Political Parties

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This collection of political parties are perhaps the Spam Forum's most well know idiosyncrasy. Once every few months one party declares war on another, resulting in several days of endless spam, horror, and fruit chunks raining from the sky as in the apocalypse. Although not all parties are, in fact, named after a fruit the abundance of parties that do worship some form of fruit and/or vegetable has resulted in the term "Fruit Parties" being coined.

Herein lies a short description of each party, to be added or amended by the leader of the party in question:

The Spam Party

First in victory, first forgotten.

The Kiwi Party

This party is indisputably the greatest political force in the Spam Forum, due to the fact that it's member list includes Chiefy, Reven, Jesus of Suburbia, Rookie_42 and the almighty Dreadnought[DK]. The combined awesomeness of this band of warriors makes all resistance hopeless - indeed the Kiwi Party's greatest rival, the Peach Party have been smitten down like the heathens that they are so many times that JoS has lost count. And believe me, it takes a big number to do that.

When the party leaders are not plotting political coups or disputing military tactics, they enjoy eating Kiwi fruit and drinking tea, courtesy of the Lower Slobovian Club, one of the Kiwi Party's primary allies.

The Peach Party

The peach party is the original fruit party. It was created in a thread in mid 2005 by Pehegreat to enshrine Lord Wiener's love of peaches. The 4 dark lords of the Peach are Lord Wiener, Master of Reality, Pethegreat, and the1chaos The party is dedicated to the destruction of the kiwis and their evil pirate allies. The peach party is allied with ninjas. The peach party is always active, compared to the one or two month periods of activity for the kiwi party.

Often emulated, never equaled.

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