
From Greenthings

Revision as of 11:22, 19 December 2007 by (Talk)



Xaliotl was born in a little farming village out in the Southern Threshold. His mother was a nice young woman of good Breeding and noble house, if terribly passionate, who had skipped town after having failed to Exalt and subsequently being denied entrance to the Heptagram (which was her dream) and having her marriage un-arranged (a bit too late). When her parents found her gone, they presumed she'd go cool her heels and be back one day, and being who she was, well... they didn't spend too much time checking when she didn't.

She became a proficient thaumaturgist, and Xali spent his childhood running around with the other children, having his head filled with slightly rebellious thoughts of noblesse oblige and treating mortals like people alongside those of heroism and of grand deeds of sword and sorcery. He became particularly good friends with the son of one his mother's maids, Iktli.

(The backstory I generally use is based on him being a story character in a slightly modified setting. Therefore, it should be said that the following bits I know very well are bending canon a bit and are provided primarily for the sake of potential interest: that his mother had been lucky enough to make some sort of pact with a Fire Dragon for his Exaltation in return for a favor, that of course this would require some form of Heavenly orchestration unbeknownst to her, and resulting somehow in her cliched if plot-convenient death upon his Exaltation and this favor passing on to him.)

Regardless, one day he Exalted and set out on his own because he's a PC and PCs do that sort of thing. Iktli accompanied him, partly out of friendship and partly out of fear that, Chosen of Hesiesh or not, he'd end up wandering off a cliff if left to his own devices.

In the intervening time, he has fought monsters, saved villagers, eluded Monks well-meaning and not, built up a small following, dealt with his long-suffering best friend Exalting as a Lunar, learned at least the first Circle of sorcery, accomplished a good portion of his motivation in life, and- of course- become an Akuma, the better to Hero with.

Character Sheet

Fire Aspect Outcaste Gaiakuma
Motivation: Honor his mother by becoming a sorceror and making a name for himself outside of an established hierarchy. Learn Solar Circle Sorcery (somehow) and become a righteous hero whose legend will be passed on until the end of time!


Str ** Dex ***** Sta **
Cha **** Man ** App **
Per *** Int **** Wits ***


Athletics ***
Dodge ****
Melee ****
Presence ***
Socialize *

Occult *****
Lore ***
Integrity ***

Linguistics ** (Flametongue- Native, Low Realm, Old Realm)
Awareness **
Investigation *
Medicine *

Resistance *
War **
Stealth *

Melee (Daiklaves) **

Virtues- Cmp ** Con ** Val **** Tem ** | Willpower- ***** *
Intimacies: His Mother's Memory, Iktli
Essence- **** Personal (16/16) | Peripheral (/39) | Committed-
HL - 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 I | Exp: 0 Spent: 0

Virtue Specialty: Conviction (, +2)
Lack of Direction Sense (-1), Unusual Appearance (-2)

1st Melee (1m/per R)
Dragon-Graced Weapon (1m)
1st Dodge (1m/per R)
Threshold Warding Stance (1m R)
Hopping Firecracker Evasion (2m R)
Effortlessly Rising Flame (1m R)
Ox-Body Technique (-, x1)
Spirit-Detecting Mirror Technique (2m)
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (-)

Emerald Circle Countermagic
(two more)

Allies *
Artifact ***
Breeding ***** *
Contacts **
Cult **
Inheritance ***** (Akuma of Gaia)
Manse ***
Patron ***** (Akuma of Gaia)
Reputation **
Resources *

Descriptions and Elaborations


Name: Xaliotl (Xali like Callie, otl like "otter" with an l).
Age: 20.
Basic Description: Short skinny little thing, with waist-length black hair, and bright red skin and eyes. He tends to wear a light kilt and sandals; maybe a cloak if it's raining. Image (Deviantart)
Personality: Xali is loud, high-spirited, and as passionate as any other Fire Aspect and more than some. Though somewhat more composed than he was when he first Exalted, he's still young, and has a great tendency to act before he thinks.
Origin: Teeny little place a ways from Chiaroscuro. His mother was Sesus Tsukino and his father a Cathak, though he hasn't bothered to learn much about the latter. (It doesn't really enter his mind.)
Theme: Avantasia - No Return

Allies *

  • Iktli - Casteless Lunar, Dingo Totem. Iktli is a couple of years older than Xali, and nearly his opposite. Stolid and temperate, he nevertheless has a quick mind and a quick tongue, and the two often act more like rivals than friends- rather, Iktli considers himself more of a big brother than any sort of friend, which might explain part of that. Iktli Exalted fairly recently, and is likely to end up Full or Half Moon if and when he gets Casted.

Contacts **

  • Like most wandering heroes, Xali has no regular source of income. Thus, he spends his time looking for trouble, eating whatever the hell it is Iktli's dug up, and accepting people's generous offers of recompense for saving their lives and property. This represents part of the latter quality.

Cult **

  • This is the rest of it. He's not entirely aware of it. (Based on what was mentioned about what people were likely to think meeting an Akuma of Gaia, and because I have far too many points.)

Artifact ***

  • Pair of Short Daiklaves, Red Jade, Dawnsliver and Duskfall (*+*, Spd3 Acc4 Dmg5L Def1 Rate2 &Att3each). Thin scimitar-shaped blades, these were heirlooms his mother took and gave to him when he Exalted. They do bear a Sesus mons.
  • Reaver Daiklave, Red Jade, ' ()
  • Lamellar, Red Jade, ()

Lack of Direction Sense: The cost was based off Internal Compass, and it's roughly similar; as the name states, Xali will get lost if left to his own devices. Compass and map will not help. Following other people will help, and the GM being annoyed at it will help, and that's about it. (This is a character schtick and I think it's funny, that's about it.)


Free: Ess4, Breeding6; Akuma: Inheritance5/Patron5, +30bp/+17bg

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