
From Greenthings

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Benedict is from a feudal European world. The second son of a noble, he spent his youth in war and politics, making a name for himself as a skilled swordsman and an equally terrible negotiator. Noticing his strength of will, he was courted by a secret society of pseudo-Gnostic magic-users among the nobles, and thinking them a potential ally- all in the name of God, of course- he gladly learned a number of their secrets.

When his father died, Benedict came to pay his respects and claim his rightful inheritance only to find himself swept up in scandal. He was claimed to be a warlock, to have killed his father with evil magics, and half a dozen more terrible accusations; the (remarkably) little that had been dredged up about his actual practices had lent a ring of truth to this, and his personality did little to help matters. He accused his younger brother publicly of having plotted against him out of envy. The Church found his frothing unconvincing, and the most aid he could get from his fellows was to get his sentence lightened from execution to permanent exile.

Now, with little to his name, he has settled temporarily in a far land to consider his future.

Benedict is torn on whether he wants to clear his name or simply to gain enough skill and power to impress/frighten the people he once lived by. He's also not sure, in truth, whether he really was innocent; he has faith enough in the power of the magics that he was taught, but whether they are divine or infernal he's no longer certain, and certainly dabbling in the latter could produce all sorts of horrors. He holds a grudge against his younger brother, but the evidence for the accusation having come from him was not exactly thorough.

OOC: Benedict's realm is probably between Faith and Blood and Mandate of Heaven or something similar- generic Asian low-magic-and-politics bordering on vaguely European low-magic-and-politics. It would be fun to have some sort of development on the Society and/or massive political nonsense that involves him, but he works just as well ignoring all that and focusing on becoming a badass swordsman among the larger multiverse. Throw some NPCs and intrigue at me somewhere and I'll be happy.

Character Sheet

Concept: Master Swordsman/Minor Void Mage
System: d20 (Eclipse)
Level 2
XP: 0 Spent: 72
(Also: 10pt. Disads, Lv1 +6CP bonus.)

STR 14 (+2)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 22 (+6)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 14 (+2)

Disadvantages: History (+3), Outcast ("Anathema"; due to the minor magic involved in his exile, the character seems untrustworthy and/or dangerous to people of the same or a vaguely similar faith as those who banished him, whether they know why or not. It also shows up when looking for relevant things in relevant fashions. +3), Bull-Headed (The character tends to deal with things "honestly" and head-on, granting a significant penalty in delicate social situations and with people who aren't hard to offend. +4)

Quick Reference:

HD: Lv1 d12 (8CP), Lv2 d8 (4CP). 20+8+(3x2)= HP: 34/34 | BAB: +2 (12CP) | Fort: +3 (0CP) Ref: +3 (0CP) Will: +3 (6CP)
Longsword- 1d8, 19-20/x2. Shortbow - 1d6, x3, 70ft. Roll: +Str(2) +Int(6) +BAB(2).
Breastplate- AC+5. AC: 10 (Base) + 3 (Dex bonus) +5 (Breastplate) = 18.
Witchcraft PP 15/15 - ConMod "spell points" 3/3 | DR 2/- | Grant of Aid 1/1

"Pure-blooded" Human Template:
Fast Learner, Specialized in Skills: +2 SP/Level (6 CP).
+4 Intelligence (Normally 24 CP, reduced to 12 CP by world laws).
+2 to any one attribute other than Intelligence (normally 12 CP, reduced to 6 CP by world laws).
Immunity/Aging (uncommon/minor/minor, 2 CP). They can expect to live for several centuries without much of any signs of aging.
Grant of Aid/Specialized (requires several hours): May heal 1d8+5 damage OR 1d3 points of attribute damage OR one negative level once per three levels per day or part thereof, 3 CP), with the Regenerative option/Corrupted (requires lots of food and rest, 2 CP), allowing them to slowly regrow lost limbs and organs.

Acrobatics (6CP). + Light Foot, Corrupted: Combat only (4CP).
Leadership. (2x[2+2] = 8 ECL) A small group of loyal guards and retainers. (6CP).


All Simple and Martial Weapons, (9CP, 6CP free under world rules (Dex Mod x2 = 6)).
Light Armor Proficiency (3CP), Medium Armor Proficiency (6CP).

Augmented Bonus, "Canny Swordsman" (add +IntMod to melee attack checks, 6CP).
Reflex Training, Improved. Get an extra attack (up to DexMod, 3) when someone exposes themselves to an attack of opportunity (Specialized, 6CP).
Enhanced Strike: Hammer (max damage/+5 to hit on one attack, once per minute OR 3PP/per extra) (6CP).


Theme: Void. Benedict's magic calls on the power of that-which-isn't, the space outside the world(s) that connects all things within it/them. Powers will be chosen and edited to fit this theme from appropriate elemental, theurgic, and darkness-themed powers within the book.

Eldritch (0CP).

Witchcraft (6CP), Infusion Pact (Gateway; the Void is in all things, if some more obviously than others). (14+16+16)/3 = 15PP.
Empty Mind (The Adamant Will), Wholeness (Healing), Eye of the Emanations (The Inner Eye); The Sight

(Int Mod + Fast Learner + at least two CP/level)

(Skillname) (Skillpoints) + (AttMod) + (IntMod) + (Other Bonuses and Penalties) = (Total)

Acrobatics _________ 5 + 3 + 6 + 0 = 14
Diplomacy __________ 2 + 2 + 6 - ? = 10?
Gather Information _ 2 + 2 + 6 - ? = 10?
Intimidate _________ 6 + 2 + 6 + 0 = 14
-Tactics ___________ 6 + 6 + 6 + 0 = 18
-Theology __________ 2 + 6 + 6 + 0 = 14
Search _____________ 1 + 6 + 6 + 0 = 13
Spellcraft _________ 4 + 6 + 6 + 0 = 16
Spot _______________ 2 + 1 + 6 + 0 = 9
Survival (Temperate) 4 + 1 + 6 + 0 = 11

Battlefield Medicine 2 + 1 + 6 + 5 = 14
-Home-Realm History 1 + 6 + 6 + 5 = 18
-Medieval Warfare __ 1 + 6 + 6 + 5 = 18
Ride _______________ 1 + 3 + 6 + 5 = 15
Tumble _____________ 1 + 6 + 6 + 5 = 18


Age: 30
Basic description: Benedict is naturally a sharp, underfed-looking fellow, but years of soldier-ing not long past have given him a bit of muscle and a serious tan. He has slightly curly untrimmed black hair, a small beard, and blue eyes.
Personality: Calm-looking, serious, quick to anger. Generally gives the impression that he's wound tight enough to sever limbs.


Short-term plans: Sympathetic Link. More combat stuff. Block Missiles.
Long-term plans: Dominion (Way of Valour). Darksense, Grounding, Dismissal, Web of Shadows.
Campaign notes:

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