Riel Valerian
From Greenthings
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Riel Valerian is tall and powerful, with a lithe build. His hair is blonde and spiked, though loose on one side to cover his left eye. He wears no shirt, but has a long dark blue coat that goes down to his ankles. His denim jeans are torn at the knees, and thick boots cover his feet. He wears black fingerless gloves on both hands, though the fingers of his right hand are a gold metal instead of regular flesh. His entire right arm is a large prosthetic, but synthetic skin covers everything but the right hand.
He has a childhood friend he always saves, has a Lunar mate he screws and mooches off of constantly, has a gang of thugs that follow him, and a Swift Rider that looks like a motorcycle whose wheels hover about the ground and leave trails of flame in the air behind it. The game manual doesn't say anything else besides that.
Riel is a hotblooded fighter. He knows how to punch, and punching is what he does. He loves to hit things, break things, throw things, use combo moves, juggle enemies in the air...what were we talking about again?
basic info
Name: Riel Valerian
Caste: Dawn
Concept: Fighting Game Hero
Motivation: Discover the Infinite Air Juggle Combo
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
DAWN ZENITH TWILIGHT *Archery 0 Integrity 2 Occult 0 *War 2 Performance 0 Investigation 0 *Martial 5 *Presence 4 Lore 0 *Melee 2 *Resistance 3 Medicine 0 *Thrown 2 Survival 1 Craft 0 NIGHT ECLIPSE *Athletics 5 Bureaucracy 0 Awareness 2 Linguistics 0 *Dodge 5 *Ride 3 Larceny 0 Sail 0 Stealth 0 Socialize 0
SPECIALTIES ------- Martial Arts - Punchan (2) Presence - Hotblooded! (2)
LANGUAGES Riverspeak
Food Swift Rider Pack Bandages Spare gloves Whistle Sunglasses
Artifact 2 (Orichalchum Hearthstone Bracers)
Artifact 3 (Clockwork Elegance Prosthetic Arm of Orichalchum)
Artifact 3 (Swift Rider)
Followers 1 (Five Thugs loyal to Riel, "Desolation Kings")
Manse 4 (Seven Leaping Dragons Stone)
Resources 2
Willpower: 7
Virtues: Valor 4, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Compassion 2
Intimacies: Czarina, Saffron the Yellow Sid
Health: -0x1, -1x2, -2x2, -4x1, INCx1
Essence: 3
Personal Essence Pool: --
Peripheral Essence Pool: --
Experience: 05
Improved Join Battle (1), Signature Style (1) [Hotblooded Confidence]
Secrets (3), Rivals (2)
Combat Statistics
- Dodge: -
- Parry: 8
- Mental Dodge: -
- Mental Parry: -
- Unarmored
- 3B/1L/-A
- Armor (Artifact Buff Jacket)
- -B/-L/-A
- Total
- -B/-L/-A
- Punch
- Speed 5 Accuracy 17 Damage +5B Defense 14 Rate 3 Tags N
- Speed 5 Accuracy 17 Damage +5B Defense 14 Rate 3 Tags N
- Kick
- Speed 5 Accuracy 13 Damage +8B Defense 8 Rate 2 Tags N
- Speed 5 Accuracy 13 Damage +8B Defense 8 Rate 2 Tags N
- Clinch
- Speed 6 Accuracy 15 Damage +5B Defense - Rate 1 Tags C,N,P
- Speed 6 Accuracy 15 Damage +5B Defense - Rate 1 Tags C,N,P
Golden Arm
- Punch
- Speed 5 Accuracy 17 Damage +11B Defense 15 Rate 3 Tags M,P
- Speed 5 Accuracy 17 Damage +11B Defense 15 Rate 3 Tags M,P
- Clinch
- Speed 6 Accuracy 17 Damage +10B Defense - Rate 1 Tags C,M,P
- Speed 6 Accuracy 17 Damage +10B Defense - Rate 1 Tags C,M,P
- Pending.
------------------------------------------------------------------ C H A R M S - D A W N ------------------------------------------------------------------ MARTIAL ARTS 1st MA Excellency [Solar Hero Style] Fists of Iron Technique Sledgehammer Fist Punch Dragon Coil Technique Solar Hero Form ------------------------------------------------------------------ C H A R M S - Z E N I T H ------------------------------------------------------------------ PRESENCE 1st Presence Excellency Majestic Radiance Presence Exclamation of the Solar's Might RESISTANCE 2nd Resistance Excellency Battle Fury Focus ------------------------------------------------------------------ C H A R M S - N I G H T ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ C H A R M S - T W I L I G H T ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ C H A R M S - E C L I P S E ------------------------------------------------------------------
Background Items
------------------------------------------------------------------ M A N S E ------------------------------------------------------------------ Manse 4 - Solar Stone: Seven Leaping Dragons Stone
------------------------------------------------------------------ A R T I F A C T S ------------------------------------------------------------------ Artifact 2 (Orichalchum Hearthstone Bracer) +2DV/+2 Damage to attacks Artifact 3 (Orichalchum Prosthetic of Clockwork Elegance Arm) *+1 Strength to all actions using the arm *Has the stats of an Orichalchum Smashfist Artifact 3 (Swift Rider) *Speed: 40/80 mph *Maneuverability: +0R *Endurance: Insert Hearthstone and charge 5 motes *Cargo: 2 riders and saddlebags/1 rider and 200 lbs of cargo *Armor: 10L/10B *Health Levels: Ux10/Mx5/Cx4/I/D *Dodge DV: Dex+Ride+Essence/2