- | Nerdr, you do not seem to value privacy and aynnomity of the individual very much.Everybody should have their right to privacy (on the Internet this often means pseudonymity or even aynnomity) by principle, not because they have something to hide .I can send cash anonymously to everybody I like, and The Man is not allowed to open my mail in order to check.I can call anybody I want anonymously, and nobody is required to know why and when I did it.I can go to a store and buy anything I want with cash, and nobody is required to know about that transaction.I could go on, but this is the kind of privacy and aynnomity we take for granted in our daily, AFK lives, and taking it away from people would cause major outrage.While, on the Internet, if you want to have a similar kind of privacy, you are branded as an outlaw. Even by people like yourself, who I honestly think should know better.If the privacy that comes with BitCoin and similar systems is used for nefarious purposes, that's because of the perpetrator, and not the technology. I still want my right to trade anonymously on the Internet. I don't care if there are people who do that to escape the law.Also, as somebody else above remarked: it must be allowed to defy unjust laws. Like for example laws that allow The Man to eavesdrop on all my Internet communications. And I defy them by using anonymization technology, or maybe software like BitCoin.
| + | aww zynga lotto sucks! i've tried so many times so many emails even more than 30 tabs and aawlys reward nr 1 and sometimes nr 2 never something else! |