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The world's other central banks are also stimulating and devaluing in an unlimited fashion. This month the European Central Bank unveiled its programme of unlimited bondbuying, the "Big Bazooka" many had been hoping for to stimulate the eurozone economy. This, too, is devaluing the euro versus the NZ dollar, which has strengthened 64 per cent against the euro since March 2009.
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Not that I shy away from unmistakable figuration and I admit my weakness for the sexiness of fin de sicle Paris (Henri de ToulouseLautrec et al) but lately I been focusing my attention on process and color, whether or not form is even discernible. I moderated a panel of young abstract artists recently,cheap birkenstock, yet despite my grasp of trends I still turned my attention to the boldly titled group exhibition Painting Advanced that opened recently at Edward Thorp Gallery in Chelsea. The kicker is the five assembled artists aren all young (Gary Stephan and Andrew Spence are some four decades older than Rachel Malin), yet they are continually reworking the language of abstract painting,birkenstock sandals women, even within their own evolving styles.
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Transmission or receipt of information contained in this web site does not create an attorneyclient relationship. This blog site should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed attorney. Should the reader of this blog need legal advice or require an answer to a specific question, such advice be sought from a licensed attorney.
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