From Genco
Contents |
- Metis
- Adrastea
- Amalthea
- Thebe
- Io
- Europa
- Ganymede
- Callisto
- Leda
- Himalia
- Lysithea
- Elara
- Ananke
- Carme
- Pasiphae
- Sinope
- Phobos
- Deimos
- Naiad
- Thalassa
- Despina
- Galatea
- Larissa
- Proteus
- Triton
- Nereid
- Pan
- Atlas
- Prometheus
- Pandora
- Epimetheus
- Janus
- Mimas
- Enceladus
- Thethys
- Telesto
- Calypso
- Dione
- Helene
- Rhea
- Titan
- Hyperion
- Iapetus
- Phoebe
- Cordelia
- Ophelia
- Bianca
- Cressida
- Desdemona
- Juliet
- Partia
- Rosalind
- Belinda
- Puck
- Miranda
- Ariel
- Umbriel
- Titania
- Oberon
Measurements of Time from Incan, Mayan and Hebrew Calendars
- Tishri (September/October)
- Elul (August/September)
- Capac Raimi/Capac Quilla (december) month of rest; the lord festival
- Zarap Tuta Cavai Mitan (time to watch corn growing)
- Paucar Varai (time to wear loincloths)
- Pacha Pucuy QUilla (moth of lands maturation)
- CamaiQuill/Inti Raymi month of harvest and rest)
- Zara MUchuy Quilla Aymoray Quilla (dry corn is stored)
- Papa Allai Mitan Pacha (potato harvest)
- Haucai Cusqui (rest from harvesting)
- Chacra Conaqui Quilla (month of alnd redistribution)
- Chacra Yapuy Qilla Hailly (month to open lands coming into cultivation with songs of triumph)
- Zara Tarpuy Quill/Coia Raymi Quilla (Month fro planting; festival of the Queen)
- Chacramanta Pisco Carcoy (time to scare birds from newly planted fields)_
- Chacra Parcay (time to irrigate fields)
- Tzolkin: 260-day sacred year of combination of the numbers 1-13 with 20 day names
- Haab: solar year of 18 20-day months (numbered 0-19) followed by a five-day unlucky period (Uayeb)
- Series of cycles (in days):
- Uinal (20)
- Tun (360)
- Katun (7,200)
- Baktun (144,000)
- Alautun (23,040,000,000)
Nine Orders of Angels in Three Hierarchies
First Hierarchy:
- Seraphim (highest angles of love, light and afire)
- Cherubim (one who prays or intercedes)
- Thrones (in charge of justice)
Second hierarchy:
- Dominations/Dominions (regulate angel duties)
- Principalities (protectors of religiion)
- Powers (impose order on heavenly pathways)
Third hierarchy:
- Virtues (work miracles on earth)
- Archangels (minister and make propitation fro people's sins)
- Angels (guardians of men and nations; messengers between god and man)
(Big dipper)
- Alkaid
- Mizar and Alcor (double star)
- Alioth
- Megrez
- Phecda
- Merak
- Dubhe
(Brightest on scale with sun = 1)
- Sirius
- Canopus
- Rigel Kentaurus
- Arcturus
- Vega
- Capella
- Rigel
- Procyon
- Achernar
- Betelgeuse
- Lalande
- Luyten
- Epsilon Eridani
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- The utterance of wisdom
- The utterance of knowledge
- Faith
- Gifts of healing
- Working of miracles
- Prophecy
- The ability to distinguish between spirits
- Speaking in different kinds of tongues
- Interpretation of tongues.
Buddhist Calendar (begins in april)
Church Names
Greek Mythology, Twelve Olympian Gods
Zeus (overlord, God of sky, Jupiter)
Hera (goddess of sky, Juno)
Poseidon (god of sea and earthquakes: Neptune)
Demeter (goddess of harvest; Ceres)
Apollo (god of prophecy, music, medicine)
Artemis (goddess of charity, childbirth, the young, Diana)
Ares (god of war, Mars)
Aphrodite (goddess of love, beauty, venus)
Hermes (god of trade, travelers, Mercury)
Athene/Athena (goddess of prudence, wise counsel, Minerva)
Hephaestus (god of fire, metacraft, Vulcan)
Hestia (godess of fire, Vesta)
Classical Mechanics
- Kinematics
- Statics
- Dynamics
- Fluid Dynamics
- Thermodynamics
- Heat engine
- Kinetic theory
- Acoustics
- Electrostatics
- Electrodynamics
- Electricity
- Magnetism
- Optics
- Cosmology
- Gravitation
- High-energy, planetary astrophysics
- Plasma
- Space
- Stellar astrophysics
Atomic, molecular, and optical physics
- Atomic
- Molecular
- Atomic and molecular astrophysics
- Chemical
- Optics
- Photonics
Particle Physics
- Nuclear
Condensed matter physics
- Solid state
- High pressure
- Low-temperature
- Nanoscale and mesoscopic
- Polymer
Force, Mass, Inertia
1. An object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by a net force.
- If no net force acts on a particle, then it is possible to select a set of reference frames, called inertial reference frames, observed from which the particle moves without any change in velocity.
2. Force equals mass multiplied by acceleration.
- Observed from an inertial reference frame, the net force on a particle is proportional to the time rate of change of its linear momentum. Momentum is the product of mass and velocity. This law is often stated as F = ma or more generally F = d[mv] / dt (the force on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration).
3. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
- Whenever a particle A exerts a force on another particle B, B simultaneously exerts a force on A with the same magnitude in the opposite direction. The strong form of the law further postulates that these two forces act along the same line.
Heat, Energy, and Temperature
Physical Forms
- Earth
- Water
- Air