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- | For your business to survive in the new age, it's important to make sure your website is the best representation of who you are and what you do. Not only should visitors and potential customers and clients be able to easily navigate menus and click straight through to points of sale, but the work done to optimize the backend is necessary to ensure Google likes you enough to keep you on top of relevant search. With your staff's workload, however, you may feel it's necessary to hire an SEO firm to handle these tasks. In reality, maintaining the search optimization for your website is simpler than you think, and less expensive when you keep it in house.
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- | Rather than hand your website over to an outsourced group, you have the option instead of bringing SEO experts into your office for a series of workshops designed to train staff to take charge of various aspects of site optimization - everything from keeping the code clean for spiders to better cache your information, to properly linking anchor text. Even if there are people in your office with some experience in maintaining websites and working to achieve high rankings in Google and Yahoo, the benefit of SEO training keeps everybody up to date on new paradigms in search, so you can stay ahead of your competition.
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- | Why is it better to keep your SEO strategies in-house? For one, it's less expensive than outsourcing. You have the option of bringing in one or two employees to do the work, or parsing the responsibilities among your current staff. Also, keeping the web work inside retains security. Let's say you're interested in hiring an SEO firm. There is the risk, either during or after your tenure, that the firm could sign on to work with a competing business, and apply the techniques used to help you toward their success. Why let that happen, when you can control your search rankings?
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- | Search optimization training presents intensive groundwork for your Internet success. When you hire trained SEO agents to demonstrate the steps involved in creating and promoting a powerful web presence that includes your website, social media profiles, videos and even e-mail marketing, you'll discover that the time invested in SEO will not divert from your company's duties, and as certain staff become more proficient in optimization your business will reap more benefits. Keep the business of your website in-house for an affordable solution by hiring an SEO trainer.
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- | == Eccezioni abbigliamento guidare landamento d - Woolrich Bolo ==
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- | Con lavvento delleconomia costume, la moda su misura, gioielli personalizzati, elettrodomestici così come altre forme di servizi personalizzati su ordinazione popolari in questo giorno ed età, seguendo lo sviluppo dei "golden due decenni", lazienda di abbigliamento nazionale deve prendere questo "pop Express" cogliere nuove opportunità di sviluppo. "Eccezioni" "inutile" "Jiexi Da" dopo lennesima, grandi significativi organizzazioni marca di abbigliamento si sono trasferiti a high-end di abbigliamento personalizzato mercato. To "status" nel plasmare il nucleo diventa molto più e merchandise più competitivo, la comunicazione, limballaggio e altri aspetti con latmosfera un alto grado di omogeneità, di fascia bassa, midrange e high-end a tre livelli sul mercato sono molte marche sul mercato; particolarmente potenti marchi, ma in aggiunta subito dopo la regolare di posti a sedere;.? mentre il marchio internazionale è offensivo rapidamente Così, consigli su come stare fuori, per stabilire uno di una posizione genere nei principali punti di forza del settore per combattere vestiti "custom high-end è tra le alternative strategiche, sia per costruire la forza di base, questo gioco può essere una posizione più alta allinterno del settore. "Sun Ping, direttore generale Karen Yun Kang abiti daffari dichiarato. Sun, direttore generale indicò per la formazione degli attributi di abbigliamento su misura di fascia alta, è necessario possedere i seguenti . fattori standard cruciali: 1, personalizzati come il design e lo stile dovrebbero essere secondo le specifiche del cliente, stili e sfruttare loccasione di attendere, la produzione sartoriale è in linea con la statura e le dimensioni e su misura 2 acquirenti,. specifico. Version in stile di abbigliamento e dettagli in realtà dovrebbe essere apposto un uno di un tipo di progettazione e gli elementi di stile e tecnologia, distintivi nel solito. Attraverso le informazioni dal design e lo stile per mostrare la clientela stile privato, per mostrare la sua perfetta lato. 3, flessibile. È forse possibile modificare lo stile, lo stile potrebbe essere modificato, le informazioni possono essere modificate, tessuti e colori è solitamente modificate. 4, bene. tessuti implementate sono di alta qualità sottile, o molto accuratamente scelti, o per essere capaci di disegnare abiti appositamente creato e realizzato. 5, squisita fattura. Coltivazione e enfasi produzione Seiko agenti segreti, prestare attenzione a ogni approccio particolare. Molti processi richiedono qualificati squisita rifinita a mano. sei, il servizio deve essere pienamente attento. Conservare comunicazione decente con gli acquirenti attentamente, molto attentamente curato le esigenze e le aspettative dei consumatori, la soddisfazione del cliente. Siamo in grado di dire che il test dagli abiti couture di fascia alta può essere la forza complessiva delle imprese, ma oltre a mostrare il loro fascino per lintero settore, che sostenuto dalla sua posizione allinterno del settore in cui. Lo sviluppo di abbigliamento personalizzato high-end, cioè, di stabilire il proprio brevetto speciale, costruito intorno ad uno di un valore nuovo tipo di domanda acquirenti. Jiexi Da è. Jiexi Da introduzione di abbigliamento personalizzato high-end, i vestiti delle piccole imprese ad un livello superiore. Inoltre, daccordo con la industrys potente influenza, ma in aggiunta direttamente ad elevarlo ad una grande quantità di vestiti personalizzati marche a casa e allestero nella stessa posizione. conseguenza, i fornitori capi su misura di abbigliamento di fascia alta ne dovrebbe essere quello di dimostrare il loro valore verso lindustria, in modo da poter cercare maggiori punti di forza dello stato. Per lindustria di "spazio", dal 2012 al toccare la profondità possibile con la produzione di abbigliamento nazionale e il marketing e la pubblicità dalla reazione sarà appreso, allo stato attuale, il rallentamento generale del mercato dellabbigliamento, ma in aggiunta un arretrato significativo di inventario, il che significa che il mercato è in procinto di andare a un eccesso di offerta. Intorno quello mano particolare, un sacco di imprese di abbigliamento allinterno del rilancio della capacità produttiva, dallaltro può essere la capitale freneticamente picchettamento, anche se la crescita della domanda interna è molto ridotta rispetto al tasso di crescita della produzione di abbigliamento nazionale Allo stato attuale, labbigliamento domestico. mercato è stata la visualizzazione di un mercato orizzontale su saturazione, non la mancanza di selettività dei clienti, ma non capisco come scegliere. Come conseguenza della forte concorrenza allinterno del settore dellabbigliamento, delle organizzazioni di abbigliamento hanno la tendenza ad afferrare la quota di mercato con articoli di fascia bassa, ma maggiori ricavi e proventi per lo più da abiti di fascia alta. Risultante dalla saturazione del mercato laterali, e le imprese di abbigliamento per essere in grado di ricevere una quota di mercato più grande, ha bisogno di scavare solo i livelli di copertura approfondita di trazione longitudinali dal target pubblico. In realtà, i segmenti di pubblico strette si rivelerà essere la tendenza principio del vostro futuro miglioramento con il mercato dellabbigliamento,Woolrich Bologna, gruppi di clienti,spaccio woolrich bologna, su misura per gli articoli di marca destinazione sarà probabilmente la tendenza dalla guida, che può guidare questa tendenza, che è leader nel settore. Così i capi su misura di fascia alta combina solo i benefici di ciascuno, ogni toccare la profondità possibile nel mercato, ma anche finalizzati alla futura domanda di mercato per lo spazio sarà naturalmente essere scoraggiato imprese di abbigliamento. Con tutta la graduale espansione con la quantità di comunità ricche domestici, consumi di lusso sta diventando sempre più preferito, che mostra la quantità di domanda di soluzioni di fascia alta. Una grande quantità di individui sono di alta qualità superiore e la ricerca personalizzata di molto di più e più robusto, in aggiunta alle un assortimento di personalizzazione per la sua scarsità di lusso, lunicità montare anche il consumatore richiede di questi gruppi di consumatori. Allo stesso modo, high-end abbigliamento personalizzato "one to one" sort, completa privacy, un servizio personalizzato non può essere copiato sembra proprio in risposta per l "personalizzazione" questa tendenza. A tal fine, i fornitori hanno combattuto industria vestiti su misura, e una varietà di fascia alta marchi di abbigliamento personalizzato continuano ad emergere, questo fenomeno riflette anche la sempre più high-end di abbigliamento personalizzato forte domanda del settore. (Jing) Autore
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- | == The Russian factories chlorine ==
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- | MOSCOW, March 1 (Reporter Cao Yan) Berezniki, Russia, the morning of the 1st of chlorine spill at Moscow time 10:00 (GMT 14:00), has caused at least 30 people were injured. Moscow time, according to local emergencies department said at 6:00 am (GMT 10:00), Berezina Nicky City liquid chlorine leak at a chemical plant, resulting in at least 30 people were injured, 27 of them have been hospitalized. Liquid chlorine leak has been stopped, and will not pose a threat to the public. The cause of the accident is not yet finalized, likely because the workers in violation of the operational processes, may also be a technical failure because the machine. Berezniki about 1,500 km from the capital Moscow, a population of about 170,000. The accident factory mainly produces chemical products such as soda ash, sodium chlorate, used in the chemical, oil refining, paper and other industries. In November last year, the city of Berezniki have occurred over a similar incident, a chlorine leakage in the production of titanium alloy factory, killing three people were killed and nine people were injured.
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- | php?article<br>"comment" inurl:/community/blog/<br>"POST COMMENT" inurl:/board/view<br>"post comment" intext:Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail<br>"Url" "Comment" inurl:wallpapers<br>"Add Comment" inurl:/view/Blog/<br>"keyword" "Commentaire" intext:Le code HTML sera affiché comme du texte.<br>"comment" inurl:/entry.php?id=<br>"Website" "Comment" inurl:/entry.php?entry<br>"Eメール" "URL"<br>intext:Répondre à cet article<br>"Kirim komentar" inurl:/read/forum/<br>"参照先" "Eメール"<br>"コメントする" inurl:/?eid=
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- | == A Brief History Of The Adidas Brand ==
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- | Adi Dassler invented the Adidas brand during the 1920s; the brand name is an abbreviated version of his name. Adi was an avid sports fan, but also a manufacturer of shoes, and he had a vision: to invent trainers that would allow a sportsperson to perform at an optimal level, while protecting the feet from injury by providing specialist, and supportive designs. This idea is second nature to our modern sensibilities, we consider it a given feature of sports clothes that they are protective and supportive, but of his era, this was a revolutionary idea.<br><br> Adidas trainers proved immensely popular, and within a short space of time, Adi Dasslers company were producing more than 100 pairs of trainers a day quite a feat for a newly flourishing company. During the late 1930s, the Adidas brand began extending its range of merchandise; they began by creating trainers designed specifically for certain sports. For instance, they began manufacturing tennis shoes, ice skates, and golf. <br><br> When Adi Dassler first began trading under the Adidas brand name, he had a business partner, his brother, Rudolph. During the 1940s, their visions of how the company would proceed began to diverge, and they choose to take different paths. Adi continued with the creation of Adidas trainers, but his brother, Rudolph, founded a rival company: Puma. As a way of differentiating the two marks, Adi decided to add the three stripes, part of the iconic imagery of the Adidas brand. <br><br> During the 1950s, the Adidas brand truly came into its own. With the creation of its first range of football boots, complete with studs, the company attracted the attention of all the major football leagues throughout the world, which, of course, proved to be exceptionally lucrative. Indeed, the Adidas brand designed the football boots worn by the winning team in the World Cup 1954, which took place in Switzerland. In the mid 1950s, 1956 to be precise, the Adidas brand became part sponsors of the Olympic Games in Melbourne, and needless to say, after this, there was no stopping them. Today, Adidas is one of the best-known brand names in the entire world, an incredible feat for such humble beginnings. New factories came in to existence regularly, and the brand spread throughout the capitalist world.<br><br> It was not until the 1960s, however, that Adidas extended its range and began manufacturing sports clothing. In 1963, they also began to expand their merchandise to encompass sports equipment too, if it was not for this move, we would not see Adidas footballs at major football sporting events an image that has truly become iconic of the beautiful game. <br><br> The 1970s saw the first Trefoil Logo appearing on clothing, equipment, and footwear. Adidas incorporated the Trefoil Logo as a means for people to tell imitation Adidas goods, from the genuine articles. In the 1980s, the Adidas brand became involved in the wider cultivation and celebration of sports in general, Horst Dassler founded International Sports, Culture, and Leisure.<br><br> 2000 saw a return to previous Adidas styles of clothing, when the first Adidas Originals stores opened their doors in America and South Korea. Today, Adidas Originals continues to be an extremely popular fashion.<br><br>
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- | (CNSNews.com) - Former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson, at the center of a controversy over the "outing" of a CIA operative who happens to be his wife, now plans to write his memoirs and title the book, "The Politics of Truth." But one national security expert and critic of Wilson's actions said he doubted the former ambassador would have much to tell readers. Wilson, who has criticized the Bush administration's analysis of Iraq-related intelligence data, is embroiled in the latest Washington mystery - who leaked the name of his CIA employee wife, Valerie Plame, to columnist Robert Novak and other reporters. The U.S. Justice Department is currently investigating potential criminal action in the matter.Wilson has accused the Bush administration of releasing his wife's name in retaliation for expressing his opinion that the White House had manipulated intelligence to overstate the threat Iraq posed to the U.S. Wilson's memoir, which will deal with his diplomatic career and the alleged <strong>Kids Jerseys</strong> leak, is scheduled for release in the spring."It seems to me unlikely that there's much that a guy, who is as much of a political activist and now partisan activist as Joe Wilson has become, to say nothing of a self promoter, hasn't already put into the public domain,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys Wholesale Online (3)," said Frank Gaffney, president of the Washington-based Center for Security Policy and a former assistant secretary of defense for international security policy under President Ronald Reagan."Maybe there is more there, maybe he has held something back for the purposes of securing a good book contract,Cheap 49ers Jerseys," Gaffney told CNSNews.com. Gaffney said if it turns out that Wilson's wife was an undercover CIA agent, leaking her name could turn out to be "a serious violation of the law," but he said he believes key facts in the dispute remain unclear."I haven't frankly gotten it clear whether [Wilson's wife] is even a covered person for purposes of the law," Gaffney said. "If she is [not undercover], it would not be a violation of the law," to have disclosed her identity, he added.Norman Solomon, executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, said he expects the mystery to have been solved by the time Wilson's book is published. "By the time it comes out,Cheap Authentic MLB Jerseys, this will be resolved in the partisan arena, which is really where I think it is in play," Solomon told CNSNews.com.Solomon, who co-authored with Reese Erlich the 2003 book Target Iraq: What The News Media Didn't Tell You , said <strong>Kids NFL Jerseys</strong> any attempts the Bush administration may have <strong>Kaepernick Jersey</strong> made to discredit Wilson have backfired."I think that the Bush administration has [been] hoisted on its own petard with this targeted leak about his (Wilson's) wife and I think it gives a great deal more clout to whatever Wilson chooses to write," Solomon explained.Solomon called the alleged leak by the Bush administration "a classic instance" of a "dirty trick backfiring big time."As CNSNews.com previously reported, the alleged leak of Plame's name occurred after Wilson visited Niger on behalf of the CIA to investigate reports that Saddam Hussein had tried to buy uranium there for his nuclear weapons program. Wilson downplayed the claims and became a vocal opponent of the war against Iraq. Wilson has also had the tables turned on him by New York Republican Congressman Peter King, who this week called for an investigation into whether Wilson violated CIA secrets by discussing, after the fact, his trip to look into the possible Iraq/Niger connection."[Wilson is] talking about [his role in Niger] all over national and international television -- undermining the president of the United States. Why wasn't this guy called in before a grand jury?" King asked.But Solomon dismissed King's viewpoint."For King to say that just sounds like Republican hackery. It really does," Solomon said. "This thing has legs and the Bush people are sweating," he added. Wilson labeled 'unqualified' Gaffney believes the controversy over who leaked Wilson's wife's name "obscures the underlying reality here that Wilson was woefully unqualified to perform investigative field work of the kind he was seemingly assigned to do." Gaffney said the larger issue of the controversy is how Wilson, who was "vehemently critical of the administration and quite partisan <strong>Make Your Own Football Jersey</strong> about it" and had "no identifiable qualifications as an intelligence operative...would nonetheless get this [Niger] mission." According to Gaffney, Wilson presented the results of his uranium investigation as "decisive" when he was unqualified to do so. "I don't think he began to explore, let alone fully investigate" any Niger uranium connection, Gaffney said. Solomon said he places no faith in the Bush Justice Department's investigation of the controversy. "This is the fox investigating the fox," Solomon said."I think it is <strong>MLB Baseball Jerseys</strong> preposterous to claim that [Attorney General] John Ashcroft can oversee an independent-minded investigation of this matter," he added, referring to Ashcroft as "a partisan attack dog."Gaffney, however, said he has a "very high regard for Ashcroft" and added that, "if the facts are to be found, I believe they will find them."See Related Articles: Former CIA Officer Says 'Outed' Ambassador's Wife Was UndercoverJustice Department Ignores Democrats' Calls for Special Counsel Listen to audio for this story.E-mail a news tip to Marc Morano.Send a Letter to the Editor about this article. Featured Video Horrors! It's Gov't 'Regulated Activity'Scary! Leno Tougher on How President 'Lied' About ObamaCare Than NBC ReportersOTJ: Priest Has Mass Blocked by <strong>Jets Jerseys</strong> U.S. Government E-Brief
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- | When the waters started to rise the night Sandy screamed down Beach 130th St. in the Rockaways, many of the residents were in the street and on their porches.
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- | FDNY Lt. Tommy Woods and three of his six firefighter neighbors heard the storied Harbor Light restaurant was ablaze.
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- | “We ran there and tried to do what we could,” Woods says. “This whole neighborhood turned out to help. But it was too far gone.”
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- | The owner, Bernie Heeren, clutched a framed photo of his son Charlie, who perished on 9/11, as he watched his restaurant burn on the same corner where Flight 587 crashed six weeks after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
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- | “By the time me, Steve McDade, Donald Olsen and another fireman named Joe got back to our block, the water was rising up to our knees,” Woods says. “I put on a surfing wetsuit. So did my son, Brendan, who’s 14.
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- | We went under the porch to get out the surfboards and the paddleboard. But we couldn’t get the paddleboard out.”
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- | Inside the house at 427 Beach 130th, Tommy’s mother, Mary Woods, 82, “was cool as a cucumber.”
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- | “We made her evacuate during Hurricane Irene, but she went kicking and screaming,” says Woods. “Irene wasn’t much, so this time she refused to go anywhere. But now the waters were rushing in like crazy and we had to get her out.”
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- | Tommy and Brendan strapped Mary onto a surfboard and the two of them waded into the storming waters of Rockaway in the lashing wind, as trees rocked at the roots and limbs flew and cars floated past them. They steered Mary five blocks against the roiling current to Tommy’s brother Buddy’s house on Beach 135th St.
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- | “When they arrived in front of my house, I saw my mother lying on a surfboard in the pitch dark,” says Buddy. “My heart sank. I thought she was dead. Then Tommy unstrapped her and we carried Mom into the house where the water was up to the porch.”
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- | “She was still cool as a cucumber,” says Tommy.
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- | Buddy smiled at the memory. And then his face crumpled in a jumble of emotions as tears coursed down his face. He wiped them away with the back of his <strong>Cheap NFL Jerseys China</strong> construction glove after digging out his flood-damaged basement on Monday, a week after the hurricane.
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- | “Sorry,” he says. “This is the first time I talked about this, and retelling it makes me realize how bad it could have been. And how lucky we are. After my mom, my sister Eileen arrived, and her kids, and Tommy’s wife,
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- | Michelle, and their other son, Thomas Owen, <strong>Nike Jerseys</strong> he’s 12, and all kinds of cousins, nieces, nephews until we had 29 people, four dogs and a bird in my house with no working bathrooms but everyone was safe. And alive.”
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- | But Tommy Woods wasn’t finished.
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- | As soon as they counted their blessings, another red fireball ignited the sky over Rockaway. “I thought it was still the Harbor Light,” says Buddy.
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- | Tommy, with 25 years of firefighting training and instincts for the worst, suspected differently. He grabbed Buddy’s kayak and decided to paddle back to 130th St. His son, Brendan, an Archbishop Molloy High School student, insisted on joining his father.
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- | When they arrived back on Beach 130th St.,NBA Jerseys Wholesale, Tommy Woods, who’d run into a thousand burning homes over a quarter century as a firefighter, saw his own home swallowed in wind-slurping flames.
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- | “I was too numb to have an emotional reaction,” he said on Monday, with a week’s reflection. “I saw that my neighbor Olsen’s house was also on fire. He has a daughter, <strong>Cheap NFL Jerseys Usa</strong> Mary Ellen, who suffers from MS. We wanted to get her out and to safety.”
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- | Tommy and Brendan and the other firefighters loaded the disabled girl into the kayak and as the waters rose and the winds spun fire up and down the street, Tommy and son Brendan paddled her the five blocks against the treacherous Sandy floodwaters to Buddy Woods’ house.
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- | A week later, Tommy Woods stood in his Uncle Charlie Moran’s driveway down the block from his own cindered lot and spoke with hesitant modesty <strong>Cheap NFL Jerseys Uk</strong> about life after Sandy.
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- | Off-duty firefighters who work under Lt. Tommy Woods at Ladder 154/Engine 307 in Jackson Heights, Queens, showed up to help him with <strong>Nike NFL Gear</strong> food, errands and emotional support. Neighbors gathered around to make sure he and his wife, Michelle, had everything they needed.
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- | “Hey, we’re still here,” Michelle said, as effervescent as a bottle of good champagne. “It’s been a hell of a year. I’m just growing my hair back after breast-cancer surgery, 16 weeks of heavy chemo at (Memorial) Sloan-Kettering and five weeks of radiation. I’m on light chemo now,NFL Shop Jerseys, meaning once every three weeks. And now a hurricane and a fire that took every single thing we owned. But, hey, we’re here.”
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- | The Woods family is staying with Tommy’s sister Eileen on Cranston Ave. and dealing with five different claims adjusters from Allstate insurance.
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- | “My car burned,” he said.
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- | “Mine drowned,” she said.
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- | “We’re homeless,” he said.
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- | They laughed, in a gritty it-could-be-worse New York way.
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- | They cling to their humor, fortitude, family and life itself and a wonderful brotherhood of neighbors called the neighborhood of Rockaway.
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- | On that foundation they will rebuild.
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- | “We’ll rebuild right here,” Tommy says, waving a hand across the Sandy-scorched earth that until last week was called home. <strong>Cheap NFL Jerseys Paypal</strong> “Where else anywhere could you find neighbors as good as the ones we have? Look at this street. Everyone is out helping each other pump out basements, clean out debris,Jerseys For Sale, repair homes. On every block in Rockaway.”
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- | “The Sanitation Department has been absolutely fantastic,” says Michelle, a sentiment that echoes through the Rockaways as tireless caravans of garbage trucks haul away untold tons of broken dreams to a makeshift landfill in Riis Park.
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- | Tommy Woods looks up at the baby blue sky over Queens where airplanes are flying in and out of Kennedy again. “I have never seen so much generosity as what we have received,” he says. “Food, clothes, warm drinks, offers of help.”
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- | His one complaint is the $1,800 in nonrefundable U.S. Airways tickets he had bought for a December ski trip.
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- | The airline wasn’t budging on the nonrefundable part, even though all the family’s ski equipment ― and ID ― was incinerated in this national tragedy.
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- | Let’s see if this corporation has a person with a human heart.
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- | On Beach 130th St. on Monday, no one was planning ski vacations. They were helping each other slog through the slow, resilient climb out of the abyss of Hurricane Sandy.
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- | dhamill@nydailynews.com
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- | FREDERICTON,Jerseys NFL, New Brunswick ― An official with <strong>Hockey Jersey</strong> a Canadian political party is raising questions about the integrity of the opposition's leadership race in his province after he was able to <strong>Jersey Football</strong> vote using his dog's name.
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- | Jean-Paul Soucy said Friday that he registered his dog "Pitou," or "puppy" in English, to vote online for one of the three candidates vying for the top Liberal job at Saturday's leadership convention in New Brunswick.
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- | The executive <strong>Jerseys For Sale</strong> director of the province's Conservative party says <strong>Hockey Jerseys</strong> he wanted to test the Liberal voting system but couldn't use his own name because he's a member of another party.
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- | Soucy says <strong>Jersey NFL</strong> he was surprised when a voting package arrived in the mail for his dog,Cheap NBA Basketball Jerseys.
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- | He declined to say who he voted for.
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- | No one from the Liberal party was immediately <strong>Jersey NFL</strong> available to comment,Basketball Jersey.
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- | (CNSNews.com) - Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura insulted "the deeply held beliefs of millions of Minnesotans" when he recently proclaimed June of this year as "Gay,Cheap Custom Jerseys, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Celebration Month," and at <strong>Cheap NBA Jerseys</strong> the same time refused once again to issue a proclamation noting May 2 as a "National Day of Prayer," according to the Minnesota Family Council. "Once again, Governor Ventura has thumbed his nose at millions of Minnesotans with his celebration of homosexuality, bisexuality and <strong>Nike Authentic NFL Jerseys</strong> transgenderism while refusing to acknowledge <strong>Cheap NBA Jersey</strong> the important role prayer and faith play in our society," said Tom Prichard, president of the Minnesota Family Council, in a statement.Prichard said he is baffled by Ventura's behavior because,NFL Nike Jerseys Cheap, he said, there's been a resurgence of faith and prayer in Minnesota and around America since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks."It boggles the mind why he continues his refusal to acknowledge the role religion and prayer play in our national heritage while actually celebrating sexual behaviors such as homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism which involves men dressing as women," said Prichard,American Football Jerseys, who added that this is the second time Ventura has rejected the idea for <strong>Cheap NFL Football Jerseys</strong> a day of prayer."Minnesota deserves better, much better, from its governor," Prichard concluded.In the proclamation, Ventura said, "the strength of a <strong>NHL Jerseys Cheap</strong> democratic society must be based upon equal participation without prejudice <strong>NHL Jerseys China</strong> of all people in the social, economic and political activities of the community."He also said the proclamation reaffirms his administration's commitment to "support, preserve and advance the civil rights guaranteed for all Americans.""Members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community have made significant contributions towards the enhancement of our quality of life through active involvement in the economic and political activities of the community," Ventura said.E-mail a news tip to Jim Burns.Send a Letter to the Editor about this article. Featured Video Horrors! It's Gov't 'Regulated Activity'Scary! Leno Tougher on How President 'Lied' About ObamaCare Than NBC ReportersOTJ: Priest Has Mass Blocked by U.S. Government E-Brief
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- | Charlotte, N.C. (CNSNews.com) - The abortion debate will intensify again Thursday as pro-lifers gather in Charlotte, North Carolina for the <strong>Green Bay Packers Jerseys</strong> National Right to Life Committee's 29th annual convention, one dedicated to restoring "legal protection to the most vulnerable among us," according to convention organizers.Among the speakers at this year's three-day conclave will be singer Pat Boone, abortion and breast cancer researcher Dr. Joel Brind, nationally recognized medical ethicist and author Wesley <strong>Heath Miller Jersey</strong> Smith, and conservative television talk show host Sean Hannity.Brind will open the convention Thursday morning with a speech explaining how he believes abortion and breast cancer are connected.Boone will address a Thursday evening session. The theme of his program is "Let Them Live."Smith will tackle the <strong>Hockey Jersey</strong> subject of "Bio-ethics and <strong>Green Bay Packers Jersey</strong> the threat to the sanctity of human life" in a speech Friday morning. Smith recently wrote a book entitled "Culture of Death." And Saturday's "keynote address" will be delivered by Hannity, co-host of Fox News Channel's "Hannity and Colmes" program. He is expected to explain how he believes the establishment media's "overwhelmingly pro-abortion tilt can be combated."While the NRLC's convention takes place,MLB Baseball Jerseys, <strong>Google Jerseys</strong> the organization's "Youth Outreach Program" will hold a simultaneous convention that it says is designed to "educate teens and college students about pro-life issues." Featured Video Horrors! It's Gov',Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesa;t 'Regulated <strong>Cheap Softball Jerseys</strong> Activity'Scary,NHL Jersey! Leno Tougher on How President 'Lied' About ObamaCare Than NBC ReportersOTJ: Priest Has Mass Blocked by U.S. Government E-Brief
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- | LSU head coach Les Miles, right, poses for a picture with Alabama head coach Nick Saban during a news conferemce for the BCS National Championship college football game Sunday, Jan. 8, 2012, in New Orleans. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)NEW ORLEANS (AP) ― The moment was about as stilted as it could get, though Les Miles and Nick Saban certainly knew the routine. They posed stiffly for the photographers, smiles fixed on their faces and the BCS trophy between them, even though everyone in <strong>Basketball Uniforms</strong> the room except the BCS bigwigs who crowded into the photo op knew they would both rather be somewhere ― make that anywhere ― else.The title game between No. 1 LSU and No. 2 Alabama was little more than a day away, 32 <strong>Basketball Jersey</strong> hours as Miles kept reminding everyone, yet there was still work to be done. There always is for football coaches and,Cheap NBA Jerseys From China, mercifully enough, the last public appearance before the game by the two coaching heavyweights was finally over.Mercifully enough, soon the college football season will be, too.It comes to an end in a dome just a short drive down Interstate 10 from Baton Rouge, making it almost a home game for the team almost everyone outside Alabama believes is the best in the country. It comes to an end in a yet another game between two SEC heavyweights, the third time in 14 months that LSU and Alabama have played each other.That it may not end with a <strong>NFL Jerseys For Sale</strong> clear national champion isn't surprising because the system is deeply flawed. Always will be until a team like Oklahoma State or even Boise State has a chance to battle its way through a playoff to get into the title game.The people who run the BCS will tell you otherwise, arguing that the cartel has done more to elevate the college game than Knute Rockne ever did while prowling the sidelines at Notre Dame. They claim interest in the postseason has never been higher, even while they match teams like West Virginia and Clemson and run a system that makes the BCS title game little more than a second SEC championship <strong>NFL Jerseys Outlet</strong> game.Fans, though, seem to be catching on.They're tired of a bloated bowl season, fed up with mismatches dictated not by records but by conference affiliation. They're voting against the BCS series the only way they know how ― by staying home and watching something else on television.Bowl attendance was down this season, and that's not the biggest story. The Rose Bowl had its lowest television ratings in history, Orange Bowl ratings dropped 37 percent from last year, and Sugar Bowl viewership was almost non-existent. Even the Fiesta Bowl ― won by Oklahoma State over Stanford in an overtime thriller ― was the third-least viewed of the past decade.And to cap it all off we get a title game that feels so yesterday. Not only are LSU and Alabama in the same SEC division, a game between them went into overtime in November without either school scoring a touchdown. It's a little tough for fans to get excited about a rematch that requires a deep appreciation of defensive line play and the kicking game.It's on Jan. 9 to boot, long after New Year's hangovers are forgotten, and ― more importantly ― after the NFL playoffs have already begun. The biggest show in college football wasn't even the biggest show in town over an extended weekend where it seemed every other person was wearing a Drew Brees jersey and the Superdome was rocking as the Saints beat Detroit to open the playoffs.Maybe that's <strong>NFL Jerseys Nike</strong> why Miles felt the need to hype the game just a bit before posing for photographers."I expect it to be big boy football," the LSU coach said. "It will be a game representative of two quality football teams."That's a given, considering these are the two best teams in the best football conference there is. This will be the sixth time in a row a SEC team has won the BCS title game, leading some to joke that the only way an SEC team will lose the title game is to play another SEC team.Not hard to see why. The SEC has $5 million a year coaches, and programs that bring in $100 million a year. It has football traditions that run deep into the fabric of society throughout the South, and it has its way whenever decisions are made in the BCS cartel.It also has athletes that other conferences can only dream about, linebackers with speed who are the size of defensive ends on other teams."I feel like the players are a little bit more versatile and athletic," said Alabama linebacker Dont'a Hightower, who is one of those players. "We don't find too many guys that weigh 260 pounds that can run a 4.6 or 4.5 in any other conference or guy that weighs 200 pounds that can bench press 500."Whether that translates into a good football game remains to be seen. Unlike last year,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys Wholesale Online (6), there's no Cam Newton,NFL Jersey China, no LaMichael James to stir offensive excitement. The quarterbacks <strong>Basketball Jerseys Cheap</strong> on both sides are suspect, and the fact both teams know each other so well could limit the offense even more.In an era of spread offenses and teams scoring 62 points in a game, this figures to be a throwback to the hard nose defenses of earlier times. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it does tend to turn off the casual fan who tunes in to see touchdown celebrations.Don't blame Alabama or LSU for that. They play a style, and it's main the reason they play so often in the title game.Blame the BCS, though, for dragging the whole thing out so long that nothing about this championship game feels special.____Tim Dahlberg is a national sports columnist for The Associated Press. Write to him at tdahlberg(at)ap.org or follow at (Copyright 2012 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)Featured Video Horrors! It's Gov't 'Regulated Activity'Scary! Leno Tougher on How President 'Lied' About ObamaCare Than NBC ReportersOTJ: Priest Has Mass Blocked by U.S. Government E-Brief
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- | "Supporting Hands," a photograph of President Barack Obama as he won the nomination for the Democratic presidential candidate, by AP photographer Chris Carlson, won Best of Show at the Fotobama exhibit at the Newseum. (CNSNews.com/Penny Starr)(CNSNews.com) – A new photography exhibit at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., chronicles the 2008 presidential campaign and the week leading up to Barack Obama’s inauguration as president. The exhibit features 100 photographs by both amateurs and professionals selected by five judges from 1,NHL Jerseys China,500 submitted in a contest to win a spot in the exhibit. The photographs provide a visual look at Obama’s journey from a community organizer in Chicago to becoming the first black president of the United States, but the exhibit is not without images that reveal the politics that brought him to power. Susan Bennett, vice president of marketing at the Newseum, told CNSNews.com that she doesn’t think of the exhibit as political. This is not about Barack Obama,” Bennett said of the exhibit, which is entitled Fotobama” and was done in partnership with FotoWeek DC. This is about the presidential campaign of 2008.” You’ll see images of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden and John McCain in here,” Bennett said. The preponderance of people sent pictures related to Obama because he ultimately won, but we were excited about the enthusiasm and the level of participation that we saw in that campaign. Not because Obama won it,Jersey Shop, but because more people paid attention to (the campaign), Bennett said. Again, this is not about Barack Obama--it’s about photojournalism.” Photos of Obama dominate the exhibit, including the photo chosen Best of Show, taken by Associated Press photographer Chris Carlson called Supporting Hands.” Carlson, like the other photographers in the show, wrote his own caption:A Newseum visitor takes in the Fotobama exhibit. (CNSNews.com/Penny Starr)In 25 years of shooting news photography,NFL Clothing, nothing thrilled Chris Carlson like covering the 2008 presidential campaign. The night Barack Obama captured the Democratic nomination, shown here, was particularly special.Typically, you’ll see people along the rope line trying to take pictures with their cell phones or trying to get him to sign something,” Carlson said. This night people just wanted to touch him.” In the campaign and election professional category, two of the 25 photos are of John McCain. The second place winner in the amateur division includes John McCain. The closest Sarah Palin gets to being in the exhibit is a photo of the legs <strong>NBA Jerseys Cheap</strong> of an impersonator at a McCain rally wearing knee-high boots. Hillary and Bill Clinton are featured in one photo in the amateur election and campaign category as they enter the Scranton, Pennsylvania Riverfront Sports Complex on Oct. 12, 2008, to rally for the first time for Obama. Biden is in several photos, but no images of Palin are in the exhibit. Former President George W. Bush is represented in the professional inaugural week division in a photo that shows the Obamas and Bidens waving as the presidential helicopter takes off at the start of Bush’s trip back to Texas. Another in that category shows him as a cardboard cutout in a photo taken in a store in Crawford, Texas. The third Bush photo in the exhibit shows a protester holding a photo of Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney behind bars. The <strong>NBA Swingman Jerseys</strong> photograph, entitled She Has a Dream,” has the following caption by amateur photographer Federica Valabrega.Former president George W. Bush is referenced in three of <strong>New Nike Jerseys</strong> the 100 photos in the exhibit, including this one of a protester entitled A <strong>NBA Jerseys For Cheap</strong> demonstrator at an anti-George W. Bush protest in Washington’s Dupont Circle on Jan. 19, 2009, wishes the president farewell with a message speaking loud and clear.” Bennett, however, said the exhibit is in keeping with the mission of the Newseum, a museum focusing on journalism and the media. One of the missions of the museum is to celebrate the freedoms we have in this country as guaranteed by the First Amendment and to me this is a pictorial essay on the value of a democracy,” Bennett said. And I think a lot of people saw the election of Barack Obama as living proof that any person of any color in this country has an opportunity to reach as high as they want.” It wasn’t that (Obama) was a Democrat, but that he was an historic new president,” Bennett said. The judges for the contest were Vincent Amalvy, photo director for North and South America at Agence France-Presse; Dennis Brack, president <strong>NBA Jerseys Wholesale</strong> of the White House News Photographers Association; Lucian Perkins, a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist; Ken Geiger, senior editor for technology at National Geographic magazine; and Karen Wyatt, director of collections and visual resources at the Newseum. Bennett told CNSNews.com that the next photography exhibit will focus on war. We’re going to follow this exhibit up with one that we did in partnership with the International Red Cross, and it’s about the aftermath of conflicts around the world,” Bennett said. That’s not a political statement by the Newseum--it's an exhibit on how photojournalists capture the consequences of war.” Another current exhibit also features Obama and his new dog, Bo. The exhibit showcases presidential families and their best friends. Visitors can vote on their favorite top dog by dropping pennies in a tube under the dog’s photo. Nominees in the contest include Bo and the dogs owned by Presidents Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Richard M. Nixon, Lyndon B. Johnson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. A photograph of <strong>NBA Jerseys For Sale</strong> George Bush and his Scottish terrier, Barney, are included in the First Dogs” exhibit.Featured Video Horrors! It's Gov't 'Regulated Activity'Scary! Leno Tougher on How President 'Lied' About ObamaCare Than NBC ReportersOTJ: Priest Has Mass Blocked by U.S. Government E-Brief
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- | Most single women in their 20s can tell you about their bad dates, says Judd Apatow.
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- | What he likes about “Girls,” the new HBO series about single women in their 20s, “is that the characters don’t just talk about the date. We go on the date with them and get to actually see where everything goes to crap. That’s the part I like.”
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- | Apatow has seemingly written and/or produced half the hit movie comedies of recent years, from “Anchorman” and “Knocked Up” to “Bridesmaids” (he’s also among the producers of the forthcoming “The Five Year Engagement”).
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- | For “Girls,” which debuts Sunday at 10:30 p.m., he’s executive-producing alongside Lena Dunham, who also created the show, writes most of the show and stars in the show.
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- | Dunham plays Hannah, who hangs with a posse of three girlfriends in Brooklyn as they all stumble and grope while figuring out what they want to do with their personal and professional lives.
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- | Jemima Kirke plays Jessa, a “whatever” kind of spacy artist. Allison Williams is Marnie, who helps spin things for a PR firm and wants to become a lawyer. Shoshanna, played by Zosia Mamet, is Jessa’s roommate.
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- | A shifting roster of guys run in and out of the girls’ lives, usually after behaving like jerks or deciding the girls are behaving like jerks.
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- | Hannah does have sort of a boyfriend in Adam, played by Adam Driver, but that gives her no immunity from bad decisions.
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- | In other words, anyone can end the night having unsatisfying sex on a dirty couch.
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- | “It’s embarrassing and it’s funny,” says Apatow. “It’s the kind of thing you see with guys most of the time ― and I think it takes strong women to be willing to play this.”
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- | Dunham, who turns 26 next month, says she isn’t making any of this stuff up.
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- | “It’s closely based on my own experience of getting out of college and not having a sense of whether I would ever get to do the thing I wanted to do,” she says. “I was really miserable. I was working in a baby-clothes store and just, <strong>Baseball Uniform Builder</strong> like, excited that I got free cookies in the afternoon.”
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- | She grew up watching “Sex and the City” and says the best New Year’s Eve of her life was hunkering down with her mother and <strong>NFL Jerseys China</strong> <strong>NFL Jerseys Outlet</strong> watching a “Sex and the City” marathon, “like nine episodes.”
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- | So it was a disappointment when she came back to New York and discovered she would not immediately be moving into a penthouse with Carrie Bradshaw’s shoe closet.
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- | In one of the early setup scenes for “Girls,” Hannah’s parents tell her they are cutting her off financially, so she will be forced to make it on her own and not just keep working at a nonpaying internship while she tries to become a writer.
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- | She calculates that with her present expenses, she can afford to live in the city for three more days. “Seven, if I skip lunch.”
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- | So money becomes an issue, which seems to be common for people in their 20s in Brooklyn on television this year. “I Just Want My Pants Back” on MTV and “2 Broke Girls” on CBS both start with that financial premise.
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- | But <strong>Baseball Jerseys Custom</strong> while “Girls” is nominally a comedy,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, like the other shows, it also visits more troubling and uncomfortable places.
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- | “One of the best things about being on HBO is you have the time to go deeper,” says Apatow. “You don’t have to be high concept and wrap up in 20 minutes.”
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- | You can include so many more details of the bad date.
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- | Adding to the restless atmosphere is the look of the <strong>Basketball Jersey</strong> show, which bears little resemblance to the glamorous gloss of “Sex and the City.” The fact that these girls can’t afford upscale Manhattan wardrobes isn’t the only reason “Girls” looks a lot funkier.
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- | “I like shows that have a bit of a documentary feel,” says Apatow, and Dunham’s background in low-budget productions,Jerseys Wholesale, like her cult debut film “Tiny Furniture,” doesn’t suggest she’s aspiring to Hollywood slickness.
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- | There are times when the characters in “Girls” feel less like aspirants to “Sex and the City” lives than extensions of the high-school girls cited in a currently popular book about high school as “the drama years.”
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- | At times, “Girls” seems to suggest those years could be like “Groundhog Day,” with some people doomed to endlessly repeat them.
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- | Apatow laughs at the idea.
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- | “I know people in their 40s and even in their 50s who are still living the way they did in their 20s,” he says. “Some days I seriously consider whether they made the right choice.”
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- | But seriously, he says, people have different timetables.
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- | “Everyone has a few lost years where they’re making all their mistakes before they figure out the right job and relationships,” he says. “That’s what this show is about ― people who screw up.”
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- | He also suggests there might be a subconscious method to Hannah’s behavior, misguided as <strong>NFL Jerseys From China</strong> it sometimes seems.
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- | “This is a woman who wants to be a writer,” Apatow says. “So she feels she needs life experience. I think she deliberately chooses to walk down some dark alleys to get that experience.”
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- | Dunham says that even when the girls are spinning their wheels, they’re trying to get somewhere.
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- | “We’ve all been really conscious of making sure it’s clear that they’re trying their hardest,” says Dunham. “They make mistakes, but they’re also working toward something. It’s a ‘two steps forward, one step back’ situation. They do need to grow up. That’s what the show is about. It’s about that sort of effort to change.”
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- | “These are women who know they have skills and are frustrated they aren’t appreciated,” says Apatow. “They have a sense of entitlement.”
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- | What can’t happen,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, of course, is for Hannah the character to follow the path of Lena the writer and get a deal to develop a show with Judd Apatow for HBO.
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- | “No, that would kill it,” says Apatow. “There’s nothing funny about people who have their s― together.’
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- | WASHINGTON ― Politically, Newt Gingrich is a dead man walking ― but can still stroll all the way to the Tampa convention and prolong Mitt Romney’s coronation if he chooses.
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- | Assuming he’s shellacked by Sunshine State voters Tuesday as all the polls foreshadow, Florida is the beginning of the end of Gingrich’s comeback dreams.
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- | “The die is pretty much cast,” a senior party elder sitting out this intramural slugfest predicted. “By and large, the party has spoken.”
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- | Republican elders,Green Bay Packers Jersey, including many still nominally neutral, concluded long ago Romney has the best shot of attracting independent voters in crucial swing states that will <strong>Nike Football Jerseys</strong> decide this election.
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- | But in James Carville’s inelegant analogy, decapitated chickens flap about awhile before succumbing to the obvious.
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- | So can Gingrich ― in part because unlike Florida’s winner-take-all rule, most states now assign convention delegates by proportional representation.
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- | So unless Rick Santorum and Ron Paul bow to the all-but-inevitable and cease organized resistance, Romney could theoretically arrive at the convention with fewer <strong>Nike Jersey</strong> than 1,144 delegates needed for the nomination.
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- | For now, there’s no incentive for Gingrich to bail.
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- | After Saturday’s Nevada caucuses, and Colorado and Minnesota next week, there’s a three-week hiatus until Arizona and Michigan Feb. 28.
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- | “February looks good for us,” a Romney booster said, “but not a knockout blow.”
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- | Gingrich partisans <strong>Nike Football Uniforms</strong> say he’ll stay in through Super Tuesday’s 11 contests on March 6, where he should win Oklahoma, Tennessee and his native Georgia. Former Secretary of State James Baker, whose rise to prominence began as President Gerald Ford’s delegate hunter at the 1976 GOP Kansas City convention,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, told the Daily News <strong>Nike Jersey</strong> that brokered conventions in smoke-filled backrooms have gone the way of the dinosaurs.
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- | “But if nobody drops out after Super Tuesday, I wouldn’t be surprised if it did not become a delegate race much like we saw in ’76,NFL Custom Jerseys,” Baker said.
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- | But such trench <strong>Cheap NFL Football Jerseys</strong> warfare ― where Ford beat Ronald Reagan by a wafer-thin 117 votes ― requires plenty of cash and a superior <strong>Cheap NFL Jerseys From China</strong> organization.
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- | Romney has the upper hand in both departments.
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- | The NHL players' union responded Thursday afternoon in Toronto to the league’s recent collective bargaining proposal, but after only an hour NHL commissioner Gary Bettman walked out, “thoroughly disappointed” with the content of all three counteroffers the players laid on the table.
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- | “We were done in an hour today because there was really nothing new,” Bettman told reporters, calling the day a “step backward.” “We’re nowhere close.” The commissioner said that of the players’ three proposals,Jerseys Wholesale, “none began to approach” the 50-50 revenue split sought by the NHL.
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- | Don Fehr and the NHL Players’ Association contend their third offer did, in fact, promise the league a transition toward a 50-50 split if, in exchange, the owners would promise to honor current player contracts. Fehr told reporters the NHL’s recent offer sought a 12.3% reduction in salaries.
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- | The NHL, though, shot back with a pointed press <strong>Cheap NFL Jerseys Usa</strong> release:
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- | “The so-called 50-50 deal, plus honoring current contracts proposed by the NHL Players’ Association earlier (Thursday), is being misrepresented,” deputy commissioner Bill Daly wrote. <strong>Cheap Nike Jerseys</strong> “It is not a 50-50 deal. It is most likely a 56-to-57% percent deal in Year <strong>Cheap Softball Jerseys</strong> One and never gets to 50% during the proposed five-year term of the agreement. The proposal contemplates paying the players approximately $650 million outside of the players’ share. In effect, the union is proposing to change the accounting rules to be able to say ‘50-50,’ when in reality it is not. The union told us that they had not yet ‘run the numbers.’ We did.”
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- | All of the optimism built up in the past couple days that a full 82-game regular season could begin by Nov. 2 has now deflated.
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- | The NHL wanted to reach a deal by Oct. 25 in order to begin play,Kids NFL Jerseys, <strong>Cheap NFL Jerseys Paypal</strong> but that seems so unlikely after Thursday that the league <strong>Cheap NHL Jerseys China</strong> is reportedly expected to cancel its next chunk of regular-season games as soon as Friday,Cheap Authentic MLB Jerseys. Bettman also acknowledged that he is nearing the <strong>Cheap NFL Jerseys Uk</strong> time when he will have to cancel flagship events such as the Winter Classic and All-Star Game.
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- | Rangers player representative Marty Biron, who expressed “cautious optimism” in an earlier interview with the Daily News on Thursday, later cautioned that negotiations can fluctuate radically from day-to-day. So the resolution is about consistent meetings, but the players aren’t simply going to roll over and accept a deal, Biron said.
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- | SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ― California's highest court heard a precedent-setting case Thursday that could expose Roman Catholic dioceses in the state to another round of clergy abuse lawsuits.The case before the California Supreme Court, which involves six brothers in their 40s and <strong>Cheap NFL Football Jerseys</strong> 50s, could allow adults who only recently connected their psychological problems to what happened to them as children to seek damages.The brothers allege they were molested by an Oakland priest during the 1970s but didn't link it to their ongoing distress until 2006. The priest,New Nike NFL Uniforms, Donald Broderson, was forced to retire amid abuse allegations in 1993 and died in 2010.Although legal time limits generally prevent plaintiffs from bringing civil complaints based on long-ago events, the California Legislature has expanded the statute of limitations for child abuse lawsuits several times during the last 25 years to make it easier for victims of childhood abuse to pursue their claims.Most recently, it opened a one-year window in 2003 for people who otherwise would have been prevented by the passage of time to sue churches, schools and other employers that knowingly shielded accused molesters decades earlier.The Oakland Diocese maintains the men are precluded from suing now because they did not do so during the one-year window and because of a since-abolished 1998 provision <strong>NFL Youth Jerseys</strong> that allowed plaintiffs in child abuse cases to go after a perpetrator's employer only if they were under the age of 26. All the brothers had passed 26 by then."This Legislature added an absolute age-26 bar," Margaret Grignon,Cheap NFL Apparel, <strong>Cheap Jersey</strong> the diocese's lawyer, told the court. "That is separate from delayed discovery" of problems stemming from long-ago abuse.The brothers' lawyers contend neither time limit applies to their clients because of a series of amendments adopted during the 1990s that gave victims three years from when they realized their difficulties in adult life resulted from child abuse to go to court. A midlevel appeals court agreed in 2009, reversing a trial judge who had thrown out the case on statute of limitations grounds."Our clients...and other similarly situated victims have an opportunity to use that delayed accrual" of suffering to seek redress, said Irwin Zalkin, the brothers' lawyer. "If you are going to take the position that this claim was barred before it even accrued, you would be saying they never had the opportunity" to sue the diocese for covering up Broderson's actions.Broderson admitted in a sworn deposition he gave in 2005 that he had had sexual relationships with four sets of underage brothers during the 1970s, including at least two of the brothers in the case now before the Supreme Court. He also admitted fondling other children, including one little girl.The admissions came in since-settled cases brought by other grown men.After receiving complaints from parents, Broderson's superiors transferred him between parishes and ordered him to undergo counseling. The brothers in the Oakland case said his testimony triggered the realization that abuse by the priest caused their difficulties as adults.At least eight other clergy abuse lawsuits involving similar claims of belated discovery <strong>Cheap Jerseys From China</strong> of psychological injuries are on hold throughout the state pending the Supreme Court's decision in the Oakland case.Catholic dioceses and religious orders in California already have paid more than $1.1 billion since 2006 to settle child abuse lawsuits filed since the church clergy scandal erupted a decade ago.The archbishop of Los Angeles, the bishop of Sacramento,MLB Baseball Jerseys, the Boy Scouts of America, the Order of Carmelites and a private school association all filed friend-of-the-court briefs siding with the Oakland diocese in the case heard Thursday.The court's seven justices appeared conflicted on how to resolve the plaintiffs' desire for justice with state laws that allow statutes of limitations to be extended only when the Legislature makes it abundantly clear that was its intention."We don't read vague language to revive lapsed claims," Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye said, saying it was unclear from the <strong>NHL Hockey Jerseys</strong> statute that lawmakers meant to give adults beyond the 2003 window to sue over decades-old allegations.The line of questioning prompted Zalkin to urge the court ― in an appeal Associate Justice Carol Corrigan would later characterize as histrionic ― to resist the temptation to deny his clients out <strong>Nike Authentic NFL Jerseys</strong> of concern that it would "open the floodgates" to more clergy abuse lawsuits."In the balance, these are people whose lives have suffered, they suffered in ways you cannot imagine," he said. "The defendants come here today en masse asking this court to shield them from accountability."The Supreme Court has 90 days in which to issue its ruling."The statute is a set of cake layers, and the question for the court is unraveling all these successive layers of modifications to try to determine a uniform rule for people over the age of 26 to bring actions against institutional defendants," said Richard Simon, a Hayward lawyer who represents clergy abuse plaintiffs. (Copyright 2012 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)Featured Video Horrors! It's Gov't 'Regulated Activity'Scary! Leno Tougher on How President 'Lied' About ObamaCare Than NBC ReportersOTJ: Priest Has Mass Blocked by U.S. Government E-Brief
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