Player Offspring
From Genco
Players may marry and have children. These children are NPCs, running about the house and yard, fighting with each other, needing care and attention. Thse NPCs are granted special abilities and increased aptitude in certain skills and abilities, based entirely on the combination of the parent's own skill-tree and the physical characteristics at the time of birth. These sons and daughters begin as infants, cared for by mother, father, or hired caretaker if parents are busy defending the homeland.
Parenting will be important. Your child NPC will be your successor when you finally perish on the battlefield. Players must have a house and a spouse to concieve and rear a child. Once the child is born it will begin to mature in real time, slowly going through stages of infancy, toddlership(?), early school age, and eventually adolescence. Shortly following adolescence, the son or daughter will be ready to take on the role of apprenticeship. Yet before the child ever gets to young-adulthood, it must be cared for. Think of your little son or daughter as a tamagachi. While your spouse will stay home and look after the little terror, you must provide for your family by maintaining a constant supply of food, water, firewood, and money at your house. Fail to provide like a good father and your family will be sold into slavery, and your offspring will be up for sale to ACTUAL PLAYERS, and all your hard work will go to waste. Once the child has reached the age of apprenticeship, it is your job to train them in the ways of the world. The apprentice son or daughter will be quick to learn skills directly related to the skills of the father at the time of birth. If you are adept in the arts of fire manipulation and tree climbing, your child will learn these skills more quickly than other skills. Your goal is to raise a powerful warrior who will one day succeed you in your family's quest for glory. The apprentice WILL eventually become your main character. Boarding schools could also be an option. Send your apprentice away to the school of mages for a season and he will return a bit more learned on the subject of magic.