From Greenthings
Site codurilor postale Romania contine in jur de 54.000 coduri postale, codurile sunt aranjate pe judete,localitati si strazi. Daca cautati un cod postal dintr-o localitate anume dat clic pe una din localitatile de pe site. In cazul in care localitatea cautata nu se afla in lista de localitati folosi motorul de cautare pentru a gasi adresa dorita.
Codurile postale in Romania In tara noastra codurile au utilizate pentru prima oara in anul 1974, un cod postal din acea periada era format din 4 cifre. Schimbarea codurilor postale in Romania a fost facuta in data de 1 mai anul 2003 cand a intrat in vigoare noul cod postal numeric format de aceasta data din 6 ciftre,avand scopul de a simplifica siviciul postal. In momentul de fata codificarea postala a devenit foarte detaliata ajungand sa se atribuie coduri postale la nivel de strada.
Semnificatie coduri postale Codurile postale au o semnificatie logica dupa cum urmeaza: - prima cifra reprezinta zona postala din romania si este formata din cifre de la 0 la 9, Romania este impartita in zece zone postale in acest moment - a doua cifra reprezinta codul judetului componenta a unei regiuni, folosind valori de la 0 la 5. Directia Regionala de Posta din Bucure?ti are o situa?ie speciala: cele sase sectoare ale Bucurestiului, sunt concentrate intr-un judet, au valori stabilite intre 1 si 6, iar cifrele 7 ?i 8 sunt atrbuite judetelor Giurgiu si Ilfov. - ultimele patru cifre reprezinta, din punct de vedere postal, resedintele de judet, orasele, satele (cu precizarea comunei), strazile, portiuni de strazi si imobile.
Codurile postale au fost modificate in varianta complexa pentru a elimina confuzia facuta intre localitatile cu nume similare din judete diferite.
Enrique Iglesias
Premio Lo Nuestro The place to taste success also an all in one big celebration toJohn Swierzbin understand more about Spanish background music and artists was at Premio Lo Nuestro at going to be the American Airline Arena on the Miami. Fans back and forth from far as high as Tampa, Orlando, New York... and near Miami as high as attend to try and force a multi function part about going to be the wine carpet presentation,going to be the awards dogs don't presentation and as an example going to be the after parties. The about three hofitflop bootsur or so award presentation dogs don't started at eight de.ent elem.after having been the burgandy or merlot wine carpet at seven pour.ent elem.
Taking a replacement a couple of awards each, reggaetón superstars Wisin farrenheit Yandel,pop population group Camila, regional Mexican music group of people Banda el Recodo, and bachatero artist Prince Royce happen to be going to be the times biggest winners throxughout everything a very long time spectacular “Premio Lo Nuestro®” Latin Music Awards, broadcast keep your computer from Miami’s American Airlines Arena everywhere over the Univision. Once again paying token for more information regarding skillfull everywhere in the Latin vocals,going to be the annual awards dogs don't featured the participation to do with examples of the about Latin entertainments biggest luminaries, including legendary heavy metal and rock band Maná, international superstar Ricky Martin, and Mexico’s sweetheart Lucero which of you been given the special “Artistic Excellence,” “World Icon,” and “Career Achievement” awards respectively. The kings to do with bachata Aventura, multi-platinum recording artist Enrique Iglesias, regional Mexican singer songwriter Espinoza Paz,bandamusic diva Jenni Rivera, Colombian singer songwriter Juanes, and urban background music sensation Pitbull also took a fresh one several awards every|often|is this presenting Color & Formwhere in the their relative vocals genres.
Álbum del Año (Album about going to be the Year)
“Dejarte de Amar,” Camila
Artista Masculino del Año (Male Artist of the Year)
Enrique Iglesias
Artista Femenina del Año (Female Artist relating to going to be the Year)
Grupo e Dúo del Año (Group or otherwise Duo having to do with going to be the Year)
Solista o Grupo Revelación del Año (New Soloist and Group of the Year)
JenCarlos Canela
Canción del Año (Song relating to the Year)
“Mientes,” Camila
Álbum del Año (Album having to do with going to be the Year)
“Amor Vinca Omina,” Draco
Artista del Año (Artist having to do with going to be the Year)
Canción del Año (Song about going to be the Year)
“Yerbatero,” Juanes
Álbum del Año (Album regarding going to be the Year)
“Mi Niña Bonita,” Chino y asics onitsuka tigerNacho
Artista Masculino del Año (Male Artist having to do with the Year)
Prince Royce
Artista Femenina del Año (Female Artist regarding going to be the Year)
Olga Tañón
Grupo u Dúo del Año (Group or otherwise Duo about going to be the Year)
Solista a Grupo Revelación del Año (New Soloist or otherwise Group about going to be the Year)
Prince Royce
Canción del Año (Song having to do with the Year)
“Stand by Me,” Prince Royce
Tropical Merengue Artista del Año (Tropical Merengue Artist of going to be the Year)
Juan Luis Guerra
Tropical Salsa Artista del Año (Tropical Salsa Artist to do with the Year)
Luis Enrique
Tropical Tradicional Artista del Año (Tropical Traditional Artist to do with going to be the Year)
Álbum del Año (Album concerning going to be the Year)
“Me Gusta Todo de Ti,” Banda el Recodo
Artista Masculino del Año (Male Artist to do with the Year)
Espinoza Paz
Artista Femenina del Año (Female Artist connfl jerseyscerning going to be the Year)
Jenni Rivera
Grupo electronic Dúo del Año (Group or otherwise Duo about going to be the Year)
Banda el Recodo
Solista a Grupo Revelación del Año (New Soloist or perhaps Group about going to be the Year)
Gerardo Ortiz
Canción del Año (Song about going to be the Year)
“Me Gusta Todo de Ti,” Banda el Recodo
Artista Banda del Año (Banda Artist of going to be the Year)
Espinoza Paz
Artista Duranguense del Año (Duranguense Artist having to do with going to be the Year)
Grupo Montez de Durango
Artista Grupero del Año (Grupero Artist about going to be the Year)
Joan Sebastian
Artista Norteño del Año (Norteño Artist concerning going to be the Year)
Los Tigres del Norte
Artista Ranchero del Año (Ranchero Artist concerning the Year)
Jenni Rivera
Álbum del Año (Album about going tfitflops uko be the Year)
“La Revolución: Evolución,” Wisin farrenheit Yandel
Artista del Año (Artist having to do with the Year)
Artista Revelación del Año (New Artist concerning going to be the Year)
Dyland farrenheit Lenny
Canción del Año (Song to do with the Year)
“Te Siento,” Wisin farrenheit Yandel
Artista Premio Lo Nuestro del Año (Entertainer to do with going to be the Year)
Wisin farreneheit Yandel
Colaboración del Año (Collaboration regarding going to be the Year)
“Cuando Me Enamoro,” Enrique Iglesias and Juan Luis Guerra
Video del Año (Video relating to the Year)
“Egoísta,” Belinda and Pitbull
Teddy Bear Picnic – Thursday
Erie County Fair – Wednesday, August 10th all the way through Sunday, August 21st by the Hamburg Fairgrounds. The Fair not only can they feature going to be thDavid Brysone usual fair food midway rides and games, animal found and loan creditors and add plus concerts both to and from Miranda Lambert (August 14th) and Ace Frehley (August 17th), motor events slightly like going to be the Ultimate Night relating to Destruction (August 18th) and the World’s Largest Dfitflops ukemolition Derby (August 21st), and many of the new features a little as though the Bengal Tiger Encounter and Dock Dogs. For an all in one complete in which case you and visit the net.ecfair.
America’s Grape Country Wine Festival – Saturday and Sunday, August 13th and 14th by the Chautauqua County Fairgrounds, 1089 Central Ave.along with Dunkirk. Featuring much of the area’s go above and beyond wineries,food loanpolos ralph lauren companies and craft vendors; highlightbob ralph laurening Sunday often an all in one accord back and forth from Uncle Kracker and Sean Patrick McGraw. Tickets can be the case purchased and a great deal more a lot of information can be found along online world.agcwinefestival.
Teddy Bear Picnic – Thursday, August 18th both to and from eleven a.m.for additionew balance onlinenal details on two de.m at going to be the Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum, 180 Thompson St.along with North 26552Tonawanda. An afternoon having to do with games, crafts, stories and puppet revealed and a multi function build-an-animal work area (additional amount of cash Cost is $8 in keeping with boy or girl $2 in line with adult; purchase on the town more by .ralph lauren