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For your business to survive in the new age, it's important to make sure your website is the best representation of who you are and what you do. Not only should visitors and potential customers and clients be able to easily navigate menus and click straight through to points of sale, but the work done to optimize the backend is necessary to ensure Google likes you enough to keep you on top of relevant search. With your staff's workload, however, you may feel it's necessary to hire an SEO firm to handle these tasks. In reality, maintaining the search optimization for your website is simpler than you think, and less expensive when you keep it in house.
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Rather than hand your website over to an outsourced group, you have the option instead of bringing SEO experts into your office for a series of workshops designed to train staff to take charge of various aspects of site optimization - everything from keeping the code clean for spiders to better cache your information, to properly linking anchor text. Even if there are people in your office with some experience in maintaining websites and working to achieve high rankings in Google and Yahoo, the benefit of SEO training keeps everybody up to date on new paradigms in search, so you can stay ahead of your competition.
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Search optimization training presents intensive groundwork for your Internet success. When you hire trained SEO agents to demonstrate the steps involved in creating and promoting a powerful web presence that includes your website, social media profiles, videos and even e-mail marketing, you'll discover that the time invested in SEO will not divert from your company's duties, and as certain staff become more proficient in optimization your business will reap more benefits. Keep the business of your website in-house for an affordable solution by hiring an SEO trainer.
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Current revision as of 00:28, 31 January 2017

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