Master Lindale

From Gfwiki

Revision as of 08:27, 6 November 2011 by Master Lindale (Talk | contribs)

Single-handedly improving Switzerland to hyper-cool, Master Lindale is a wonderful, ethereal presence gracing the forums with his words. Of course, if you catch him in the right mood, he will sometimes spew forth Russian all over the place, just to see what people say.

He started off as a lurker, where he remained for nearly 2 years before finally being bribed to create a profile.

He is known for being a nerd, a Trekkie, a "walking Star Wars encyclopedia," and an overall friendly neighborhood niceguy.

He is also known for being an elite Grammar Nazi, and also helped to create a storytelling forum, appropriately known as the Creative Writing Forum. Sadly, his own writings have since disappeared into the depths of the archive. He may, however, share them with you if you ask politely.

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