User talk:Voan5b36

From Glitches

[..YouTube..] Hey Lilredhead!I know very good and free program to crnoevt images into video.Its called virtual dub, just google it and download on official site, you don't have to install it. It have lots of advanced options but you just have to import first image and it will automatically make video, then just export in AVI and edit as you have said!


Alongside this we have been observing sdttenus left to their own devices trying to struggle to complete the instruction You need to create a portfolio in Blackboard with ten pages in it, and share it with the instructors . The sdttenus are studying computing related subjects and have previously (last year) created a portfolio, so are typically confident that they know what to do. The observations (which I am not mentioning for now) show a marked difference in student experience and efficacy of portfolio creation to those I believe have been seen in the pilots run by Guy


Great questions. As a new taehcer, failing is all I seem to do some days. But with each failure, I get thicker skin and a better grasp on what works. As long as my errors don't affect student learning negatively, I see them as a positive. Furthermore, they will only improve learning in the long run!

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