Political Parties

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== Hurricane America ==
== Hurricane America ==
Created by Killer Kyle, it's original purpose was to be a party to end the domination of the fruit parties, which he found as somewhat of a fad.  Going against the flow (as he sometimes does) and using words he saw in a dream (he is not kidding), he created the Hurricane America party.  Struggling at first, it gained officers quick after the creation of the Killer Kyle-only thread with the promise that party members could post in that thread, a promise that was upheld.
Created by [[Killer Kyle]], it's original purpose was to be a party to end the domination of the fruit parties, which he found as somewhat of a fad.  Going against the flow (as he sometimes does) and using words he saw in a dream (he is not kidding), he created the Hurricane America party.  Struggling at first, it gained officers quick after the creation of the Killer Kyle-only thread with the promise that party members could post in that thread, a promise that was upheld.
Shortly after it's creation and membership rise, HA conducted one short "war" with the peaches, in which a fake task force destroyed Georgia (the Peach State) on the assumption that the Peach home base was there.  This attack was aided by the Pirate Party (then and possibly still a part of the Kiwi Party).  Shortly before the war's conclusion, a spam menace known as Orlfman started invading threads and creating threads of his own.  Hurricane America was attacted and invaded but HA repelled Orlfman and later conquered all of his threads.  Orlfman was later banned (haha!).
Shortly after it's creation and membership rise, HA conducted one short "war" with the peaches, in which a fake task force destroyed Georgia (the Peach State) on the assumption that the Peach home base was there.  This attack was aided by the Pirate Party (then and possibly still a part of the Kiwi Party).  Shortly before the war's conclusion, a spam menace known as Orlfman started invading threads and creating threads of his own.  Hurricane America was attacted and invaded but HA repelled Orlfman and later conquered all of his threads.  Orlfman was later banned (haha!).
Since then, HA has not conducted any wars but has lended support to other parties for possible wars.  Some cabinet members of HA have become absent and may be replaced in the near future.  Still, president Killer Kyle keeps this party alive and active when he can and attempts to keep his members together, ensuring dominance.
Since then, HA has not conducted any wars but has lended support to other parties for possible wars.  Some cabinet members of HA have become absent and may be replaced in the near future.  Still, president [[Killer Kyle]] keeps this party alive and active when he can and attempts to keep his members together, ensuring dominance.
Hurricane America's main goals are acceptance and recognition as a major political party.  That recognition has partially come. Fruit pary annihilation may still be on their agenda, though it is not a major point and has been put on hold.  For now, they are at peace with the fruit parties as well as all other parties.
Hurricane America's main goals are acceptance and recognition as a major political party.  That recognition has partially come. Fruit pary annihilation may still be on their agenda, though it is not a major point and has been put on hold.  For now, they are at peace with the fruit parties as well as all other parties.

Revision as of 17:02, 27 September 2006



This collection of political parties are perhaps the Spam Forum's most well know idiosyncrasy. Once every few months one party declares war on another, resulting in several days of endless spam, horror, and fruit chunks raining from the sky as in the apocalypse.

Herein lies a short description of each party, to be added or amended by the leader of the party in question:

The Spam Party

First in victory, first forgotten.

An ecclectic group of Spamers, the Spam Party worked its muscle to bring the forums back to the people. Created on the foundation of bettering the party and not on superficial motives such as "awesomeness" or "destruction", the party shed light on the corruption of the edible fruit political machine. While they are not as prominent or egotistical as the Kiwis or Peaches, they can claim a great deal of support from the disaffected former fruits of the forums. They have since evolved into the S.P.A.M. (Socially Progressive Awesome Movement) party, however they still hold the same ideals and principals of the old Spam Party.

Prominant members include: Akechi's Blade, AmericanSaint, bobm, Crazy Wolf, Der Sturmbannführer, Dipship, Eagle One, evildude, Gamefreak, -Ghost-, gingerbreadman, gopaloo, Hitman47, jihuugegi, JP(NL), lmhr05, malice the eumidian, Mr. Matt, nameChanged, Napalm, nimo333, pInK_eLePhAnT, Quack!, R.Winters, Red Menace, SeinfeldRules, SteveCormacke, terminal-strike, TIKI, Torpov, Truce, Vantage, WW2dude

The Kiwi Party

This party is indisputably the greatest political force in the Spam Forum, due to the fact that its member list includes Chiefy, Reven, Jesus of Suburbia, Rookie_42 and the almighty Dreadnought[DK]. The combined awesomeness of this band of warriors makes all resistance hopeless - indeed the Kiwi Party's greatest rival, the Peach Party have been smitten down like the heathens that they are so many times that JoS has lost count. And believe me, it takes a big number to do that.

When the party leaders are not plotting political coups or disputing military tactics, they enjoy eating Kiwi fruit and drinking tea, courtesy of the Lower Slobovian Club, one of the Kiwi Party's primary allies.

The Peach Party

The peach party is the original fruit party. It was created in a thread in mid 2005 by Pehegreat to enshrine Lord Wiener's love of peaches. The 5 dark lords of the Peach are Lord Wiener, Master of Reality, Pethegreat, the1chaos, and Phoenix_22. The party is dedicated to the destruction of the kiwis and their evil pirate allies. The peach party is allied with ninjas. The peach party is always active, compared to the one or two month periods of activity for the kiwi party.

Often emulated, never equaled.

The Libertarian Fashist Spam Party

Formed several months ago, the Fashist Party was once the GF Gestapo and Phashist Party, until it settled with it's current name. The leader of this party is Aeroflotte. The party believes in preserving the old spammy ways of long ago. Currently the Fashist Party is not allied with anyone, although previous alliances were made. This party is more of an underground organization which occaisionally surfaces when tensions run high.

The Pirate Party

Formed originally by Cap'n Rommel (formerly Irwin Rommel), the Pirate Party is allied with the Kiwi's. The Pirate party is based in its own Pirate Haven, the Rogue forum, but is mainly active in the GF spam forum, attacking ninjas, carnies, and any other small folk with booty worth plundering. As a result of the Pirate Party, a Pirate usergroup is currently under construction in recognition of the growing Pirate population on the forums.

Hurricane America

Created by Killer Kyle, it's original purpose was to be a party to end the domination of the fruit parties, which he found as somewhat of a fad. Going against the flow (as he sometimes does) and using words he saw in a dream (he is not kidding), he created the Hurricane America party. Struggling at first, it gained officers quick after the creation of the Killer Kyle-only thread with the promise that party members could post in that thread, a promise that was upheld.

Shortly after it's creation and membership rise, HA conducted one short "war" with the peaches, in which a fake task force destroyed Georgia (the Peach State) on the assumption that the Peach home base was there. This attack was aided by the Pirate Party (then and possibly still a part of the Kiwi Party). Shortly before the war's conclusion, a spam menace known as Orlfman started invading threads and creating threads of his own. Hurricane America was attacted and invaded but HA repelled Orlfman and later conquered all of his threads. Orlfman was later banned (haha!).

Since then, HA has not conducted any wars but has lended support to other parties for possible wars. Some cabinet members of HA have become absent and may be replaced in the near future. Still, president Killer Kyle keeps this party alive and active when he can and attempts to keep his members together, ensuring dominance.

Hurricane America's main goals are acceptance and recognition as a major political party. That recognition has partially come. Fruit pary annihilation may still be on their agenda, though it is not a major point and has been put on hold. For now, they are at peace with the fruit parties as well as all other parties.

The Communist Party

Started by Shintsu and a few others, the Communist Party is currently revolutionizing the Spam Forum. They believe in the downfall of the Capitalist pigs, and the equality of all peoples! The Communist Party is currently allied to the Kiwi Party, The Pirates and the Duck Guild, and will destroy all who don't support them!

GF Political Elections

Somewhat annual elections to choose the ruling party of the forum (although primarilly of Spam), even though the parties themselves have different feelings on their methods of ruling. A greater understanding of these elections can be found at the GF Political Elections article.

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