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Sidereal PCs

Alexander Mitsrayim Socialite Secrets. Kind of like James Bond, if he were a bitchy little gay man.
Kheileos Skipping Stone Lost Boy!Journeys. Brawly little Snake.
Mark Balamada Scavenger Lord Secrets. Canonverse version #1 of an AU character, Lingering Smoke.
Omen of Peace Fae-Blooded Serenity. Love, flowers, and Excessively Large Weaponry.
Thrall Sig character. The man of a million and a half variations, none of them nice. Usually an Endings.

Other PCs

Deimi Investigation!Twilight. May or may not be secretly evil.
Gunter Black bear shaman No Moon. Because being charismatic, androgynous, and lethal doesn't require being young or pretty.
Keam Python Full Moon archer. Wandering naga hero.
Lingering Smoke Lavosbyssal Midnight. Flaming bisexual "treasure hunter".
Thatch Zenith healer. Sometimes a compassionate, workaholic spy-priest. Sometimes oo butterflies do you see them :3?
Xaliotl Fire Aspect. The result of listening to too much Dragonforce.
Yarod Philosopher-king Dawn. Poet, martial artist, and slightly confused.

Background Characters

A'ikana Half-Caste future purplesid.
Glory of Resounding Hearts Golden Director of the Cerulean Lute of Harmony.
Iktli Casteless Dingo Lunar. Woof!
Ulakomoros Kalil Mysterious Bronze Sifu. Endings.
Cynis Meredith Ill Lily Wood Aspect.
Unrepentant Jackal i am the voices : )

Non-Exalted PCs

Allemain Ferret assassin.
Alan Self-proclaimed neo-hippie and reluctant sidekick.
Evan Elemental superhero and professional imaginary friend.
Jack Dimension-hopping, shapeshifting tour guide.
Jean LeNoir Evil in a can.
Linda Draconic avatar of cosmic forces. Investment banker.
Radi Lightdimmer Rogue-priest.


Categories by character-canon. Exalted unless otherwise specified.

Neverending Kingdom - Alex, Yarod, etc.; Solar-neutral, Romantic, bittersweet.

All Great Things - 2nd Age Thrall, Peace, Lunars. Bronzey with a hint of Silver; humor, horror, and manporn.

Dragon's Child - Xaliotl and his bunch, Contagion-era Thrall. Significantly altered, DB/Godblood/mortal-happy canon.

o!Fic - Needs no other name. Original-flavored dimension-hopping fantasy.

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