User talk:Iyszn206

From Glitches

Revision as of 18:15, 21 February 2013 by (Talk)
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those fun parts you've mentioned rellay aren't very fun in Skyrim.So you thought all those parts you mentioned were fun. Okay, that's fine. Buy you forgot to mention the 2-10 hours of bordemn in between any of those fun times you mentioned.Be honest with everyone and tell people about all the countless hours of drudgery and bordemn you must endure between any fun parts.Play any of the games I mentioned, or almost any other game and you'll have a much better time. Play almost any other game and you'll have much more fun,more often without all the hours of bordem and drudgery.I played Skyrim. Where was the fun. There was none. It was just as dull, uninspiring, lifeless, ho-hum as I saw in the video previews.VN:R_U [1.9.17_1161](from 1 vote)

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