
From Glitches

Sorry if I missed anynoe .I am awful at keeping up with questions. Please feel free to leave more comments.david,I made about.php as template. Antone,Thanks for pointing that out!ray,I hope to have time sometime (hopefully) this year to get some bug fixes and widgetizing done Erin,Not sure about what you mean by custom tabs but you might enjoy this article if you are interested in the tab css.If you just want to link to outside of WP site, simply delete <?php bloginfo('url'); ?> from href attribute and put the url you want.Thanks for your kind words about the theme!Bajanman (Will),Thanks Erin for helping me answer questions here. Home tab is hard-coded right now, but if you open up header.php and modify text between
  • and <a>, you can have the tabs to say whatever you want.Alternatively, you can use wp_list_pages() tag as below, if you have that you want to appear as tabs.
      <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>
  • Personal tools