Classification of Gods
From Genco
Contents |
[edit] Nature
[edit] Plant
[edit] Animal
[edit] Mammal
[edit] Reptile
[edit] Amphibian
[edit] Mineral
[edit] Rock
- Gabbro
- Ganister
- Gneiss
- Gossan
- Granite
- Granodiorite
- Granophyre
- Granulite
- Greywacke
- Greenschist
- Greenstone
- Gritstone
- Gypsum
- Harzburgite (variety of peridotite).
- Hornblendite
- Hornfels
- Hyaloclastite
- Lamproite
- Lamprophyre
- Larvikite
- Latite
- Lignite
- Litchfieldite
- Lherzolite (variety of peridotite).
- Limestone
- Luxullianite
- Pegmatite
- Pelite
- Peridotite
- Phonolite
- Phyllite
- Picrite
- Porphyry
- Psammite
- Pseudotachylite
- Pumice
- Pyroclastic rock
- Pyroxenite
[edit] Gemstones
A number of gemstones have gained fame, either because of their size and beauty or because of the people who owned or wore them. A list of famous gemstones follows
- The Giant Aquamarine
- The Chalk Emerald
- The Duke of Devonshire Emerald
- The Gachala Emerald
- The Mackay Emerald
- The Andamooka Opal, presented to Queen Elizabeth II, also known as the Queen's Opal
- The Aurora Australis Opal, considered to be the most valuable black opal
- The Black Prince Opal, originally known as Harlequin Prince
- The Empress of Australia Opal
- The Fire Queen Opal
- The Flame Queen Opal
- The Flamingo Opal
- The Halley's Comet Opal, the world's largest uncut black opal
- The Jupiter Five Opal
- The Olympic Australis Opal, reported to be the largest and most valuable gem opal ever found
- The Pride of Australia Opal, also known as the Red Emperor Opal
- The Red Admiral Opal, also known as the Butterfly Stone
- The Pearl of Lao Tzu
- Satlada - A seven-stringed pearl necklace of the Nizams.
- The DeLong Star Ruby
- The Hixon Ruby Crystal
- The Midnight Star Ruby
- The Neelanjali Ruby
- The Rajaratna Ruby
- The Rosser Reeves Ruby
- The Logan sapphire
- The Queen Marie of Romania Sapphire
- The Ruspoli Sapphire
- The Star of Asia Star Sapphire
- The Star of Bombay, given to Mary Pickford by Douglas Fairbanks, Sr
- The Star of India, the largest and most famous star sapphire in the world
- The Stuart Sapphire
- The Black Prince's Ruby, actually a spinel mounted on the Imperial State Crown
- The Samarian Spinel, the world's largest spinel
- The Timur Ruby, believed to be a ruby until 1851
- The American Golden Topaz, the largest cut yellow topaz weighing nearly 23000 carats (4.6 kg).
[edit] Stone
- Actinolite
- Adamite
- Actinolite
- Aerinite
- Aeschynite-(Nd)
- Aeschynite-(Y)
- Agardite
- Agrellite
- Aegirine
- Afghanite
- Afwillite
- Albite
- Alforsite
- Allanite
- Alstonite
- Altaite
- Alunite
- Amblygonite
- Amphibole (mineral group)
- Analcite
- Anatase
- Andalusite
- Andesine
- Andradite
- Anglesite
- Anhydrite
- Ankerite
- Anorthite
- Anorthoclase
- Anthophyllite
- Antigorite
- Antitaenite
- Apatite (mineral group)
- Apophyllite
- Aragonite
- Arfvedsonite
- Argentite
- Armalcolite
- Arsenopyrite
- Astrophyllite
- Augite
- Aurichalcite
- Auricupride
- Autunite
- Axinite (mineral group)
- Azurite
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Agate (variety of quartz)
- Alabaster (variety of gypsum)
- Alexandrite (variety of chrysoberyl)
- Allingite (synonym of amber)
- Alum
- Amazonite (variety of microcline)
- Amber (fossilized resin)
- Amethyst (purple variety of quartz)
- Ammolite (organic; also a gemstone)
- Amosite (asbestiform grunerite)
- Anyolite (metamorphic rock - zoisite, ruby, and hornblende)
- Aquamarine (light blue variety of beryl)
- Asbestos (fibrous serpentine- or amphibole minerals)
- Avalite (A chromian variety of Illite.)
- Aventurine (variety of quartz)
- Baddeleyite
- Barite (Baryte, British spelling)
- Bastnäsite (mineral group)
- Benitoite
- Bertrandite
- Beryl
- Biotite
- Bismuthinite
- Bixbyite
- Blödite
- Blossite
- Boehmite
- Boracite
- Borax
- Bornite
- Brazilianite
- Briartite
- Brookite
- Brucite
- Bytownite
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Calaverite
- Calcite
- Caledonite
- Canfieldite
- Carnallite
- Carnotite
- Cassiterite
- Cavansite
- Celadonite
- Celestine
- Cerussite
- Chabazite (a group of closely-related minerals in the zeolite group)
- Chalcanthite
- Chalcocite
- Chalcopyrite
- Chlorite (mineral group)
- Chromite
- Chrysoberyl
- Chrysocolla
- Cinnabar
- Clinochrysotile
- Clinoclase
- Clintonite
- Cobaltite
- Coesite
- Coffinite
- Colemanite
- Columbite (mineral group)
- Cooperite
- Copper
- Cordierite
- Corundum
- Covellite
- Creedite
- Cristobalite
- Crookesite
- Cryolite
- Cummingtonite
- Cuprite
- Cyanotrichite
- Cylindrite
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Carnelian (variety of quartz)
- Chalcedony (cryptocrystalline variety of quartz)
- Chrysolite (gemmy yellow-green forsterite)
- Chrysoprase (green nickel bearing chalcedony)
- Chrysotile (group name - asbestiform serpentine)
- Citrine (yellow variety of quartz)
- Cleveite
- Coltan (short for minerals of the columbite group)
- Crocidolite (asbestiform riebeckite)
- Cymophane (variety of chrysoberyl)
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Emerald (green gem variety of beryl)
- Fayalite (olivine group)
- Feldspar (mineral group)
- Feldspathoid (mineral group)
- Ferberite
- Feroxyhyte
- Ferrierite (subgroup of zeolite minerals)
- Ferro-anthophyllite
- Ferrocolumbite
- Ferrohortonolite (olivine group)
- Ferrotantalite
- Fergusonite (mineral group)
- Fluorapatite (apatite group)
- Fluorichterite (amphibole group)
- Fluorite
- Fluorspar (synonym of fluorite)
- Forsterite (olivine group)
- Franckeite
- Franklinite (spinel group)
- Freieslebenite
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Ferricrete Iron oxide cemented soil or sediment
- Gadolinite (mineral group)
- Gahnite
- Galena
- Garnet (mineral group)
- Garnierite
- Germanite
- Geigerite
- Gibbsite
- Glauberite
- Glauconite
- Glaucophane
- Goethite
- Gold
- Graphite
- Greenockite
- Grunerite
- Gunningite
- Gypsum
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Haggertyite
- Halite
- Hapkeite
- Hematite
- Hemimorphite
- Hibonite
- Hornblende
- Howlite
- Hübnerite
- Hutchinsonite
- Hydroxylapatite
- Hydrozincite
- Hypersthene
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Heliodor (greenish-yellow variety of beryl)
- Heliotrope (variety of chalcedony)
- Hiddenite (variety of spodumene)
- Hyalite (variety of opal)
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Jade (tough, green mineral either jadeite or nephrite amphibole)
- Jasper (variety of quartz)
- Jet (fossilised wood)
- Kainite
- Kalsilite
- Kamacite
- Kaolinite
- Kernite
- Kieserite
- Kinoite
- Kobellite
- Kogarkoite
- Kolbeckite
- Krennerite
- Kyanite
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Keilhauite (variety of titanite)
- Krantzite (natural resin)
- Kunzite (variety of spodumene)
- Labradorite
- Lansfordite
- Laumontite
- Lazurite
- Lawsonite
- Lepidolite
- Leucite
- Leucophanite
- Lime (mineral)
- Lizardite
- Lonsdaleite
- Lorandite
- Lublinite
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Lapis lazuli (a rock consisting primarily of lazurite, calcite and pyrite)
- Larimar (blue variety of pectolite)
- Lechatelierite (fused quartz glass)
- Lignite (a type of coal)
- Limonite -(a mineraloid )
- Lodestone (a synonym of magnetite)
File:Malachite Zaire.jpg
A polished slice of Malachite
- Maghemite
- Magnesite
- Magnetite
- Malachite
- Malacolite
- Manganite
- Manganocolumbite
- Manganotantalite
- Marcasite
- Margaritasite
- McKelveyite
- Meionite
- Melanite
- Melilite
- Mendozite
- Mesolite
- Metacinnabarite
- Mica (a group of silicate minerals)
- Microcline
- Millerite
- Mimetite
- Mirabilite
- Moissanite
- Molybdenite
- Monazite
- Monohydrocalcite
- Montmorillonite (clay mineral)
- Moolooite
- Mordenite
- Murdochite
- Muscovite
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Magnesia
- Mariposite (variety of phengite/muscovite)
- Menilite (variety of opal)
- Meerschaum (variety of sepiolite)
- Milky quartz (a cloudy white quartz)
- Morganite (a pink beryl)
- Morion (synonym of smoky quartz)
- Native copper
- Natrolite
- Natron
- Nenadkevichite
- Nepheline
- Nephrite
- Neptunite
- Nickeline
- Niobite (synonym of columbite)
- Niobite-tantalite (synonym of columbite-tantalite)
File:Opal polished.jpg
Polished Opal
- Oligoclase
- Olivine (a group of silicate minerals)
- Omphacite
- Orpiment
- Orthochrysotile
- Orthoclase
- Overite
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Painite
- Papagoite
- Parachrysotile
- Paragonite
- Pectolite
- Pelagosite
- Pentlandite
- Periclase
- Perovskite
- Petalite
- Petzite
- Pezzottaite
- Pharmacosiderite
- Phenakite
- Phillipsite
- Phlogopite
- Pigeonite
- Plagioclase Na-Ca feldspar.
- Pollucite
- Potassium alum
- Polycrase
- Polyhalite
- Prehnite
- Proustite
- Pyrite
- Pyrochlore
- Pyrolusite
- Pyromorphite
- Pyrophyllite
- Pyroxene (group of silicate minerals)
- Pyroxferroite
- Pyrrhotite
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Palagonite (basaltic volcanic glass)
- Perlite (volcanic glass)
- Phosphorite (name given to impure, massive apatite.)
- Plessite (mixture of kamacite and taenite)
- Pitchblende (a massive impure form of uraninite)
- Pumicite (synonym of pumice)
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Rock crystal (quartz)
- Rose quartz
- Roumanite (amber)
- Ruby (red gem corundum)
- Safflorite
- Sal ammoniac
- Samarskite
- Sanbornite
- Sanidine (orthoclase variety)
- Saponite (clay mineral)
- Sapphirine
- Sauconite
- Scapolite (a group of silicate minerals)
- Scheelite
- Schorl (black tourmaline)
- Schreibersite
- Scolecite
- Seeligerite
- Segelerite
- Sekaninaite
- Selenide
- Selenite
- Selenium
- Seligmannite
- Sepiolite
- Serpentine
- Shattuckite
- Siderite
- Sillimanite
- Silver
- Simetite
- Skutterudite
- Smaltite
- Smectite
- Smithsonite
- Soda niter
- Sodalite
- Sperrylite
- Spessartite
- Sphalerite
- Sphene
- Spinel
- Spodumene
- Stannite
- Staurolite
- Steacyite
- Steatite (talc)
- Stephanite
- Stibnite
- Stichtite
- Stilbite
- Stilleite
- Stolzite
- Stromeyerite
- Strontianite
- Sugilite
- Sulfur
- Sussexite
- Sylvanite
- Sylvite
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Sapphire (gem corundum of any color except red, especially blue varieties)
- Sard (a variety of chalcedony/quartz)
- Satinspar (a variety of Gypsum)
- Smoky quartz (a brown or black variety of quartz)
- Soapstone (a rock)
- Spectrolite (a variety of labradorite)
- Stantienite (a variety of amber)
- Tachyhydrite
- Taenite
- Talc
- Tantalite
- Tarapacaite
- Teallite
- Temagamite
- Tennantite
- Tenorite
- Tephroite
- Terlinguaite
- Teruggite
- Tetrahedrite
- Thenardite
- Thomasclarkite
- Thomsenolite
- Thorianite
- Thorite
- Thortveitite
- Tiemannite
- Tin
- Tincalconite
- Titanite
- Todorokite
- Topaz
- Torbernite
- Tourmaline (group of silicate minerals)
- Tremolite
- Tridymite
- Triphylite
- Trona
- Tsavorite
- Tschermigite
- Tugtupite
- Tyrolite
- Turquoise
- Tyuyamunite
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Tanzanite (variety of Zoisite)
- Thulite (variety of Zoisite)
- Travertine (form of calcium carbonate)
- Tsavorite (gem variety of grossularite garnet)
- Varieties that are not valid species:
- Ultramarine
- Uralite alteration actinolite
- Wardite
- Wavellite
- Weddellite
- Weloganite
- Whewellite
- Whitlockite
- Willemite
- Witherite
- Wolframite
- Wollastonite
- Wulfenite
- Wyartite
- Zabuyelite
- Zaccagnaite
- Zaherite
- Zajacite-(Ce)
- Zakharovite
- Zanazziite
- Zaratite
- Zeolite (group of silicate minerals)
- Zhanghengite
- Zharchikhite
- Zhemchuzhnikovite
- Zhonghuacerite-(Ce)
- Ziesite
- Zimbabweite
- Zinalsite
- Zinc-melanterite
- Zincite
- Zincobotryogen
- Zincochromite
- Zinkenite
- Zinnwaldite
- Zippeite
- Zircon
- Zirconolite
- Zircophyllite
- Zirkelite
- Zoisite
- Zunyite
[edit] Metal
- 002 Lithium
- 003 Beryllium
- 011 Sodium
- 012 Magnesium
- 013 Aluminium
- 019 Potassium
- 020 Calcium
- 022 Titanium
- 023 Vanadium
- 024 Chromium
- 025 Manganese
- 027 Cobalt
- 028 Nickel
- 029 Copper
- 030 Zinc
- 033 Arsenic
- 040 Zirconium
- 042 Molybdenium
- 047 Silver
- 048 Cadmium
- 051 Antimony
- 056 Barium
- 076 Osmium
- 078 Platinum
- 080 Mercury
- 081 Thallium
- 082 Lead
- 092 Uranium