
From Govteenwiki

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Revision as of 10:05, 8 January 2008

Formerly: Nathanfenn0111, Fenn

Real name: Nathan Fenn

Lives: Perth, australia

Age: 15

DOB: November 11 1991

Gov Bday: April 27 2006

About NaFenn

Nathan is currently a Resident in Perth, australia. He has 3 jobs, all paying relitively well, and has a good plan for his future

He is in year 12, at Kent Street Senior High School in the Aviation Course, and is expecting to continue to the end of year 12 with TEE/COS and receive his WACE

After year 12, Nathan is expecting to work for a year, and then either apply for a Qantas Cadetship, then apply for a career in the airline industry as a pilot for qantas or, Apply to AsA (Air Services Australia) to become an airtraffic controller


Nathan currently has 3 Jobs:

He is a Basketball referee for Perry Lakes on Monday nights, and Riverveiw Community Services on Saturdays at Belmont Oasis.

and he is an assistand DJ for a private company.

On Gov

Nathan has stirred many a contriversy on govteen. From the "Official Govteen Pedo Counter" with Dan (Black Talon) and Josh (Joshskates), to the infamous "Cut Vs Uncut Debates" Nathan has put in his fair share to govteen.

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