Patron Saints/Session 16

From Greenthings

< Patron Saints
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Part 1
<Greenling> Last time, on Patron Saints.
<Greenling> Peyt was out cold, there was sushi, there was talking, and there was a two-day waiting period before the next meeting.
<Greenling> (what scene does everyone want to do? we can skip ahead or not.)
<Greenling> NEXT DAY
<Greenling> Peyt wakes up.
<Greenling> There is a tiny, meek-looking, violet-eyed man with strange hair checking your pulse.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt yawns wide, his DBT maw gigantic. He barely notices the scales when he scratches. He does notice the tiny thing checking up on him. "...the hell are you?"
<Greenling> "Hello. Are you all right?"
<Greenling> (He reminds you a bit of a mouse, except for the vaguely funereal look about him.)
* WhiteCrow is busy clenaing her weapons in all of this. ANd wishing she knew Exoricsim and Warding. It had to ahve soemthigna gainst Anathema
<WhiteCrow> Especially big toothy Lunar ones
* Zhubin laughs at Peyt.
<Zhubin> "Change back into something at least half-way normal, would you?"
<Zhubin> "That way we don't have to figure out how to fold you into something that will fit in the meeting rooms."
* Kitsunemimi-Maiden_ has joined #fridaymortals
<Greenling> (zomgReeeeeei~)
* Kitsunemimi-Maiden_ is now known as Rei
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Yer mother was a foxmole, Zhubin." He grunts as he shifts back to his human form, the tail and claws receding into his body. "Now. Why's a mouse rubbin' me?"
<Greenling> "...Buh?" o.o
<Greenling> "...So are you okay, or?" He seems confused.
<Zhubin> "Now, now Peyt, the only one of us here who's parentage wasn't human is you."
<Greenling> The man scratches his head and stands up.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "My mum was human. Dad was a god. Yer mum was a foxmole. Mine was cooler." Peyt gets up, rubbing his shoulders. "Yeah I'm okay...I guess...whatever, don't care."
* Rei glances over at Peyt some, blinking.
<Greenling> He nods. "I'm sorry. What Thrall did to you will pass, but it'll take a few days."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Yeah, yeah. Did I at least bite off an arm or somethin'?"
<Zhubin> "Hahaha. No."
<Greenling> "Uhm, no. Though I understand he had quite a shiner for a little while?"
<Rudeth> "Thrall's perfectly well and in one piece. He kicked your ass."
<Greenling> "He didn't..." Kalil sighs. "Don't give him that much credit, please."
<Greenling> He smiles apologetically at Rudeth.
<Zhubin> "I don't want to make Thrall sound good, but Peyt? Even being as big as a barn, you couldn't hit one."
<Greenling> "...Oh. Oh, right. I did have something to tell you today, didn't I." He chews a thumbnail briefly.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "The hell you talkin' bout? I totally hit him."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Tell me what?"
<Greenling> "Gosh, I must've written it down." He checks his pockets. "Uhm. The- the paperwork. Things. And Rudeth. No offense, but I'd rather help you leave Yu-Shan as quickly as possible after what happened yesterday."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Wait, what happened yesterday?"
<Rudeth> "The...which part of what happened yesterday? What did I do?"
<Rudeth> D:
<Greenling> He pulls out a paper and looks up at Peyt. "Oh- the, uh, the thing in the office? With the birds? Wasn't it yesterday?"
<Greenling> "Some day. Anyway." He hands the paper to Zhubin. "Instructions."
* Zhubin takes and reads the paper.
<Zhubin> "Let's see what new shit we're in, shall we?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "What birds? I didn't fuckin' DO anythin'!"
<Greenling> There are meticulous, clear, detailed instructions on how best to go about preparing a defense for Peyt's Manse claim in tiny, clear little Old Realm characters.
<Greenling> "You, uhm, well. I'm sorry. There was another error, is that clearer? Except this place isn't technically governed by Fate, which makes us worry. It's not out of the ordinary but it is rather severe."
<Zhubin> "Oh my. This is actually extremely helpful!"
<Greenling> He smiles at Zhubin.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...another error what? Who the fuck is screwin' with me now!?"
<Greenling> "There- ..." The man holds his head in his hands and mumbles.
<Zhubin> Speaking slowly, as if to a child...or Peyt: "Do you remember the message that got to us before the Secretary sent it?"
<Zhubin> "Time normally goes one direction. When shit skips around, it's an error. A very bad one."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...then they should fix it." His stomach growls loudly.
<Greenling> "We're trying to do that." :/
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Not doin' too well, are ya?"
<Zhubin> "Peyt, it's not something that comes up daily, I'd imagine. Nor easily fixable."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Then they shouldn't have broken it." He got up from where he was sleeping and tried to find where his dad hid the liquor.
<Greenling> You are still in the Bier's dojo.
<Peyt_Yenthu> *the Sids hid the liquor
<Greenling> Kalil just looks plaintively at Peyt.
* Rei somehow has the feeling that alcohol + fate rarely is a good combination
* Zhubin sighs and shrugs sadly at Kalil.
<Greenling> "You're a very nice man when you want to be, Mister Zhubin. I'm sorry about everything."
<Zhubin> "Peyt, no boozing in a dojo. And I'm pretty sure they didn't break time. It's because your overly large ass is outside Fate." Muttering the rest "And the rest of us, too."
<Zhubin> "Sorry about what?" Zhubin shakes his head. "And I try to always be nice, actually. Peaceful discussion is so much better than atrocious shouting."
<Greenling> ... ..!
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Yep. Large ass. Almost as big as Gem. Oh wait. Gem's gone. Ya can blame me for fuckin' with time when cities are back where they're supposed ta be."
<Greenling> He points to Rudeth.
<Rudeth> "...What?" D:
<Rudeth> "I swear I didn't do anything this time!"
<Greenling> "And you, I need to sh- s- thing." He thinks for a moment. "You are, uhm. We need to test something."
<Greenling> "...This time? o.O
<Zhubin> "Did Rudy do something wrong?"
<Rudeth> "Oh, um. Nevermind."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "It's always the quiet ones."
<Rudeth> "Test for what?"
<Zhubin> "The this time is a verbal tic. We're so used to Peyt accusing us of things that it's become automatic."
<Rudeth> "Yeah, sure. Definitely."
<Rudeth> >_>
<Greenling> Kalil just looks confused for a moment. "Uhm. Just let me take you to meet somebody."
<Greenling> "...You can come too if you want."
<Greenling> "It's very nice to meet you, by the way. I... wasn't actually aware Thrall had any siblings," he says, a little embarassed.
<Zhubin> "Well, while Heaven is interesting, I do get lost. I think, if you don't mind, I'd like to accompany you." Zhubin turns around, to look at Peyt. "You come too, we'll buy you some cheap food, probably."
<Greenling> "I don't know why. Though I suspect it's related to our little problem."
<Rudeth> "I wasn't aware I had any siblings, either, until a couple of days ago."
<Peyt_Yenthu> His stomach grumbles louder. "Tired of people dickin' around with me."
<Greenling> Kalil moves to pat Peyt on the shoulder, then thinks better of it.
<Greenling> He begins walking out.
<Rudeth> Rudeth follows him, since he's apparently going to meet someone and not in trouble.
<Rudeth> "So, what sort of a test is this?" >_>
* WhiteCrow finally finds her way to the Violet Bier of Sorrows after having spent the day researching,w ndeirng and detailing things. She finds the localsr ude, pompous and the attempts to pick-pocket her for quintessence she doesn't hav einteresting, tos ayt he least
* Zhubin goes along too.
<Greenling> "An empirical one."
<Rudeth> " that anything like arithmetic?"
<Greenling> Kalil looks confused again.
<Zhubin> "No. It's a controlled test, to check for the presence or absence of one thing, generally."
<Greenling> Coincidence strikes again as the group runs into Crow on the way out.
<Greenling> Also Namhwa and Rei. You're here for some reason.
* Rudeth hugs Rei.
<Rudeth> "I have to take a test."
<Rudeth> "For...I really don't know what."
* Zhubin shrugs.
* Zhubin also waves at Crow, Namhwa, and Rei.
<Greenling> The party seems to be moving towards the Bureau of Heaven.
<Greenling> Some little side office. ...Well, relatively little.
<Cho> "Oh... I don't think I've ever actually taken a 'test,' I hope you do well."
* WhiteCrow tilts her head as she sees the others, "THought I'df ind you here." SHe looks over ot Peyt and takes a step away from him, "So where are you guys headed?"
<Rudeth> "I have to take a test."
<Rudeth> "I hope there's no math." >_>
<Greenling> "'Lo," says the small man to Crow.
* Peyt_Yenthu has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
* Peyt_Yenthu has joined #fridaymortals
* WhiteCrow looks at Rudeth curiously, "What is this test for, precisely?"
* WhiteCrow also looks a tthe man, "And who the hell is he?"
<Rudeth> "I have no idea."
<Greenling> He tilts his head. "Oh. Sorry, I'm Kalil." He bows generously to Crow.
<Greenling> "I'm his brother's Sifu."
<Greenling> "Nice to meet you." ^-^
<Zhubin> "I believe Kalil is a coworker of.....his Sifu?"
* Zhubin stares at Kalil.
<Greenling> Kalil blinks at Zhubin.
<Zhubin> "I'd like to apologize again for Peyt's behavior."
<Zhubin> Quitely: "Please don't kill us."
<Zhubin> *Quietly
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I didn't do nothin'. Thrall told me to, 'n Rudy was bein' a pissant."
<Greenling> ..."I don't want to kill you." D:
* Zhubin looks side to side sheepishly.
<Greenling> "I mean. I really doubt it'll become necessary!"
<Rudeth> "I just said that I didn't think you could take him. And he beat you. So there."
<Greenling> He looks somewhat worried.
* Cho watches the scene cautiously.
<Zhubin> "......why would it be necessary?"
<Zhubin> "Hypothetically."
<Zhubin> >_>
<Cho> "Zhubin, I have some stuff to tell you later."
<Cho> "Let's not talk of murder and such, it's a distasteful topic."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...." Peyt sets his hand on the top of Rudeth's head.
<Greenling> "Oh? Hypothetically, well, I mean, certain things... Fate's weird. But mostly that never happens! Except when you're outside of Fate. Also, Solars tend to, well. Uhm. Things. But this shouldn't be an issue!"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...I can squeeze at any moment."
<Greenling> "I'm sorry?" D:
<Zhubin> "Is this going to be stuff that makes me look back at the past few days and then begin to gibber in fear of just how close I came to a horrible fate?"
<Zhubin> "Bad Peyt!" Zhubin slaps his hand away from Rudy. "No crushing our comrade's skulls."
<Greenling> "Oh, no, this is much more general," he tries to be reassuring towards Zhubin.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...."
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt rests his hand on Zhubin's head.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I'm still bigger than you."
* Zhubin laughs.
<Greenling> "Also, please don't kill the boy. He's rather important and Thrall would be very angry. As would I, a bit."
<Zhubin> "Yes, but I had an AXE bounce off me. I'm not too worried about a fist."
<Rudeth> "And then Thrall would /really/ kick your ass." :3
<Greenling> ...Facepalm. "Not helping."
* Rei frowns softly, ears folding back as she steps up to Peyt, head barely at his chest level, giving a little "bap" with her knuckles on his chest.
<Rudeth> "...."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...first chance I get. I'm eating all of you." He grumps on ahead.
* Rudeth glomps Rei.
<Rudeth> :D
* Cho quietly taps his hands between his legs in the "eat me" gesture at Peyt's back.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I saw that."
* Zhubin just sighs, putting his head onto his hands.
* Rei blushes and purrs, hugging Rudeth back
<Zhubin> "Why is it, that even though nearly all of us have been blessed and Chosen by one Heavenly Being or another, that they still act like children?"
<Greenling> "People are strange." ^-^;
* WhiteCrow nods to Kalli as the group goes along, looking at Rudeth and Rei's behavior. She glares at Peyt at that, "I will explode every grenade I have in your stomach if that ever come to pass."
<Rudeth> "Hey! I haven't!" >_>
<Cho> "I'm almost 30, I'm not a child."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Because people keep fuckin' with me and my pa died. I'm allowed."
<Greenling> Eventually you arrive at your destination.
<Greenling> There is a small office and a man with very large golden hair inside, puttering with something.
<Greenling> He sees you outside and peeks his head out.
<Greenling> Kalil, meanwhile, seems to be hiding behind Peyt.
<Greenling> "Hello?"
<Rudeth> "Um...Hi. He says I need to take a test-thing of some sort." Rudeth points at Kalil.
* WhiteCrow has her hands in her buff jacket's pcokets and yawns a bit at this, wondering what's going on still
<Greenling> There is no purplesid. The man with the large hair blinks.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt looks down at the little thing. "....I'm not a wall."
<Greenling> ;.;
<Rudeth> "...Uh, right. Some sort of a test to see if I am or am not something or other."
<Greenling> The purplesid peeks out. The other one smiles.
<Greenling> "Aren't you just adorable. Who're your friends?" "...D: Please just tell me what he is and let me go."
<Greenling> "But... what do you mean? And stop cringing, I'm not going to hurt you, dear." "Can't you see them? All of them? <_<" "..." The large-haired man looks closer at the group.
* Cho tilts an eyebrow.
<Peyt_Yenthu> ", when exactly do yer balls drop?"
<Greenling> The man's eyes grow wide and glittery.
* Zhubin stares at the hair.
* Rei blinks, staying slightly behind Rudeth
<Greenling> "Oh. My. Aren't you WONDERFUL." He grabs Peyt's arm and hugs him.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "..."
<Zhubin> "Dammit Peyt, quit insulting everyone!"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "......"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "........."
<Rudeth> "...what."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "............"
* Zhubin begins laughing.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "..............."
<Cho> "What?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> ".................."
<Greenling> "I was supposed to see you ages ago! What happened?"
<Rudeth> "...I guess this explains how you're friends with Thrall."
* Zhubin continues to laugh, now on the floor from lack of air.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I do not know what is going on. But it is weird, and I have hit my weird limit."
<Greenling> "My goodness, are you still doing well down there? Still with that army? One of your little Solar friends has a nice one and I think he wants to play."
<Cho> :/
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...who........what...I don't...."
<Greenling> "Oh, I'm terribly sorry." He lets go. "I should introduce myself."
* Cho thinks this fellow might be a little senile.
<Greenling> He bows. "My name is Lytek, God of Exaltations. Wonderful to meet you all!"
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt can't decide if he should hate this person, or simply pat him on the head and walk away.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Oh."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I see."
* Zhubin stops laughing. Very suddenly.
<Greenling> He pokes and prods Namhwa. "I did get all of that Wyld taint, didn't I? Just checking."
<Greenling> Kalil is going back to *hiding*.
* Cho restrains himself from poking and prodding Lytek and asking about getting all of that douchebaggery. "I certainly hope so."
<Zhubin> " know about our past lives?"
<Cho> "Pleasure to meet you, sir."
<Cho> :)
<Greenling> "Ohh, good." He hugs you. "You're going to have so much fun up here, I just know it."
* Rei peers at the God who seems to be responsible for Zhubin and Peyt and Crow and Cho.
<Greenling> "I do indeed, dear. Your, uhm, you died rather quickly, I'm afraid, last time, though the one before that was..." <_< "Very interesting?"
* Cho returns the hug hesitantly.
<Zhubin> Zhubin rubs his throat. "Yeeees. I seem to remember a certain someone, in fact."
<Greenling> "Your friend here?" :3
<Greenling> "I'm afraid your last incarnation would've been much better suited to that, but you fit the job well enough, and well, it's understandable."
<Zhubin> "Oh no, no, I more meant the previous life ending quickly. Though for some reason, I do believe someone owes me money from Hollow."
<Greenling> Peyt feels a sudden spot of dread in the pit of his stomach, as if he were a small child hoping to get away with something who just got caught.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...I just remember trying to get drunk, and then throwing Zhubin through a window."
<Rudeth> "Wasn't that the day before yesterday?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I still remember it."
<Cho> "Yes, I thought so."
<Greenling> "I'm afraid I don't understand, dear. What is it you're asking? -Oh! I was supposed to-" he looks over Rudeth.
<Greenling> "You're most certainly not on my list. I can't imagine why you wou-"
<Greenling> There is a long moment of silence from hair God.
<Rudeth> "...What?"
* WhiteCrow raises her eyebrows at the god a bit, raising her hand at all his talking and such, "Mr. Lytek, I have a question in all of this."
<Greenling> "..."
<Greenling> "...Yes, Miss Crow?"
<Greenling> Still staring at Rudeth.
<WhiteCrow> "So we're not Anathema. I am correct in this?"
<Greenling> "Huhm?"
<Greenling> "The designation of Anathema- the Immaculate Order- uhm." Distracted.
<WhiteCrow> "I'm not Immacualte. I assure the term is now past just beign owned by that organizaiton."
<Rudeth> "Are Crow and Zhubin demons or are they really chosen by the Unconquered Sun?"
<Greenling> "-Oh. Well, they're Chosen by the Sun, of course. I recall he might have said something to the effect himself?"
<Rudeth> "See, Crow? You're not a crazy demon-controlled glowy-monster."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Wait wait wait. If Pissant isn't on the list, then why're we here?"
<Greenling> Rudy gets poked in the cheek.
<Greenling> "...You're Pan. Were Pan. How are you not..."
<Rudeth> "I'm...what?"
<Cho> "He means Rudy, not Pissant," Cho interjects.
<Zhubin> "He told me." Zhubin smiles at Crow. "Told you we weren't Anathema."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Rudy is now Pissant. Don't squash my rights to naming."
<Zhubin> "We shall squash your rights as you squash our sensibilities."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Fuck you, Fucker McFuckerton."
<Greenling> He takes a deep breath.
<Greenling> "Well. Somehow. That boy- your brother, isn't he? you look just like him- just keeps dragging people into trouble."
<Rudeth> "Yeah, I get the impression he does that."
<Rudeth> "'s Pan?"
<Cho> :(
* WhiteCrow glares at Zhubin, "Yeah, apaprently. Still doesn't sit right for me."
<Greenling> "The name of your last incarnation was Pan Ilrithier. He was... rather young when he died. It was a bit of a scandal."
<Greenling> "But I really oughtn't talk about that, especially since I'd like to."
<Greenling> "Sorry." He shrugs apologetically. "Anything else I can do for you wonderful people today?"
* Zhubin shrugs. "If you'd like to talk about it, we wouldn't mind hearing about it.
<Rudeth> "...How did he die?"
<Cho> "Oh, come on. Surely you don't get such an attentive audience."
<Greenling> "No, no, no. It's really- I really shouldn't."
<Cho> *very frequently
<Cho> "Come on!" :) Cho gives an indulgent smile.
<Greenling> "And by that I mean I don't want to get in trouble, really, I'm sorry."
<Greenling> "I ought to go." He grabs his things and starts scooting out. <_<
<Zhubin> "Oh. Well, we certainly wouldn't want to get you into any trouble, sir."
<Cho> "No one here will get you in trouble. You're the _God_ of _Exaltations_ . We trust and love you implicitly."
<Rudeth> "--Wait! Don't I have to take a test?" D:
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I hate him. But I'm reserving my emotions for a time when it is more socially acceptable."
<Greenling> "Eeeenot everyone shares your enthusiasm, b- what?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Like when I'm really drunk."
<Greenling> "Oh. Oh, dear, you passed." Handwave~
<Rudeth> "...what?"
<Rudeth> D:
<Greenling> "Bye!" He scoots more quickly. <_<
<Rudeth> "But I don't even know what it was!"
<Cho> :(
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...I'm gonna have to do it? Seriously?"
<Greenling> The God of Exaltations is escaping out the back exit unless you all do something about this.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt lets out a sigh. "Fine. Ungrateful fuckers....god I'm hungry."
<Peyt_Yenthu> There's a flash of silver, and Lytek finds himself bumping into a very large and scaly chest leaning against the door.
<Zhubin> "Bad Peyt!"
<Greenling> "GAH!"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "He made my head hurt. Now he's gonna make it unhurt."
<Zhubin> "No interfering with Gods, that got you in trouble already!"
<WhiteCrow> "Ummm...Peyt...I dont' think you're allowed to do that..."
<Greenling> He is pinned. A couple of passers-by gape.
<Greenling> "Sir, I can't say I could possibly have anything you'd want."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "People keep dickin' around with us! I'm confused and cranky! Crazy hair's gonna talk and make SOMETHING UP HERE MAKE SENSE MOONDAMMIT!"
<Cho> :/ Cho reserves comment, silently wondering if Peyt's doing the right thing.
<Greenling> "...Aw, you're still in Waxing phase, aren't you." <3
<Zhubin> "Peyt, I'm pretty sure the only way to make you not glow is to kill you. So, suck it up, change back to human, and quit whining."
<Rudeth> "What was the test and what did I do and NO ONE TELLS ME ANYTHING" D:
* WhiteCrow holds her hand to the handle of her weapon, "Peyt, let him go."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Rei! Find a sandwich!"
<Cho> "He really should at least tell us what's going on with Rudeth."
<Greenling> Kalil appears beside Peyt. "Uhm."
<Greenling> "I. Uhm. This is my fault. Please let him go."
<Cho> "At least tell Rudeth, don't jerk him around like this. Come on, Lytek."
* Cho is pushing the "come on" approach.
<Greenling> "I- I what do you even- it's classified!"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I'm not even holdin' him. I'm just standin' here. Gods, you guys act like I'm grapplin' him or somethin'."
<Greenling> "...Oh, or do you mean his Exaltation?"
<Greenling> "Is that it?"
<Rudeth> "I just want to know why I'm here and what's going on."
<Greenling> "Why you're- well, boy, when a man and a woman love each other very much, or at least would like to pretend they do-"
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt's stomach growls loudly.
<Greenling> Lytek backs away from Peyt.
<Rudeth> "I mean why I'm /here/!" Rudeth gestures at the building.
<Greenling> "Oh. I suppose because you're not on record."
* Cho gives Lytek a disappointed frown.
<Greenling> "Terribly unfortunate, minor bureaucratic error, you understand."
<Rudeth> "On record as what?"
<Rudeth> "What am I supposed to be on record for?"
<Greenling> "Er, as a future member of the, er, Golden Barque, and I do wish you were nice and visible so I could check to see whether telling you that had fouled up your threads even worse."
<Rudeth> "I...what?"
* Rei blinks some, glancing to Peyt.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...he's makin' my head hurt more."
<WhiteCrow> "Golden Barque?"
<WhiteCrow> "Mercury has 'em too?"
* Cho looks at Rudeth.
<Greenling> "...They all do, dear. All the Maidens."
<Greenling> "And Luna and Sol. And Gaia, of course."
* WhiteCrow rubs her head a bit, "Gaia I kind of assumed."
<Greenling> "It is rather safe to."
<Rudeth> "So I'm...but you lost my paperwork...?"
* WhiteCrow sighs and leans agains thte doorway's threshold, "This is a long weeek."
<Greenling> "Nnnoooo, you just..." he sighs. "It's all very complicated and I don't even know exactly what happened, I'm afraid. Just that something went wrong."
<Greenling> "The relevant information to even begin explaining has been classified. I don't know how your last Exaltation died."
<WhiteCrow> "Exaltation?"
<Greenling> "It really, as far as I know, since you're here, probably doesn't even mean anything. But who knows? Lady Jupiter, I presume."
<Greenling> "Oh, er, they choose their hosts at birth, for Sidereals. It's sort of a necessary thematic element and reduces friction among the Pattern Spiders."
<WhiteCrow> ...
<WhiteCrow> "Host?"
<Greenling> "The person bonded to the Exaltation."
* Zhubin nods.
<WhiteCrow> "Why does this still sound like demon possession?"
<Greenling> "I have no idea, dear."
<Zhubin> "Because you worry too much."
<Greenling> "I wasn't aware demons could possess living people, but then that's not my field." <_<
<Zhubin> "Nothing Mr. Lytek here has said had anything to do with Malfeas."
<Zhubin> "So thus, no demons."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "So what? Thrall got Pissant's shite?"
<Greenling> "Who are you referring to as Pissant, dear?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt puts his hand on Rudeth's head. "Only person I've been callin' Pissant."
<Cho> "Oh, you mean Rudeth. Your accent is terrible, Peyt."
<WhiteCrow> "But it is a foreign entity entering my soul, causing me to glow with a not-Terrestiral anima and genrlaly making me look like i took pwoer form Celestial deities and themes.
<WhiteCrow> "Its a bit oddly like the descriptiosn, much to say."
<Rudeth> "You're still acting like yourself."
<Greenling> "You didn't take it. You... to be honest never really had a choice in the matter."
<Zhubin> "Well, sure. The Immaculates would have had to base the description on truth, at least in part."
<Rudeth> "If it really was a demon, shouldn't you be foaming at the mouth and slaughtering us all or something?"
<Zhubin> "After all, the High First Age was around long before the Immaculate Faith, after all."
<Rudeth> "Or at least, you know, attacking Peyt." :V
<Greenling> "it's given to you because the Sun wanted to give it to someone and you seemed like a nice, righteous young woman who would go far in life without forgetting the mortal woman she was."
<Greenling> (*It was)
<Greenling> "Your skepticism is commendable, but I can't really support your conclusions, you understand."
<Greenling> "Erm. Anyhow. Can I go now?"
<WhiteCrow> "Seeing as its par tof your job description, I'm not one to really push the issue with gods sometimes."
<WhiteCrow> "I guess."
<Greenling> "I'm sure you have plenty of work to do... of... some kind. Whyever it is you're up here, for example."
<Greenling> "I don't want to know."
<Zhubin> "Like Mr. Lytek says, and as the Sun said to me, 'Quit worrying, and go do great things the Sun would appreciate.'" Zhubin smiles.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...but he didn't say nothin' other than something weird is happenin'."
<Zhubin> "Sure he did. It's not demonic, and this power was given to us to do wonderful things with."
<Greenling> ...Scoot, scoot, scoot.
<Zhubin> "So it logically follows that one shouldn't worry!"
<Rudeth> "So I used a be a boy, I'm supposed to be like my brother, things got lost, and I was murdered."
<Zhubin> Zhubin will continue to yap at Peyt as Lytek scoots away.
<Cho> "Good-bye, Lytek. Again, nice meeting you."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "But...but that had nothin' to do with why I got woken up 'n dragged all the way out here. Tests on pissant and...shit...........I fuckin' hate this place. People never fuckin' say what they mean."
* WhiteCrow shrugs and starts to wander away, "I know how you feel on this Peyt. Heaven is a bit more...dirty, then I expected. I want to go back a bit."
<Greenling> Kalil reappears again. "That went... better than expected."
<Zhubin> "It'll be ok Peyt. It's just part of dealing with actual society." To Crow: "Heaven reflects Creation. If Heaven is in disarray and dirty, then we must reform Creation!"
<Greenling> "Unless Ochieng has any more questions I suppose I will be leaving as well?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Still have no fuckin' clue what happened."
<Zhubin> "Well...where can we go to feed Peyt?" Zhubin smiles warmly at Kalil, and bows.
* Rudeth is making mental notes to look up anything he can on this Pan person.
<Greenling> "Uhm. Anywhere food is, I suppose?"
* Cho silently asks Kalil if there's a way to punch someone into becoming nicer.
<Rudeth> "We could go back to the sushi place." :D
<Cho> *quietly, not silently
<Greenling> Kalil looks at you. "Probably. Ask one of the Joybringers."
<Greenling> He looks up. "Thrall's friend's Sifu should know."
<Cho> "Thanks."
<Zhubin> "Sorry, it was a small joke."
<Greenling> Kalil nods and bows. "Pleasant tidings, then."
* WhiteCrow sighs and rubs her head a bit, still feeling annoyed at the Anathema-are-Exalted thing as she gets confirmation on teh guy who's job it is
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt's stomach growled.
End Part 1 Part 2 <Greenling> For more sushi. Eating out in Yu-Shan is expensive. :|
<Greenling> AT SUSHI.
<Greenling> Is Zhubin actually reading his little instruction manual?
<Zhubin> Indeed he is! Rather carefully, as well.
<Zhubin> One can certainly never have too many Gods and Essence Channeling Beings that don't hate you.
<Greenling> You seem to be on step five of eighteen.
<Greenling> Steps one and three were skipped.
<Zhubin> "One day, I'll have complete, useful, and timely information. But for now 2 out of 3 isn't that bad."
<Greenling> Summarized without subfields:
<Greenling> 1) Gather preliminary evidence re: need for a judgement (in this case, tell Heaven what they already know- there's a Manse that needs to be assigned). 2) Notify all interested parties. 3) Seek appropriate counsel from the appropriate Bureau. 4) Show up and find an arbitrator. 5) Gather allies, either in the form of signatures or, preferably, people willing to speak for you. 6) Show up and...
<Greenling> ...tell the arbitrator who they are. 7) More hearings from them stating the case. 8) Arguments from them (can be substituted with applicable performance art). 9) Gifts for the arbitrator (see subsection 39-b). 10) Discussion from the client discussing what your allies have just said. 11) repeat 7-10 for each person involved.
<Zhubin> "Peyt, you're right. Heaven is a silly and needlessly complex case." Zhubin makes a mental check next to each part that has been done. And then checks subsection 39-b.
<Greenling> 12) The arbitrator heads off to make a prelimary judgement. 13) The appeals process. 14) The problem of the Starmetal (see Manse Library section 012237.6ST). 15) Filing an appropriate exit appeal.
<Greenling> 16) Actual Instructions.
<Greenling> "If you can get the God of Lost Things off of this, I can make a deal with Wreath and you can leave."
<Greenling> :V
<Greenling> Subsection 39-b is a mixed set of traditions and new fashions in Yu-Shan. Basically, you're supposed to get him something tasteful that doesn't look like you're sucking up but totally is and which has Deep Symbolic Meaning in regards to your case without being trite.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I figure we can do somethin' about Wreath...but the God o' Lost Things looked to be makin' diamonds in his ass from coal."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...'n wait, why the flyin' fuck are we gettin' this guy gifts? Thought bribin' judges was illegal."
<Greenling> It's not a bribe if it's legal!
<Zhubin> "Bribes are illegal, and even suggesting such a thing is rude Peyt. However a gift, in honor of their devotion, is a sign of respect."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...he's a chunk who sat in a chair."
<Rudeth> "You're a chuck who hits things really hard. What's your point?"
<Greenling> Just think, Rudeth, you'll get to deal with this shit every single day for five thousand years. :D
<Zhubin> "A very important personage who can bring down the full wrath of....of.....well, he scolds really well."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Well....ummm.....fuck. I never really GIVE anythin' to anyone that's not a weapon o' some kind."
<Zhubin> "Well, we don't have to.....I know! We'll make Rei play him a nice song."
* WillWorkForInari has joined #fridaymortals
* WillWorkForInari is now known as QuicksilverFox85
<Zhubin> "That has no lasting material effect, so it certainly can't actually be considered a bribe."
<Greenling> The group hears the sound of a dramatic crescendo.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Think the song is part o' her argument, or somethin'. The gift has to be, y'know, a gift."
* Rei blinks and glances aside, uncertain of where she could play music in Yu-Shan without upsetting the kitties.
<Zhubin> "We should....really? Let's just go talk to the God of Lost Things, and I'll 'convince' him to stop pressing his claim." Zhubin's caste mark glitters slightly as he says 'convince'.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...Zhubin, if ya want somethin' disappeared, there are easier ways than talkin'."
<Zhubin> "Dammit Peyt. I was more referring to the fact he looked guilty as hell."
<Zhubin> "I figure we can have a talk, you can bemoan the cruel actions that took away your father, and we can make him tell us what he knows. WITHOUT getting us eaten by the Orichalcum lions that guard this place."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Got a feelin' he didn't have two shits to rub together about my pa or how I feel 'bout it. Hell, you guys don't even know how I feel 'bout it. He just wants the house."
<Zhubin> "He might not care, but he may know who did help your father to his demise. But if you don't want to know, that's fine."
<Peyt_Yenthu> " Might be good ta know."
<Greenling> Sushi arrives at the table with a little note that has Wavetongue scrawled on it.
* Zhubin looks at the note.......and keeps looking.
<Zhubin> "Where's Cho when we need him?"
<Zhubin> "Can any of you all read Wavetongue?" Zhubin looks at Peyt, Rei, and Rudy.
<Rudeth> "I can't even speak it, and I can barely read Flametongue." He pauses. "Oh! But Thrall can. I think, anyway."
<Rudeth> "He was speaking Wavetongue to Cho."
<Zhubin> "Alright. Let's go find your brother. After lunch." Zhubin smiles.
<Greenling> The sushi is tasty.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt looks at Zhubin. "...yer askin' me to read?"
<Zhubin> "No Peyt, I know better."
<Zhubin> "I was being polite, and not mocking you, though."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Then quit starin'." He looked at his plate. "Can I get this put in a pan somewhere? If I wanted a raw fish, I'd pull one out of the river."
<Zhubin> ...."No."
<Zhubin> "They can't fry it. Just eat it."
<Zhubin> "We'll get you something greasy, rancid, and unhealthy later."
<Rudeth> "Not all of it is raw. Some of it is cooked. And some of it doesn't have fish!"
<Peyt_Yenthu> He sniffed at it before tossing a piece into his mouth. "Can we at least get it rolled in some bread crumbs 'er somethin'? Fish sticks would be great."
<Rudeth> " should try this on it." :3 Rudeth scoots the wasabi toward Peyt. "It's really~ good."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "........will it make me angry?"
<Zhubin> "Everything makes you angry."
<Rudeth> "Um... It's tasty food." :D Rudeth waves the wasabi at him.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "But I mean will it end with Rudeth hangin' from the coat racks by his undershorts?"
<Rudeth> "I don't think wasabi has that effect." :d
<Zhubin> "Naaaah."
* Zhubin waves a hand dismissively.
<Zhubin> "Unless you're too much of a puss to handle something with a little bit of spice."
<Greenling> Rei's kitty danger senses are tingling.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "..."
* Rei blinks.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "......"
<Rudeth> "Eat it~" :3
<Peyt_Yenthu> Zhubin finds a wine bottle to be broken over his head.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Dang, how did that seem to happen.
<Peyt_Yenthu> It's a sure mystery.
<Zhubin> "That's expensive, dammit." Zhubin's caste mark flared and subsided as the bottle was smashed over his head.
<Rudeth> "Well, I hope you have the money to pay for that." Rudeth sniffs it. "I'm betting that wine was older than you."
* Cho has joined #fridaymortals
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Dunno what yer yellin' about. I didn't do nothin, nope, no sir." He attempts to cook his sushi with the weird sticks over a candle flame.
<Zhubin> "....please stop trying to get us thrown out of everywhere half-way decent."
<Greenling> Namhwa shows up, having gotten waylaid by a god asking him to fill out forms in triplicate waiving he's not entirely sure what.
<Zhubin> "Please."
<Greenling> You also have a note on Bureau of Destiny official stationery to go see Harani and one from Thrall to "check up on the Solars ASAP pls if you can".
<Cho> 8-|... "Oh, Thrall. Ana, could you find out where Harani would like to meet me, please?"
<Greenling> "Sure." *poof*
<Greenling> Harani gets a tiny Resplendent Secretary on his shoulder.
* QuicksilverFox85 is now known as Harani_Syon
* Harani_Syon is now known as Harani_Syona
<Harani_Syona> "Hmm?" Harani looks to his shoulder.
<Greenling> "Hi!" It chirps. "Namhwa wants to make an appointment."
<Harani_Syona> "Ah, I see. Where is he currently?"
<Greenling> The spider mentions a sushi place.
<Harani_Syona> He nods. "Let him know I will meet him there."
<Harani_Syona> Almost on cue, his stomach rumbles slightly.
<Greenling> "Okay!" *poof*
<Greenling> Ana returns to Namhwa. "He's coming. Order me some inari."
<Cho> "You?"
<Greenling> "Yes?"
<Cho> "I didn't know you ate." Cho raises an eyebrow.
<Greenling> "Another thing that's your fault." ^___^
<Cho> "Oh, good. Well, I'm glad you already know what you like."
<Rudeth> "Neat!" :D Rudeth tosses a piece of sushi at the spider.
<Cho> "Oooh, while our order comes, please find out (not from Harani, mind you) what his favorite dish is."
* Cho hopes that Rudy's aim is good enough to avoid him.
<Cho> :P
<Greenling> "Gotcha." She catches the piece of sushi and disappears.
* Cho settles down. "Hello, hello, sorry about my absence, all this bureaucracy, you know."
* Harani_Syona makes his way to said sushi place
* Zhubin shakes his head.
<Zhubin> "Of course, of course!"
<Cho> :)
<Greenling> Harani arrives when he will.
* Cho hopes that Anastasia gets back in time for him to order something for his new sifu. He's not trying to suck up, but it's always nice when a meal is waiting.
<Cho> "Ah, Sifu, welcome.
<Cho> "
* Cho gets up, and makes room for his new master.
* Harani_Syona nods politely to the group. "Hello everyone."
* Zhubin bows his head.
* Rei glances up to Harani, bowing respectfully in greeting.
<Cho> "So, I was meaning to ask you, Sifu, if you could explain something to me. In my guidebook it says to ask my Sifu for more information about a research assistant I can acquire through Essence. Something about a Charm."
<Harani_Syona> Harani nods. "I believe that Charm falls under the purview of the Forbidding Manse, but it's not too hard to get a hold of. I don't have one myself, but a few of my associates swear by them."
<Greenling> The waitress arrives with Harani's favorite dish a moment after he sits down, as well as a huge plate of inari with a spider on top of it.
* Cho asks all sorts of pertinent questions about Research Assistant Method (or whatever it's called), and thinks Harani seems like a pretty alright guy.
<Cho> :-s
* Harani_Syona answers as best as he can, doing the good sifu thing.
* Cho inquires about the House of Battles, etc., while time seems to skip forward.
<Cho> "So, what appointment was I to have with you?"
<Harani_Syona> "You and I will need to go by the Panoply at some point in the near future so I can do your combat evaluation."
<Cho> "Well, with my new assignment I think I'm supposed to head back to Creation soon, so I am at your disposal until then."
* Peyt_Yenthu has quit IRC (Client exited�)
* Peyt_Yenthu has joined #fridaymortals
<Harani_Syona> He nods. "Perhaps later this evening, then."
* Harani_Syona starts digging into his meal.
* Cho smiles, and eats politely.
* Cho tries to feed Sunny some of his meal.
<Greenling> Sunny has vanished someplace. :.
<Cho> :(
<Greenling> She's doing this more often now.
<Cho> "Did any of you see Sunny leave? I'm sorry, Sifu, gentlemen, Rei, but I have to go find her."
* Cho sets aside his meal.
* Rei blinks and nods to Cho, frowning some and standing to follow
* Cho strokes Anastasia gently.
<Cho> "Sorry, Stasia, but we've got to go. Finish up."
<Zhubin> "Would you like some help?"
<Harani_Syona> "I can join you in the search if you like."
<Cho> "Actually, yes. Sunny's been down lately, and I'm not sure what's going on with her."
<Greenling> The spider finishes nomming the third leaf-wrapped rice-thing twice her size and poofs onto Cho's shoulder.
<Cho> "I would really appreciate the extra sets of eyes."
* Harani_Syona nods and finishes his meal quickly
* Zhubin finishes his food.
* Cho goes to pay the bill, hopefully.
<Greenling> Cho still hasn't gotten paid yet. :V
* Cho hopes he has change left over from Thrall's dispensation.
* Harani_Syona will cover the bill if need be
<Greenling> Ah, yes. There's enough from *that* to cover, well, most of the bill.
* Zhubin covers the rest.
* Cho makes a miniature cheer.
<Cho> "Speaking of which, Sifu, when do I start receiving my 'salary?'"
<Harani_Syona> "It should be soon. Sometimes it takes a little while to get new arrivals on the payroll."
<Harani_Syona> "Of course, you won't receive full pay until after your training."
<Harani_Syona> He chuckles slightly, then leaves a tip on the table.
<Cho> "Even better, I look forward to our training."
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt finished cooking the fish over the candles on his plate. "Alright. I'm plenty bored."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Let's go find a murder'r."
<Cho> "What?"
<Harani_Syona> "Hmm?" Harani looks to Peyt.
<Zhubin> "His father died suddenly, and there are...circumstances."
<Cho> "I'm sorry to hear that."
<Cho> "How did Peyt's father pass away, anyway?"
<Zhubin> "That and a certain other party interested in Peyt's birthright looked to have certain knowledge."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "No yer not." He got up from the table, picking up his hammer from where he set it leaning against the chair. "Gotta be careful not to squish too much."
<Cho> "Peyt, if only your understanding of empathy and sincerity matched your understanding of physics and anatomy."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Squish too much, and the golden kittens will be huntin' my ass down."
<Harani_Syona> "I see." He slips his money purse back into his robes, then looks to the group. "I offer what aid I can in the matter, as my only charge at the moment."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "And we need Zhubin to promise not ta disappear him."
<Zhubin> "Hmmm.....I'm not too sure of just how we should....screw you Peyt. That was apparently an isolated incident."
<Zhubin> "As I was saying, not sure how we should go about this...."
<Cho> "Well, I'll find you after I find Sunny. At least you guys seem to be trackable... She, on the other hand, is as slippery as a greased-up mountain goat. :("
<Peyt_Yenthu> "How do you know how slippery a greased mountain goat is?"
<Zhubin> "Wait!" Zhubin digs through his pocket and hands Cho the note that came with the sushi.
<Zhubin> "None of us read Wavetongue, so....."
<Cho> "Whoa."
* Cho accepts the note and scans it.
<Harani_Syona> "You'd be surprised." Harani smirks.
<Harani_Syona> "Now...if I was a dog running about in Yu-
<Harani_Syona> Yu-Shan, where would I be..."
<Cho> "She likes to swim."
<Greenling> "Bro- fucking changed their minds and want me gone while you're up here. Am helping hot guy w/Lunars see you in Creation." There's a part scratched out, and then at the bottom is signed an archaic symbol for "Thrall".
<Harani_Syona> "I suppose we can check with the canal gods first and see if she's taking a swim in the canals."
* Cho tries to peek around the edges of the scratched out bit, wondering if it's Thrall's real name.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Hrrrm...oi. Is there a God fer everythin' up here?"
<Zhubin> "Theoretically, I believe there should be."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Then why can't we just find the Lil' God of God Murder Conspiracies?"
<Cho> "It will probably want something awful in exchange," Cho says distractedly.
<Cho> "Like a murder conspiracy."
<Harani_Syona> "Most likely."
<Zhubin> ".....that makes more sense than it should."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I'm already conspirin' ta kill a Dragonblood anyway."
<Zhubin> "No, you aren't. You're proclaiming that you will. You aren't hiding it."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "The dragonblood fairy doesn't know that."
* Harani_Syona arches his left eyebrow slightly
<Greenling> The scratched-out part says "don't forget me please".
<Cho> :(
* Cho translates: "Rudy, Thrall said that 'they' want him gone from Yu-Shan while you're here. He's helping a fellow with some Lunars and he'll see you in Creation. He also says that he loves you, bro."
* Rudeth looks distraught.
<Rudeth> "He's..."
<Rudeth> D:
<Cho> "He's gone for a while, I suppose. Sorry, man."
<Rudeth> "But I only got to talk to him for a couple of days!"
<Cho> "Well, he tracked us for hundreds of miles, I'm positive that he'll get back in touch with you soon."
<Rudeth> "...I guess."
<Cho> "And you know who will remind you of Thrall? Sunny. :)"
<Rudeth> "Yeah, I suppose. Where is Sunny, anyway?"
<Cho> "Great question! Let's find out, shall we? You said the Canal gods, Sifu?"
<Cho> "Surely there can't be that many golden retrievers in Yu-Shan. Maybe one of the golden lions would know."
<Zhubin> "Maybe. Or you could ask whatever it is you ask for information all the time?"
<Cho> "You mean Anastasia? She... Has her limits."
<Cho> "I suppose I could try. Anastasia, can you find Sunny?"
<Greenling> "Nope," she chirps.
<Cho> "What about any interactions between people about a golden retriever in the last four hours?"
<Greenling> "Sorry," she chirps. "Can't help you."
<Cho> :/
<Cho> "Thank you."
<Greenling> "If it helps, she didn't tell me not to tell you she told me not to tell you." :D
<Greenling> "But that's about it."
<Cho> :O
<Rudeth> "She...didn't tell what to tell who what?"
<Greenling> The spider is mum.
<Cho> "That is preposterous."
<Cho> "Ana, you're very close to being fired."
<Greenling> "You don't pay me, asshole."
* Zhubin laughs.
<Zhubin> "Ah, at least I'm not the only one who suffers needless verbal abuse."
<Harani_Syona> Harani chuckles.
<Cho> "I love you anyway, Anastasia."
<Greenling> ^_^
* Harani_Syona heads out of the sushi place and towards the nearest canal
<Greenling> There is a canal.
<Greenling> It is placid and boat-filled.
* Cho tags along.
<Harani_Syona> Harani looks about for the god of that particular canal.
* Rei has followed along after, curious and a bit worried, staying close to Rudeth to avoid getting separated.
<Greenling> A small goblinoid thing looks up at Harani. "Hi-ho!"
<Harani_Syona> "Good afternoon. Have you happened to see a golden retriever around here within the last hour or so?"
<Greenling> "Golden retriever? What's that?"
* Rudeth stays close to Rei, letting her hold onto his arm and keeping her from getting lost.
* Cho thinks.
<Cho> "It's a canine of approximately three feet in height, four and a half feet in length covered in fur the color of spun gold. She walks on all fours."
* Cho points to a passing god with a long snout. "Canines are creatures with faces like that."
<Greenling> "...'Type of dog' would have sufficed. No."
<Cho> "My apologies. Thank you."
<Harani_Syona> Harani offers the god a coin of ambrosia. "Thank you for the assistance."
<Greenling> The god cheers.
<Greenling> "Many blessings to you." Bow.
<Cho> "So, I guess we look around..."
* Harani_Syona returns with a polite nod, then looks to Cho. "Indeed."
* Zhubin nods.
* Cho looks around the street for any signs of golden hairs or slobber, taking his time and smelling the corners for her distinctive scent.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt looks around the street. "...hey, I know how to find that canine!"
* Harani_Syona looks back to Peyt. "Hmm?"
<Zhubin> "Yes, do tell."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I can just turn into a dog, and I can sniff it out!"
<Peyt_Yenthu> He grits his teeth and focuses really hard on turning into a dog.
<Cho> "Really?" Cho asks distractedly, stooping around at half height, smelling the buildings and the like.
<Harani_Syona> "...ah. Lunar, then." Harani smirks. "Interesting."
<Peyt_Yenthu> He tries harder to turn into a dog.
* Rei joins Cho in his hunt, looking for any clues he might overlook.
* Cho pats Rei on the back gratefully.
<Peyt_Yenthu> A vein pops up on his forehead. " turn....into....a dog....dammit!"
<Zhubin> "Well, you're part-way there. You smell like a wet dog."
<Rudeth> "Maybe you can only turn into reptiles?"
<Rudeth> "Try turning into a snake."
<Rudeth> "Ooh! Or a turtle! I like turtles!" :D
<Zhubin> "Better yet! A newt!"
<Greenling> Cho: you *sense* a trail.
<Greenling> It seems to head over to that massive hoard of people a long ways away that you can see even from here.
* Peyt_Yenthu has quit IRC (Client exited�)
* Cho closes his eyes, and walks toward the trail. This has worked before, right? Cho focuses on the living shard inside of him and traces around it for a tether as he walks down the street, seeking for all the connections to Sunny that they share.
* Peyt_Yenthu has joined #fridaymortals
* Harani_Syona follows behind Cho, smirking at Peyt
<Harani_Syona> "You may not know this yet, but to take the form of an animal you need to consume its heart's blood first." Harani looks back to Peyt.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt looked over at the Sid. "...I need to what?"
<Harani_Syona> "Eat the heart's blood of the animal."
<Greenling> As soon as Cho focuses on that, he gets... massive vertigo.
<Rudeth> "That sounds kind of gross."
<Harani_Syona> "Never tried it myself."
<Zhubin> "Shouldn't be too big a change for Peyt. Not like he cooks his food anyway."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...I'm gonna eat you someday." He rolls his shoulders, and tries again. "Alright, big lizard! Big lizard!"
<Peyt_Yenthu> Still no changes.
* Cho tilts, whirls, swallows, and clamps down on the feeling, grounding himself right-side up even as his mind spins. He determinedly keeps his eyes closed, cutting off his external senses and seeking clues around his shard.
<Greenling> Ooooh boy.
<Greenling> Sunny is... Sunny is... down.
<Greenling> Down and South. Er. Eastysouthydownynothere D:
<Greenling> You have a point of reference but it is so not here.
<Cho> "Ugh."
<Harani_Syona> "Everything alright?"
<Cho> "No, not really," Cho grunts.
<Harani_Syona> Concerned redsid is concerned.
* Cho remembers the loom and all the threads, then forces his consciousness into that shape. He defines himself as a thread interwoven with hers then split, and tries to mentally trace where her split leads.
<Cho> "I almost have her, I think."
<Cho> "Down and south and east..."
<Greenling> She's... in Creation somewhere.
<Greenling> Probably in either the South or the East. Probably.
* Cho sits and opens his eyes.
<Cho> "Poo."
<Harani_Syona> "Hmm?"
<Cho> "She's not in Yu-Shan anymore.
<Cho> "
<Harani_Syona> "...odd."
<Cho> "Maybe toward Wood, maybe toward Fire. Not here, though."
<Rudeth> "How did she get out?"
<Rudeth> "....Maybe she followed Thrall."
<Zhubin> "Could be. Could be."
<Cho> "I don't know. But I think that crowd over there might have something to do with it."
* Cho gestures toward the large crowd over "there."
<Greenling> Crowd... ahh, the Gates.
<Harani_Syona> "Hrm."
<Harani_Syona> Harani heads towards the gates.
* Cho tags along.
<Cho> "Anastasia, why did Sunny leave?"
* Zhubin follows.
<Harani_Syona> He will then check with the guards on the gates, seeing if any of them have spotted the retriever (and sliding a few ambrosia coins of thanks).
<Greenling> Anastasia is mum.
* Cho is shocked by Harani's generosity on his behalf.
<Greenling> One of them indeed confirms that the yellow dog left with the annoying angry violet-Sid.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt scratched at his beard. "Whatever...if it's in Creation, isn't it a bit too far gone?"
<Cho> "Ana, how are you paid?"
<Cho> "Is it through prayer?"
<Harani_Syona> "Ah." Harani looks to Cho. "He left with Thrall."
<Cho> "You mean she?"
* Rudeth does a happy dance.
<Rudeth> "One of my weird random ideas was right!"
<Rudeth> "And I'll see my brother again!"
<Rudeth> "...why did my brother take your dog? :V"
<Cho> :)
<Cho> "I understand if you can't come with us," Cho says to Peyt and Zhubin.
<Harani_Syona> "Yes. she. My apologies."
<Zhubin> "Well....while you find Sunny, we could go glare at the God of Lost Things."
<Cho> "Well, his note said that he was helping a 'hot guy with Lunars.'"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Sounds good t'me."
* Cho looks at Peyt like he's crazy.
<Cho> "Oh, the splitting up part."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Yeah, yer the brilliant one."
<Rudeth> "Rei, are you...Um." He looks at her. "Do you want to come with us, or do you want to stay with Zhubin and Peyt?"
* Rei glances to Zhubin and Peyt, frowning softly, before nodding to Rudeth and following after.
* Rudeth sighs and hugs her tightly.
<Rudeth> "Good. I'd miss you if you weren't with us." ^^
<Rudeth> "I guess it'll be up to Crow to keep you two from destroying Heaven." :D
<Zhubin> "I'll...get blamed for it anyways, I'm sure."
<Cho> :)
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Someone's gotta be the greased-up scapegoat."
<Cho> "Very funny." :P
<Zhubin> "Hate you."
* Zhubin scowls.
* Rei giggles softly
<Greenling> Yaaay.
<Harani_Syona> Harani looks at the Gate real quick. "Hmm...wonder what he has going on in Paragon..."
<Cho> "White Crow might want to come, too." :/
<Zhubin> "Quite likely."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "All you people leavin' heaven. Only been here a few days.'
<Harani_Syona> He then pauses as the last briefing on Paragon pops back up in his head.
<Rudeth> "Heaven is expensive and it keeps trying to kill me."
<Cho> "Well I can't just let Sunny go off on her own."
<Rudeth> "And I need to find my brother before I forgot about him."
<Rudeth> (*forget)
<Zhubin> "Well, don't worry Peyt. We can go shake down a God."
<Zhubin> "I don't believe I actually just said that."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Awesome. Gonna go do that shite then."
* Zhubin slaps his own forehead.
<Zhubin> "We are not going to shake him down."
<Harani_Syona> "So...who will be accompaning us?"
* Rei glances to Harani, nodding softly
<Zhubin> "I believe it will be you, Cho, Crow, and Rudy?"
* Cho nods.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "You're the one who said we were gonna do it."
<Cho> :D
<Cho> "I'll send Anastasia to keep in touch, if you'd like."
<Cho> "And if that's okay with you, Ana," ;)
<Greenling> "...I can just go whenever you need me, y'know."
* Rudeth is now known as Breanna
<Cho> "Well, I like to make this a give and take relationship."
<Zhubin> "Discuss, not actually shake-down."
* Breanna has left #fridaymortals
<Greenling> "Meh."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "But...but......."
<Zhubin> "Metaphorically shake-down, not literal."
<Greenling> The gate opens in a swirling mass of swirly stuff.
<Greenling> You see a small dark room what has lions in.
<Greenling> Well. A lion. Small, mean-looking motherfucker.
<Harani_Syona> Harani nods to the lion.
<Greenling> Walk through y/n?
* Cho greets the lion humbly.
* Cho then walks through!
<Harani_Syona> Y
* Rei follows after.
<Zhubin> N. "Let's go find that Bureau again."
<Greenling> Zhu and Peyt walk off.
<Greenling> The rest begin to walk through the Gate...
<Greenling> Space bends and twists around you briefly.
<Greenling> You are in a snow-covered field.
<Greenling> There's... snow. And fields. You see some hills way out there. No lion. No gate.
<Harani_Syona> Harani looks around, frowning slightly.
<Cho> :-s
<Greenling> This looks... like the Northwest.
<Harani_Syona> "Either the gate malfunctioned - which I have never heard of occurring before - or something is terribly wrong."
* Rei frowns. Zhubin, what'd you do this time?...
<Cho> "This sounds awful."
<Greenling> Meanwhile, Zhubin and Peyt are nice and warm and heading to the Bureau of Heaven.
<Zhubin> "Alright, so we will politely ask if he is willing to drop his argument for the Manse."
<Zhubin> "And I will gently ask if he knows about the circumstances around your father."
<Cho> "What could possibly go wrong?"
<Greenling> ...This may even look like very familiar terrain to Harani.
<Cho> "Where are we, anyway? It's very cold."
<Harani_Syona> Harani slides a starmetal bow from under his robes (where the hell did �that� come from? O.o) and slings it on his back as he tried to get his bearings on where exactly they are.
<Greenling> ...West is the one on the right.
<Greenling> Er.
<Greenling> It's the...
<Cho> :?
<Greenling> Goddamnit. The direction up and to the right.
<Greenling> That is where you are.
<Cho> (Northeast, WoodyAir)
<Harani_Syona> (*tosses the ST a compass*)
<Greenling> (*cries*)
<Greenling> NorthEAST.
* Peyt_Yenthu has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer�)
<Greenling> The God of Lost Things is in his office filing paperwork.
* Peyt_Yenthu has joined #fridaymortals
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Yes, yes. Nice and gentle. Sure. Sure."
<Zhubin> "May we beg a moment of your time?" Zhubin bows to the God.
<Harani_Syona> "...unless I am mistaken, we are about a day away from the Fortress of Red Ice." Harani's frown grows deeper. "We need to be elsewhere. Quickly."
<Cho> "How do we get elsewhere?"
<Greenling> The God looks up curiously. "Hello. What is it?"
<Zhubin> "Not to be too forward, but I was hoping, as God of Lost Things, you could perhaps aid us in an official capacity." Zhubin smiles, full of cheer.
<Harani_Syona> "If we head west, we'll reach the lands of the Haslanti in...a few weeks."
<Greenling> "Mm." He licks his thumb and turns a page. "Depends, of course. What do you need?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt's busy trying to pick raw fish from his teeth.
* Zhubin leans closer.
<Cho> "Alright, then, let's do it. Lead on, Sifu."
<Zhubin> "Lost information about the ex-God of Carnivorous Reptiles." Zhubin's smile, though cheerful, is now edged with a reminder that he is, in fact, Chosen by the Sun.
<Harani_Syona> "However...there is a gate back to Yu-Shan northeast of the fortress. It would be quicker, but it would require going around it."
<Cho> "I have no idea what the Fortress of Red Ice is."
<Harani_Syona> Harani looks in the direction of the fortress, his face steely. "The stronghold of a deathlord."
* Rei folds an ear back, not liking the sound of that...
<Greenling> The god's countenance is disturbed slightly. He reaches up and removes his glasses, then looks at Zhubin.
<Cho> :-s
<Zhubin> :D
<Greenling> "Lost."
<Peyt_Yenthu> -______-
<Greenling> "And you think I can find it?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Yer the God of it."
<Zhubin> "You �are� the God of Lost Things, after all, my gracious Being."
<Cho> "Haslanti sounds amazing, I've heard wondrous tales of it."
<Greenling> "I don't think you quite understand... sir... the difference between 'lost' and 'secret'. Unless there's something other than what you're intimating you want."
<Harani_Syona> He nods. "It is rather impressive." He gives one last look towards the fortress, then looks to the group. "Onward, then."
<Harani_Syona> And, with that, he turns his back and starts heading in a westerly direction.
* Rei nods and shivers some, keeping a brisk pace after the sidereal.
* Cho nods assuredly.
<Zhubin> "They are such close cousins."
<Greenling> Trekking through the snow, with a cutely shivering Rei~ over the fields you go, running far away~
<Cho> :)
<Greenling> ...The world shudders slightly around Zhubin. Nigh-imperceptibly.
<Greenling> The god pales noticably.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...dammit, Zhubin, the hell did ya do?"
<Zhubin> "Reminded him of something he had begun to forget."
<Greenling> His mouth works for a moment as he stares at the glory of the Sun's Chosen, before starting up again.
<Greenling> "I swear to Jupiter, if I knew-! He was my friend, I did *nothing*! That bastard, that-*" he squeaks.
* Zhubin looks the God directly in the eyes.
<Greenling> "His body. They wanted it."
<Greenling> "I don't know who did it. I don't know."
<Zhubin> "Come, let's discuss this elsewhere." Zhubin looks around the office.
<Greenling> He swallows and stands up shakily.
* Harani_Syona pulls a blanket out of his robes (seriously, where does this stuff come from?) and wraps it around Rei.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...wait, y'know someone wanted his body, but don't know who did it?"
* Rei blinks, blushing softly and smiling to the sidereal, wrapping up and keeping pace as best as she can
* Cho looks about, then up at the sky to see where the sun is in relation to the median of the world. Obviously they're north of it, so he glances from the to where Imperial mountain *should* be, then finally spends a mote to know the exact position of the Celestial bodies in relation to his current position.
* Zhubin leads Peyt and the God to the Manse under dispute.
<Greenling> You arrive at the Manse.
<Zhubin> Zhubin looks at the God, and waits.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt opens the manse up, heading right for the very vast liquor cabinet and brings back drinks of assorted flavors.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Gonna be my favorite part."
<Greenling> Harani sees the small group of people on horseback quite a ways away, moving away from a little blip that to his sight seems to be a small pack of very wrong-looking felid things.
<Greenling> It takes the rest of you a while.
<Greenling> "May I sit?" asks the god.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Go ahead. Not my house yet."
<Harani_Syona> "We will have company momentarily. Be ready."
<Greenling> He sits.
* Zhubin also takes a seat, across from the God.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt pops open what he thinks is Bourbon. "Now. What happened to my pa."
<Greenling> "Okay." He shudders. "This is what I know."
<Zhubin> "I understand that circumstances can embroil one into a deal that later is revealed to be less than one....Peyt, your manner...actually worked."
<Greenling> "Your father made a lot of deals with a lot of people to get where he i- was. I don't know how many, or with whom, not all of them, and I don't think he ever really intended to honor them all."
* Zhubin nods.
<Harani_Syona> Harani, as a note, has switched from the relatively gentile bearing he had in Yu-Shan to one more akin to a man who grew up walking in such snowy terrain.
<Greenling> "I know there was muttering around the Bureau of Secrets not long before he died- apparently someone lost several suits of powered armor to a Deathknight, I don't recall offhand who but I can look it up if need be. And I know he was in Creation when it happened. Killed. By... nobody ever said."
* Cho takes an optimistic posture. No one could possibly harm him, he's the very definition of the velvet glove. :)
<Zhubin> "I...see. So Peyt's father, then, was likely killed by someone who was slighted be a deal he reneged upon, or by someone unhappy with the loss of the armors, you would say?"
* Rei stays behind Rudeth for the most part, watching carefully
<Greenling> "And I know that his body hasn't gone through the official channels, so someone, somewhere, is... either fighting over who gets it, or using it for illicit purposes."
<Greenling> "One of those. Or both."
<Peyt_Yenthu> " we got any idea where it might be?"
<Greenling> "No."
<Greenling> "...You're interested in finding out what happened to him?" He looks at Peyt.
* Zhubin defers to Peyt for this.
<Greenling> The horsefolk draw nearer. You can see them swerve slightly towards you.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...extremely interested. I made some...promises."
<Greenling> Seems to be a man, a pair of women, and a smaller huddled probably-child.
<Harani_Syona> <Sky> "Hail!"
* Rei keeps her ears and tail hidden beneath the blanket.
<Greenling> One of the women- the one in front- shouts in Haltan-accented Skytongue: "Hail!" Meanwhile, the other two adults shoot arrows at the cat-things.
<Greenling> "Promises?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "You don't need to know."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Needless ta say, I want to find his body."
<Greenling> "And do what? Make a bigger axe out of it?" :/
<Peyt_Yenthu> "First, what I'm carrying is a hammer. Secondly, it's a promise I made to my mum if you absolutely have ta fuckin' know."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "He left her all alone with a big boy ta feed in a bad part o' Creation. Promised as soon as I got big enough, I'd drag his ass back so he could apologize to her face. Very least I could take that part back."
<Greenling> "..." His eyes widen. "Really."
<Greenling> "I... I think I may have misjudged you, Mister Yenthu."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Oh make no mistake, the moment I heard he turned into a chunk of magical metal I decided to turn his body into a sword, but I figure he owed me from past birthdays. But before that, he's got to at least face up to mum."
* Zhubin sighs.
<Zhubin> "Just when I thought you had learned tact...."
<Greenling> He nods.
Session Close: Tue Sep 22 13:39:17 2009

Session Start: Tue Sep 22 13:39:17 2009
Session Ident: #fridaymortals
* Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Sep 22 13:39:19 2009

Session Start: Tue Sep 22 13:39:42 2009
Session Ident: #fridaymortals
* Now talking in #fridaymortals
<Peyt_Yenthu> "What is it?"
<Greenling> "If you do get his Manse, could I possibly trade you something for his art collection?"
<Greenling> "Most of those pieces... were gifts to him."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Well first, what've you got in mind to trade? And two, speak honestly, do you only want them because they were gifts or because there's somethin' else to them? I'm a bit tired of people takin' advantage of me up here."
<Greenling> "They're art. I honestly would just like them back if he's not around to enjoy them anymore. And as for what I can trade you... money, favors, recommendations, potentially information if you've got something specific in mind..."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...favor would be useful. Specifically someone who could turn my father into a good blade if...when I find him. If you're as good a friend as you claim, then you'll know who will do him justice."
* Rei is now known as Kitsunemimi-Maiden
* Kitsunemimi-Maiden has left #fridaymortals
* Cho has quit IRC (Disintegrated: ajax IRC Client�)
<Greenling> He nods. "If you can get him, I will be very surprised, but I can do that well enough."
<Greenling> "Well." He brushes off his robe. "Is there anything else?"
<Zhubin> "We did wish to ask, to be blunt, if you would consider not pursuing your claim to the Manse, to simplify the process of arbitration."
<Zhubin> "And, in light of the fact that Peyt is willing to trade you the art..." Zhubin shrugs.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "That would be useful, yes."
<Greenling> "...Mmh."
<Greenling> He taps his lip. "Well. I would very much like to have a Manse, and he did promise it to me, originally... but it seems this man is not quite the, to be blunt, drunken, bastard-child stain on your divine heritage you originally seemed to be."
<Greenling> "So I will entertain your offers," he says blandly.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "......awful nice of ya'."
* Zhubin laughs hard.
<Zhubin> "Not to say Peyt isn't a blunt drunken bastard, though."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "........................I'm gonna let it sink in that I am still a cranky man that can turn into a dinosaur."
<Greenling> "I said you *weren't*. And to be fair, the first I'd ever seen of you, you were passed out drooling on the floor."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "You'd be drunk too if people went out of their way to fuck with your head."
<Zhubin> "It's part of the fact that Peyt lives as if every day will be his last, I think."
<Zhubin> "I'm looking forward to seeing how he changes when the knowledge of how hard to kill a Chosen is sinks in."
<Greenling> He snorts. "Particularly one of Luna's, yes."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Can't even turn into a dog yet. Dunno what use it is."
<Greenling> "I'm sure you'll figure it out."
<Zhubin> "I'm sure you'll find more use for it. Especially as we both become more familiar with our Exaltations."
* Zhubin shakes his head, like a dog throwing off water.
<Greenling> Sigh. "We're just going to have to get used to a regime change every seven or eight thousand years with you people, aren't we."
<Zhubin> "It's still hard to believe it's only been a matter of weeks since I was a mortal.....what?"
<Greenling> "Hmm?"
<Zhubin> "Didn't the First Age last more than seven or eight thousand years?"
<Greenling> "However many it's been." He waved his hand.
<Greenling> "Could've sworn it's not been that long since the Usurpation, though."
<Zhubin> "I admit, the Low First Age, Shogunate, and Realm are, in comparison....wait...regime. As in the rulers? Of Heaven?"
* Zhubin cocks his head sideways.
<Zhubin> "Who has authority here besides the Gods?"
<Greenling> "Er. The Exalted?"
<Zhubin> "We �do�?"
<Greenling> "Particularly the Sidereals, but- yes?"
<Greenling> "Oh, come on. I've seen the group you're hanging out with."
<Zhubin> "One day...I really will have complete, accurate, and timely information. With my luck, however, that will be the day I die."
<Greenling> "You've been here a week and nobody's mentioned that whole thing?"
* Harani_Syona is now known as SleepyFoxIsSleepy
<Greenling> "Not even in passing?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "They've glared at us a lot."
<Zhubin> "No...mostly I've been hearing 'Oh, you're the asshole who removed Gem from Creation' and 'Ugh, can't you control that thing?' in reference to Peyt."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Like I ate someone's mum."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I only found out today I'm supposed ta eat things fer their shapes. I didn't know that shite."
<Greenling> "-Oh. Well, to be honest, you, in particular, they sort of suspect as being somehow, oh I don't even know- culpable in your father's murder. On evidence, I think, of being half-mortal."
<Greenling> "You're... going to have fun once they let you leave, then. If they're honestly going to let you leave."
<Zhubin> "Why wouldn't they?"
<Greenling> He rubs his eyes.
<Zhubin> "Or is this another of those things that people will laughingly tell me, as if its natural, and it destroys the foundations of my beliefs?"
<Greenling> "Sir, what do you think the people up here do? I'm just curious."
<Greenling> "let's see if you can guess."
<Zhubin> "Adminster and oversee the workings of Creation."
<Greenling> "Right. All of it, isn't it?"
<Zhubin> "As I was taught, yes."
<Greenling> "From the Imperial City to the very outer Threshold."
<Zhubin> "Correct. It used to be more, as I understand, but yes."
<Greenling> "Now, the Sidereals are all members of the Bureau of Destiny, I think you've noticed that?"
<Greenling> "Certainly that they work up here?"
<Zhubin> "Alright, yes."
<Greenling> "Right. Now you've heard the stories of the Immaculates about how the Dragon-Blooded destroyed the evil Anathema of the Sun and Moon, or whatever rot."
<Greenling> "Anything strange, or perhaps missing there?"
<Zhubin> "Well, except for the inconsistencies about the whole First Age, no."
<Greenling> "Inconsistencies of what kind do you mean?"
<Zhubin> "That the Solar and Lunar Exalted had created the First Age, as any research shows, yet the Immaculates describing them as incapable, and so on."
<Greenling> He nods.
<Zhubin> "Oh, that and that we're demons, and other such rubbish."
<Greenling> He scratches his chin. "You've noticed how much power you yourself have. And expect you have far more."
<Greenling> "How much power do you think someone like you with direct access to the strings that define the past and future would be?"
<Zhubin> "...a troublesome amount, I would think."
* Peyt_Yenthu has quit IRC (Disintegrated: -beeeeeeeep-�)
<Greenling> "And, really, you've never questioned since you realized they exist, why you've never heard of the Sidereal Exalted before under any obvious name? Or have you?"
<Zhubin> "I had just considered it to be because they are here, in Heaven....they aren't listed in the Immaculate Faith at all.....that...." Zhubin drops his head into his hands.
<Zhubin> "They weren't teasing me about a Creation-wide conspiracy to eliminate the Solars, were they?"
<Greenling> The god reaches over and pats Zhubin on the back.
<Zhubin> "I'm going to die horribly again, aren't I?"
* Zhubin rubs my throat.
<Greenling> "I'm not sure 'conspiracy' is the best word for Bureau policy, but uhm."
<Zhubin> *his
<Greenling> "There are quite a lot of people who hope so."
<Zhubin> ".......yay."
* Zhubin drops back into his seat, staring upwards.
End Log

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