
From Gephqua

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[[Image:{{{image_planet}}}|200px|{{{common_name}}}, as seen from space.]]
[[Image:{{{planet_map}}}|200px|Map of {{{common_name}}}.]]
Adjective Form: {{{adjective_form}}}
Location: The Korah System
Solar Position: {{{position}}}
Inhabitants: The Gephqua
Percent Water: {{{water_percent}}}
Percent Land: {{{land_percent}}}
Day Length: {{{day}}}
Year Length: {{{year}}}
Mass: {{{mass}}}
Circumference: {{{circum}}}
Moon(s): {{{moons}}}
Aphelion Distance: {{{aphelion}}}
Perihelion Distance: {{{perihelion}}}
Axial Tilt: {{{axis}}}°
Surface Temp:

Atmospheric Composition: {{{atmosphere}}}

Eirh is the homeworld of the Gephqua, and is the fifth planet of the Korah System.


Planetary Evolution

Physical Characteristics





Weather and Climate

Climate Zones

Equatorial Zone

Temperate Zone

Twighlight Zones

Weather Phenomenon

Magnetic Field

Orbit and Rotation

Divisions of Time

Great Axial Shift



Eirh is home to countless millions of species of organisms. Due to eighty-five percent of the planet being covered in oceans, the majority of all life exists in the seas, of that the majority are microscopic organisms.

Of these varied forms of life it is worth taking a closer look at some of the notable components of the Eirhan biosphere.

Animal Life

Animal life is defined as organisms that are heterotrophic; that is, they require sustenance upon something different from them selves; as opposed to autotrophs which produce their own sustenance (such as the phototrophs); and which are motile at least at some stage in their lifespan. The animal life on Eirh ranges from microscopic, unicellular organisms to vast, robust multicellular organisms--including the Gephqua themselves which are the most advanced lifeforms on the planet and its only sentient species.


What we might typically call "plants", organisms that feed primarily through the absorption of light via photosynthesis. On Eirh two similar, but completely unrelated, "plants" exist. The most familiar are the phototrophs that consume primarily blue light, and photosynthesize it into simple sugar compounds--these typically have a green or greenish color to their photosynthetic components due to their cells containing a substance similar to chlorophyll. The other variety of phototrophs are those which feed upon ultraviolet light, due to Korah's (the sun) status as a Type A/Type F blue star there is considerable amount of ultraviolet light which radiates the planet; since these "plants" absorb only ultraviolet light they reflect all the other frequencies of the spectrum which gives them a white or off-white appearance in their photosynthetic components. The fields of deep green grasses which cover most of the planet's land surfaces are an example of the former, while the white fern forests in the northern Twightlight Belt is an example of the latter.



Gephquanese Habitation

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