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A Color long presumed dead, it was brought to life with the power of the Blue Leader: Raptor_101 and his black allies.
We're a bunch of immature, faggoty users who can't spam for shit. Yup.
The original creators seem to have forgotten the thread entirely Or have moved on to other threads. Namely Crazy Wolf.
A member of the BGBPW, an alliance set to combat the power of red.
==Ranks, Military, Members.==
It's the truth.
Blue Menace (Leader.)- [[Raptor_101]]
Blue Two - [[Zapex]]
Blue Nemesis- N/A
Blue Admiral (Keeps everyone in order and gives regular update to the Blue Menace. Also owns the Blue Fleet.)- [[GateCrusher420]]
Blue Generals (Two members from the Black Thread.)-[[Marshall_Brant]]
Blue Wing (Part of the Blue Air Force.)- [[Jetfreak]],[[Raptor_101]] and [[KrnDudeMAN::~]]
Blue Wing 6 (Under Cover Unit - Run By Blue Two) - N/A
Blue Commando (Advanced member that is able to spy, cause havoc, and recruit as many people as possible.)- N/A
Blue Agent (1-3 members acting as spies and looking into other threads activities. Also post regularly in the Blue thread.)- [[Frieden]] and [[Encrypted_Jzy0]]
Blue Armor (Posts the most in the Blue thread. Keeps the Reds out of the Blue Thread.)- N/A
Blue Navy (Posts in enemy threads to cause havoc. 1-3 people.)- [[Bucca Fire]].
Blue Members: [[Marshall_Brant]], [[Jetfreak]], [[Encrypted_Jzy0]], [[GateCrusher420]], [[Frieden]], [[Bucca Fire]], and [[Raptor_101]].
The Lost one(s)(People who have betrayed the Blue thread for the Red thread or any of it's allies or who have been banned.): [[Legolas*]](Calvin explains the reason for this on page 342 in the thread.),[[Dragonelf68]],[[bigdoggie]],[[Serio]], and [[smartone29]]
On Aug 4. 2008, a siege on the Communist Red Thread was initiated by Raptor_101 and Legolas*. A strategic retreat was soon ordered by the Blue Two. The Reds were pwned. The battle is known by several names - The Over Run of the Red Thread, The Clash for Water, and The Great Pwn. This battle was a sign of BGBPW independence from Communism.
On Aug 5th 2008, a second siege on the red thread was initiated by Blue leader and Blue two. While in the midst of battle, Blue Two realized he needed more posts in his own thread to win so they retreated. The battle is known as The Blue Beating. Another victory for BGBPW !
On August 9th 2008, the organization aquired several aircraft to bolster the Blue Wing. Deliveries of Super Gripens, F/A-37 Talons, RafaleX's and F-22's were sorted out by Jetfreak and his staff.
All the new planes are now combat ready. They are fully equipped with AIM-9's, AIM-20's and JDAM's
August 10-September 15 2008
Several of our members have been banned and or left the blue thread.
September 28 2008
Today Was The Trial Of Commissar MercZ of the red. Under the command of Blue Two, Zapex, A new wing was formed. Blue Wing 6 was it's newfound name... Blue Two Got Them In As Guards and In The End, Ended Up Killing Legolas*'s elite guards guarding the execution room. This new Wing Is Our New Undercover Unit. The Mission Was A Huge Sucess... We Scared Commissar MercZ into confessin, and pulled out before we were all killed. Blue Two lost his twin this day, and may Billy R.I.P. For as long as the Blue Thread Lasts, and longer into the future. All The Men That Served In This Day Are Now Wearing The Operation: Confess medals.
We Do Not Know The Outcome of the trial for Blue Two pulled out to keep his men safe.
A Victory to the BGBPW Alliance Though, For Making Their 2ic Confess.
That's all for now. We strive to destroy Red and any of it's allies.

Revision as of 23:37, 28 September 2008

We're a bunch of immature, faggoty users who can't spam for shit. Yup.

It's the truth.

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