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Revision as of 21:47, 29 September 2008 by Zapex (Talk | contribs)

A Color long presumed dead, it was brought to life with the power of the Blue Leader: Raptor_101 and his black allies. The original creators seem to have forgotten the thread entirely Or have moved on to other threads. Namely Crazy Wolf. A member of the BGBPW, an alliance set to combat the power of red.

Ranks, Military, Members.

Blue Menace (Leader.)- Raptor_101

Blue Two - Zapex

Blue Nemesis- N/A

Blue Admiral (Keeps everyone in order and gives regular update to the Blue Menace. Also owns the Blue Fleet.)- GateCrusher420

Blue Generals (Two members from the Black Thread.)-Marshall_Brant

Blue Wing (Part of the Blue Air Force.)- Jetfreak,Raptor_101 and KrnDudeMAN::~

Blue Wing 6 (Undercover Group Of Agents and Commandos, Led By Blue Two)-[ [Zapex]](Leader), Gini Pig, Angel-Demon

Blue Commando (Advanced member that is able to spy, cause havoc, and recruit as many people as possible.)- N/A

Blue Agent (1-3 members acting as spies and looking into other threads activities. Also post regularly in the Blue thread.)- Frieden and Encrypted_Jzy0

Blue Armor (Posts the most in the Blue thread. Keeps the Reds out of the Blue Thread.)- N/A

Blue Navy (Posts in enemy threads to cause havoc. 1-3 people.)- Bucca Fire.

Blue Members: Marshall_Brant, Jetfreak, Encrypted_Jzy0, GateCrusher420, Frieden, Bucca Fire, Raptor_101, Zapex, Gini Pig, and Angel-Demon.


August 6th, 2008: The Blue Thread is created by Raptor_101

Nothing much happens after that. Yet.

That's all for now. We strive to destroy Red and any of it's allies.

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