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< Dalishgame
Revision as of 19:50, 14 December 2009 by (Talk)
------------------------------------------------------------------- D R A G O N A G E ------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME CLASS Ericson Warrior BACKGROUND Ferelden Human AGE GENDER 22 Male Level: 1 XP: Total XP: ------------------------------------------------------------------- A P P E A R A N C E ------------------------------------------------------------------- HEIGHT: 6'2" WEIGHT: 190 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES Blond Hair down to the neck Blue eyes Burn scar on his left wrist ------------------------------------------------------------------- A T T R I B U T E S ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNICATION: +0 CONSTITUTION: +3 CUNNING: +0 DEXTERITY: +2 MAGIC: +2 PERCEPTION: +2 STRENGTH: +3 WILLPOWER: +4 ==FOCUSES== Willpower (Courage) ------------------------------------------------------------------- S T A T S ------------------------------------------------------------------- SPEED: 9 DEFENSE: 14 ARMOR (AP): 7 ARMOR TYPE: Heavy Mail HEALTH: 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------- W E A P O N S ------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPON ATTACK ROLL DAMAGE Maul +3 1d6+3 Short Sword +2 1d6+2 Bastard Sword +3 2d6+1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- C L A S S P O W E R S & S P E L L S ------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------- T A L E N T S & L A N G U A G E S ------------------------------------------------------------------- TALENTS Armor Training (Novice) Weapon and Shield Style (Novice) Dual Weapon Style (Novice) LANGUAGES Trade Tongue (The King's Tongue) ------------------------------------------------------------------- E Q U I P M E N T & M O N E Y ------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT ==Armor== Heavy Mail Armor (7/-3) Medium Shield (+2 defense) ==Weapons== Maul Short Sword Bastard Sword ==Items== Backpack Traveler's garb Candle (4) Torch (2) Flint and Steel Waterskin Whetstone ==Animals= Mabari (Hessarian) MONEY GP: SP: 1 CP: 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------- G O A L S & T I E S ------------------------------------------------------------------- GOALS 1) Become a full Templar 2) Face his first Abomination and survive 3) Find a way to make it harder for demons to possess mages. TIES 1) Transporting Mage