Peyt Yenthu

From Greenthings

Revision as of 04:33, 27 May 2009 by (Talk)

Name: Peyt Yenthu, aka "The Tyrant Lizard's Bastard"
Description: Peyt was born to a single mother, his father non-existant in his life. He was a big boy, started out husky as a kid which lead to him being picked on a lot. Eventually he grew into his frame and lost the belly. They didn't pick on him anymore. Due to a general lack of having any kind of marketable skills besides fighting or any form of motivation to join a religious affiliation, Peyt did what any other young muscular man with a club would do. He became a bandit. He went through quite a few gangs in his time, mostly running around with a bunch of his mates looking to beat up other gangs for some territory or change. Then, after a failed attempt to rob a fishing boat, Peyt hit the big leagues.
He and some of the other guys were trying to rob a boat of their fish cargo. It wasn't like it was rare fish or anything, but food was food, and you did what you had to when money was scarce. Of course, they hadn't realized the boat bought some outside protection in the likelihood that they were attacked. As Peyt's mates ran and jumped over the side of the boat to swim to safety, Peyt stayed behind to hold them back. He managed to pick up and roll large barrels of fish at the grunts to keep them back, breaking a few limbs and even crushing two guys before their leader got in close. They fought for a while, but it was a skilled fighting leader against a young man with a wooden club. Instead of killing Peyt, the man offered him a job with his brigands. The man had set up an entire organization with his bandit army, hiring themselves out as mercenaries or working for others to attack ships and caravans. It was a good deal, and the bandits did pretty well. However, Peyt noticed that they often let a large number of big marks go rolling by because no one had been paying them to attack or defend. This had quite a few of the bandits upset, but since none of them could beat their leader in a fight, they had no say. After a few years of playing the attack dog, Peyt took up the chopping sword he had scavenged from a raid and used it in a fight to kill the current leader, claiming himself the King of the Bandits. No one questioned it.
Over his time as the Bandit King Peyt has lead his bandits on a large number of raids, filling their coffers with gold and jade and artifacts. Peyt always gets first pick, though if a bandit did an extremely good job in a raid they could get first pick. It was through these raids that Peyt found his artifact weapon, Cracking Glacier. From what his scouts gathered, its intended destination was a temple of a rather young God of First Frost further to the north. The God intended to build his power base by extending the worship of himself while using the artifact Sledge as a divine worship focus. Since Peyt found it, and had no intention of returning it, the God has turned a vengeful eye on the Bandit King and intends to take the hammer back, through any means necessary.
On the latest raid, however, Peyt and his crew were betrayed by the Dragonblooded Aristocrat they had been hired by. They had been offered a rather lucrative job to attack and burn down a village populated by clerks of the Realm. They did so rather thoroughly, leaving almost no trace of who had performed the job. When he went for his payment, however, he found a rather large number of guards waiting for him. It turned out that the aristocrat had some documents in that village's records vault that he wanted to disappear, and the best way to make it not look like an obvious cover-up was to destroy the whole town. Of course he had no intention of paying, and even reported the band to the Realm. So Peyt ordered his bandit followers to split up and spread out all across the area as far as they could, and to keep their heads down until Peyt called them back to work. Until then, Peyt's out looking for the Aristocrat who screwed him over and putting him down.
Peyt Yenthu is in his early thirties, years of rough fighting and rough living showing on his body and in the loss of his left eye. His hair is black and cut short, with his face cleanshaven except for a patch on his chin. His right eye is a deep brown, with the left eye gone. He covers the missing eye with a thong of leather, with his clothing usually being cheaper leathers or furs he collected, though while traveling he'll often wear the special buff jacket he picked off a raid and his two favorite weapons of choice. He's not a crazy murderous man, and in his walk and talk he often sounds like a rather jolly fellow, though his scars and muscular limbs show a power he's willing to use on anyone who tries to start a fight.

Concept: Bandit King
Motivation: Find that goddamn mouth-breathing, sister-loving, pillow-biting scalehead and get his payment!
Intimacies: Leadership role, The Spoils of War

Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 2, Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 3

Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 2 (Hearing +2), Dodge 2, Integrity 2, Larceny 2, Linguistics (Flametongue, Riverspeak)1, Lore 1, Martial Arts 2, Medicine 1 (Cuts +1), *Melee 4 (Two-Handed Weapons +2), Performance 1, Presence 3 (Intimidation +1), Resistance 2, Ride 1, Survival 2 (Hunting +1), War 3

Backgrounds: Artifact 1(Cracking Glacier), Celestial Manse 1, Contacts 2 (Scattered Bandits, Bei his Second in Command, Nick his Scout), Reputation 2, Resources 3

Merits: Brutal Attack(2), Danger Sense(3)
Flaws: One Eye(3), Enemy (God of First Frosts) (1)

Join Battle: 5
Natural Attacks
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 7, Damage 5B, Parry DV 3, Rate 3
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 6, Damage 8B, Parry DV 0, Rate 2
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 6, Damage 5B, Parry DV -, Rate 1

Dah Choppah
Speed 4 Accuracy 9 Damage +11L/2 Defense 5 Rate 2 Tags O

Cracking Glacier
Speed 6 Accuracy 10 Damage +18B(20L)/4 Defense 7 Rate 1 Tags 2,O,P,R

Soak: 13B/6L/6A
Health Levels:-0x2/-1x4/-2x4/-4/Incap/Dying x2
Dodge DV: 2 Willpower: 7
Essence: 1

Other Notes: Peyt was given the nickname The Tyrant Lizard's Bastard because of his size and temper in a fight. Some of his bandit followers believe his father was a Tyrant Lizard and his mother had a thing for giant scaly creatures.
Cracking Glacier is a Perfect Sledge granted with the Elemental Empowerment of Air to give it a lethal freezing effect. The haft of the sledge is made from a thick steel and black jade inlay with warm leather grips that help hold the weapon. The head is made of smooth steel with blue jade speckles, carved into the shape of a roaring lion's head.
The reinforced buff jacket that Peyt frequently wears was likely a graduation present for a young Dynast from one of the schools. However, Peyt's bandits attacked the caravan it was on and brought it back. After some tailored adjusting it fit him fine, being a sleeveless yeddim leather jacket covered in reinforced steel plates. The plates were designed with etchings of a tree and its roots, which Peyt found to be a little girly. Instead he covered it up with bones and a crude image of a Tyrant Lizard somehow flipping you off, finishing the look with a cow skull used as a shoulderpad.

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