Peace of Thistles
From Greenthings
Obviously, it isn't just people from the Core who can travel worlds. Peace is an adventurer, the son of a satyr from the Wilds of Faerie and a human mage from one of the worlds of Dungeons and Dragons who was looking for a little immortality and a lot of fun. More than that need not be said- satyr or not, they are his parents.
Always a bit of a goody-two-shoes, he wanted to join the clergy since he was little, but even the priests of the more chaotic deities were bit skeptical of the whims of a fae and the piety of a satyr specifically. Nevertheless, he became an adventurer and got involved with various groups and saving people and killing monsters and so forth for a while. At one point, he and his friends had a minor if important role in a great quest to aid the god Arden, and when all Peace asked for was a chance to serve, he was given his paladin-ship.
They kind of had to accept him after that.
After that, they parted, and Peace got the idea- partly from his mother- to head off and explore other worlds. He'd heard something about a "Core reality" from some other adventurers running around, and that sounded like a fun idea...
Character Sheet
Peace of Thistles
Fae Paladin (Eclipse d20)
Level 1, ECL+1 template (Satyr)
XP: 0 Spent: 48
STR 15 (+2)
DEX 20 (+5)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 15 (+2)
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 16 (+3)
Disads/etc.: Duties (+2/level, must help innocents, preserve wild places, be charitable so long as it doesn't hurt him or other people, and generally spread the idea of "benevolent nature" wherever he goes). Aura of Innocence (gives out general impression of "I am young naive fuzzy, please rob me blind" -3), I'm One Of The Good Guys (will not intentionally lie, cheat, steal, or present the impression that he will -3), History (-4).
Quick Reference:
HD: L1 d20 (20, 20CP), +(ConMod) HP: 22/22 | BAB +1 (6CP) | Fort: +3 (3CP) Ref: +5 (0CP) Will: +3 (0CP)
ConMod "spell points" 2/2 | DR 7/Cold Iron (physical only), 2/- universal
Channeling 3/3 | Mana 6/6 | Lay on Hands 12/12 | Pipes: C 2/2 S 2/2 F 2/2
Greatsword: +BAB(1) +Str(2) +Quality(1). 3d6, +Str(2) +Quality(1).
Corrupted (obvious fey, animalistic form, poor reputation, have a hard time with armor and equipment).
Self-Development (60 CP): +4 Dexterity, +3 Constitution, +6 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, and +5 Charisma. Half cost due to world laws.
Occult Sense/Low-Light Vision (6 CP)
Martial Arts (1d6 Natural Weapons, Specialized: Headbutt Only, 3 CP)
Damage Reduction 5. (Specialized: physical only, Corrupted: penetrated by Cold Iron, 4 CP)
Adept (Physical Stealth, Perform, Listen, and Spot), Specialized: only works on skills bought as part of the template, not later expenditures. double effect (1 SP per +4). (6 CP).
Skill Bonuses: +4 to Physical Stealth and Perform, +6 to Listen and Spot (5 CP with Adept)
Innate Spell, Corrupted (Requires Pipes, 3 spells), Charm Person, Sleep, and Fear, 2/Day Each (6 CP). The fear spell is a minor variant which does not work on other Satyrs.
Metamagic/Area and Glory, Corrupted (Requires Pipes), Specialized in Innate Spells (4 CP).
Disadvantages: Hedonistic and Lustful. They are easily tempted with good food, drink, and sex (-6 CP).
Proficiencies: Light Armor (3CP, free under world laws), All Simple and Martial Weapons (9CP, 7 free under world laws).
Anime Master (Corrupted, Swords Only. 4CP).
Paladin (noncombat):
All corrupted: only works while in favor with deity and acting within bounds of service.
Channeling, positive energy. +ChaMod/day (2CP), Intensity = Level (0CP), Magnitude = 2d6+ChaMod+Level (0CP), Range 60ft..
Empower (ChaMod "plusses" Int'y/3 each, Magn rounds) (4CP), Meditations on the Divine (throw off mental control) (4CP).
Lay on Hands (Healing Touch). ChaModxlevel/day, Specialized (double effect): cannot use on self. (6CP)
Mana, Reality Editing option. (6CP)
Diplomacy _______ 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 = 6
Gadgets _________ 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 = 5
Heal ____________ 4 + 3 + 2 + 0 = 9
Identities ______ 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 = 6
-Arcana _________ 2 + 2 + 2 + 0 = 6
-Theology _______ 2 + 2 + 2 + 0 = 6
Listen __________ 1 + 3 + 2 + 6 = 12
Perform _________ 1 + 3 + 2 + 4 = 10
Physical Stealth 1 + 5 + 2 + 4 = 12
Spot ____________ 1 + 3 + 2 + 6 = 12
Survival (Forest) 2 + 3 + 2 + 0 = 7
Faith (his) _____ 2 + 3 + 2 + 5 = 12
-Fae ____________ 3 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 12
-Own Theology ___ 3 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 12
Survival (Wylds of Faerie) 1 + 3 + 2 + 5 = 11
Descriptions and Notes
Age: 25
Description: Peace is about 6'5", with curly red hair, sharp features, bright blue eyes, pointy ears, and the whole goat horns/furry goat legs/horse-like tail deal that satyrs have. He enjoys the flexibility of the smartclothes, and usually wears a long light tunic under his armor.
Personality: Cute Pollyannaish little bugger. Compassionate, loyal... paladin. Enjoys adventure, good food, helping people, and attractive consenting adults. :B
+1 Quality Oversized Greatsword, Smartclothes, 3 more.