From Greenthings
Contents |
Character history and personality goes here.
Joseph "Peace" Emberlain
Gallant Nature: Sparkly Beatstick Hero
Scion of Ares, Dodekatheon
Str *** Dex ***** Sta ***
Cha **** Man * App ****
Per ** Int ** Wits ***
Brawl ****
Command ***
Melee *****
Presence ****
Academics *
Art (Music) ****
Occult *
Athletics ***
Awareness **
Fortitude **
Animal Ken *
Empathy ***
Integrity **
Virtues- Exp *** Int ** Val *** Ven ** | Legend- ** (4/4)
Willpower- ***** | HL- 0 1 1 2 2 4 I | Exp: 0
Relic (Sword-thing) *****
Relic (Skin of the Lupa) **
Relic (Pipes of Pan) **
Guardian *
Music *
War *
Epic Strength *
Knockback Attack (W)
Epic Dexterity *
And The Crowd Goes Wild (G)
Epic Stamina *
Self-Healing (H)
Body Armor (D)
Epic Charisma *
Baneful Gaze (W)
Inspirational Figure (H)
Epic Appearance *
Black Tie (W)
Sword That Needs A Name, *****. Spatha (Roman longsword) base traits: Acc+1 +4L Def+1 Sp4. Grants Purviews: War, Guardian. Powers: Probably something to do with inspiring Valor or something charismatic-general-like.
Skin of the Lupa, **. Grants Purviews: Animal (Wolf), Justice. The skin of the wolf that nursed Romulus and Remus, which Romulus is said to have worn as a tribute to her. Aside from being a particularly nice-looking gray wolf pelt that never stains and having a silver clasp about the front legs so it can be worn as a cloak, there is nothing about this thing that can pass as remotely normal clothing.
Pipes of Pan, **. Grants Purview: Music. Power: Grants bonuses of some kind to Art (Music) rolls. The actual pipes of Pan, won by Ares in a battle and given to Peace pretty much on the basis that the boy seemed to sing very well and he had nothing else to do with the damned thing.
XP expenditures - none