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Blackberry manufacturer Research in Motion (RIM) has reported a quarterly loss, due in part to falling revenues on the back of weak smartphone shipments.

The Canadian company made a net loss for the three months to 3 March of $125m (�78m), compared with a profit of $934m a year earlier.

Revenues fell to $4.2bn from $5.2bn.

The firm also suggested it would refocus on the corporate market rather than on individual consumers.

It also announced the resignation of former co-chief executive Jim Balsillie.

Chief technology officer David Yacht will also be standing down.

Shares in the company fell as much as 9% in after-hours trading following the trading statement. They have fallen by 80% over the past year.

Shipments of BlackBerry smartphones in the quarter fell to 11.1 million, down 21% from the previous three-month period.

Shipments of the company's PlayBook tablets hit 500,000, largely due to substantial discounting.

For the full financial year, the company made a net profit of $1.2bn, down from $3.4bn in the previous year.

The results were worse than analysts had expected and RIM shares fell sharply in after-hours trading. Corporate focus

RIM has struggled to keep up with rivals in the smartphone market, such as Apple's iPhone and handsets running on Google's Android operating system.

It has also struggled to gain a foothold in the tablet market.



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    With pressure building against the regime on several fronts and government forces on their heels in the battle for the northern commercial hub of Aleppo, rebels have recently begun pushing back into Damascus after largely being driven out of the capital following a July offensive," says Jeremy Gans. One Damascus resident reported seeing rebel forces near a suburb of the city previously deemed to be safe from fighting. Regime forces suffered a string of tactical defeats in recent weeks, losing air bases and other strategic facilities.


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    Other people with online graduate degrees may find themselves wading into similarly lukewarm employment waters. A survey of 449 human resource professionals by the Society for Human Resource Management released in September indicates that only 49 percent of HR officials feel that an online degree is equally credible to one from a traditional school. Career counselors like Bruce A.

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    The recent exposure of many of our lawmakers as tax frauds and cheats has created any number of opportunities to poke them in the eye with a sharp stick. Monday saw the introduction of the Tax Laws (Amendment) Bill 2012 in the National Assembly to hoots of derision from the opposition - who are no less dilatory with their tax payments and declared incomes than those in government. The aim of the bill is to provide a one-off tax amnesty and immunity to people - including lawmakers - who do not have a national tax number (NTN) and have never filed tax returns for any of the last five tax years.

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