
From Greenthings

Revision as of 06:58, 19 June 2009 by (Talk)

Character Sheet

Description: Rudeth is a tall, handsome young man with shoulder length brown hair and violet eyes. He grew up with an old couple whom he believed to be his parents, but later admitted that they had found him as a baby. When he turned fourteen, he took up a job on a local farm, where he discovered that he had a natural talent for riding and working with horses. (Though for reasons he doesn't talk about, he has issues with the chickens. He tries to avoid them when possible.) Though he's been living in the same place since he was a child, he's always dreamed of traveling far away to one of the places he's heard of in stories. Rudeth is a bright, optimistic boy. He's terribly idealistic and thus has a tendency to see things in black and white - fortunately (or unfortunately) for others, he has a tendency to think that everyone is redeemable. He has a weakness for pretty girls, tends to be rather impulsive, and is usually easily manipulated, since he assumes most people are trustworthy.
Motivation: Become known far and wide as a great hero.
Intimacies: Being heroic, cute girls, wanderlust

Str *** Dex ** Sta ***
Cha **** Man ** App ****
Per ** Int ** Wits ***

Martial Arts **
Melee **
Athletics ***
Awareness **
Dodge **
Integrity **
Performance **
^Presence ****
Resistance ***
Survival **
Ride ***
Socialize ***

Virtues- Compassion *** | Conviction ** | Temperance * | Valor ***
Willpower ***** *
Essence *

Mentor **
(To be determined in plot :3) ***

Experience Points Total - 18 Remaining - 18

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