'm guessing?"

  • Rei nods to Crow. Intellectual estimation: Rudeth > Crow >... ... the horse > Sunny

<Greenling> Poor Sunny.

  • Rei cautiously holds out her slightly numb hand to Sunny

<Greenling> Sunny gives her a deathglare.

  • Rei draws back, blinking. Weird creature. Mean, too.
  • Rudeth smiles at her. "My name's Rudeth. If there's anything we can do to help you, just let us know. If sure if you write it down, Crow or one of the others will help you."
  • Rei smiles softly and nods, experimentally taking a bite of the dried fruit Rudeth had given her.

<Greenling> Mmm, tasty.
<Greenling> ...Not too filling. But tasty!

  • WhiteCrow watches this for a mometn, and then turns th ehorse, "We need to get going. You can come if youw ant, but we can't stay ehre for long."
  • Rei nods some, smiling and pausing, opening the satchel at her side and pulling out ... holy crap that's a gem. She holds it out to Rudeth - no sense taking without giving, right?

<Greenling> Relevantly to the characters: there are signs stating you should reach the next town by midday.

  • Rei nods to Crow, picking up the spear and glancing over it, before starting to hike after them.

<Greenling> Also, it's unusually cold.
<Greenling> (And there are extra horses.)

  • Rudeth looks at the gem, eyes wide. "Wow, you're giving me this? Thank you." He's not quite sure if he should take it or not, but figures it would be rude not to. "Can you ride? If not, you can ride with me."
  • Rudeth smiles his most charming appearance 4 smile.
  • Rei blinks, shaking her head at the question, before nodding and following Rudeth to his horse.
  • Rudeth helps Rei onto his horse, climbing on after her. "Hold on tight, alright?"

<Greenling> There is birdsong and dramatic lighting.

  • Rei nods, holding onto his waist, glancing up at the birds and lighting. Weird.
  • WhiteCrow rolls her eyes a bit and gives her horse a bit of a thump before encoruaging it to mvoe forward to the next town

<Greenling> And you ride into the... uh... noonrise.
<Greenling> (end?)

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