Wyldgame/Circle Interactions
From Greenthings
(Created page with '<font size="1">(2010-04-25 08:32:00)</font> <b>Greenling:</b> So.<br/> <font size="1">(2010-04-25 08:32:26)</font> <b>Greenling:</b> Our dear Exalted horde is currently in the ca…')
Current revision as of 23:07, 24 April 2010
(2010-04-25 08:32:00) Greenling: So.
(2010-04-25 08:32:26) Greenling: Our dear Exalted horde is currently in the camp of another horde.
(2010-04-25 08:32:50) Greenling: You have information and hospitality. What for do you do?
(2010-04-25 08:42:37) Greenling: You hear singing coming from outside the tent.
(2010-04-25 08:42:55) ***Joyous_Blade blinks, before going and peering outside.
(2010-04-25 08:42:58) ***Mirra hms softly to herself, one ear flickinga t the song.
(2010-04-25 08:43:28) Reed: Reed pulls back the flap of the tent, peeking around the corner.
(2010-04-25 08:43:38) Greenling: Outside, there's singing, some drums, some kind of flute, and some dancing around the fire.
(2010-04-25 08:43:42) ***Kairos_Midoya goes to look.
(2010-04-25 08:46:50) ***Mirra hms, shrugging and making her way out, not sure what else there was to do until they left the camp.
(2010-04-25 08:47:17) Reed: Reed grins at Bright Lion. "They're having a party. Do you want to go see?"
(2010-04-25 08:47:36) Greenling: Bright Lion's eyes widen, and he dashes out of the tent.
(2010-04-25 08:47:50) Reed: Reed laughs and follows Lion.
(2010-04-25 08:48:13) ***Joyous_Blade chuckles and follows them.
(2010-04-25 08:51:20) Greenling: There is dancing. There also seems to be meat cooking, or you think that's meat; the song is cheerful.
(2010-04-25 09:32:32) ***Mirra watches the party some, before drifting off to the outskirts of the camp for a bit of privacy, banishing most of her outfit to look over her trusted tattoos and study how they'd changed in the ceremony.
(2010-04-25 09:33:40) Kairos_Midoya: Kairos chews on his pen as he notes down some things in a notebook, trying to recall everything he knew about those particular raksha. It's hard and slow going, maybe he should have studied more.
(2010-04-25 09:35:14) ***Joyous_Blade joins in the dancing.
(2010-04-25 09:37:40) ***Mirra hmms softly, tracing over the oddly greenish tint, ears flicking back some.
(2010-04-25 09:46:19) Greenling: The tattooes make a very soft sound.
(2010-04-25 09:46:53) Greenling: One of the barbarians dances beside Blade.
(2010-04-25 09:48:59) Greenling: They shimmer and glow for a second as Mirra wonders what they do, and strange shapes dance in the air for a moment.
(2010-04-25 09:49:23) ***Mirra hmms some curiously, studying the shapes idly.
(2010-04-25 09:49:43) Greenling: They look kind of like people.
(2010-04-25 09:50:15) Greenling: Meanwhile, Reed's tattooes begin singing along with the music.
(2010-04-25 09:52:16) Greenling: The shapes disappear after a second, though.
(2010-04-25 09:53:00) Greenling: Salith comes and sits down beside Kairos.
(2010-04-25 09:53:17) Reed: ...Reed wonders, not for the first time, what could have possessed him to let Il Seraph come within a mile of him, let alone carve metal into his skin.
(2010-04-25 09:53:47) Greenling: "Having fun?" she asks him.
(2010-04-25 09:53:55) Kairos_Midoya: "This is...interesting."
(2010-04-25 09:54:39) Greenling: "Oh? Spending your time thinking, huh?"
(2010-04-25 09:54:51) Greenling: "No time for dancing?" She smiles.
(2010-04-25 09:55:07) ***Joyous_Blade waves to Kairos. "Care to dance?"
(2010-04-25 09:55:30) Kairos_Midoya: "I've never really been one for dancing."
(2010-04-25 09:55:41) Kairos_Midoya: "My sister likes..liked...to"
(2010-04-25 09:55:54) ***Mirra hmmms some, seeing if she can make the shapes move in particular ways, or recognize any of them.
(2010-04-25 09:56:03) Greenling: Salith pats him on the back.
(2010-04-25 09:56:40) ***Joyous_Blade gives him an apologetic smile.
(2010-04-25 09:57:25) Greenling: When Mirra concentrates on a shape, it pops into the form of...
(2010-04-25 09:57:58) Greenling: Reed.
(2010-04-25 09:58:06) Kairos_Midoya: "It's alright." Kairos says quietly, continuing to take notes on what he remembers.
(2010-04-25 09:59:49) Greenling: Lion looks up at Blade. "Hey, I can dance with you."
(2010-04-25 10:00:17) Joyous_Blade: "Sure." She pats the kid on the head, taking his hands.
(2010-04-25 10:00:43) Greenling: Lion dances along happily~
(2010-04-25 10:01:39) ***Mirra hms some, watching the shape and glacning over to Reed, curious... was it showing her what he was doing, or just giving her an image...
(2010-04-25 10:02:00) Greenling: It seems to be an image of Reed.
(2010-04-25 10:02:13) Greenling: It rubs the back of its head and looks at her with curiosity.
(2010-04-25 10:02:22) Greenling: "Yes, mistress?"
(2010-04-25 10:05:20) ***Mirra hms softly. "What are you, then?"
(2010-04-25 10:05:43) Greenling: "...I'm not really all that sure."
(2010-04-25 10:05:57) Greenling: "Whatever you want me to be, I think?"
(2010-04-25 10:06:22) Greenling: "Wow, that sounds creepy."
(2010-04-25 10:07:12) Greenling: Salith continues sitting by Kairos.
(2010-04-25 10:07:46) Kairos_Midoya: Kairos kind of eyes the orichalcum tattoos on his arm.
(2010-04-25 10:08:00) Kairos_Midoya: Hm.
(2010-04-25 10:08:10) Greenling: The tattoos shine in the firelight.
(2010-04-25 10:08:42) ***Mirra nods softly, pondering. "Interesting..."
(2010-04-25 10:08:45) Kairos_Midoya: "...I wonder what these do."
(2010-04-25 10:08:54) ***Joyous_Blade eventually tires Lion out, then flops down next to Salith.
(2010-04-25 10:10:33) Greenling: (indeed.) Lion keeps dancing.
(2010-04-25 10:12:03) Greenling: The tattooes shiiine~
(2010-04-25 10:12:32) Joyous_Blade: "So, Kairos. What do your tattoos do?"
(2010-04-25 10:12:45) Greenling: They seem to begin shedding a small bit of light of their own.
(2010-04-25 10:12:55) Kairos_Midoya: "...they're glowing"
(2010-04-25 10:13:03) ***Mirra hms softly, nodding some and standing. "So you don't know anything about yourself, or what you can do?"
(2010-04-25 10:13:34) Greenling: "I don't. I think I might know more if I were someone else, though."
(2010-04-25 10:14:18) Greenling: "And I can probably figure out what I can do."
(2010-04-25 10:14:32) ***Mirra hms and nods, concentrating and envisioning it as Il Seraph
(2010-04-25 10:15:30) Kairos_Midoya: Kairos taps one golden line experimentally.
(2010-04-25 10:15:48) Greenling: It shimmers and reforms as Il Seraph.
(2010-04-25 10:16:37) Greenling: Kairos: a strange little panel-looking thing made of light pops up, flashes a couple of characters in Old Realm, and then disappears.
(2010-04-25 10:18:37) ***Mirra gives a nod. "What can you tell me about yourself and my tattoos?"
(2010-04-25 10:19:23) Greenling: The image of the elder Lunar smirks. "Oh, not much. Though... this is interesting. I'm not real, am I?"
(2010-04-25 10:19:34) Joyous_Blade: "Interesting." She moves to tap another one.
(2010-04-25 10:19:59) ***Mirra shakes her head. "Not to my knowledge, though you might be a wyld figment and so capable of giving at least some information. Better this than nothing."
(2010-04-25 10:20:00) Greenling: The tattoo flashes at Blade.
(2010-04-25 10:20:53) ***Kairos_Midoya runs his fingers along them.
(2010-04-25 10:22:09) ***Joyous_Blade hmmms. "Hey, Salith. What did you end up getting?"
(2010-04-25 10:22:30) Greenling: "Oh, absolutely. I'm clearly a fantasy- but let's see here." He closes his eyes for a moment. "I'm not capable of any magic, so far as I can tell... and I don't believe I have quite the capabilities of the real Seraph? But I should serve, and desire to do so, as a functional sage."
(2010-04-25 10:22:58) Greenling: "Upon reflection, I believe your tattooes are capable of generating a number of independent servants on command."
(2010-04-25 10:23:11) Greenling: "I'm not sure whether I would continue to exist outside of the Wyld, however."
(2010-04-25 10:24:00) Greenling: Kairos: It goes through the characters in your name, then shows a blank, golden-light panel as long as your arm.
(2010-04-25 10:24:20) ***Kairos_Midoya pokes said panel.
(2010-04-25 10:24:21) Greenling: Salith smirks at Blade. "Starmetal."
(2010-04-25 10:24:44) ***Joyous_Blade baps her on the head. "You know what I meant."
(2010-04-25 10:25:04) Greenling: "...Ow. I don't know, what do *yours* do?"
(2010-04-25 10:26:16) Joyous_Blade: "Good question, actually." She rolls over, propping herself up on her forearms.
(2010-04-25 10:26:35) Greenling: After a moment, the golden panel shows a list of... wow. That's a lot of books, all of him that Kairos has read. There's a little circle image thing on the side.
(2010-04-25 10:27:34) ***Mirra hms softly. "Interesting. Thank you."
(2010-04-25 10:27:43) ***Kairos_Midoya touches the little circle image.
(2010-04-25 10:28:04) Greenling: It moves up and down, to show more books.
(2010-04-25 10:28:28) Greenling: The figment of Il Seraph bows to Mirra.
(2010-04-25 10:28:36) Kairos_Midoya: "...Useful. :o"
(2010-04-25 10:30:58) ***Mirra attempts to dismiss the fantasy for now, standing and reforming her clothing.
(2010-04-25 10:31:09) Greenling: It dismisses itself, and your clothing comes back.
(2010-04-25 10:33:11) Greenling: The panel flickers almost happily in the firelight.
(2010-04-25 10:34:15) Joyous_Blade: "Salith, be a dear and pull up the back of my blouse to check what the tattoos do?"
(2010-04-25 10:35:46) Greenling: Salith hesitates a moment, then tosses Blade's blouse over her head.
(2010-04-25 10:36:42) Reed: Reed pulls Lion away to go find him something to eat, since the sidereal is apparently stripping.
(2010-04-25 10:37:36) ***Joyous_Blade completely lacks a nudity taboo.
(2010-04-25 10:37:50) ***Mirra makes her way over to Reed and Lion, giving a slight chuckle and following after to join them for dinner.
(2010-04-25 10:37:57) Greenling: Lion dances around his father and yawns.
(2010-04-25 10:38:03) Greenling: "I'm hungry. But I'm sleepy." :<
(2010-04-25 10:38:43) Greenling: Salith blinks.
(2010-04-25 10:38:45) ***Kairos_Midoya looks away politely.
(2010-04-25 10:39:06) Reed: Reed picks up the boy. "We'll get you something to eat, and then you can go sleep in the tent if you're tired."
(2010-04-25 10:39:28) Greenling: "...I don't know, Sifu. Maybe the interesting parts aren't on your back."
(2010-04-25 10:39:38) Greenling: "Okay." Lion hugs Reed.
(2010-04-25 10:39:54) Joyous_Blade: "Huh. I thought they were. Oh well."
(2010-04-25 10:42:03) ***Mirra gives a soft chuckle, patting Lion's head. "No more of that cider for now, though, I think?"
(2010-04-25 10:43:16) Greenling: "Okay."
(2010-04-25 10:43:32) Greenling: "Miss Mirra, can I learn to turn into a catthing too?"
(2010-04-25 10:44:26) Reed: Reed grins and looks for something at the party for Lion to eat.
(2010-04-25 10:45:07) Greenling: There's meat, mostly. A few fruits, some of them candied. Some kind of avocado-looking vegetable.
(2010-04-25 10:46:09) Reed: Reed puts a variety of things that he thinks Lion might like on the plate, as well as some of the vegetables with hopes that he'll eat them.
(2010-04-25 10:47:30) Greenling: Lion eats the candied fruits first, then alternates between the meat and the vegetable-stuff.
(2010-04-25 10:49:41) Reed: "Miss Mirra isn't a cat-thing," Reed explains patiently. "She's a snow-leopard, and the proper term is Lunar, remember?"
(2010-04-25 10:50:46) ***Mirra chuckles softly. "If Luna decides to let you, perhaps.."
(2010-04-25 10:51:47) Greenling: "...Yeah, but she turns into a cat."
(2010-04-25 10:52:02) ***Joyous_Blade hmmms. "So, Kairos. What do you think of our traveling companions?"
(2010-04-25 10:52:33) Kairos_Midoya: "They're...interesting."
(2010-04-25 10:52:55) Kairos_Midoya: Adamant...@_@
(2010-04-25 10:57:13) Greenling: Ishinomori eventually comes out of the tent to grab some food.