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Revision as of 06:53, 30 November 2006 by Nusentinsaino (Talk | contribs)
- Nusentinsaino or, 'Nusent' as many members call him has been a member since December 8th 2003.
- Former name was "TonyMontana" and changed it to Nusentinsaino during the name change amnesty.
- A former moderator of the Spam Forum
- A former major spammer
- He is the one who thought of changing the forum from "Spamming/Test Forum" to a much more simple name, "The Spam Forum"
- A former major spammer
- He left the forums and modship during late 2004 to attend much more important tasks.
- He came back in late 2005 and became a moderator for the Entertainment Forum.
Who is he?
- Little is known about him today since that he does not post as much.
- Is Hard of Hearing
- Enjoys offending people and watching them take action (This was during the dark days of the Melee Forum)
- Tends to be hypocritical on purpose for amusement
- Currently attends Rochester Institute of Technology for Arts & Computer Designs in Rochester, New York
- Has a girlfriend of two years and she helped to destroy the stereotype that all members of gaming forums have no life
- Has a devoted love for Heineken