From Glitches
I agree with everybody about evreithyng great ideas. Yes D-Rose on the cover.Yeah bring the legend pool like in NBA Live 2004 please. Have something to where you can update the roster.Like if Lebron and Kobe decided to go to the Bulls and play with D-Rose alert us or something to do that.If you guys can't do that ok by me.But listen when Lebrons is on the road (Clevland espesially) please make the crowd boo him like in real life.But don't get me wrong I'm and Lebron fan,and when he gets the ball make the crowd boo him it would be more realistic. If you guys dont put D-Rose on the cover plaese put Lebron on it.The my player mode.And when were in season mode please dont make a guy like steve nash or kobe retire after 1 or 2 seasons thats not cool.But when a player does retire that in real life it be cool if the game could react to that somehow.Wait one thing about my player make it sort of like ncaa football where they could be in highschool and if your good enough to skip colledge give us the chocie to skip or go please.Please update the combine like do make drills more realistic,and show Larry Bird sittin there watching.And make it to where you can pick the my player voice for and interview at the combine, during the season,or a oress conference. Sorry if this were long and boring or pointless but these are just what i do Thanks 2K makers