From Geartome
Bradford Cox
According to me and Who Plays What: Cox's main guitars are a Jaguar, 1964 Jazzmaster, Stratocaster, and 1974 semi-hollowbody Les Paul Signature. He's used a variety of Fender amps, usually a Fender Hot Rod DeVille 410, in addition to reguarly using a Vox AC30 (and a Marshall JCM800 half-stack at some point). Cox's current rig consists of a Line 6 DL4, Ibanez DE7, Behringer Reverb Machine RV600, Boss Super Overdrive, Eventide Pitchfactor, Homebrew Electronics Tweed Power Screamer, Boss TU-2 tuner, Radial Bigshot A/B/Y, Digitech Digiverb, Digitech Digidelay, and what looks like another Digidelay, possibly for vocal processing. Over the years, he's also used a Boss OD-2, Boss DS-1, Boss TU-2, Boss SL-20 slicer, MXR Distortion+, ZVex Box of Rock, Ibanez AD9, and a Roland SP-404 sampler. (It should be noted that he regularly uses pedals exclusively for vocals; which ones, I do not know.) He's also been seen with a Sherman Filterbank unit ("A powerful analog filtering and distortion unit with a huge frequency range and a killing TUBE overdrive behavior").
Lockett Pundt
According to Who Plays What: He plays a Fender Jaguar, fiesta red Fender Bronco, and Fender Musicmaster. He uses a Marshall JCM800 head, a 4x12 Marshall cab, and some point, a Vox AC-30, silverface Twin Reverb, Fender Dual Showman, and Epiphone cab. More recent pedals in his rig include a Boss DS-1, Boss PS-5, Tech 21 Double Drive, Chuck Collins Interfax Harmonic Percolator Fuzz, TC Electronic Polytune, MXR Phase 100, Ibanez DE-7, Digitech Digidelay, Eventide Pitchfactor, and Line 6 M9 (powered with a Visual Sound 1 Spot, all on a Furman pedalboard). Previously, he's been seen with a green EHX Sovtek Big Muff, EHX Little Big Muff, EHX Classic Holy Grail, Ibanez AD9, MXR Blue Box, Boss TU-2, and Guyatone Tube Tremolo (in addition to some red pedal with bigass knobs).
The band is heavy on DigiVerb/DigiDelay use. They've also used Jagmasters, Mustangs, Les Paul Signatures, silverface Fenders (possibly Pro Reverbs), Boss TR-2s, ProCo Rats, Hot Rod Deluxes, Sunn half-stacks, Peavey T60s, Fender Londons through Marshall 4x23s, Roland JC120s, Hiwattts, and plenty of other stuff.
Their Blogspot circa 2007 lists "things we use a lot": the DigiTech Digiverb and Digidelay (which the entire band uses, and heavily), Fuze White Tea, Roland RE-201 Space Echo, Ableton Live, MacBook, MacBook Pro, Fender Precision Bass, MOTU UltraLite, EHX Octave Multiplexer, Korg Kaoss Pad, ProCo Rat, Slingerland Blue Sparkle snare, Boss Dr. Sample SP-303, Boss Dr. Sample SP-202, Shure Beta mic, some kind of Fender Jaguar, Hagstrom FB Bass, Behringer Eurorack UB1202 mixer, Tascam MF-P01 portastudio, Boss tremolo, Digitech V300, Fender Blender, Audio Technica AT822 mic, Boss DS-1.