Wyldgame/Pie in the Sky
From Greenthings
(Created page with '<Greenling> There is food. There is drink. There is other stuff. <br><Greenling> Sleep tonight y/n? <br>* Mirra supposes sleep is wise. <br>* Hel will do as he is told <br><Kairo…')
Current revision as of 03:12, 1 May 2010
<Greenling> There is food. There is drink. There is other stuff.
<Greenling> Sleep tonight y/n?
* Mirra supposes sleep is wise.
* Hel will do as he is told
<Kairos_Midoya> Sleeping is...probably a good idea
<Greenling> Sleeping outside, making shelter, or what?
<Kairos_Midoya> making shelter.
<Greenling> You can find stuff for a little tent.
<Greenling> The next day~
<Greenling> The Sun rises high over the sky, making shining rainbows arc between clouds.
<Greenling> It's a gorgeous day, the air is fresh, crisp... and smells like cherries.
<Greenling> The natives are restless.
<Greenling> There are splattering sounds in the distance.
<Kairos_Midoya> ...splattering sounds?
<Greenling> Splattering sounds.
<Hel> Splattering sounds!
<Greenling> Is Hel also sleeping inside somewhere?
<Hel> Sleep... inside?
<Hel> (You can do that?)
<Greenling> Didn't think so.
<Greenling> Hel gets woken up by pie.
<Greenling> Specifically, being hit in the face by one.
<Hel> ... :|
<Greenling> Splat. ...Splatsplatsplat. ...Splat splat splat splat splat!
* Hel this is the worst weather.
* Kairos_Midoya peeks outside.
<Greenling> Kairos sees baked good rain.
<Greenling> Also, the barbarians, who for the most part are trying to get things out from under said rain.
<Kairos_Midoya> ...baked good rain? o_o
* Kairos_Midoya sighs and goes to help try to get things out from under the rain.
* Hel is covered in a light glazing of baked good.
<Greenling> Welcome to the Bordermarches. :V
* Mirra blinks some as she glances around, sighing softly. How lovely.
<Greenling> Kairos can help get the animals and small children out of the way, though he is panned by a key lime.
<Kairos_Midoya> ...sob
<Greenling> Thankfully, allergies to citrus are rare among both Exalts and Northern tribesmen.
<Greenling> The pie rain continues for a bit. The barbarians decide to stay until it's gone.
<Greenling> What do you do in the meantime?
<Greenling> (Sticky sugar + leather saddles = badbadbad)
<Kairos_Midoya> There is key lime in his braids :(
* Hel has frosting in his ears.
* Mirra hmmhs and covers up with a thick cloak before setting out to scout around, make sure nothing dangerous got too close to camp...
<Greenling> Outside the camp, the rain increases.
<Greenling> From here Mirra can see the spot where the Bordermarch ends and it turns to snow.
* Mirra chuckles softly to herself. FROSTing.... she gets appropriately pied on her cloak and heads back in, dismissing the thick, absorbent clothing and reforming new, less pie-d stuff.
<Greenling> Mirra's incredibly handy artifact keeps her from getting piebald.
<Greenling> There don't seem to be any particularly large animals out there, mostly just random snowbirds, maybe a fox.
<Greenling> After an hour or two, the pie-rain ceases.
<Greenling> The smells of cherry, boysenberry, and sugar dominate the landscape.
* Hel flicks a particularly persistent piece of crust from his ears and looks out over the pastried landscape.
* Kairos_Midoya sighs.
* Mirra hms some. "Well, at least that's one way they can avoid going hungry."
<Greenling> Some of the pies have indeed been caught for this purpose.
<Greenling> The tribe prepares to clean off anything that needs cleaning as best as possible, then head out. Looking for, preferably, some water.
<Greenling> Any ideas now?
* Mirra starts to head off over the pastry-pasted landscape in the direction of whichever raksha was nearest.
* Kairos_Midoya follows Mirra.
<Greenling> Reed: your son is screaming and covered in red stuff.
<Greenling> Thankfully, it's happy screaming and the red stuff is cherries.
<Greenling> ...Kind of thankfully.
<Reed> Reed blinks. "Lion, what happened?"
<Greenling> You see pie splattered all over the landscape.
<Reed> "...Well, that's new."
<Greenling> You get directions to the closest raksha and head towards the lair of Okar of Spear and Dance.
* Hel isn't much of a dancer.
<Greenling> It's a relatively short trek, leading you through three to five waypoints, most of which are only as dangerous as you would expect the Wyld to be, and all of which are in the Bordermarches.
<Greenling> You make it through a land where everything seems to be made out of snowmen. You make it through a land of beautiful snowflakes floating on the wind.
<Greenling> The third land is made of icy rock, carved and swirled and stuck into little globs as if by a chld fingerpainting.
<Greenling> It's a broad, flat land...
* Mirra hms some. At least it's easy to see a great distance.
<Greenling> Easy enough to see a small group of what from this distance look like little black dots heading towards you.
<Kairos_Midoya> ...little black dots?
* Mirra hmpfs, dropping low to the ground and letting her cloak shift white, supernaturally disappearing as she slips a distance away.
<Greenling> Mirra is invisble.
* Hel blinks and looks around for his companion. He wasn't a big fan of what he couldn't see, you never know what it was up to.
* Kairos_Midoya tries to find cover in order to hide before trying to get a better look.
* Reed pushes Lion toward Kairos and mouths 'Stay here', then crouches low to the ground. Reed pulls up his hood to cover his black hair so that the only part of him not completely white is his eyes. He steps lightly, the snow cushioning his steps as he moves.
* Kairos_Midoya will definitely keep an eye on hiding!child and will make sure he doesn't go anywhere
<Greenling> Reed can move closer to the things.
<Greenling> Kairos: okay, not
* dots... white dots. Some kind of four-legged animal... maybe deer? There seem to be three of them.
<Greenling> In a moment, Reed sees the same.
<Greenling> They pause a moment when everyone disappears... then keep walking.
<Greenling> Reed: Such beautiful deer...
* Mirra blinks, frowning some. Three of them?...
<Kairos_Midoya> "..."
<Kairos_Midoya> "...Luminata. in the Wyld."
* Mirra frowns. She glances back, wondering where the Sidereals got off to...
<Greenling> They're still heading in a straight line, looking oblivious, doot n doo.
<Greenling> The Sidereals are nowhere to be seen.
<Reed> Reed creeps up toward them, trying to get close to them. What
* they...
<Greenling> Reed can get right up next to them.
<Greenling> Close enough to see the wavely little tendrils that make them up.
<Greenling> You all can just let them pass, if you like.
* Mirra has the feeling three of them in a fight would be excessively dangerous... no sense risking injury on an enemy tangential to the current goal. She'd just have to track them down later...
<Greenling> They pass you by, making strange, low noises, farther and farther, until eventually, they're little dots on the landscape again, in the opposite direction.
<Greenling> You continue on through the icy, rocky wastes.
<Greenling> The next couple of waypoints pass without much incident.
<Greenling> Eventually, you come upon a huge field, seemingly made of spun glass.
<Greenling> Banners fly around in the air, and not far, there's what seems to be a forest, also made of spun glass.
<Greenling> Past that forest, supposedly, is where the raksha Okar lives.
<Hel> "Gaudy."
* Mirra hmms softly, dismissing the illusion and stepping out of the blinding light reflecting off the glass. "Quite."
<Greenling> It all sparkles.
<Greenling> A lot.
<Kairos_Midoya> ...very sparkly
* Mirra frowns some, narrowing her eyes as she looks around for a place to try and keep out of the raksha lord's perception. Scouting ahead is always handy before plunging right into a deathtrap
<Greenling> Mirra can't see all that much, but she can hear music.
<Greenling> It seems to exit the forest in waves that remind her vaguely of sonar.
<Greenling> Very pretty.
* Mirra frowns softly. "well, I have the feeling they know we're here."