From Gfwiki

There are many sections. These is the main guidelines:

"General Behaviour

Treat other members with the respect they deserve. This means do not flame, slander, or demean another user. Members reported for abusing another may be warned for their behaviour and will banned if they persist. This applies to the main forums, the Private Messaging and Email to a Friend facility.

Posting Behaviour

Please do not spam. There is an appropriate forum set aside for spam, which you can use. Any posts deemed to be off-topic are at risk of being deleted by the forum staff. When you make a post, please ensure it is in the relevant section and is clearly titled. New threads, which are created in the wrong forums, will be moved or closed at the staff’s discretion. Threads with titles deemed to be 'opaque' may also be edited. Refrain from making multiple posts in a row. Use the edit button function as this helps keeping the forums look tidy. Do not post threads in all capitals since this is considered akin to shouting and is not necessary. Do not overuse profanity in your posts. Members who persist in a stream of foul or abusive language risk having their posts edited by the staff or deleted entirely. Repeat offenders will be banned.

Advertising and Pornography

Advertising of other sites/services is forbidden outside The Shameless Advertiser and the posting of links to pornography is strictly forbidden. The Gaming Forums staff is instructed to remove any breaches they come across and to report them to their seniors. Members advertising or posting pornography links will be banned from the forums.

Warez & Piracy

Requests for warez and warez links will be treated as piracy. This includes requests or provision of CD keys, cracks, serials, and pirated software or movies of any kind. The promotion of peer-to-peer client software is also strictly forbidden. Any member found to be breaching this guideline, will be warned or banned from Gaming Forums.

Avatars and Signatures

Avatars and Signatures must not contain offensive or distasteful images or slogans (for more information on Nazi imagery, please read this announcement). Avatars cannot be larger than 120 by 120 pixels and the image in your signature cannot be larger than 800 by 160 pixels and one line of standard-sized text . You can, however, also have multiple lines of text if the height of your image is adjusted accordingly. You can also include one so-called userbar (max height is 20 pixels) in your signature instead of text, or you can have up to five userbars but no other image and no text. Additionally, signatures cannot contain more than 300 characters; this includes the various coding available for use. Members who use signatures or avatars, which fall outside of these limits, will have the ability to have an avatar and a signature removed. In addition to that, the member will also lose the ability to edit their profile for as long as the forum administration sees fit.

The Gaming Forums Staff

Please ensure you follow the instructions given by the forum staff at all times. The staff works hard to keep Gaming Forums a fun place to be and any disrespect will be result in appropriate punishment for the member in question. If you have an issue with a Moderator, please consult a Super Moderator privately who will then take appropriate action to resolve the dispute. If an escalation occurs, the final decision on the matter will rest with the Forums Administrators."

The full schablam can be found here:


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