Magic Tricks
From Genco
Revision as of 18:23, 5 September 2008
My field tested magic tricks
I've spent a lot of time in magicians message boards. Quite often my posts there where just ideas I was throwing out and allowed others to contribute to the idea. In here I realize how important it is to field test things before really sharing it on the forum. About a month ago I started a post titled Magic to pick up chicks that explains the idea of creating a book full of magic tricks we can use in our games.
Since then I've been field testing things and trying to learn what provides an advantage and what doesn't. My biggest challenge was breaking out of my habit of being "A magician". So I had to stop myself from giving them a show and focus more on tricks and presentations that aid in reaching the next phase of my game. A trick might be used as an opener, an attraction test (To see what level of attraction I might have gained), a neg, a DHV, isolation and so forth. I should also mention that not all of them are "tricks" so to speak. Some are jokes or games we can play together.
So I'll share a few of the tricks that I have used on the field and tell you how they went. I didn't always get the girl or even number close on every attempt. But I did find them useful in serving a purpose of reaching the next phase. So I firmly believe that when these tricks where helpful if I didn't the girl it was my failure. When I wanted to use these tricks to isolate her from her group to have a reason to playfully touch her they worked.
The arm puzzle This is a phenomenal routine for opening a group. Especially a mix group of men and woman. The first time you do it maybe only one or two of them will play along with you. That's all that's needed. But once that person fails to be able to do what you do just about everyone in the group will try it too. Not only that, everyone in the room will look your way and see that you are leading this group in some activity because all eyes will be on you and laughing as you do it. So it serves multiple purpose.
Click here to see an image of me performing this just last week at the haunted park I'm performing in this month. Scroll down and look at the left most image of the fourth row to see an audience holding their hands out while I perform this.
I know you're probably wondering what the "Arm puzzle" is. I'll give you this image to help explain.
What you do is you have them try to do what you do. Fallow this picture form left to right. First you put your arms out. They are to do the same. Next you cross your arms. Then rotate your wrists and lock your fingers together palm to palm. From here you'll be able to rotate your wrists so your arms are no longer crossed but they won't be able to do this.
The above image show the "Secret process" and it's how you will do it. Here's how. Cross your arms so that your right arm goes under your left. Now you're going to rotate your wrists so you can lock your fingers together but you must do this the right way or it won't work. Dross your arms as I just described with your right arm under your left. Now open your hands so that both of your thumbs are pointing strait up toward the ceiling. Next you're going to rotate both your thumbs clockwise!. This is the part that'll throw everyone off. Most people will rotate their wrists in opposite directions. You don't. You rotate them both in the same direction. Fallow the above image and you should get it.
So the arm puzzle has allowed me to become a part of the group. After this I just sit down with them as they try to do it. Sometimes they try for a few minutes and they often come back to it later too. In fact I sometimes joke that I bet they'll be trying to do that later while they are in bed too. Anyone with in eye site will see this entire group all doing this unusual thing so you're displaying DHV by leading that group you are doing it to. So I guess you could say this is an opener, a DHV and even a bit of a neg.
This turned out to be a long post. I'll share some more I've tested in another post.